Wednesday 21 April 2010

Hair cuts all round!

Keith came into work with me today and while I was in the bank and Tesco buying a chicken for dinner tonight, he went and had his hair cut in the new barber shop that's opened in the shopping centre. When I went to find him he was having a good chat with the woman cutting his hair who was in the middle of telling him her life story. So, it's not just me then!

In the afternoon we had a look at what used to be the gym next door. We rented out surplus space 10 years ago to a gymnastics club but they have recently moved out after finding other premises in the town, so Keith and I wandered around and tried to think of what we could do with the space. It's currently being advertised to rent out, but it would make a great place to do something different's just what! It has a lovely kitchen and lots of space and I would love to turn it into something that would be an extra to the play area. Watch this space! (And we still haven't signed our we're still squatters!)

After work it was my turn and Sophie and I went over to Mawsley, a new village nearby, to a hairdressing salon that's just opened. Mawsley is extremely handy as it has a convenience shop that we make full use of, a rarity out here where we have to trek miles for a loaf of bread and a newspaper. We had a very pleasant experience as we were the only customers and I had a young man cut my hair! That hasn't happened for years! 

Back at home, we sat in the conservatory and drank some wine...a nice end to a busy day!


Anonymous said...

Hi Janie,

Welcome to my village,glad you liked it.Yes it is handy for us to have a the One Stop Shop after waiting for it for eight years.

We also have a new Dr and Dentist building and a very good village hall where a lot of youngsters and wrinklies come together for various events.We also have a fun day,held in July each year.

Sorry havn't been commenting lately but have got a trapped nerve in my shoulder so can't sit at the computer for too long.

Will have to catch up with your posts.


Janie said...

Hi Wendy!

It's great to hear from you and I hope your shoulder feels better soon. Mawsley is very handy for us, as I said, especially the shop which we use a lot - there seems to be a lovely community feeling there which I envy. A lot of good things seem to happen! I liked Idolz and will definitely go there again!

Maybe see you there one day!

Janie xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Janie,

I went to Idolz when it first opened but never went again as I thought £31 for a hair cut a tad expensive (please don't tell them this}so go to the one in the Newlands centre where you walk in and have your hair trimmed for £11 and when you have five reciepts you get a free hair cut...

Sorry to hear your Keith is unwell.I have family and friends with the same problems as Keith so know where you are coming from.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all....


Janie said...

Hi Wendy

I agree with you about the price of the haircut, especially as there are two of us! I booked each of us a "wet cut" for £17 so he washed our hair, cut it and then left it which is all I wanted as we were only going straight home!

Thank you for your good wishes for Keith - he's not having as much pain as before, just a feeling of discomfort but we'll need to get it sorted.

Janie xx