Monday 8 August 2022


Sara had promised that we would sort the forthcoming Bank Holiday out today and I had already said I would prefer not to work, as I felt I'd done my fair share of Bank Holiday working this year!

She asked the three of us to sort it out between ourselves, which I didn't think was a good idea, as it was obvious none of us wanted to work! In the end, Jo volunteered as she had only worked one of the Bank Holidays, so it was sorted, but I think my outburst of not wanting to work didn't go down that well! Ho hum! I have only taken two days of holiday so far this year (my week in April was cut in half because I had covid the week before) and I don't want to have to take all my annual leave in the winter months like I usually do!

The rest of the day was uneventful and, after a quick trip to the post office to return a parcel, it was home to relax. The weather is certainly getting hotter and we have another amber warning for heat later in the week. This summer is turning out to be a very warm one indeed, but will it compare with 1976 as everyone seems to think?

Dinner tonight was a barbecue - we've been trying to come up with meals that are suitable for the warm temperatures again!

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