Well, we had snow today but not as much as other parts of the country which I suppose is a good thing. It has affected us at work with not one customer in at all today. Keith and Soph came into work with me as Soph's school was closed because of the weather and no doubt her whoops of delight were heard over the whole county!
The roads were actually OK until mid-morning when we had another snowfall and I suppose there is about an inch covering the car-park. As I write, though, it's freezing and we can hear the crunch of tyres on the road oustide as the slush turns to ice. There's supposed to be more on the way with no end in sight and the conditions are dominating everything at the moment. I'm just glad we're not flying or travelling anywhere!
We left work at 1pm and came home and I had a pleasant half hour photographing the birds in the garden. They are desperately hungry at the moment and aren't moving far away from our garden table which is a like a buffet for them! We noticed on the way home between Walgrave and Holcot a mass of birds gathering on the telegraph poles and landing on the road in search of food.
The snowy day gave way to a clear, sunny late afternoon and a pinky sunset. It really is a photographer's dream at the moment and I only wish I had more time to capture the landscape.
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