Monday 29 November 2010

Monday madness...

I think it's started already, the Christmas frenzy. Mum and I made our daily trip to the shopping centre to go to the bank and the queues to park were horrendous. It may have had something to do with the snow forecast for tomorrow, but the place was a complete madhouse! Arrrggghhh! It was certainly "dog eat dog" with no thought for the goodwill of others at all!

Back at work we got out all the Christmas decorations but it was too late to finish it all so we'll leave it for the rest of the week. The way I see it is that it's not December yet!

My car is currently languishing at the garage awaiting repair. Keith popped into work mid-morning with Mikey's main Christmas present and we went home together to drop the car off. It was fearsomely cold. I put my winter coat over the top of my work fleece to just get a bit warmer.

I forgot to say the other day that the camera I ordered for Sophie arrived in damaged packaging so it was swiftly sent back. Curry's called today to say they had received it and to arrange a replacement. However, while I was off battling the crowds at the bank they rang again to say it was out of stock and couldn't guarantee delivery for Christmas...Agggh! Luckily Tesco also had it so I've arranged to pick it up from the local store. I don't trust delivery drivers any more!

In the evening as the biting winds intensified, we moved the dining table back into the dining room proper. The conservatory is just too cold to use at the moment and it was very cosy when Sue came around for a drink and a chat. Will it snow properly tomorrow? We'll just have to wait and see!

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