Tuesday 27 August 2024


I was dreading today's shift as I normally loathe Tuesdays, but the time passed very pleasantly, and quickly, as I had so much to do. I needed to start up our children's clubs again after the school holidays, and I had to get in quick as some of them coincided with our booking process, which allows our members to book in advance. Luckily, nothing had been booked and I could slot them in!

I answered all the emails, did a lot of admin and helped with calls. Before I knew it, it was time to pop off home! It's been warm today and it was registering 28c when I drove home. I keep hearing about a last heatwave before Autumn approaches, but I don't want a repeat of last September when temperatures reached the 30s! 

Back home, I decided to re-pot the little orchid we were given last year when we'd had to deal with some horrible calls. It has grown well, so I wanted to pop it into a bigger pot. I had a bag of orchid compost and a pot so I re-planted it and stood it in a bowl of water. Hopefully, we'll soon have some more flowers!

Before dinner, Keith and I played cards and we listened to music. Every morning, when I drive to work, I listen to Radio 2 and the 7.33 (three linked songs chosen by listeners with a theme) on Zoe Ball's show. One of them today was Fools Gold by The Stone Roses, and I thought it was a great addition to our Spanish Summer Playlist. I asked Sophie to play it and went on for nearly ten minutes!

Dinner was an easy chicken Kyiv with assorted vegetables and after we'd eaten Keith and I watched Channel 4's Britain's Most Beautiful Road about the NC500 (the North Coast 500) in Scotland. Funnily enough, Keith and I did this ages ago in the late 1980s when it certainly wasn't as popular as today. We drove from Inverness up to John O'Groats, across to Ullapool, staying there for a night in a tawdry hotel, and then down to Skye. I remember lunch in a scruffy place in Scrabster where I tasted marinated herrings for the first time, lots of peat bogs and spectacular scenery, and Russian trawlers in the bay at Ullapool. There were no artisan businesses (if there were, we missed them!) and posh food vans selling lobster and venison! Just a lot of empty roads and the occasional sheep! I really wish I'd written a diary back then! Looking at Google Maps now, it seems incredible that we drove so far in one day, but then that's nothing unusual for us!

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