Friday 15 August 2014

Ah...Friday at last!

Well, my last working day arrived (I say that, but it wouldn't surprise me if I was dragged in for at least one day before we leave for our holiday...) and as I predicted, we were busy.

Sophie sent me a text saying she'd had a good night but her voice was very croaky! Maybe all the shouting in nightclubs! I asked her to text me again when she needed to be picked up and just hoped that it wouldn't be lunchtime!

We were all called to help in the middle of the day and I served customers, washed up and cleared tables, as per usual. After I'd had my own lunch I went to pick up my daughter and the roads were extremely busy for some reason...are people getting away early for their holidays?

Sophie emerged from her friend's house wearing no make-up and asked me to call into McDonald's on the way back to work as she was starving! No change there then!

Things had quietened down at work when we got back and a huge bouquet of flowers had arrived for me, from Mum and Dad. Today is my Wedding Anniversary but Keith and I aren't making a big thing of it at all as we'll be on holiday next week and we've been out for two meals lately. We're planning a Tesco Finest tomorrow night and we're going to open our last bottle of the Rex Goliath Merlot as hopefully, we'll be able to stock up on more soon!

Sophie and I left at 4pm and I didn't feel the normal sense of relief that it was my last working day, probably because I know I'll be back in the building before we leave next Thursday. Sophie is working over the weekend so I'll be dropping her off and she may even have to go in next Tuesday and Wednesday if we need her.

When I got home Keith gave me another gorgeous bouquet of flowers and we opened our cards to one another. Sophie disappeared into the shower and I called Mikey who'd been talking to his sister in the car on the way home. He'd had a bit of a problem with a tick and the less said about that the better! Let's just say he'll be in for a bit of stick from his father when he gets home!

Sophie fell asleep after her shower, which I knew was happen. She looked exhausted, poor thing and told me she'd got back to Laura's house at was a good job she wasn't working!

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