Monday 26 December 2011

Sipping wine and feeling fine...

The start to our day was lovely as Keith and I sat on the terrace while the children were still asleep and watched as a couple of pigeons came down to see if there was any food about. We’d noticed them before, sitting on the wall and eyeing us hopefully, but as there were some crumbs left over from our picnic of the day before they hopped down and pecked about, coming very close to both of us and not showing any fear at all.

Keith went inside and crumbled up the last little cake we had and scattered that about for them and soon they were joined by a host of little sparrow and chaffinch type birds who hoovered up all the tiny crumbs. We had a feeling that previous occupants of the villa had fed them before and they were obviously used to having food left out for them.

We don’t have any animals near us this year, just the odd lizard which scuttles about and then disappears into the stone wall. There are a few cats about on the promenade and a very friendly black and white moggie at the marina who tries to sit on your lap, but that’s about it. No donkeys or cockerels, thank goodness!

Today, apart from sunbathing and lying by the pool, I have been mostly smashing things…in the supermarket, while reaching for a box of eggs, I knocked a large jar of haricot beans onto the floor where they smashed into smithereens! I was not very popular with the cleaner who looked at me as if I’d murdered a baby when he arrived with his mop. Then, back at the villa, I managed to smash a glass on the terrace which went everywhere…

Apart from the mishaps, today has been very relaxed and we managed to get a lot of sunbathing done as the sun shone out of a clear blue sky. We also spent a lot of time in the pool which has finally warmed up. We’ve had a few problems with the temperature which should have been about 26 degrees, but at one point last week it was less than 22 and was very cold! Today it’s been like a bath and very pleasant to swim around in, gazing up at the azure blue sky and trying not to think of the journey home on Thursday and a return to dismal grey skies.

Our evening was spent in Playa Blanca, first at the Wax Bar to catch up with vital internet activities and then at the Galeria Bar. I called home and spoke to mum who said they’d all had a fantastic Christmas dinner at the Marriott Hotel in Bexleyheath, which was great. The cats were fine, she said, and she was looking forward to us all getting home and catching up with our news.

We took dinner at the Jumbo Chinese restaurant again, as we’d enjoyed our meal there so much last week. This time I chose a bottle of the Torres San Valentin wine to accompany our dinner which was a much better choice! In fact it was so enjoyable Keith twisted my arm and ordered another bottle but at least it’s only 11% alcohol!

By 10pm we were walking back to the villa (after calling into the ice-cream parlour on the way) and we were surprised to find that the resort had emptied out considerably. They really don’t do late nights here!

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