Sunday 14 November 2010

The weekend

Another weekend has flown by and it's Sunday evening. I've been able to spend some time on the family tree again, in between my other job as a taxi driver.

Yesterday flew over. Sophie and Susie had a great time at Pizza Hut before having a look around the shops in Kettering and then seeing Paranormal Activity 2 at the Odeon, which frightened them both to bits. We picked them up at 5pm and drove Susie home and then managed a very relaxing hour in the conservatory with a game of cards and a drink. I also managed, finally, to get Mikey's passport back from Sarah and Liam so that will be sent off on Monday.

Today the weather was dull and damp, very different from the sunshine of yesterday, and we drove over to Milton Keynes with mum in the afternoon for some shopping. It was very busy in the centre but we found a space in the car park after queuing for a while and then we braved the crowds in M&S for a coffee and the first mince pie of the season.

Sophie spent an age in New Look with mum while I had a browse in Waterstone's. When I went back to join them, Sophie had an armful of clothes but she still managed to con me out of £10 to buy an eyeshadow primer from a make-up range called Urban Decay in Debenhams! At her age I certainly wasn't spending money on make-up but she definitely knows what she wants and has far more expertise than me! We tried on some smellies so the scents in the car on the way home were very mixed!

It's getting dark now at about 4pm and we were treated to a beautiful sunset. The sky was layered in blues and pinks and I only wish I'd been able to stop and take a photo. It feels like it's getting colder again which suits me fine!

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