Saturday 5 February 2011

Sad and slightly frustrating...

I haven't moved from the house and garden today, which suited me just fine. It's been very windy here but also very mild so I was able to get out into the garden for a little while and sort out all the dead plants which haven't survived the winter. Most of them were summer bedding plants (I was fed up with looking out of the kitchen window and seeing a dead geranium) but the one sad thing was our "leek" which looks like it has died. All the leaves are covered in mildew and the main stem is soft and slimy. We're hoping that it will make a comeback, as it has previously, but I think this winter was just too tough for the poor thing, even though I'd moved it into a more sheltered spot. We'll keep it until the Spring but if it doesn't grow back we'll get a new one to replace it.

It was so windy and mild that I even managed to get some washing out on the line so tonight I'm looking forward to fresh clean bedding and the smell of wind dried sheets! Lovely! While the washing was billowing furiously on the line, I concentrated on my dad's side of the family tree, but it proved to be extremely frustrating. I've come to a complete dead end on a couple of lines so more effort and research will definitely be needed!

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