Saturday 12 February 2011

Friday 11 February

It's been another busy day but I finished work at 3pm as Keith was meeting some mates from the place he used to work so I had to be at home for the children. I made use of an hour by sweeping all the leaves from the driveway and the front garden and managed to fill an entire black sack! Where have they all come from? (Don't answer that...) I thought that by this time of year there would be no leaves left but with the recent winds the garden and drive was strewn with twigs and branches that have blown in from other gardens...grrr! It was lovely to get out and have some fresh air though, and my sweeping coincided with the children coming home from school so there was a fair amount of chatting with the passing mums as well, which was lovely. We all lead such busy lives it's great to have a break and a chat every now and again.

In the evening Sue came around for a drink, bringing with her a bottle of Vouvray which was delicious. We talked about organising a street party for the Royal Wedding in April which I thought would bring the whole estate together, as it used to be when we first moved in ten years ago. It would be great fun to organise so we'll have to see what we can come up with!


JR said...

Very interesting, well-organized blog to which I want to return.
Best wishes

Janie said...

Thank you! :)