Monday, 3 February 2025

It's Monday again!

The weekend has whizzed past in a flash and it was Monday morning again! Yawn! Keith wasn't shopping today, so I drove myself to work and had a very busy day. In fact, it was hectic! I had to help out a couple of times with the phones as we were inundated with calls. 

I spent most of the day comparing prices with other leisure centres and answered emails for the last hour. Driving home I was forced to go via Hannington as our little cut-throat alley is closed. This tiny road makes such a big difference as turning right at the crossroads in Holcot is a nightmare!

I cooked dinner tonight (well, I heated up Sophie's casserole and cooked the veg) and made roast potatoes. Sophie didn't seem that happy with the meal and my roasties were a bit overdone, but never mind!

We relaxed after dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Gone Fishing. Sophie, to her horror, had left her latest novel at work so was forced to watch television with us!

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