Tuesday 24 April 2012

Bad news...

Well, Keith was all set to go into hospital on Wednesday but this evening the hospital called to say his operation has been cancelled. He was absolutely gutted as his hip is giving him a lot of pain at the moment and we'd all psyched ourselves up for him going in this week. He'd been to have his hair cut, washed all his pyjamas (buried at the back of our drawers) and was really hoping that it would all be over by the weekend, but sadly, it's not to be.

Let's just hope he doesn't have to wait too much longer!


Anonymous said...

Typical of this country and the NHS.They don't seem to give a fig that people are hobbling round in constant pain.I expect the surgeon had got a game of golf booked for the day...

Hope they get Keith in ASAP Janie so that he can recover and get mobile again...

My thoughts are with you both...


Janie said...

Thank you very much for your kind comments, Wendy. Hopefully this time next week we'll be gearing ourseleves up to get ready for it all over again...

Janie xx