Wednesday 21 August 2024

Rushing about!

I had an appointment at 11.30am to collect my new glasses from Boots Opticians, and I'd arranged to see my friend Lynda afterwards to wish her a happy 70th birthday. I was all done in Boots within ten minutes and shopped for my friend's birthday in Tesco. 

I texted Sophie to ask if she could sign Lynda's card and she said she'd be free at 1pm. I sat in Costa with a coffee and whiled away the time, but Sophie said she could see me earlier so I whizzed down to Brackmills.

Sophie wanted me to go into her office, which was lovely and I met some of her colleagues. Her office was airy and quiet, with a big kitchen and seating areas where staff could relax. In a few months, they're planning a move upstairs so we had a look at that, I said goodbye to her colleagues (and a dog!) and I drove to Cogenhoe to see Lynda.

As it was such a lovely day, we sat in the garden with a cup of tea and chatted. She was thrilled with her gifts from us - flowers, English sparking Rosé and a scented candle in a gorgeous deep blue glass jar. We caught up with each other's news, but at 2pm I had to dash off as I was seeing my Mum.

I drove home, said a quick hello to Keith, and sped over to Kettering. I had to persuade Mum to go shopping with me, but she agreed, so it was off to Tesco again! We had a drink in Costa and I whizzed about the store, choosing dinner for tonight and tomorrow. I am so missing Keith being able to do this as I hate shopping! We are going to have to go together tomorrow afternoon as we are fast running out of essentials!

After our shopping, I dropped Mum back and drove home and did all the usual chores that I so enjoy on a Wednesday evening! 

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