Thursday 8 September 2011

Wednesday 7 September - Kids!

Yesterday, the children arrived home before Keith and I so I texted Sophie to ask her to get the washing in as the weather looked like it was going to rain. It was also our bin day and on the way home Keith and I speculated on whether the little darlings had bothered to bring them in for us. When we got home, the bins were still standing forlornly at the bottom of the drive and Sophie hadn't bothered to get the washing in as "it was raining". Both of us exploded, especially as Mikey had, for the second day running, left his school uniform on his bedroom floor without bothering to hang it up or put his shirt in the dirty laundry basket. This followed on from his losing his bus pass this morning, on only the second day of term! Luckily for him he found it before it was time to take the bus home otherwise he may have had a long walk!

My mum was working in London at the age of 15, commuting on the train from Dartford every day, something I told Sophie through gritted teeth. The thought of my daughter catching a train early every day and finding her way to offices in London is laughable at the moment. Is it our fault? Do we mollycoddle kids too much these days? I remember getting home from school before my parents at her age, and preparing the vegetables for dinner before putting the hoover around, and I had to do this every single day!

Sophie and I calmed down and went for a walk but I'm not sure she'd taken any of our annoyance on board because when we got back and I got the hoover out, she lounged about on the sofa until I shouted at her to help her dad put the ironing away! As Keith is coming into work with me every day at the moment, the household chores have had to take a back seat. This also means that dinner tonight was a huge disappointment after a run of delicious meals. Keith had to take Mikey's trousers up and do some ironing so we opted for a Chinese meal from Tesco which was absolutely awful! I think we'll go back to home cooking for the rest of the week!


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it is the parents fault these days Janie as you all try to be supermen and women trying to do everything for the kids so in the end you become their slaves and they are the masters....

I know people in our village who are nearly forty and wouldn't even know how to turn the cooker on let alone boil and egg as their parents have done everything for them so they have never had any reason to learn...

Janie said...

Very true, but hopefully my two will be able to cook for themselves when they get older! I will feel as if I've failed as a parent if they can't!

If we're at home and things need doing they do them, whether they like it or not! Sometimes I think we just give in for a quiet life...not the best option!