Wednesday 19 January 2011

Return to winter

There was a heavy frost this morning, which at first, looked like snow. Driving to work it was foggy but the sun came out and the rest of the day was beautiful, albeit cold!

I slept really badly last night and when I looked at the clock expecting it to be about 6am, I was dismayed to see it was 4.15am...I decided to get up, watch My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding which was fascinating, and went back to bed at 5.30. Needless to say I felt groggy and horrible all day.

I'd booked one of our staff onto a Fire Awareness course so I went to pick her up at 9am and dropped her off at the Fire Station (no hunky Firemen, I'm afraid) and then mum and I spent most of the morning doing Reception duty. We also made the painful decision to close the Nursery on Friday, a week early, as the numbers of children have dwindled dramatically. However, I have to say it will be a relief when it closes.

Keith popped in to see us, full of good cheer as he'd sneaked out for a walk and neither heart nor hip had given him any trouble...have we finally turned a corner?

In the evening I had a couple of glasses of The Liberator and felt pleasantly relaxed!

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