Saturday 29 January 2011

Saturday strolls

After another early awakening - I was watching Neighbours at 4am this morning - I thankfully went back to sleep and had a lazy start to the day. Sophie and I ventured into Market Harborough in the afternoon to choose some wine from Duncan's shop and to pick up the bottle of Chenin Blanc I'd put by. I tasted a delicious Romanian Chardonnay and so bought a bottle of that as well!

It's been a freezing cold day today but that didn't stop Sophie, Mikey and me from going for a walk in the afternoon. I thought that maybe the sun would peep through the clouds and although we had some subtle pinks and greys, we didn't see a sunset at all. The wind was a nasty, cold, biting chill that penetrated our coats and scarves but when we arrived back home our cheeks were glowing from the lovely fresh air!


Unknown said...

Hi. I love the photo on your blog. I'm not one for cold weather but that picture makes me think of being cozy inside by the fire. You should check out the picture of freshly baked cookies I just posted on my blog. Enjoy that wine. It sounds delicious!


Janie said...

It was delicious and thank you for the comment on the photo!