Friday 8 March 2024

A busy bee!

I realised today, that my next full and proper week of working won't be until the 8th of April! This was alarming, as I have lots of things to put onto the system and the moan report to finish as well as answering emails! I managed to get the swim camps on for the first week of the Easter holidays today, as well as completing most of the moan report. I'll put the finishing touches to it over Monday and Tuesday next week. 

Because I was so busy, the time flew by and soon it was 4pm. The weekend had arrived! I sped home and relaxed by reading the papers in the kitchen and waiting for my wine buddy to arrive!

Keith went to the pub and Sophie and I enjoyed a glass of French white with some nibbles. We bickered a bit over what to watch so no film tonight! I am still amazed we have all these channels and different packages (Netflix, Prime, Discovery+) and we still find it hard to choose something!

Dinner tonight was the cold meats and salad we should have had on Wednesday (Keith and I were still full from lunch!) so it was easy to prepare and delicious. I was determined to stay up later than 9pm tonight, so Keith and I indulged in the brilliant Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing. If you ever need your blood pressure to be lowered, then watch this!

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