Tuesday, 31 October 2023
Alone on Halloween...
Monday, 30 October 2023
Flying the nest!
Sunday, 29 October 2023
Noctàmbul - fruity and delicious! |
Mooney - he loves sitting on the window sill and watching birds |
Mooney Moon bums |
Mooney |
Saturday, 28 October 2023
Meeting the family
Friday, 27 October 2023
A cosy night in
Thursday, 26 October 2023
A quiet start to the day
Wednesday, 25 October 2023
A busy, busy day!
Tuesday, 24 October 2023
A bit stressful...
Today was a little more stressful at work as I was working with Angela who likes to make a lot of outbound calls, so I felt like I was constantly answering the phone. It meant every time I tried to do something I was interrupted! Arrgggh!
It was heaven to leave at 4pm and head home knowing I was off on Wednesday. I was met by the cats who seemed genuinely pleased to see me, which was lovely. Normally, I walk in and Keith has them both on his lap! I don't think we've ever had such affectionate cats! We're now gradually able to tell them apart without looking too closely so that's good! Gomez has a little sharp face and is interested in everything and everyone. I dread to think what he'll get up to when we let him loose outside! I'm actually dreading it...
Sophie made a delicious dinner of Panang chicken with fried rice and it was difficult not to eat the whole lot! There were only two small portions left over for our lunch on Thursday!
Monday, 23 October 2023
Sad news...
We heard from Sara over the weekend that Jo's Mum had died, and Shirley's Dad had died, both on Saturday. Two parents on the same day... what are the chances of that for such a small group of us? It was very sad as Jo's Mum died unexpectedly.
Obviously, Jo wasn't at work today so I was on the phones with Kitty. It was the first day of the October half-term and it wasn't too busy, with just the usual calls asking if swimming lessons were still on and what times the pools were open.
In the evening I treated myself to a whisky and coke (Fevertree, not Coca-Cola) and as I don't usually drink this combination I thoroughly enjoyed one... or two! Sophie's cold is not getting any better so I made her a hot toddy later in the evening.
We watched James Martin in Spain on television, and it was bliss sitting in the cosy living room with the cats curled up on the sofa next to us.
I cooked dinner this evening which was very simple - leftover vegetables in Bubble and Squeak which I cooked in the oven for a change and the roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings from our meal yesterday. It was simple but delicious!
Sunday, 22 October 2023
![]() |
Gomey Gomez looking beautiful |
Saturday, 21 October 2023
Alternative pizza!
Friday, 20 October 2023
Scaredy cat!
Thursday, 19 October 2023
Feeling annoyed!
Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Angry words...
I was woken at 7.30am by the care home saying my Dad had had yet another fall during the night and the paramedics had been called out to him. This is the third instance of them falling over now, so I might try and speak to someone when I see Mum this afternoon.
Sophie arrived home at 8am, and before she arrived I cleaned out the cat litter tray and washed the food bowls so everything was clean. I hoped she'd have a better day in the conservatory with them!
I had so much to do this morning and I tackled my car tax, car insurance, and pet insurance for the kitties and arranged a vet appointment for next Wednesday for their second vaccination. Keith and I also called Bell's in Leicester to ask if we could go and see them next Wednesday to talk about the storage of Mum and Dad's furniture. We need to make a hard decision about what to do with everything as they can't justify spending £200 a month on the bills.
After all that was sorted out, I prepared tonight's dinner, a sausage and cabbage soup. I had to finely chop a couple of onions, shred a Savoy cabbage and take the sausage meat out of their skins and roll them into little balls.
So, the morning was a busy one, and at 2.30pm I went to collect Mum and we popped to Tesco for a coffee and some shopping. The café was full when we first arrived, so we did our shopping and then sat down with a drink. The poor girl serving was completely on her own, which explained why half the seating area was roped off.
We sat and chatted and then it was time to take her back. I managed to speak to their senior carer when I walked with her back to the room, and she said she was going to try and swap the beds around in their room to prevent any more falls.
Dad had a gash across his forehead but before I could ask him how he was, he asked if I'd brought the photo albums he'd wanted with me. Of course, I'd forgotten, as they're in the garage and out of sight, and he was quite nasty about it. I shouted back that I had enough on my plate at the moment, so it was not a good end to the visit. My Dad never asks how I am or enquires about Keith and the children, and it seems every time I visit he demands something or another.
I drove home feeling annoyed, and as soon as Sophie finished work we sat in the kitchen and had a chat. I started to prepare the dinner and had to cook the sausage balls in the oven. I fried the onions and then the cabbage and added wholegrain mustard and beef stock. The little sausage balls went in at the end and the soup did look like the recipe picture.
Unfortunately, the soup was not very good and I won't count it as one of my best! Needless to say, we didn't pack it up for our lunch tomorrow!
Tuesday, 17 October 2023
A better mood!
Monday, 16 October 2023
First frost
Sunday, 15 October 2023
Getting colder...
Conversely, I was up late this morning and opened my eyes after 9am! I hadn't been to bed late, so I must have been making up for yesterday!
It was another glorious Autumn day and although it was sunny, it was chilly. I did mounds of laundry today but had to tumble dry it as I'm sure it wouldn't have dried on the line. We concentrated on upstairs and I gave the bedrooms a good clean.
While I was pootling about, Sophie prepared tonight's meal of chicken thighs and pearl barley. A perfect meal for a cold day! We had lunch together and feasted on the leftovers from yesterday's snacks. After lunch, as most of my chores had been done, I relaxed and then had a lovely hot bath.
Sophie and I didn't play Scrabble tonight - we seem to have got out of the habit - and watched a couple of episodes of James Martin in Spain. The programmes certainly whet the appetite but some of the dishes he cooks didn't appeal! Sophie did the rest of the cooking for dinner, and there was enough left over for our lunches tomorrow.
This weekend has whizzed past but it's been very enjoyable, and I'm glad I tackled some outstanding jobs that needed doing. My arm and shoulder felt fine after the housework but only time will tell!
Our wine of choice tonight - an Alsace Pinot Noir |
Saturday, 14 October 2023
Meeting the parents!
For some unknown reason I was awake at 5.45am this morning, and after half an hour of trying to get back to sleep, I gave up and went downstairs to see the cats and have a cup of coffee.
I was glad I was up early, though, as Vikesh and his parents were coming over in the afternoon and bringing some Indian snacks to have with a cup of tea. I made a start on the cleaning, and together with Sophie helping. by lunchtime the downstairs of the house was looking lovely. I had opened the windows to get some fresh air in, even though it's been much colder today. I did not want the house to smell of cat litter!
Vikesh and his parents arrived at 2pm and brought a whole array of savoury foods for us to enjoy. We had pancake rolls, samosas, chickpea balls, spicy bhaji-type things and a delicious, steamed yellow cake that was liberally sprinkled with coriander, and was lovely eaten with chutney.
Both cats behaved beautifully and were happy to be picked up and stroked, which was great. I did wonder if they would run and hide with so many new faces, but they revelled in the attention and Vikesh loved having them on his lap.
Sophie made a delicious masala tea and we had a great afternoon chatting and laughing and getting to know one another. Outside, it was lovely and sunny which warmed up the conservatory so we didn't need to worry about the heating. We are going to have to make some decisions about the cats being out here soon as it will be too cold.
Vikesh and his parents stayed until about 5.30pm and after they'd gone, Sophie and I played cards and relaxed. We ordered a Chinese takeaway for dinner but cut down on everything as we had eaten quite a bit this afternoon!
After our meal, we watched the end of The Creature from the Black Lagoon and I looked up the main actors to see if they were still alive. Unfortunately, they had all passed away even though they were so young and vibrant in 1954. The man who was inside the Creature costume was very handsome, but would have been in his 90s if he were still alive!
Friday, 13 October 2023
Friday the 13th!
Thursday, 12 October 2023
New people!
After work today I popped home, changed, and then went to collect my Mum so I could bring her home and introduce her to Gomez and Mooney. She was waiting for me in reception and on the way back I bought some biscuits and cakes in the Co-op to have with a cup of tea.
I was wondering how the cats would react to another person, but Gomez was straight onto her lap for a cuddle. Brilliant!
Gomez on Mum's lap |
As you can expect, she was delighted and so was I! Monty would hardly ever sit on our laps and would only relax if we put his blanket down for him to lie on. And then that was only when he got older. We sat and chatted for a while and the cats were loving the attention they were receiving from us.
Keith came with me to take Mum back and then it was home to sort out the dinner and tidy up. I hoovered and the cats seemed fine with the noise, which was good. They are a bit wary of the television at the moment, but Mooney loves sitting on the windowsill in the conservatory and watching the birds. I have a feeling they are going to love being outside and hunting!
Sophie came home and had had a bad day at work so she was appreciative of the tidy house, the candles lit and the dinner all prepared. She had a drink tonight, bless her and she deserved it!
After dinner, we tried to entice the cats into the living room so they could sit with us as we watched television but they were both a bit wary. Gomez is happy to come in but Mooney is still reluctant so Gomez goes back to keep his brother company!
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
The kitts! Welcome Gomez and Mooney!
Sophie wasn't working from home today as normal because she's hosting a Halloween quiz this Friday, which is the 13th. Spooky! She had asked us the questions last night when we were sitting in the kitchen and it was brilliant! Her presentation on PowerPoint was great, and we did quite well, although some of the questions were a bit taxing!
She went off to the gym as usual this morning and I managed a lovely lie-in until 8am. Keith and I had decided to set off at 10.30am and go to Jones's before picking the kitts up at 1pm. The weather today has changed from the warm sunny conditions we've had lately, and it was grey and wet when we set out.
We drove to Jones's and I realised we hadn't been for ages. Normally, we visit in August to see if they have the Christmas stuff in (always) so we were expecting lots of seasonal goods on display today. Unfortunately, the buyers at Jones's have gone over to the dark side, and there was hardly anything available for cats... it was all about dogs! Everyone seems obsessed with canines at the moment! There were no cat bowls, only one type of open litter tray and a couple of toys, and that was it! I was very disappointed!
I had a look at the Christmas cards to see if they had my favourite Peter Pauper cards available but even they had disappeared! No wonder we haven't been for such a long time! We paid for the few things we'd bought - a bed, some toys and a fragile litter tray - and decided to pop into the new Lidl at Duston.
We were able to buy a bag of litter in Lidl but there were no cat bowls. I did manage to find a food mat and some treats, but that was it. We had no choice but to go to Pets at Home on Riverside as we were too early to set out for Buckingham.
We should have gone to Pets at Home first, to be honest as they had everything we needed, and more! We bought five food and water bowls, more treats and toys, and a scratching post as I do not want the cats to start scratching the sofa as Monty did!
At about 12pm we set off for Buckingham and decided to try the A508 again. Foolishly, I drove into Roade and discovered the road was closed out of the village. We headed towards the villages of Ashton and Hartwell and followed diversion signs, but we came to a road closure again! It was a good job we'd allowed ourselves plenty of time!
Back onto the A508, we skirted Roade and headed towards Milton Keynes going through multiple roadworks on the way. We arrived at April's house on the dot of 1pm and she led us around the back of her house again. Amazingly, as we went into the shed, the kitts came rushing up miaowing, as if they knew we had come back for them! How lovely!
We put them into the cat carrier (thank goodness we hadn't sold it at a tabletop sale a few years earlier!) and set off for home. They were extremely good and didn't make any fuss at all! As soon as we got home we let them out of the carrier and let them explore at their own pace. I fed them and we put down the litter tray in the conservatory. They seemed to be very happy in there and neither of them tried to hide, which was a good sign.
The rest of the day was spent catching up with the usual chores, so we were very busy, but we managed to find the time to sit with the kitts who were so affectionate! I don't remember Archie and Monty being so relaxed when we first brought them home! We have called the cats Gomez and Mooney and they are proper witch's cats!
Tuesday, 10 October 2023
More expense!
I had a very pleasant day at work and remembered Keith's words of last night, so I called into the garage on the way home and filled my tank with diesel. To fill it up (as it was nearly empty) cost me £90! I think that's the most I've ever paid to fill the tank, but that should last me a few weeks, and to be honest, I can't remember the last time I actually put any diesel in it, it's been so long! Definitely way before the holiday!
Sophie had finally (after a bit of confusion over email addresses) completed the adoption forms and arranged to pick up the cats tomorrow. Keith and I will have to buy a bed, bowls, litter and a litter tray before we go, so I'm hoping Jones's will have everything we need. With the shock demise of Wilko's, we will have to go to the wholesaler, but I will certainly miss the discount store very much, as it was so useful for things for the garden and bird food.
My shoulder and arm have been a lot better today so it's either the painkillers working or it's getting better! Either way, I'm relieved!
Keith made a delicious curry this evening and then it was another episode of Lupin. We couldn't remember much about the first series so it's a good job we're watching it again!
Monday, 9 October 2023
Back to work
After our busy, but very enjoyable weekend, it was back to work today, and I was exclusively managing the customer service emails as Sara is on holiday all week.
As I was so busy, the time flew by, and before going home I had a chat with Jo and Kathy for ten minutes. It's always good to have a catch-up after work and sometimes a good moan!
At home, Sophie said she'd been in touch with the Cat's Protection League office and was trying to arrange for us to pick the cats up on Wednesday when I have a day off. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this to be so soon, and we've had to postpone going to Southampton to see Mike and Abbie again on Sunday as there's no way we can leave them all day on their own. I am very glad we've decided to have two brothers as they can keep each other company, and it'll be just like having Archie and Monty again!
We watched the news with real horror tonight after the happenings in Israel at the weekend. What a start to the decade this is turning out to be. Keith warned me to fill up my car with diesel tomorrow, as he predicts that petrol and diesel prices will rise because of the war.
Tonight was an easy dinner of chicken Kyivk and afterwards, we started watching Lupin again, right from the start. Series 3 is now available on Netflix, but we had forgotten what happened, so it's right bak to the start!
Sunday, 8 October 2023
Yesterday rats, today cats...
I think this was Gomez |
Saturday, 7 October 2023
A Fancy rat show...
Friday, 6 October 2023
So glad it's Friday!
Thursday, 5 October 2023
Totting up the cost!
Wednesday, 4 October 2023
Seeking expert help!
Tuesday, 3 October 2023
Changing my mind
Monday, 2 October 2023
Pain, pain, go away!
This horrible pain has not gone away with a day's rest yesterday, and my arm hurt all day at work. I was pretty fed up at the end of my shift, especially because the painkillers hadn't worked.
The weather was cloudy and dull when Keith picked me up and it started to rain heavily in the evening. Sophie and I sat and watched James Martin's Spanish Adventure which was perfection because:
1) We had a fantastic storm raging outside
2) I was enjoying a whisky and ginger ale
3) The programme was about food
4) The programme was about travel
5) Someone else was cooking dinner
At times, we paused the programme so we could watch the lightning outside and listen to the thunder boom all around us. Every now and again the rain became torrential, and we opened the windows so we could listen to it.
Keith cooked chicken pie for dinner tonight using a sauce from a jar, but I wished he'd made his own gravy like he normally does. There wasn't a great deal of taste!
Sunday, 1 October 2023
A Greek treat!
I had a disturbed night's sleep again and vowed to go and buy some co-codamol today to deal with the pain. I was sitting downstairs at midnight with a bag of frozen peas on my shoulder. Not really what I want to do on a Saturday night!