Friday 2 December 2011

I become a First Aider!

I took myself off today to Northampton to learn the basics of Emergency First Aid. I have to admit I wasn't looking forward to it, but I needed to do it for work and also for home, as well, and was hoping to feel much more confident if the worst happened.

I arrived a little early and noticed a few other people sitting in their cars, but when one person decided to venture into the building, we all trooped after her! There were a lot of builders on the course and we were a large group but I managed to sit with three other women on a table, all of whom were very pleasant.

Most of the morning was spent in the classroom and then we moved into another room to practise putting each other into the recovery position and CPR. I had Lucy as a partner, who was lovely and very tiny so pulling her about was quite easy!

Lunch was spent in the lovely peace and quiet of my car and then in the afternoon we dealt with choking, burns, shock, fainting and bleeding. We all had a chance to put a bandage on each other and overall I learnt a lot from the course. I just hope I don't have to use my new skills any time soon!

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