Saturday 6 November 2010

Getting colder...

Today has been far busier than I anticipated. I tried to resist rushing around first thing and managed a leisurely breakfast with lots of coffee, but by 11am the fates had decided otherwise. Sophie was working for us today and had to be in at 12 o'clock and I suggested to Keith that on the way home we call into Homebase to look for a black-out blind for our room and a curtain pole for the front door as the hallway gets a bit chilly in the winter. He (no doubt thinking about all the sporting fixtures on in the afternoon) insisted we go to Homebase on the way to work so we had to rush to go and get ready when we could have had an extra hour lazing about!

Our search in Homebase was very disappointing. Our window needed a blind of just over 4ft or 5ft if we fixed it outside the recess of the window. Could we find one to fit? No, we couldn't. We would have had to buy a 6ft one and cut it and Keith wasn't prepared to do that in case he made a pig's ear of it. The 4ft one would have been too small so we gave up on that and went to look for curtain poles instead. This was also problematic as we couldn't have one with fancy bits on the end as that would mean there would be a gap on either side of the curtain to let the draught was all very confusing.

Abandoning Homebase we drove to Focus but they had even less choice although the children did amuse themselves for a while playing with the plungers by sticking them to the floor and then laughing at the small farty sounds they made when they eventually pulled them off...then they had hysterics when they picked up a ballcock and asked Keith what it was... So, that's the Christmas presents sorted as no doubt plumbing implements will amuse them for hours!

We dropped Sophie off at work and went home but I was back out again within minutes to go and see Sarah next door to ask her to sign Mikey's passport application for me. It's been something we've been meaning to do for ages as his passport expires a few days after our holiday next April so we need to renew it before we go. Sarah and Liam invited me in for coffee and I had the most wonderful welcome from Max the dog who nearly wagged his tail off as we had cuddles. I do miss my walks with him! We had a good chat and it was 2.30pm before I arrived back home again and then I had to go and pick Sophie up from work!

Going into work was a mistake as Jenny informed me they'd run out of Well, it meant I then had to drive to the nearest shop, wait ages in the queue and then drive back to work again...arrrgggggh!

 It was a relief to finally get home and have a cup of tea but tonight we're off to the village to see the bonfire and fireworks which I'm really looking forward to. We have burgers, hot dogs and jacket potatoes planned for when we get home and we're meeting mum and dad at the pub at 5.30pm. It looks like all our neighbours are going as well so there should be a good atmosphere!

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