I was kept busy today and finished the swim camps, answered all the emails, and even managed to put on a week's worth of films. I lingered a little while at work as I had an appointment to give blood at 4.30pm. However, when I left work, the traffic was horrendous, due to roadworks taking place nearby, and I thought I was going to be late!
Luckily, I arrived on time and took a cup for a drink of water. I had already downed a bottle at work as we're always told to keep hydrated when giving blood. This time the interrogation wasn't as rigorous, but I felt embarrassed when the nurse asked where I'd been abroad since last donating! I answered Germany, France and Spain, but on different trips, and she asked me where we'd been in Spain and France, pointing out regions in the south of the countries that appeared to be risky!
Donating was very straightforward and the nurse was efficient and chatty. This was my 46th pint, although I know I've given more than that as I started when I was 17 and had to stop after I came back from Nepal due to having a hepatitis jab.
I sat and drank more water, enjoyed a Club biscuit and chatted some more with one of the nurses before I returned home, intending to book an appointment for May when I'm able to donate next. On the way home Sophie called to say she was behind me, which was great! I had a feeling I'd see her on the way home!
Keith had prepared cottage pie for dinner, and we were playing cards when Mike arrived, on his way home from Nottingham. We gave him his gifts (beer and chocolate) and he said he'd stay for dinner which meant we had to rapidly warm up the conservatory!
It was great to sit and eat together as a family and we'll go out for dinner again soon!
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