Thursday 4 July 2024

An avalanche of emails...

I arrived to find 90 emails waiting for me, and yet more in the cancellation box. I was starting to feel panicky, as I had so much to do and not enough time. It's taking me all day just to deal with emails, let alone do anything else, and I know Sara will be busy next week, as Nicola joked about giving her loads to do...

Keith picked me up at 2pm and we went home. I was going to go and see my Mum and Dad this afternoon, but I felt tired and stressed so I called and made my excuses. I felt miserable, probably because of the election looming and a predicted Labour win...

When Sophie arrived home from work we drove to the village, so she and Keith could vote. I'd already voted and sent off my postal vote a week ago. I sat outside the pub to wait for them, and when they emerged they said the two people manning the polling station were lovely... the old cow who was so rude to me at the last election wasn't there this time... typical!

We went to the pub for a drink and sat by the fireplace. The pub was full of men with dogs, who sniffed each others' bums (the dogs, not the men) and started playfights with each other. There was a great atmosphere, and we knew the majority of the people who came in over the hour and a half we were there. Dave's son, Josh, came in and it was great to see him and have a chat as well.

Our dinner tonight was supposed to have been a savoury crumble, and I'd made the crumble topping already, but Sophie was angling for a meal out. We decided to have fish and chips as it was almost 7.30pm by the time we left but on the way we called into the pub at Walgrave to see if they had a table. Obviously, other people had the same intention as us this evening - to vote and then support their local - as the place was heaving! We rapidly backtracked and drove to the fish and chip shop in Broughton where our dinner was freshly cooked for us.

Back home, we watched some of the news but I went to bed before the official News at Ten on BBC1. Keith came up and said a landslide victory for Labour had been predicted, which wasn't a surprise. Normally, I like to stay up and see the first votes come in but tonight I wasn't in the mood!

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