Monday 26 April 2010

Upsetting the children...

We are bad parents. I went to pick Keith up from the pub this evening and was invited in for a drink, which has happened before (I've blogged about it!). Dinner was barely cooked when I left but when we returned at just past 8pm, we were greeted with angry words from Sophie who had imagined one or both of us dead in a ditch. She had been phoning us (no reception at the pub) and my mum was on her way...I thought it was very endearing but I did apologise and I felt very guilty for putting them through the worry. Now they know what it feels like!

Today has been hard work. We cleaned three of the tube slides and I had to go up a stepladder very high which I dislike. I was terrified of leaning over too far and falling off! The great thing was how clean and shiny they looked afterwards, but it won't last! In a couple of weeks we have a company coming in to clean our balls and do a high-level clean of the equipment...I'm just glad it's not going to be me up there!

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