Saturday 24 September 2011

Friday 23 September

I was in a mega grumpy mood today, even worse than usual, if that's possible! Mum and Dad had taken the day off as they are starting to have more time off, which is understandable seeing as they are both past the official retirement age! Because I was on my own hordes of customers arrived as I opened up, some of them wanting drinks from the restaurant as well...Now, as I can't be in two places at once I had to tell them that the cook would be in within a few minutes so I felt a bit guilty doing that, but what else could I have done, other than do a quick cloning job (now there's an idea!).

Keith arrived but my mood didn't get better as we had a group of women take over the tables between my office and Reception and every time I had to go to the desk I had to squeeze past them and millions of babies sitting on the floor. I asked them politely to make a gap for me and I think after I asked them a second time they got the message. Maybe it was the mad killer look on my face that did it!

I think we need to get someone in now to cover lunchtimes if mum and dad are to take more of a backseat, but I know what will happen...we'll go suddenly very quiet so have no work for them to do! Sod's Law!

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