Waking this morning, my bloomin' cold was worse than ever so this morning was spent just pottering around and doing very little. I watched a good film with Richard Gere which had me shedding a few tears (Nights in Rondanthe) and then I went out with Mum and Soph to Weedon for a cup of tea and an amble around the twee little shops which are full of useless tat, but which is an enjoyable excursion nonetheless.
It's still very cold (-3 driving home) and we went into Mum and Dad's for a quick drink. On the television we watched Julia Bradbury climb Helvellyn which is something I've always wanted to do. She looked terrified most of the way up to the summit and I have a feeling I would be as well if I were in her shoes!
The children are not looking forward to returning to school tomorrow but I have a feeling Keith will heave a sigh of relief that things will be back to normal and he will have the house to himself once more. I can't believe that Christmas and the New Year have gone over so quickly!
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