Thursday, 31 August 2023
A busy Thursday!
Wednesday, 30 August 2023
Admiring the moon!
My poor attempt while Keith was driving! |
Outside Laura's house |
Tuesday, 29 August 2023
What day is it?
When I woke up this morning, I was convinced today was Monday! At work, the computers were playing up, and only a few were working correctly, so poor Sheila had to log onto every individual one to check. I was back answering the phone first thing but once it calmed down I was able to tackle the emails again. As it's so much quieter, Sara can't justify having someone extra in to cover my job, and I don't mind keeping an eye on the calls coming in and jumping on if it gets busy!
Thankfully, the computer problem was fixed by mid-morning and we were able to get on with our work!
Back at home, I played cards with Keith, and we prepared chicken casserole with dumplings for dinner. It was the perfect meal as it was a real Autumnal evening with heavy rain. It's noticeably darker now in the evenings, with night falling at about 8pm. It's also the same in the mornings, and Sophie is starting to put the outside light on when she goes out to her car.
Although it was dark and rainy, it was lovely and cosy! Bring it on!
Monday, 28 August 2023
A day off.
Sunday, 27 August 2023
A Sunday treat!
Saturday, 26 August 2023
A spot of gardening
Friday, 25 August 2023
Special wine night!
After a good night's sleep, I felt a lot better this morning, plus it was cooler. It was a good job I felt more energetic as I managed to achieve a lot today! I had a whole load of films to input into the system up until October, I answered all the emails and put on the playscheme places, also for the October half-term week. I just need to put on the swim camps for October and then I won't have to worry when I return at the end of September!
It was blissfully good to leave at 4pm and look forward to a long weekend, as I'm not working on Monday! Hooray! Tonight was a special wine night - our Champagne and snacks evening, which we are going to enjoy on the first Friday after Sophie gets paid. Yipppeee!
Keith had bought us the Aldi Champagne, which is delicious, and disappeared very quickly! We also feasted on little satay chicken sticks, tiny blue cheese cubes, which were gorgeous, and cheese straws. Phew! We watched a new Netflix documentary about an Anthrax outbreak in the US just after 9/11, but the sky outside was a little more interesting, to be honest, and I'm sure at one point we heard thunder.
Keith didn't go to the pub tonight, and he cooked chilli con Carne for dinner. The Champagne had long gone so we opened a bottle of Malbec and sipped that with dinner. After we'd eaten, we watched the Athletics Championships from Budapest, which we enjoyed very much!
Thursday, 24 August 2023
Cancelled plans
Wednesday, 23 August 2023
A disappointing evening...
My car was due its MOT today and Keith and I were a little worried about the outcome. We said that we'd accept anything up to £300 but after that, we would seriously think about saying goodbye, which would honestly break my heart. I've had the Audi for ten years and it's now done over 180,000 miles and still drives well. I'm always weighing up the pros and cons of having the bit of bodywork done and repairing the carpet in the driver's footwell and keeping her, but it's a mistake to get emotionally attached to a car!
We dropped her off at about 8.30 am and returned home, where I indulged in a coffee and pastry sitting with Sophie in the conservatory as she worked away. Outside it was grey and gloomy with the odd spot of rain, so the laundry had to go into the tumble dryer today!
Mid-morning, Keith and I popped to Tesco to take back my Dad's trousers and get a little bit of shopping. I bought a bottle of 19 Crimes Rosé for Sophie and me to enjoy this evening, as well as a bag of Popchips. Keith selected a zero-alcohol beer just to try!
In the afternoon the sun came out and it grew warm which meant that Sophie was bombarded with flies and wasps getting into the conservatory. It was very annoying! I sat in the kitchen researching restaurants in Amboise and Rocamadour which was very pleasant!
In the evening, we opened the wine but I was immediately disappointed. It was £9.50 but, to me anyway, it had a bitter aftertaste and certainly wasn't as delicious and fruity as I'd been expecting. Even the Popchips tasted like cardboard! Not the most successful of buys! Keith wasn't keen on his 0% alcohol beer, either!
We barbecued this evening and Keith was not happy about the kebabs I'd asked him to buy because I fancied something different. He put them on the barbecue but in the end, I cooked them in the oven. I also made a tomatoey vegetable dish with onions and a courgette but neither of my family would touch it! Honestly!
The sausages were good, though!
Tuesday, 22 August 2023
Work shock!
We had a bit of a shock this morning when one of the new girls gave her notice. Sara was dismayed with the news, and has asked her to still do one day to help out, and if she does decide to leave, to cover September as we're so short of staff then.
The rest of the shift was pleasantly busy and I made inroads into the moan report to try and get it done before I go away. I'm chasing up our Marketing manager as well to try and get most of September's films onto the system, and also chasing Sheila for the October half-term! The problem we have at work is we're always working in the future... I've been putting the children's classes on until next March!
When I arrived home the kitchen smelt of spicy curry, which Keith had been preparing for dinner. It was delicious!
We watched the end of the volcano documentary (very sad and I cried) and then enjoyed the World Athletics Championships from Budapest, which was a lot more cheerful!
Monday, 21 August 2023
Another Monday rolls around!
So today is the start of the 5th week of the school holidays and they are flying by! Just one more week to go! It has been noticeably quieter than in previous years (2021 and 2022) and even today, traditionally the busiest day of the week, was nice and calm!
At 4pm I headed home, put the vacuum cleaner around, and did the usual evening jobs. Keith had been cooking the beef all day again in the slow cooker, and it was delicious served with roasted vegetables and baps.
After we'd eaten, Sophie and I watched the last episode of Aftershock about the Nepalese earthquake, and then we started watching another about a volcano erupting in New Zealand, which was quite harrowing. I don't think it's wise to mess with Nature!
Sunday, 20 August 2023
Sunny Sunday
Saturday, 19 August 2023
A Mexican evening
Friday, 18 August 2023
It's Friday... again!
Thursday, 17 August 2023
A quiet Thursday
Wednesday, 16 August 2023
Sophie was working from home again today and arrived back at 8am, just as we were getting up! Keith and I pootled about in the morning, and we had the Women's World Cup on in the background. England scored first and when I went upstairs to get a shower, I put the game on and Australia scored! For this reason, I'm not going to watch the final on Sunday when England play Spain! It was fabulous that they won and beat Australia!
Keith wanted to drive over to Rushden this afternoon to prepare for a match he's going to on Saturday. Sileby haven't yet played a home game so he wanted to see them play away. I had to pick up a delivery from Brixworth Library so we headed there first. The road out of the village was supposed to be closed today but, although it was open, there were huge machines parked up outside the village. I just knew, that later on when I went to collect Mum, it would be closed!
We parked near the library and I followed a Mum in with three children. All I had to do was pick up a parcel, but the Mum in front of me wanted to sign her daughter up for the Summer Reading Challenge. This, of course, involved lots of questions and took forever... I stood and waited patiently at first, but when the woman then said she wanted to sign her two sons up as well, I became a little annoyed. The member of staff could see I was waiting and had probably guessed that I was there just to pick up a parcel, so why didn't she deal with me while the children were looking at the books?
In the end, as the woman droned on and on, I had to ask if there was anyone else to help as I had very little time (we were picking Mum up after our visit to Rushden) and she came over. She dealt with me in less than a minute!
We followed Trish's directions to Rushden, found the ground and scouted out what the parking was like. Once this was done, we drove back to Kettering and I went to collect Mum. On the way to their room, one of the carers said that the brake on Dad's wheelchair was faulty. He's had it for three years so I said I'd buy him a new one to replace it. Just another thing to add to the list!
We took Mum home and made a cup of tea to go with a cake I'd bought at a Co-op earlier. Sophie was in a meeting so we sat in the living room with Keith and chatted but Mum seemed very down today and it was hard work, to be honest. I tried to put a video of our wedding on, but the DVD player refused to read the disc so we had to give up! Not the most successful of afternoons!
As we left to take Mum back, there was a sign saying the road into the village was closed so we were forced to drive to Walgrave and take the narrow single-track road to get to the A43. We dropped Mum off and returned home, and I felt pretty miserable about how the afternoon had turned out. It seems that whatever I do is never enjoyable for my parents and I just end up feeling guilty.
Sophie finished work and at 6pm, we cracked open the bottle of Champagne that had been chilling in the fridge and played Scrabble. Sophie ordered a Chinese takeaway and we had a much better evening than yesterday!
Tuesday, 15 August 2023
The glums...
Monday, 14 August 2023
Sunday, 13 August 2023
Saturday, 12 August 2023
Idling the day away...
Friday, 11 August 2023
A relaxed end to the week
Thursday, 10 August 2023
Birthday shopping
Wednesday, 9 August 2023
A celeb sighting!
My idea of heaven! |
Tuesday, 8 August 2023
Last of the cool...
Monday, 7 August 2023
A quiet Monday
Sunday, 6 August 2023
A sociable day!
Today was supposed to have been almost as bad, weatherwise, as yesterday, but we got away with it, enjoying blue skies, sunshine, and no rain. I pootled about all morning, catching up with jobs and scanning some photos onto the computer. I'd wanted to try and tidy up the garage but gave up, leaving it for a day when I hadn't got to go anywhere. I just wasn't in the mood to go to the tip with all the rubbish!
Sophie went out for lunch with Daisy and Laura to Farndon Fields, and at 2pm, I went to the care home to see Mum and Dad. I bought myself a sandwich in the Co-op as I hadn't had time for lunch. Mum was a bit down today so it wasn't the most cheering of meetings, and I left at 3.30pm to be home at the same time as Sophie.
Vikesh came over to see her and they went to the pub for a drink. The weather said it was going to rain as they set off, so they drove there but we didn't have a drop, just some dark clouds. While they were gone I sat and read all the newspapers and was sitting in exactly the same position when they got back. It was bliss to have a quiet hour and a good read.
Sophie and I played Scrabble and I thrashed my daughter even though she had Vikesh to help her. I used all my tiles on my very first word which definitely gave me a head start! Vikesh kept trying to come up with words that didn't exist, which was hilarious! We drank a beautiful red wine called Pepper Box and it went very well with dinner tonight - beef casserole with a crispy potato topping and lots of vegetables.
There was a lot left over so we've kept it for dinner again tomorrow night, served with bubble and squeak!
Saturday, 5 August 2023
Stormy Saturday
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Selection of cakes |