Friday 8 August 2014

R.I.P Max

Sarah sent me a text this morning telling me that Max had taken himself off to his kennel and passed away in his sleep. I think that was the best way the old boy could have gone, to be honest, but it was still very sad and I cried my eyes out thinking about all the good times we'd had and the walks we'd enjoyed.

He was a really special dog to me, more so than any other dog in the neighbourhood and really, any other dog I'd known apart from my Nan's dog Sue, who was an overweight Golden Labrador and who would literally do anything for me, bless her.

We had such a strong bond and I don't know whether it was because I used to walk him around Pitsford every week or whether it was just because he was such a lovely dog,but I'll certainly miss him running down to our house, opening the door and trying to steal the cats' food.

Here are some photos of him taken over the years:

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