Saturday 26 August 2017

Sunny skies!

Sophie went back to work this morning and after dropping her off I called into Waitrose to buy some biscuits for the boys at the wine shop. I'd promised I would go and see them after the holiday and see how the store had changed as they'd had new shelving fitted in the middle of August.

I struck up a very friendly conversation with a man in Waitrose (he was a bit dishy!) and bought a box of Fox's chocolate biscuits. Keith stayed in the car while I went in for a chat but Jonathan was out doing deliveries so I said I would go back next week for a good natter!

The weather this morning was a bit disappointing but it cleared up and the sun came out in the afternoon. I washed my dusty car and at 3pm Keith and I walked up to the Beer Festival in the village with Richard and Michelle and Sue and Paul.

It had turned out to be a glorious day and we found a table in the pub garden with an umbrella. Last year we'd had a huge storm in the afternoon and it was lucky we were inside the marquee! I started with a raspberry cider while Keith found a strong beer to enjoy!

It was lovely to sit in the sun with a drink, but the wasps were a bit annoying! They had obviously been attracted by all the different drinks on the table, a lot of them containing fruit. Mike walked up to join us but we had to leave at about 5pm as we needed to collect Sophie from work. I didn't mind, though, as the music had started up, making conversation impossible!

We walked home and discovered that Mike had emptied his suitcase and thrown all his clothes at the bottom of the stairs to be washed...I suppose it was a lot easier than putting them away in his wardrobe! I wasn't very happy about it, but over the course of the evening I managed to get most of it done on our "refresh" wash. Boys!!

He wasn't even about to help as he was off out to a party so we picked Sophie up from work and I dropped him off near college. When Sophie and I returned home we found Keith asleep on the sofa...that beer must have been very strong!

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