Thursday 28 August 2014

Leaving the Keys...

It was a bit sad leaving to go back to the villa today, but we have the rest of our holiday to enjoy and I've decided I'm definitely going back to Key West one day, to stay in one of the lovely old hotels there and do a bit more exploring.

We left at 9am and had a fantastic journey back to the villa. We used route 41 again and at one point I was the only car on the road. All along the length of the highway was the Tamiami canal and we really strained our eyes (well, Keith did!) to see some wildlife, but the only thing we saw, unfortunately, was a dead alligator.

Today we turned off a bit early and went up a smaller road, route 29, which connected to the I-75. All along here were warnings of panther crossings, but of course, we didn't see any!

We stopped for a very quick lunch at a services (although it was off the freeway) and continued our journey through torrential rain. By the time we arrived back in Bradenton, though, the sun was out and it was 100f!

We planned on having a Chinese takeaway this evening but after a couple of hours of messing about by the pool, when we went to check out the restaurant, we found it hadn't even opened yet! The weather had taken a turn for the worse and we experienced a very loud and violent thunderstorm that was very dramatic! I've never seen rain fall so heavily in such a short space of time.

In the end, Keith, Mikey and I went to Publix to get some bread for breakfast the next day and then we left Keith at Beef O'Brady's so he could have a beer. I went back to the villa with Mikey and although the intention was to find another Chinese restaurant, in the end we decided to have dinner at Beef O'Brady's and investigate takeaways another time.

We had a good meal (despite all of us really fancying a Chinese) and then a lovely session by the pool watching the lightening in the distance!

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