Wednesday 19 October 2011

Sunday 16 October

Today has been another beautiful day with lots of lovely sunshine and blue skies. All four of us went off to Booker in the morning as Mikey has a new business venture - selling sweeties at school to make a bit of profit. Apparently all the kids are doing it! Never heard of in my day!

Well, he's lucky he has a mum who has a wholesale card so we went and bought three tubs of sweets and lollies and he paid Keith for them. Whatever money he makes is his own! Apart from the small amount of money he's hoping to make it'll teach him some valuable business lessons when he decides how much to charge and what he'll do with the profits. Keith has forbidden him from eating them himself, but I told Keith to leave him alone otherwise he'll never learn!

When we got home Keith and I ventured out into the garden to do some more tidying up and leaf-raking. We pruned various bushes and cut one right back to the ground in the hope that, like the others, it'll give it a new lease of life...that or it'll die! Here's hoping!

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