Thursday, 1 February 2024

Car annoyances!

The commute to work, always horrible and dark, was made worse this morning by crazy drivers, all of them in BMWs! I pulled out of our estate with nothing in sight to suddenly have a BMW on my bum! It's a 40mph limit into the village, and then 30mph, so I was not happy to have him pressure me! The craziness extended to the A43 and the new bypass, and it was a bit like being in the Wacky Races! Everyone was in such a tearing hurry! If you're late for work, then leave earlier! I was mightily glad to arrive at work in one piece!

Sophie texted me at work to say that Vikesh was awake and off the ventilator, so she wanted to go and see him this evening. I suggested she finish work at 4pm, and we meet at home at about 4.30pm, take Mum back after her nail appointment and go then.

I had a busy shift and left work at 2pm. However, a huge lorry was blocking the exit of the car park so that delayed me! I had to approach from another angle and fold my wing mirrors in to get past! Not really what I needed! 

I sped off to Kettering, collected Mum who was waiting for me, and we drove back to Northampton. I then had an hour of sitting and relaxing while Mum had her nails done, which was much needed today! Sophie texted me to say she'd left at 4pm, and we met at home where she gathered together some things for Vikesh, and we took Mum back.

I hate hospitals and in the winter gloominess, it was even worse. We squeezed into a space in the multi-storey car park and walked to the hospital, both of us feeling very nervous. Vikesh's Mum had told us where to go and the intensive care department was on the first floor. It was eerily quiet with nobody on reception, so I walked down to the main door with Sophie and she asked to go in and see Vikesh.

I didn't want to go in as well, so I went back to the reception area where there were sofas and a television. I sat and read, and Sophie came out after seeing him, in tears, saying he was talking nonsense and kept telling her to go home as he was worried the staff in the hospital would kill her! She knew that it was the result of the drugs and sedation, but it was still alarming for her, nonetheless! She said he was wired up to several machines and had drips and a catheter fitted. I just knew it wouldn't have been a good idea to have seen him yesterday, but we both hoped that over the next few days, the effects would wear off.

We went home, collapsed on the sofa with a drink and Keith cooked dinner. We both felt drained and we were so thankful that tomorrow is Friday!

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