We used the new rice bowls I'd bought! |
Our own Falooda! |
It was a long slog until midnight but we made it and watched the fireworks in London before wishing each other a Happy New Year! Let's hope 2024 is a good year for us all!
We used the new rice bowls I'd bought! |
Our own Falooda! |
We often ask ourselves on New Year's Eve whether this has been a good year or not, and I think 2023 was. We did a fair amount of travelling, we all made it through and we're still healthy and active! I will say, though, that the year has passed at an alarming speed and I'm so glad I write a blog to keep a record of what we got up to!
There have been a lot of good days, and here's a list of the best!
Sunday, January 15th - My birthday and a visit to the V&A followed by an excellent lunch at Ognisko, a Polish restaurant in London.
Wednesday, February 2nd - a trip to London and lunch at the Relais de Venise, L'Entrecote.
Wednesday, April 5th - Sophie's birthday, a Dali Immersive experience and a delicious Indian lunch.
Thursday. April 20th - Ten minutes in Luxembourg, the gorgeous Alsace countryside, wonderful lunch and shopping in Colmar.
Saturday, April 22nd - a day in Switzerland, a boat trip, and an Italian lunch.
Sunday, May 7th - Montreuil-sur-Mer, and lunch in Wimereux.
Wednesday, July 5th - another trip to London, a new café for coffee and a repeat visit to L'Entrecote.
Wednesday, August 9th - London, a good browse in Daunt's books and lunch at Cote Brasserie. A celeb sighting made our day!
Wednesday, September 13th - a visit to L'Escala, relaxing beers overlooking the beach and lunch at Cal Galan.
Tuesday, September 19th - Gala-Dali Castle, lunch in Peratellada, dinner at Antic Casino
Saturday, November 25th - a trip to London to see the Monet Immersive, fantastic shopping and a delicious late lunch!
Friday, December 29th - a festive treat to London, strolling along Marylebone High Street and a delicious lunch at Ognisko again.
Here's to a fabulous 2024!
Manhattan cocktails made with our French walnut liqueur |
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Festive window at Bayley & Sage |
Bar area |
I was up early this morning to find Keith already downstairs in the kitchen. Outside, it was raining and windy. Storm Gerrit had arrived, although it wasn't supposed to affect us that badly, and we had no weather warnings in place for today.
I curled up on the sofa and started watching Alfred Hitchcock's Suspicion starring Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine. It was the perfect day to indulge in a good black-and-white film!
Sophie came down and made us both coffee and toast. We watched some more of Suspicion, and then it was time for a shower, as I'd promised Mum we'd go and see her today. I'd forgotten one of my Dad's Christmas presents, so we braved the wind and rain and drove over to Kettering.
Predictably, the care home was busy with people coming and going and the staff looking festive, but we found Mum and Dad asleep in their room. I really wish they would take part in more activities; there was the usual Wednesday coffee morning taking place in one of the lounges and lots of things going on later in the day. My Dad was delighted with his JFK book and started looking through it immediately, which was great. My Mum, unfortunately, was not in the best of moods this morning and barely spoke to us. She had a vacant look about her and said she'd had a bad night with my Dad's coughing. Sophie noticed she had a swelling on one of her toes so we called in a carer to have a look at it. She was as baffled as we were about what had caused it but said that someone would come and take a look.
As Mum was in such a morose mood, we left and returned home where we had lunch, and I treated myself to a glass of wine! We had been invited for tea at Vikesh's house later in the afternoon, but his Mum was having her own crisis with her mother, so we postponed until another time. We dropped Sophie off and sloshed our way home in the wind and rain. What a difference to yesterday!
Keith had been looking forward to going to a football match in the evening, but as we suspected, it was called off due to the weather. He decided to pop to Tesco as we had no beer in the house at all, no bread, no milk and just a couple of toilet rolls! I have no idea what day it is at the moment as it feels like a continuous run of Sundays!
I pootled about and relaxed in the early evening and we had leftovers for dinner again. I think I am all turkeyed out now! Once dinner was out of the way, we caught up with some recorded Christmas programmes and cuddled the cats who were very affectionate this evening. They have calmed down after Mike's visit but he'll probably stay over again before he and Abbie return to Southampton. We have no idea when, so they'll probably become skittish again!
Sophie arrived home at about 11pm and had had a great night with Vikesh's cousins. They have planned a visit to London later in January and there'll be twelve of them going! Blimey!
I was up early this morning and decided to watch the Christmas episode of All Creatures Great and Small. Mike and Abbie were also up early and, after showering, left to spend the day with Abbie's Dad.
Once Sophie was up, we enjoyed bacon and tomatoes for breakfast and looked forward to chilling out for the rest of the day, with a walk planned to visit our local pub this afternoon. It was great to relax and pootle about, eating some chocolates and watching television. The weather was cold and sunny but tomorrow Storm Gerrit will affect the north of England and Scotland, with rain and strong winds forecast.
At about 3pm, we set off for the pub and had a lovely walk to the village. It certainly blew the cobwebs away! The pub was busy, with people lingering after lunchtime meals and standing at the bar with drinks. Almost everyone had a dog with them!
We found a table next to the bar and Matthew, the manager, greeted us warmly. Sophie and I enjoyed half a Guinness each, while Keith had a pint of IPA. I'd recognised our "new" (not so new now, I suppose) neighbour's car parked outside so I kept a look out for them. Apart from parcelgate, we have barely spoken to them since they arrived last December, and I have never spoken to the woman, or even seen her properly.
Keith, Sophie and I had a lovely chat and thoroughly dissected Christmas! As we were talking, our neighbours came to the bar but we didn't speak, even though I'm sure they knew who we were! I just thought it was such a shame we don't know each other properly, and I sorely miss the old days when we were so sociable with our neighbours!
We had another drink and the pub began to empty out. Another neighbour, Sonal, came in with her family and we had a chat, before drinking up and walking home. The sky wasn't totally black and the stars were out, with an almost full moon.
Back home, we carried on with the beer theme and tried out some more of Vikesh's stouts and porters. Sophie wasn't keen on a couple of them, but Keith and I enjoyed some of the nuttier, smokier bottles.
Dinner tonight was, of course, bubble and squeak and cold turkey, supplemented by some more sausages. Sophie had chopped all the leftovers up this morning and I baked them in the oven so the vegetables, pigs in blankets and Yorkshire puddings were crispy. As always, it was almost better than the main meal yesterday!
I still have four whiskies to try and haven't sampled them yet as I've mostly been drinking wine over the last few days. I will save them up for New Year's Eve perhaps!
I was first up this morning and I forgot to put the presents in the stockings! Oops! Sophie came down and asked where they were! I went upstairs, sorted them out and came down with them bulging! I was glad I was able to fit them all in!
One by one everyone emerged, and I put trays of pastries in the oven for breakfast, and we opened a bottle of Champagne. While the pastries were cooking we opened our gifts, and Keith and I were delighted to receive a beautiful hamper from Vikesh's family and a bottle of Irish whiskey from Abbie. All this did was make me feel guilty because our gifts were nowhere near as good! Mike and Sophie were delighted with their stocking fillers and the presents I'd bought yesterday at the last minute were probably the most appreciated - leather gardening gloves for Mike to use in his job, and a sweet stone coaster with a black cat painted on it for Sophie.
Sophie opened her presents from Vikesh - she received a beautiful Lego Succulents kit - and Mike and Abbie opened theirs, while I sorted out the pastries and set the table. We then enjoyed croissants with jam and butter, and Portuguese tarts, as well as pecan lattice pastries and toasted Pannetone. I opened a second bottle of Champagne and we enjoyed a lovely relaxed breakfast.
After clearing away and stacking the dishwasher Keith, Sophie and I planned out the cooking of the meal. We decided what time to put the turkey into the oven, and Keith prepared all the vegetables. It was a hive of activity! We'd decided on 3pm for lunch and I set the table with our best china and cutlery. With the grey and white crackers and the shining glassware, the table looked lovely.
I'd had plans to relax in the living room with a glass or two of Sherry and a film, but it didn't quite work out like that. Mike and Abbie were sprawled all over the sofa, so I sat and read the newspapers in the kitchen with my Sherry. They then came out and suggested a game of cards so we played until things began hotting up and Keith and Sophie needed help.
The last hour was spent writing down the timings for the vegetables and trimmings and at just past 3pm it was all ready. I carved the turkey and put the platter on the dining table, and then helped Sophie dish up. We left all the vegetables, pigs in blankets, Yorkshire puddings, etc, on the kitchen island as we'd never have fitted it all onto the table. My wonderful husband and daughter had prepared and cooked the turkey, stuffing balls, sausages wrapped in bacon, Brussels sprouts cooked with diced bacon, red cabbage and apple, honey-glazed roasted carrots and parsnips, roast potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower, and mashed swede! Phew!
It was a fantastic dinner and was beautifully cooked. I'd chosen two bottles of Vouvray to accompany the meal and the white wine went well with the turkey. Mike went back for an enormous second helping and we pulled the crackers at the end of the meal.
Sophie and I washed up, stacked the dishwasher and cleared away, and then we collapsed in a heap in the living room. Keith went upstairs for a long nap (he deserved it) while Sophie and Abbie also fell asleep. Even I napped for ten minutes while watching Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond try and find the source of the Nile in three old estate cars in Africa!
At 6pm we served Sophie's Tiramisu and my daughter and I had to sit in the kitchen as there were no chairs free in the living room... The dessert was gorgeous and after we'd eaten we decided to go upstairs and watch television. Mike and Abbie were sprawled all over the sofa again and if we'd sat in the living room one of us would have had to sit on the floor. We took Mooney with us who was delighted to curl up on the bed and go to sleep.
I have to say it was a long night but we enjoyed a couple of episodes of Help! We Bought a Village! and sipped the rest of the bottle of Vouvray. How lovely that we were actually in the village in September!
🎄Happy Christmas to you all, and here's to a peaceful 2024!🎅
Again, I was up at about 7am and having a quiet coffee with Mooney. Gomez can't wait to go out in the morning and cries at the door to be let out, bless him!
The weather has been grey, horrible and rainy all day so definitely not a white Christmas this year. Sophie made Tiramisu this morning for tomorrow's lunch, and I helped by whipping the cream and licking the bowl... well, you just have to! It is Christmas! She used the rest of my Tassimo decaffeinated espresso pods, which I was pleased about as they have been hanging around for a fair while!
We drove over to the care home and delivered Mum and Dad's presents. My Dad was still in bed with a chest infection, but he was looking better than I had expected. We stayed with my Mum for almost an hour and then left to drive to Weedon. Googly sent me off on a cross-country route, taking in the villages of Cold Ashby, West Haddon and Watford, and the countryside was a mix of greens and browns. I wished it was colder and frosty!
We spent a very pleasant half-hour shopping, and I bought another couple of stocking fillers for the children. At 2pm, we walked across to The 1867 for lunch and this time we were seated indoors. In fact, there was nobody outside at all and the restaurant was far quieter than I had anticipated. Sophie chose lasagne while I opted for a jacket potato with tuna mayonnaise. We each enjoyed a glass of wine with our meal.
Halfway through our meal, a family came in with a dog who started barking, and this set another one off who was in a dog-pushchair type of contraption... This made three dogs (there was another at the table next to us) in a small dining area! Sometimes, I can't quite believe this is allowed as years ago, dogs were never allowed in cafés or restaurants, but now they seem to be as accepted as children and are often treated like them! The couple next to us had the restaurant's own treat jar for dogs on their table and another dog owner came over to help herself!
After our meal, we decided to have Christmas pudding and custard and it was delicious! It was 4pm by now and we definitely took the hint that the staff wanted to pack up and go home, so we drank the dregs of our wine and paid the bill. I was hoping to buy another couple of presents but everything was closed! I had tried to find out about the opening times on the website this morning but there were no special notices about Christmas, so I assumed that all the shops would be open until 5pm.
We drove home through the gloom, and as soon as we arrived home, Mike left to collect Abbie from town. We settled down to watch some television and they returned. We sat and chatted in the living room before a supper of cold meats, salad and new potatoes. Afterwards, I felt like we hadn't put enough of a spread on, as the food had rapidly disappeared, but we hadn't really been told what Mike and Abbie were doing for dinner this evening.
Mike threw one of the cat toys at Sophie, which hit her in the face, so she went upstairs to be with the cats and be away from her brother. Gomez and Mooney have been wary of Mike for some reason and will not warm to him at all, which is very strange. Whether it's because he comes in without knocking on the door, I have no idea, but they have been skittish and jumpy around him and seem to prefer to be upstairs out of the way. I suppose it's a lot for them to cope with at Christmas!
I was awake at about 7am this morning which was perfect, and gave me time to feed the cats and have a coffee. Sophie had an appointment at the beauty salon at 9.45am so I drove her over and waited in the car. Mike had texted me to ask what time it was OK to be home and I said any time, of course! I did wonder if he wanted a lift but he didn't mention it!
On the way home, we called into the Waitrose at Moulton and Sophie treated me to a pastry for breakfast. As soon as I ate it, I started work in the house, and more specifically, the conservatory. Vikesh was due to come over in the evening for a meal with us, and there would be five sitting down to dinner. Mike arrived shortly after we got back and had driven himself, so no lift was required! He'd brought a load of stuff with him, including a present for us all from Abbie.
I cleaned the conservatory and Sophie hoovered, dusted the living room and cleaned the bathroom. Keith and Mike went out into the garden and cut down the trees at the back, as well as pruning a lot of the bushes. Keith had been wanting to do this for a long time and it did look a lot neater, but Mike said it was badly overgrown, especially the ivy that grows along the fence. This was now pushing up against the conservatory windows, which I hadn't been aware of. He cut it back but said we really should get rid of it completely. We'd like to but we think it's propping up the fence! It was great that all four of us were working on the house - many hands indeed make light work!
In the late afternoon, Vikesh came around and met Mike for the first time. The four of us played cards in the kitchen, and at 5.30pm he sat with Keith to watch Liverpool play Arsenal. The three of us carried on playing cards, and there was a lovely atmosphere this evening, which I was relieved about. There can be a bit of friction between Sophie and Mike sometimes, so it was great to see them laughing together.
We ordered a Chinese takeaway and the meal arrived quicker than we expected. We all sat in the conservatory where I'd lit candles to make it cosy. I was just glad that the weather outside was mild and we didn't need to have a radiator blasting out heat!
After dinner, I suggested the film Die Hard but wasn't aware it went on for over two hours! By the time it had finished, I was definitely ready for bed!
We have weather warnings out for wind today, and it's set to continue like that for a few days. I've already looked at the forecast, and as usual, Christmas Day will be wet and mild...
I had virtually nothing to do at work, so I left at 11.30am. There was no point sitting there for another two and a half hours, and I had plenty to do at home!
I noticed lots of twigs and small branches all over the road on the way home, and I suspected a tree had come down as there were leaves and splintered wood at one point near Walgrave. When I arrived home and checked the local Facebook page, I learnt I had avoided making a detour as there was indeed a tree down!
I felt a bit giddy with the sudden, unexpected freedom and had lunch with Keith sitting at the island in the kitchen. I then made sure I used the bonus hours by catching up with some housework and other jobs that needed doing!
Sophie returned home after a stressful day at work and said she fancied a glass of wine, so no whisky tonight. I'm going to save them up for the weekend as tomorrow is our Spanish night when we're going to sample a couple of sherries and then watch the very last episode of James Martin in Spain!
My neck felt slightly better this morning so I drove myself to work. I still had just under three hours of holiday left to take (before the year ends) so I asked Sara if I could finish early today. She agreed, so I left at 1.15pm! What a bonus!
I sped home and managed to catch up with some jobs in the afternoon. I called Mum and Dad's opticians to confirm an order for them and did lots of housework, i.e. cleaning up after the kitts who leave a trail of destruction in their wake!
When Sophie arrived home the house looked lovely, cosy and clean! I had lit the candles and it was prettily festive.
Dinner tonight was easy - pizza and roasted vegetables, and before we ate, we saw a little more of Gone Fishing again. I just can't get enough of the scenery, and although I realised it definitely wasn't December when they visited (probably more like October or November), it still looked gorgeous.
After dinner, Keith and Sophie watched Newcastle. My daughter has suddenly changed into a huge football fan and was very vocal about Newcastle's performance this evening! I sat in the kitchen and sampled two of my whiskies:
The first, Roe & Co was a blended Irish Whiskey at 45%. It reminded me of plums, spiced fruit and custard. One I would definitely buy!
The second, The English Original Single Malt at 43% was very light in colour. When I had a smell and a taste, it reminded me of Fisherman's Friends cough sweets and made my eyes water! With a little water added, I detected pear drops but there was an odd chemical aftertaste! Not one I will be buying!
I joined Keith and Sophie in the living room and listened to the shrieks and groans. What has happened to my daughter and where has the real Sophie gone!
My neck was very painful today and I'm fed up with always having an ache somewhere! I must be getting old! It was so stiff that I asked Keith to drive me to work because I could barely turn my head to the left!
Work was exceptionally quiet and I had a long chat with Kathy before the phone lines opened. Sara wasn't in and there were hardly any emails to deal with. Very soon, I'm going to run out of things to do!
Keith came back to collect me at 4pm and we drove home via Overtsone for a change, and to avoid the traffic on the A43. He had prepared a lovely chicken curry that smelt delectable!
Before dinner, we caught up with James Martin in Spain. This has been a long series (20 episodes) and the end is in sight. We're planning to watch the very last episode this Friday and have a sip of Ratafia every time James says "Amazing", which he does a lot! The last episode is from Girona and he actually finds out how Ratafia is made. We brought home a bottle from L'Escala, as we enjoyed it a couple of times after a meal. We also have some Sherry to sample and I'm going to treat us to a bottle of Cava. Spanish Wine Night!
No whisky for me tonight. I have two to enjoy tomorrow!
My neck hurts at the moment... the pain in my shoulder/back has now moved to my neck, and I think it happened when I was talking to Nicola at work the other day, and rather than move to face her, I kept craning around! Hopefully, a dose of Nurofen will get rid of it!
It's been a windy but dry day and we sorted out some chores this morning, namely Sophie's car insurance and the house insurance. Boring! We also looked at some restaurants in France for our trip next month, and that was not boring!
We pootled about and did some housework, ate leftover Chinese for lunch, and delivered our Christmas cards to neighbours in the afternoon. Getting out and having some fresh air was lovely, but it was very breezy!
When we returned, we had hot chocolate and sat and chatted in the kitchen. I can't believe how quickly Christmas is approaching, and Sophie and I are looking forward to some time off. I'm just excited at the thought of lie-ins!
I sat and sampled my whiskies this evening. Here they are:
The Teeling Small Batch Irish Whiskey was 40% and I found it sweet, honeyed and smooth. I'm a fan of this whisky anyway, so that was no surprise!
The Morris Signature Single Malt Whisky was 40% and was from Australia! It was smoky and reminded me of hot dogs on the barbecue! Sophie had a sniff and said it reminded her of woodsmoke and apricots. It was very unusual but delicious.
The cats have been very affectionate today and a pleasure to be around. I'm hoping that they are getting used to us and our little ways as a family now! They've certainly stopped skedaddling when Sophie or Keith shouts at the football!
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Mooney, with a paw slung casually over the armrest |
After a lovely cottage pie for dinner, we settled down to watch television and enjoyed Gone Fishing with Bob Mortimer and Paul Whitehouse in Norway. It was last year's Christmas special but we enjoyed it all over again, and the scenery was stunning. I want to go!
Gomez cuddled up to me and was ultra sweet and cuddly!
Mooney Moon Bums |
Little monkey Gomez |
I didn't have the best night's sleep and woke up feeling a bit bleary this morning! When I arrived at work I was surprised to find I was first in for a change! Normally, Sheila is in before me. However, when she arrived, she was a bit upset as she'd had a prang in her car. I tried to reassure her that it happens to us all (I once backed down my drive and hit my Dad's car even though the rear sensors were screaming at me!) but she was annoyed with herself, nonetheless.
Today has been another quiet day and even Jo ran out of things to do! I scanned another load of box office returns and I'm hoping that I'll have my emails to deal with on Thursday!
At home, I played cards with Keith while Sophie cooked stand and stuff tacos, with chicken and lots of vegetables. We indulged in two episodes of Grand Designs after dinner, one of which was filmed in the pandemic with Kevin McCloud and the couple standing a suitable distance away from each other. Remember those days?!
The whisky this evening was a Mortlach 12 year old single malt whisky at 43.4%. I tasted liquorice and hints of sweetness with this tiny bottle!
We didn't try all of these - we left some for another day! |