Thursday 26 September 2024

A busy shift

It was back to reality with a bump this morning and a short shift at work. I walked in to over a hundred emails to answer, so that certainly kept me busy!

Keith drove me today as the repair shop in town had texted me yesterday to say my dress was ready to be collected. We drove down to St Giles Street and managed to get parked, so I was able to run down to the shop and pick up my summer dress. I just hope I get the chance to wear it!

I had a few minutes at home and then drove to Kettering to see my parents. However, when I arrived they had gone down to see an entertainer, which was great news! I didn't want to disturb them, and I had plenty to do at home, so I left, telling one of the carers I would call them later.

I had an unexpected few hours free so I made the most of them, cleaning the downstairs of the house and trying to get things done for the holiday. It's getting very close now!

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