I can't believe January has gone so quickly! But it's been lovely to keep track of everything that's happened this month and taking a photo every day has been an enjoyable challenge.
Today has been very relaxed and we even managed to potter around in the garden as it's been dry and sunny, albeit very cold. We had a small snow flurry this morning and they have forecast more, but I don't think it will be anything like it was earlier in the month
Soph and I went over to Pitsford in the afternoon to feed the birds some old bread we had and for me to take some photos of the lake at sunset. I noticed a man taking shots of an old building and then we saw another photographer when we stopped near Walgrave. He had all the equipment and looked very serious about it!
In the evening I popped over to Sarah and Liam's to share two of my Talisker bottles. In the past, Liam's given me a chance to try some of his Meerlust wine from South Africa so I thought I would return the favour with someone who appreciates a good whisky! The Talisker went down very well, as did one he opened, an Auchentoshan, so we had a very pleasant hour chatting and sipping some good whisky.
Back home to a delicious dinner made an end to a lovely day!
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Crowds and heat...
Today we went shopping in Milton Keynes. Sophie took two friends with her so at least that spared us going into New Look which I hate...it's like a badly organised jumble sale in there. We had a good day and I bought the presentation box of Talisker whisky in John Lewis that I'd originally seen back in December. I had money for my birthday and I was determined to spend it on me, rather than the house for once. As well as the whisky, I bought a beautiful book on Landscape photography which had been reduced from £25 to £9.99 so that was a bargain!
It's been a lovely day today - lots of sunshine and blue skies, but it was so hot inside the shopping centre! I wore a short sleeved top and my coat, but I was baking which I couldn't stand! Why is the heating turned up so high in the shops? Most people were wearing coats and there's just no need to crank the heating up so high.
However, it was great to spend time with mum and we had a good natter. We went into House of Fraser to have a cup of tea and I asked mum to get me a decaffeinated pot. When she returned and we peered into the teapots, the tea looked a horrible muddy colour. In the cup it looked disgusting and we found out we'd been given green tea...I know it's supposed to be good for you, but it tasted like pond water! Yuk!
I'm hoping the Talisker will taste better...
It's been a lovely day today - lots of sunshine and blue skies, but it was so hot inside the shopping centre! I wore a short sleeved top and my coat, but I was baking which I couldn't stand! Why is the heating turned up so high in the shops? Most people were wearing coats and there's just no need to crank the heating up so high.
However, it was great to spend time with mum and we had a good natter. We went into House of Fraser to have a cup of tea and I asked mum to get me a decaffeinated pot. When she returned and we peered into the teapots, the tea looked a horrible muddy colour. In the cup it looked disgusting and we found out we'd been given green tea...I know it's supposed to be good for you, but it tasted like pond water! Yuk!
I'm hoping the Talisker will taste better...
Friday, 29 January 2010
Sunset and Moon
Driving back from picking Soph up from school, I had a feeling we were going to have a lovely sunset. So, at about 4.15pm we went off to our favourite viewing point and took some snaps. Soph took a few as well and really enjoyed it - she did mention that she'd like to take photography at A level so let's hope!
Anyway...here are the results:
It's been a great day today - very relaxing and a nice break from work. We were finished at the hospital at 10.30 and then went shopping which was funny as Keith is not used to having me with him and I wanted to look at everything and try new things! I think it will be the last time for a while I get to go with him!
We had a quick drink at the pub which takes on the air of a club at lunchtimes with all the regulars popping in and having a few beers. As always, a lovely atmosphere and I do love it in there.
Sue is coming over for a drink at 6pm - I must go and tidy the kitchen!
Anyway...here are the results:
It's been a great day today - very relaxing and a nice break from work. We were finished at the hospital at 10.30 and then went shopping which was funny as Keith is not used to having me with him and I wanted to look at everything and try new things! I think it will be the last time for a while I get to go with him!
We had a quick drink at the pub which takes on the air of a club at lunchtimes with all the regulars popping in and having a few beers. As always, a lovely atmosphere and I do love it in there.
Sue is coming over for a drink at 6pm - I must go and tidy the kitchen!
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Wind down...
I'm taking tomorrow as holiday so I'm in a relaxed and chilled out mood! Keith has to go to hospital tomorrow for an assessment before he goes in on the 17 February for his angioplasty, so I decided to take tomorrow off and go with him. It shouldn't take long and then we can have the rest of the day off.
I can't believe how quickly this week has gone! Bruce and Hermione came in yesterday with their grandchildren and he told me the website would be up and running soon. I used to work with Bruce at Duncan Murray wines in Market Harborough and Bruce has now branched out on his own to start his own wine website and shop. I wish him well...he's a lovely man who I got on really well with and I've never known anyone so passionate about wine. He would literally grab people off the street and drag them into the shop so he deserves to do really well. He gave me a bottle of Portugese wine at Christmas and I haven't drunk it yet as I have a feeling it's a bit special. Maybe I'll drink it over the weekend and then I can tell him what I think of it the next time I see him.
Here's a photo of our depleted wine rack, although I know there's one bottle that has survived from last summer...
I can't believe how quickly this week has gone! Bruce and Hermione came in yesterday with their grandchildren and he told me the website would be up and running soon. I used to work with Bruce at Duncan Murray wines in Market Harborough and Bruce has now branched out on his own to start his own wine website and shop. I wish him well...he's a lovely man who I got on really well with and I've never known anyone so passionate about wine. He would literally grab people off the street and drag them into the shop so he deserves to do really well. He gave me a bottle of Portugese wine at Christmas and I haven't drunk it yet as I have a feeling it's a bit special. Maybe I'll drink it over the weekend and then I can tell him what I think of it the next time I see him.
Here's a photo of our depleted wine rack, although I know there's one bottle that has survived from last summer...
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Are my eyes still on my face?
Today I asked hubby if I'd grown another eye in the middle of my forehead as everyone kept looking at me. I'm not sure why this happens, but it does, or maybe after the first couple of people I was becoming paranoid. I went to give blood this evening and two men smiled at me (I'm not being boastful) and a woman then told me her life story. I sometimes think I have that kind of face. Weirdos are attracted to me (or maybe I draw them to me) and I've lost count of the times that complete strangers have just struck up conversations with me and told me loads of things. It happened just last week when I went to Soph's school. A woman came and sat next to me and the next thing I know, she's telling me all about her tax return and how difficult she found it to complete online and then how much she owed and so on and so on...
I don't mind. I am genuinely interested in people and love finding out what they do as it's valuable material for someone who pretends to write (like me). I'd rather be seen as someone people can trust rather than someone people keep their distance from!!
Anyway...today was a much better Wednesday than last week. The whole day went smoothly and there were no hassles (as yet). Our new bouncy castle seems to be going down well with our customers, the adults more than the children at times!!
I don't mind. I am genuinely interested in people and love finding out what they do as it's valuable material for someone who pretends to write (like me). I'd rather be seen as someone people can trust rather than someone people keep their distance from!!
Anyway...today was a much better Wednesday than last week. The whole day went smoothly and there were no hassles (as yet). Our new bouncy castle seems to be going down well with our customers, the adults more than the children at times!!
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Double figures...
Well, little Mikey was 10 years old today and I have to wonder where on earth those years have gone!!
Today has been busy again and no sooner was I home than it was time to go out again! We had a beautiful afternoon with a lovely pink sunset which was such a welcome relief after all the grey we've had lately.
The 10 pin bowling was great, although Soph went into a bit of a grump because she couldn't knock any pins down. It would have been better if we'd used the guards and then at least the children would have had more of a chance, but we'll know next time (if we can get Soph there again!).
The meal at the pub was very good and it was rounded off by a yummy chocolate cake. So all in all, I think Mikey had a good day!
Monday, 25 January 2010
Getting up this morning was very difficult. I delayed and delayed opening my eyes and even contemplated calling in sick at work, something I haven't done for years...It doesn't help that it's so dark at 7am and I could quite happily have stayed under the duvet all day.
I went into work though, and had a busy day. Who needs the gym when it's cleaning day on a Monday? I helped dad fold up the small bouncy castle which sounds easy, but isn't. I then went out into the car park with mum and we braved the bitter wind to clear away all the litter and empty the disgusting cigarette box which was in danger of catching light. After that, I cleaned the green slide which was an almost impossible job as I had to contort my body into tiny spaces as it's confined to a netted area and is the most difficult to clean! It looked all shiny when I finished though so I did have a sense of achievement!
A busy evening followed (I hate Monday nights!) and it was a relief to sit down with a wee dram to celebrate Burn's Night.
Michael is 10 tomorrow. I can't believe it...
I went into work though, and had a busy day. Who needs the gym when it's cleaning day on a Monday? I helped dad fold up the small bouncy castle which sounds easy, but isn't. I then went out into the car park with mum and we braved the bitter wind to clear away all the litter and empty the disgusting cigarette box which was in danger of catching light. After that, I cleaned the green slide which was an almost impossible job as I had to contort my body into tiny spaces as it's confined to a netted area and is the most difficult to clean! It looked all shiny when I finished though so I did have a sense of achievement!
A busy evening followed (I hate Monday nights!) and it was a relief to sit down with a wee dram to celebrate Burn's Night.
Michael is 10 tomorrow. I can't believe it...
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Busy day.
I was awoken from a lovely sleep in the early hours by a neighbour's alarm going off...it was probably the daughter coming home in the wee small hours, but it certainly wasn't welcomed!! After returning to deep slumber, a small plane then woke me up! It sounded like it was going to land in our garden!
I used to be really good at sleep and would never wake at all during the night, but over the last few years hardly a night has gone by when I don't wake at some point. It's so ironic, as the children obviously sleep right through now but it's me that's lying awake at 2am!
Anyway, due to our disturbed sleep we didn't wake until 9am when a grumpy Mikey came in and asked why we were still in bed!
The rest of the day was busy and the afternoon spent shopping for Mikey's birthday and new shoes. The sun made a brief appearance in the afternoon, but then it rained heavily towards evening. They have forecast more snow for tomorrow but not for us.
My Birthday flowers are still going strong...
I used to be really good at sleep and would never wake at all during the night, but over the last few years hardly a night has gone by when I don't wake at some point. It's so ironic, as the children obviously sleep right through now but it's me that's lying awake at 2am!
Anyway, due to our disturbed sleep we didn't wake until 9am when a grumpy Mikey came in and asked why we were still in bed!
The rest of the day was busy and the afternoon spent shopping for Mikey's birthday and new shoes. The sun made a brief appearance in the afternoon, but then it rained heavily towards evening. They have forecast more snow for tomorrow but not for us.
My Birthday flowers are still going strong...
Saturday, 23 January 2010
As Soph has been so good lately, we went over to Weedon again this afternoon so she could have a little treat. She's been helping around the house and I think a reward was definitely due!
It was far busier today than on a Sunday which is when we normally go. Soph bought some ear-rings and a lovely box to keep her make-up in. She is mad on New York and the box had a picture of Marilyn Monroe and the Empire State Building on the front. Hopefully when we decorate her room soon, she can start to collect New York type things to match!
Back at home, we went in search of a very shy sunset to photograph, but were disappointed. The photo above is Soph's idea and is just part of her make-up collection!
It was far busier today than on a Sunday which is when we normally go. Soph bought some ear-rings and a lovely box to keep her make-up in. She is mad on New York and the box had a picture of Marilyn Monroe and the Empire State Building on the front. Hopefully when we decorate her room soon, she can start to collect New York type things to match!
Back at home, we went in search of a very shy sunset to photograph, but were disappointed. The photo above is Soph's idea and is just part of her make-up collection!
Friday, 22 January 2010
End of the week...
Tonight was definitely a girly night. When I got in from work Soph was about to watch "Bride Wars" so we both settled down on the sofa to watch and it was very enjoyable! Parts of it were extremely funny and others were very moving. A great chick flick!
While hubby was at the pub (luckily he had a lift tonight!) Sue came over for a glass of wine and a gossip. I bought a bottle of Turning Leaf Pinot Grigio which went down extremely well with some nibbles that Sue provided. We had a great chat and there was lots of laughter as well which ended the week very nicely.
Sophie also recieved a letter today from her friend Stephanie who moved to New Zealand, which was lovely. They were born on the same day and were great friends at school. I really miss her mum, Lesley, who I was great friends with - we shared many a juicy gossip over a bottle of wine and when she moved we tried to keep in touch but it's not so easy to do that when someone is many thousands of miles away and you just don't get the same enjoyment from writing email or letters that you do over a good girly chat.
So another week is over and the weekend is here!. Yay! Bring it on!
While hubby was at the pub (luckily he had a lift tonight!) Sue came over for a glass of wine and a gossip. I bought a bottle of Turning Leaf Pinot Grigio which went down extremely well with some nibbles that Sue provided. We had a great chat and there was lots of laughter as well which ended the week very nicely.
So another week is over and the weekend is here!. Yay! Bring it on!
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Decisions, decisions...
Soph and I went back to her school this evening to a presentation on the options facing her when she decides which subjects to take at GCSE. I was under strict instructions not to embarrass her and it was amazing to see how different she was in the school environment, surrounded by her peers. We took our seats in the main hall and I was not even allowed to turn around in case I inadvertently looked at someone (of the opposite sex of course) and embarrassed her...
Soph already had a good idea of what she wanted to study and the teachers were very good at explaining her various options and choices. Clearly, things have moved on a great deal from when I did O Levels at school!
After the talk we had a mooch about the school and looked at the various teachers touting for business with their subjects. She has initially decided to take History, French, Spanish and Business Studies along with the "core" subjects she has to take such as English, Maths, etc. The good thing is she hasn't got to decide until the end of February and there will be plenty of help and guidance along the way.
After dinner Keith and I bowed to the relentless pressure that has been building for days now and booked four tickets to the WWE (wrestling) at the O2 Arena in April...This is a birthday treat for both the children (certainly not the adults!) and they were warned not to expect any more pressies or birthday parties.
Heaven help us!!! What happened to the days when they were happy with a Birthday tea and a cake??
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
"Horrible" Wednesday...
I think from now on I'm going to stay in bed on Wednesday...yet more hassle at work today (lorries, staff, customers) and to cap it all, Monty peed on one of my favourite Bill Bryson books in the bathroom as Sophie and I watched! At first I thought it was funny as he pawed at the book because he looked like he wanted to read it but then he squatted!!! Eww!
The weather has been grey and cold today and we didn't get the snow that was forecast. So...all in all, a real yukky day! But I suppose they have to balance out with the good ones!!
Below is a photo of my butchered bushes...Enough said...
The weather has been grey and cold today and we didn't get the snow that was forecast. So...all in all, a real yukky day! But I suppose they have to balance out with the good ones!!
Below is a photo of my butchered bushes...Enough said...
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Visiting Nan
Mum and I drove down to Kent today to see Nan. It was a bit of a late decision as there was no other day this week we could go. The journey down was OK and we spent a pleasant day chatting and doing very little! We did manage to re-instate TCM for her on Sky and I tried to show her how to work her DVD player but I think there's something wrong with it as it was a weird shade of yellow when I managed to get it working!
The journey home was less pleasant, veering between fast and furious and stop start. I thought it would be foggy but luckily it only became misty as we approached home.
I'm very annoyed with my husband at the moment as he has butchered the large Hypericum bushes at the front of the house. I haven't been able to see the damage properly as it was dark when I got home, but I am not very happy. I've just warned him to be careful in bed tonight as I might do some heavy pruning of my own...
To mollify me, we went out to the pub for dinner as they're doing their "buy one main meal and get another free" deal and very good it was too! The pub emptied out as we were having dinner, all the early evening drinkers disappearing so it was lovely and quiet.
The journey home was less pleasant, veering between fast and furious and stop start. I thought it would be foggy but luckily it only became misty as we approached home.
I'm very annoyed with my husband at the moment as he has butchered the large Hypericum bushes at the front of the house. I haven't been able to see the damage properly as it was dark when I got home, but I am not very happy. I've just warned him to be careful in bed tonight as I might do some heavy pruning of my own...
To mollify me, we went out to the pub for dinner as they're doing their "buy one main meal and get another free" deal and very good it was too! The pub emptied out as we were having dinner, all the early evening drinkers disappearing so it was lovely and quiet.
Nan gave me a pile of Mills and Boon books as we were leaving and we had a good cackle about them, because most of them, she said, were a bit on the naughty side!! Good on her!!!!
Monday, 18 January 2010
I arrived at work this morning to find seven or eight huge lorries parked along our road and outside the Nursery, making it difficult for parents to drop off their children. Full of annoyance I logged onto the internet to find out who I could phone to complain but before I could find any details a man appeared in a high-vis jacket full of apologies. He wanted to know whether he could use our car park to store the juggernauts while they were being unloaded. I agreed immediately, all anger gone, and wondered what on earth BACA were ordering!
For the rest of the day they were forgotten but tonight mum called to say he'd been back and tomorrow there would be 28 (yes! 28!!!) of them waiting to be unloaded and could he put them in our car park!! I'm not sure our car park could even accommodate that amount so tomorrow morning will be interesting! Apparently BACA had ordered 1,500 tonnes of salt...do they know something we don't??? Well, at least for the foreseeable future we will be OK if it snows!! There'll be no excuse for our car park to be covered in snow with that lot next door!
At home I lit a fragranced candle and relaxed...Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
For the rest of the day they were forgotten but tonight mum called to say he'd been back and tomorrow there would be 28 (yes! 28!!!) of them waiting to be unloaded and could he put them in our car park!! I'm not sure our car park could even accommodate that amount so tomorrow morning will be interesting! Apparently BACA had ordered 1,500 tonnes of salt...do they know something we don't??? Well, at least for the foreseeable future we will be OK if it snows!! There'll be no excuse for our car park to be covered in snow with that lot next door!
At home I lit a fragranced candle and relaxed...Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Sunday, 17 January 2010
A Walk in the Park.
We had a fantastic day in London, made better by the beautiful weather and the sun shining after a week of grey cloud and mist.
We left home at 9.30 and had a really good run down to Hyde Park where we parked the car. There was no shortage of parking spaces which surprised me. I'm always amazed at how easily we park here, considering it's central London.
We had some of our picnic and then sauntered along the Serpentine, parts of which were still frozen over. As it was such a lovely day, we headed for Speakers Corner and listened to a couple of men spouting off. It's a great place with a really good atmosphere and I find it brilliant that you can go there and say what you want, even if you run the risk of getting heckled! I treated the children and myself to a hot chocolate and then we wandered down Park Lane trying to work out how much the apartments were overlooking the park! Outside the Grosvenor House hotel was a huge Newcastle United coach and Keith was trying to work out why it was there as they're playing West Bromwich tomorrow at home...
At Hyde Park Corner we admired the Queen Elizabeth Gate and then followed signs to Buckingham Palace taking in the Wellington Arch (and very cheap bottled water!) on the way. There was no traffic at all on the approach road and when we got to the bottom we stumbled onto a film shoot! There was a lot of people milling about and we waited ages for something to happen! When it did, it was very exciting to hear the Director shout, "Action" and see the crowd of "supporting artists" cheer and wave flags. I was amazed at the cameras and equipment. No wonder these films cost so much to make. We still have no idea what it was and didn't see anyone famous, but it was still great to see, nonetheless!
After a quick peek at Buckingham Palace, we walked back through Hyde Park to the car and then a very easy and quick journey home. Our feet were aching and we all had a warm soup glow but we thoroughly enjoyed our day in London!
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Another cold and dreary day, perfect for staying in, keeping warm and doing not very much!
We did venture out for half an hour to feed the horses in the next field. We only had one come over who was obviously the boss as he kept the others away and ate all our carrots! Sophie shrieked a bit when she fed him as he was very greedy, but it was lovely to get out for just a few minutes and get some fresh air. It was bitingly cold though, so no idea what happened to the milder temperatures we were supposed to have today.
I'm so looking forward to going out tonight. We're going to call into the pub for a drink first and I'm getting a taste for going out on Saturday nights now...I think we'll make it a habit!
Tomorrow is definitely on for London and we'll take in the Science Musuem which should be interesting for the children. I don't think they will take kindly to going to the V&A which is our usual haunt.
I have made some headway with a new story - it's called "Meet Me Halfway" and is a romantic entry for the Literotica Valentine's Day contest. The story's inspired by The Blackeyed Peas' song of the same name and I'm hoping it will do well and attract some new readers.
Now I just need to go and finish it!
We did venture out for half an hour to feed the horses in the next field. We only had one come over who was obviously the boss as he kept the others away and ate all our carrots! Sophie shrieked a bit when she fed him as he was very greedy, but it was lovely to get out for just a few minutes and get some fresh air. It was bitingly cold though, so no idea what happened to the milder temperatures we were supposed to have today.
I'm so looking forward to going out tonight. We're going to call into the pub for a drink first and I'm getting a taste for going out on Saturday nights now...I think we'll make it a habit!
Tomorrow is definitely on for London and we'll take in the Science Musuem which should be interesting for the children. I don't think they will take kindly to going to the V&A which is our usual haunt.
I have made some headway with a new story - it's called "Meet Me Halfway" and is a romantic entry for the Literotica Valentine's Day contest. The story's inspired by The Blackeyed Peas' song of the same name and I'm hoping it will do well and attract some new readers.
Now I just need to go and finish it!
Friday, 15 January 2010
Wonderful day!
Well, the week did get better today! A lot better! I'm not giving away my age, but it was Birthday time for me today and I was well and truly spoiled! I think today has been one of the best Birthdays ever.
Mum and I went out to the bank and to Jones's and when we got back yet another bouquet (and chocolates) had arrived from a friend on the Tapas Bar! With Stephen's chocolates yesterday this has turned out to be fantastic and even lovelier considering I have never actually met them! We were busy at work but we managed to escape to The Windhover for lunch which was lovely. As well as the flowers, chocolates and readies, I also received several lovely e-cards and texts, so I was doing very well for a Birthday that is not a special number. I think this year has been even better than when I was 40!
So...a lovely day to end a difficult week. The weekend is looming and if the weather is good on Sunday I fancy going somewhere for the day, even if it's just a walk. It would be great to get out into the fresh air and get some exercise. A day in London would be perfect - a walk in Hyde Park followed by a museum. We'll see...
Before I left for work I opened my cards, my bottle of whisky (I didn't drink any) from the wee ones and some lovely candles from Sue and Paul. I do love candles!
At work, there were more cards and then a good friend, Lynda, stopped by to deliver a beautiful bouquet and to have a coffee. While she was there a gorgeous bouquet from mum and dad arrived! The office was beginning to resemble a florist's shop but that was fine with me!
We all enjoyed a slice of chocolate Birthday cake in the afternoon and then it was time for home. The weather has remained overcast and grey all day with heavy rain this morning. Most of the snow has now gone which is a shame but it had to go at some point and it's been milder.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Well, the week doesn't get any easier...
...But still I plod on!
Hooray! It's Friday tomorrow and a special date! I'm hoping it will be a good day and the weather will be a bit better than the awful foggy grey of today.
Hooray! It's Friday tomorrow and a special date! I'm hoping it will be a good day and the weather will be a bit better than the awful foggy grey of today.
Photos were thin on the ground today. I chased Archie about but he was intent on having a wash and cleaning his feet and wouldn't sit still and be good. This is them both waiting for their tea, the only time they will be seen together.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Today hasn't been the easiest of days, although compared to the people of Haiti, I have nothing to complain about.
The snow which fell this morning didn't have any effect at all. Are we all getting used to it now? And just when temperatures are due to rise again this weekend! I think even I'm getting a bit fed up with it now, though. It's all the slush and wet that comes with snow, but this afternoon as I look out of the window and see the snow coverered trees and fields, I have to admit it is beautiful and I will always be a fan of this kind of weather.
So, today I had a bit of hassle at work (and online!) and it's lovely to be back home and relaxing. I think it's best not to go into details and then I won't remember what it was about! So many of these niggles are forgotten after a few weeks anyway.
I found it hard taking photos again today. I left my camera at home which didn't help, but managed to take a photo of a snow covered leaf. I like the delicate shapes of the snowflakes.
I have an idea brewing in my head for a new story inspired by a favourite song at the moment. I really need to get back into writing as I haven't written anything for months and it always feels so good to create something out of nothing.
The snow which fell this morning didn't have any effect at all. Are we all getting used to it now? And just when temperatures are due to rise again this weekend! I think even I'm getting a bit fed up with it now, though. It's all the slush and wet that comes with snow, but this afternoon as I look out of the window and see the snow coverered trees and fields, I have to admit it is beautiful and I will always be a fan of this kind of weather.
So, today I had a bit of hassle at work (and online!) and it's lovely to be back home and relaxing. I think it's best not to go into details and then I won't remember what it was about! So many of these niggles are forgotten after a few weeks anyway.
I found it hard taking photos again today. I left my camera at home which didn't help, but managed to take a photo of a snow covered leaf. I like the delicate shapes of the snowflakes.
I have an idea brewing in my head for a new story inspired by a favourite song at the moment. I really need to get back into writing as I haven't written anything for months and it always feels so good to create something out of nothing.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Simple Pleasures
I love the feeling I get when I know that after work we have nothing planned and I can go home and just relax. Monday nights are always busy so it's lovely on a Tuesday to get home, get changed and play a game of cards. Before we changed it around, our dining room table was in the conservatory but it's been so cold lately (and we have a Scalextric track set up) that we moved it back into the proper dining room which was just being used as a study/dumping ground. It's been very cosy in there with the curtains drawn but I do miss being outside, inside, (if you know what I mean!) and gazing up at the blue sky through the glass roof. Once the weather warms up, we'll move it back. Nothing beats breakfast out there on a sunny Sunday morning with a stack of weekend papers to read and the crossword to catch up on and the smell of freshly made coffee.
Tonight it was cold and windy so it was lovely to close all the doors and have a game of cards with a drink. My long running luck gave out tonight and Keith beat me twice...!
Tonight it was cold and windy so it was lovely to close all the doors and have a game of cards with a drink. My long running luck gave out tonight and Keith beat me twice...!
Monday, 11 January 2010
No snow...
Despite the snow falling last night, this morning was no different so it was off to school and work and grumbles all the way!! I know it's a good thing, but I did have a secret yearning for a deep snowfall this morning, after all the warnings we had yesterday.
Not a lot has happened today - just the normal work and back to Jenny's this evening. It's remained cold and grey all day, that awful non-weather that I hate so much!
Work was busy - we cleaned the slides...sometimes I can barely contain my excitement!!
Not a lot has happened today - just the normal work and back to Jenny's this evening. It's remained cold and grey all day, that awful non-weather that I hate so much!
Work was busy - we cleaned the slides...sometimes I can barely contain my excitement!!
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Quiet Day Part 2
Well, I was very sensible with the wine last night so didn't have a hangover this morning, although I did have a lie-in. We all had a very quiet morning. The weather has turned grey and boring, certainly a difference to the beautiful blue skies of yesterday.
I finished watching On Golden Pond which I enjoyed although it was a little sad. Fantastic acting from Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda. No wonder it won so many Oscars.
The afternoon was a little more fraught. We went to an Antique Fair at Wicksteed Park and unfortunately Soph and I had a huge argument over money. Less said, the better. This was followed up by a relaxing drink at mum's where I had a lovely cuddle with Jake. He might be a good bet for photo of the day later on.
I snapped this as we were leaving for Kettering and have played around with it a bit. More snow is forecast tonight and today has been very grey and wintry, but no sunshine, I'm afraid.
I finished watching On Golden Pond which I enjoyed although it was a little sad. Fantastic acting from Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda. No wonder it won so many Oscars.
The afternoon was a little more fraught. We went to an Antique Fair at Wicksteed Park and unfortunately Soph and I had a huge argument over money. Less said, the better. This was followed up by a relaxing drink at mum's where I had a lovely cuddle with Jake. He might be a good bet for photo of the day later on.
I snapped this as we were leaving for Kettering and have played around with it a bit. More snow is forecast tonight and today has been very grey and wintry, but no sunshine, I'm afraid.
I would like to get this printed onto canvas - it would look great in the conservatory.
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Walking in a Winter Wonderland...
I was awake at 6am today and although I tried to get back to sleep, it was impossible. Outside the snow was falling again, the worst possible day it could fall, business-wise.
Gradually the house awoke and after a quick breakfast, Keith and I drove to Pitsford for a walk. The children weren't keen on coming so stayed at home. We had a lovely walk, although at first I thought we were going to be stuck in a blizzard! Huge white clouds rolled in over the Nature reserve and it was bitterly cold as the wind swept across the causeway.
There were a few people out - some hardy joggers and a couple of dog walkers and it was wonderful to be out in the fresh air and gazing at the stunning views. Naturally, I took loads of photos!
We followed the shore for a little way then returned to the car over the fields with the last few hundred yards skirting the shore of the Nature reserve...which reminds me...we must renew our permit!
We really enjoyed our little excursion and Keith felt great which was a huge relief. On the way home we stopped at Scaldwell and I snapped a photo of the church, something I've been meaning to do every time I drive past.
The rest of the day was quiet, but enjoyable. The snow continued to fall in fits and starts but it really hasn't got much deeper. The birds were constant visitors to the buffet with a few new ones joining the mix.
We found time to have a few games of cards in the afternoon and I wiped the board, beating Sophie and Keith every time! Let's just hope my luck continues!
We're off to dinner with Sue and Paul tonight and it's great not to have to think about what we're having to eat and then clearing up.
I must try and resist the wine!
Gradually the house awoke and after a quick breakfast, Keith and I drove to Pitsford for a walk. The children weren't keen on coming so stayed at home. We had a lovely walk, although at first I thought we were going to be stuck in a blizzard! Huge white clouds rolled in over the Nature reserve and it was bitterly cold as the wind swept across the causeway.
There were a few people out - some hardy joggers and a couple of dog walkers and it was wonderful to be out in the fresh air and gazing at the stunning views. Naturally, I took loads of photos!
We followed the shore for a little way then returned to the car over the fields with the last few hundred yards skirting the shore of the Nature reserve...which reminds me...we must renew our permit!
We really enjoyed our little excursion and Keith felt great which was a huge relief. On the way home we stopped at Scaldwell and I snapped a photo of the church, something I've been meaning to do every time I drive past.
The rest of the day was quiet, but enjoyable. The snow continued to fall in fits and starts but it really hasn't got much deeper. The birds were constant visitors to the buffet with a few new ones joining the mix.
We found time to have a few games of cards in the afternoon and I wiped the board, beating Sophie and Keith every time! Let's just hope my luck continues!
We're off to dinner with Sue and Paul tonight and it's great not to have to think about what we're having to eat and then clearing up.
I must try and resist the wine!
Friday, 8 January 2010
Quiet day
Not much happened today. I do hope next Friday will be a little more interesting!
The only "nice" moment was when we went next door to BACA to buy a wheelbarrow and a spade so we could spread some salt down at the entrance to our car park. It's very slippery and we're going to be busy over the weekend so we didn't want any cars getting stuck. It was a beautiful morning with just the remnants of a pinky sunrise. The men at BACA wouldn't hear of us doing the deed on our own so we had two members of staff shaking out bags of cooking salt over the entrance and the bit of road that leads to it. The cooking salt worked better then the normal gritting salt!!
As we were doing our bit, it started to snow and the sky went all pinky and peachy. It was so pretty! And then something weird happened...we heard this terrible screeching and could only assume it was birds fighting! It was such an eerie sound!
We didn't see any more snow, but it was still bitterly cold and not very pleasant when we went to Booker and loaded up the car. The wind felt like it was coming straight from Siberia!
The only "nice" moment was when we went next door to BACA to buy a wheelbarrow and a spade so we could spread some salt down at the entrance to our car park. It's very slippery and we're going to be busy over the weekend so we didn't want any cars getting stuck. It was a beautiful morning with just the remnants of a pinky sunrise. The men at BACA wouldn't hear of us doing the deed on our own so we had two members of staff shaking out bags of cooking salt over the entrance and the bit of road that leads to it. The cooking salt worked better then the normal gritting salt!!
As we were doing our bit, it started to snow and the sky went all pinky and peachy. It was so pretty! And then something weird happened...we heard this terrible screeching and could only assume it was birds fighting! It was such an eerie sound!
We didn't see any more snow, but it was still bitterly cold and not very pleasant when we went to Booker and loaded up the car. The wind felt like it was coming straight from Siberia!
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Agreement at last?
Despite the snow still hanging about, we were busier at work today and I think that people are going to just have to put up with the weather at the moment. Life cannot grind to a halt because it's cold and snowy!
Today was fairly intensive at work. We had long discussions about the new lease and even went to look at two buildings nearby that could have been our new home. Funnily enough, though, we were prevented from even leaving the car park by a lorry that was stuck in the snow on the road outside. His wheels were spinning and all we could do was sit and wait until at last I was able to gingerly make my way around his bottom, terrified in case he slipped back and hit us!
We looked at the buildings but I don't think any of us could envisage us moving there - the roads nearby were crowded with cars and we would miss all the outside space we have at the moment. When we got back we telephoned our surveyor and he had some cautiously good news. We've been offered six months free rent spread over two years and after we sat and worked it out it does mean we would make a large saving. So...fingers crossed!
Today has been beautiful - clear blue skies, sunshine and sparkling snow. I really do prefer this weather but it's forecast to snow again tonight and it's bitterly cold. Soph and Susie walked to work after school and we closed up at 4pm as we had no customers. I stopped on the way home and snapped a few pics of the trees and fields. I will miss this cold snap when it eventually ends. Never has the countryside looked so lovely.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Well, we had snow today but not as much as other parts of the country which I suppose is a good thing. It has affected us at work with not one customer in at all today. Keith and Soph came into work with me as Soph's school was closed because of the weather and no doubt her whoops of delight were heard over the whole county!
The roads were actually OK until mid-morning when we had another snowfall and I suppose there is about an inch covering the car-park. As I write, though, it's freezing and we can hear the crunch of tyres on the road oustide as the slush turns to ice. There's supposed to be more on the way with no end in sight and the conditions are dominating everything at the moment. I'm just glad we're not flying or travelling anywhere!
We left work at 1pm and came home and I had a pleasant half hour photographing the birds in the garden. They are desperately hungry at the moment and aren't moving far away from our garden table which is a like a buffet for them! We noticed on the way home between Walgrave and Holcot a mass of birds gathering on the telegraph poles and landing on the road in search of food.
The snowy day gave way to a clear, sunny late afternoon and a pinky sunset. It really is a photographer's dream at the moment and I only wish I had more time to capture the landscape.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Winter bites...
I was in at work early this morning, not really knowing what to expect. We awoke to a thin layer of snow that fizzled out by the time it was properly light. We managed to put some salt down in the car park and on the path leading to the Nursery but we have only half a bag left and there was no more to be had...anywhere!
I did the wages today after receiving warnings that the weather is going to worsen tonight and tomorrow. At least if I can't get into work tomorrow everyone will be paid!
As it turned out we were quite busy at work which was great. The news is full of the weather and how it could turn out to be the coldest winter for years or even decades.
After work we sat in the dining room and had a game of cards. It's the first game we've had for ages and although I miss sitting in the conservatory, it's a lot warmer in the house and we're saving a fortune by not heating the glass house! When the weather turns warmer, we'll dismantle the Scalextric and resume normal service. Spring and summer seems a long way off at the moment, but soon enough this spell of Arctic weather will be a distant memory.
Monday, 4 January 2010
It's been another very cold day today with the temperature down to -5 on the way to work this morning. There is a threat of snow and although I know it causes havoc and is bad for business, part of me is getting very excited that we may be in for more of the white stuff. I remember back in February 09 when we had a lot of snow I didn't really enjoy it, but this time, if we do get a lot, I'm going to try and forget about the problems it causes at work and try and have fun. I think everywhere looks so beautiful under a coat of white and it's not as if it lasts a long time...
We did more de-Christmastizing (Bella's word!) at work but my dreadful cold made me feel a bit breathless as I'm so stuffed up! I really should be in bed with a hot toddy, a hot water bottle and a good film!
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Full of cold...
Waking this morning, my bloomin' cold was worse than ever so this morning was spent just pottering around and doing very little. I watched a good film with Richard Gere which had me shedding a few tears (Nights in Rondanthe) and then I went out with Mum and Soph to Weedon for a cup of tea and an amble around the twee little shops which are full of useless tat, but which is an enjoyable excursion nonetheless.
It's still very cold (-3 driving home) and we went into Mum and Dad's for a quick drink. On the television we watched Julia Bradbury climb Helvellyn which is something I've always wanted to do. She looked terrified most of the way up to the summit and I have a feeling I would be as well if I were in her shoes!
The children are not looking forward to returning to school tomorrow but I have a feeling Keith will heave a sigh of relief that things will be back to normal and he will have the house to himself once more. I can't believe that Christmas and the New Year have gone over so quickly!
Saturday, 2 January 2010
A cold day...
We took all the Christmas decorations down today which was a bit sad. I got into an awful tangle with all the lights and tinsel but a bit of patience worked it out in the end. Looking back over the festive season, it wasn't one of the best, despite a lovely Christmas Day, and I'm just glad and relieved that it's a new month, a new year and a new decade.
I felt like having a good clean out today and did manage to change our bed and put brand new bedding on.
We didn't do much today. It's freezing cold here. I hung about in the garage for a while trying to capture our two bird visitors on the camera but they must have known I was there and disappeared. We have a fat blackbird and an equally portly robin who spend most of the day with us and it would have been lovely to have taken a photo of them, but in the end I settled for a shot of our flowering geranium. It gives me hope that summer is not too far off.
Friday, 1 January 2010
New Year's Day
It was a welcome sight to see the sun shining this morning on the very first day of 2010 (it's going to take a bit of time to get used to writing that!).
I ushered my reluctant family out of the door and over to the Cotswolds for the day. My car is playing up very badly at the moment. It keeps telling me that I have a fault with my brakes (!) so mum and dad very kindly lent me their Mondeo which was lovely.
We drove over to Shipston-on-Stour via Banbury and as it was lunchtime decided to stop there rather than go on to Moreton-in Marsh. However, despite the free parking (now I know why!) there wasn't a great deal to see so we ended up in Moreton-in-Marsh anyway.
Lunch was at a very good hotel - the Redesdale Arms...
I chose a local beer - the Hook Norton 12 Days which was delicious! Very dark and bittersweet.
I managed to only take a couple of photos - the one on here is an ornate roof and windvane from a building in the town.
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