Sunday 23 October 2011

Friday 21 October - more taxi duties!

Our cook wasn't at work today so we asked another member of staff to come in to cover, but she told me she needed to do two school runs to pick up her sons, so I volunteered to take her. It was either that or she would have to take the bus and be gone for at least an hour.

She doesn't drive, bless her, so she took me to the school the only way she knew, by the bus route. The school was about a five minute drive away from work, but the route she took me was much longer. I told her that there was no way I could ever rely on public transport to get about, as living in the country we're really isolated. It would take me a good hour to get into work in the morning and probably as long to get home at night. It does worry me about the amount of vehicles on the roads - driving into work in the mornings is a nightmare - but persuading those of us who love our cars to give them up and take public transport would be a difficult task. I love the comfort of my own car, the privacy, the ability to play my own music and sing along at the top of my voice with no-one around to listen to the caterwauling!

So, off we went at lunchtime to pick up her youngest son, and then again at 3.15pm and after that it was home-time for me and the start of the weekend!

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