I made muffins this morning, with old bananas that had been hanging around for far too long and some pears that were over-ripe. I hate seeing food go to waste so it was great to make twelve muffins to enjoy as a late breakfast with a cup of tea.
Keith and I had various chores to do and we popped into B&Q and Wickes to look at lights for the kitchen. We have little lights under the cupboard that have hardly ever worked and Keith wanted to see if we could find some and replace the ones that were broken. We saw some but I fear it will be a fiddly job, to be honest!
In Wickes we spotted some tiles that we liked so we bought a sample from the gormless member of staff on the checkout. They're lighter than the ones we picked out before and have a sort of marble effect...
I think they'll go great with the carpet on the landing and make the room a lot lighter!
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Not the best of days!
Today didn't start out well as I had a huge argument with Mike. We start waking him up at 6am and this morning he was still in bed at 6.50am...and we leave at 7! I shouted at him to get up, so we didn't have the best of journeys into work. I am totally fed up with his attitude in the mornings and it's hard work, to be honest. The person I feel most sorry for is Keith as he really shouldn't be getting up early at all!
Work was busy again, but we had slightly fewer phone calls than yesterday which enabled me to do most of the box office returns. It still annoys me that a lot of our phone calls are to do with information that is readily available on our website!
At 2pm Keith picked me up and we headed down to Riverside where we enjoyed a coffee in Costa (along with a sausage roll each!). I hadn't even had time to go to the loo at work so it was lovely to sit and relax for a while!
After popping into Boots and JD Sports (Keith wanted some shorts) we drove to get Mike in the pouring rain. This morning the sun shone out of a beautiful blue sky, but it has steadily got worse over the course of the day and it was really lashing it down when we went to get our son. He came out a bit early so we were home at just after 3.30pm!
When Sophie came home I happened to notice a message on our answerphone and it was from Sophie's insurance company, regarding the very minor prang she'd had last Friday. She hadn't heard from the other woman which we thought was strange but it looks like she had gone straight to Sophie's insurer and was now claiming whiplash injury. This was laughable as there was hardly a scratch on Sophie's car and even less on hers and Sophie must have been travelling at about 2 miles an hour when she hit the other car. Sophie had a long conversation on the phone and was assured that everything would be OK and she was asked to take photos of her car and to send them off. It goes without saying that they are contesting the claim.
Sophie was very upset by all of this, as were Keith and I and it's just another little niggle in a long line of problems. We all felt fed up. To try and cheer Sophie up I made her an Old Fashioned and we sat and played cards while our chilli con carne cooked. Over dinner, Mike made funny videos of us so Sophie was laughing by the end of the meal, thank goodness!
Work was busy again, but we had slightly fewer phone calls than yesterday which enabled me to do most of the box office returns. It still annoys me that a lot of our phone calls are to do with information that is readily available on our website!
At 2pm Keith picked me up and we headed down to Riverside where we enjoyed a coffee in Costa (along with a sausage roll each!). I hadn't even had time to go to the loo at work so it was lovely to sit and relax for a while!
After popping into Boots and JD Sports (Keith wanted some shorts) we drove to get Mike in the pouring rain. This morning the sun shone out of a beautiful blue sky, but it has steadily got worse over the course of the day and it was really lashing it down when we went to get our son. He came out a bit early so we were home at just after 3.30pm!
When Sophie came home I happened to notice a message on our answerphone and it was from Sophie's insurance company, regarding the very minor prang she'd had last Friday. She hadn't heard from the other woman which we thought was strange but it looks like she had gone straight to Sophie's insurer and was now claiming whiplash injury. This was laughable as there was hardly a scratch on Sophie's car and even less on hers and Sophie must have been travelling at about 2 miles an hour when she hit the other car. Sophie had a long conversation on the phone and was assured that everything would be OK and she was asked to take photos of her car and to send them off. It goes without saying that they are contesting the claim.
Sophie was very upset by all of this, as were Keith and I and it's just another little niggle in a long line of problems. We all felt fed up. To try and cheer Sophie up I made her an Old Fashioned and we sat and played cards while our chilli con carne cooked. Over dinner, Mike made funny videos of us so Sophie was laughing by the end of the meal, thank goodness!
Monday, 29 July 2019
Busy, busy!
I'd forgotten that I had a first aid training session after work this afternoon so I had to call Keith before my shift started to ask him to pick me up at 3pm.
Predictably, as it was the first Monday of the school holidays, we were hectically busy and there was only Louiza and myself manning the phones. The calls were non-stop. Stella, the cinema lady, was off sick today and although I said to Sheila I'd try to do the box office returns, I just didn't have the time.
At 2pm, the two Saras and me went downstairs to one of the studio rooms and we were given training on CPR and the use of a defibrillator. I'm just glad it was a little cooler today as it was quite energetic doing CPR and kneeling about on the floor! I was quite pleased when it was over, to be honest!
Keith had picked Mike up from work at 12pm as his arms were hurting so we went straight to Brixworth where I posted out some parcels, and then on to Tesco where we bought dinner for tonight. It had turned warm again and was about 27c so not that pleasant to be shopping and thinking about meals!
We watched the racing in the evening and I picked out a winner! Keith is having a great time putting the odd £1 or £2 onto various horses and is enjoying having an interest!
Predictably, as it was the first Monday of the school holidays, we were hectically busy and there was only Louiza and myself manning the phones. The calls were non-stop. Stella, the cinema lady, was off sick today and although I said to Sheila I'd try to do the box office returns, I just didn't have the time.
At 2pm, the two Saras and me went downstairs to one of the studio rooms and we were given training on CPR and the use of a defibrillator. I'm just glad it was a little cooler today as it was quite energetic doing CPR and kneeling about on the floor! I was quite pleased when it was over, to be honest!
Keith had picked Mike up from work at 12pm as his arms were hurting so we went straight to Brixworth where I posted out some parcels, and then on to Tesco where we bought dinner for tonight. It had turned warm again and was about 27c so not that pleasant to be shopping and thinking about meals!
We watched the racing in the evening and I picked out a winner! Keith is having a great time putting the odd £1 or £2 onto various horses and is enjoying having an interest!
Sunday, 28 July 2019
Not an easy dinner!
Eating a big meal doesn't agree with me any more and I had a fitful night's sleep. I awoke at 9.15am to find that Sophie was at the gym! I stumbled blearily downstairs and tried to wake up with a cup of strong coffee!
After feeling a little more awake, Keith and I went over to see my Mum and Dad and we had a coffee with them. Mum felt much better and the bump had gone from her head so that was a relief. We sloshed back home through the rain (it's been even worse today) and mooched about until it was time for Sophie to go to Virgin for a beauty treatment. I sat in the car and read the Sunday papers while she was in the salon and then we popped to Jones's where we bought a few things that we needed. We only spent £9...one of the lowest amounts ever!
From Jones's we drove to the St James retail park where we had a drink and a snack in Starbucks, before driving over to Homesense because the rain was lashing down! What a horrible day it was!
Sophie bought an armful of things in Homesense - wine, olive oil, pasta and salt granules. I contented myself with a scented candle and some chocolate! It was packed in there as usual and I was very glad we'd bagged a space almost opposite!
Back home we started making preparations for dinner - Nadiya's Meatloaf roll which she made on her television programme the other evening. Sophie chopped up the onions and garlic and added the chilli flakes while we put five eggs on to boil. Looking back we should have used the pre-rolled pastry but it didn't take long to roll it out and then we mixed the minced beef with the sausage meat and the rest of the ingredients.
While Sophie took a bath, I made the meat roll which was fiddly, to be honest! I'm not sure we had enough meat but in the end I managed to get the five eggs down the middle and then encased them in the other half of the meat mixture. I wrapped it in clingfilm and then popped it in the fridge to chill.
Sophie helped with the pastry and we brushed the surface with the marmite mix before laying the pork and beef roll on top. Then I made a mistake by not wrapping the join of the pastry underneath and when we cooked it in the oven, the top split and all the inside oozed out!
We served it with crushed new potatoes, asparagus and tenderstem broccoli, which I have decided I don't like. There was a strong taste of garlic in the meat mixture, probably because we didn't cook it first. We were all quite disappointed and this was the second night in a row that I had a bad meal. We certainly won't be cooking it again! I don't think it was easy at all!
After feeling a little more awake, Keith and I went over to see my Mum and Dad and we had a coffee with them. Mum felt much better and the bump had gone from her head so that was a relief. We sloshed back home through the rain (it's been even worse today) and mooched about until it was time for Sophie to go to Virgin for a beauty treatment. I sat in the car and read the Sunday papers while she was in the salon and then we popped to Jones's where we bought a few things that we needed. We only spent £9...one of the lowest amounts ever!
From Jones's we drove to the St James retail park where we had a drink and a snack in Starbucks, before driving over to Homesense because the rain was lashing down! What a horrible day it was!
Sophie bought an armful of things in Homesense - wine, olive oil, pasta and salt granules. I contented myself with a scented candle and some chocolate! It was packed in there as usual and I was very glad we'd bagged a space almost opposite!
Back home we started making preparations for dinner - Nadiya's Meatloaf roll which she made on her television programme the other evening. Sophie chopped up the onions and garlic and added the chilli flakes while we put five eggs on to boil. Looking back we should have used the pre-rolled pastry but it didn't take long to roll it out and then we mixed the minced beef with the sausage meat and the rest of the ingredients.
While Sophie took a bath, I made the meat roll which was fiddly, to be honest! I'm not sure we had enough meat but in the end I managed to get the five eggs down the middle and then encased them in the other half of the meat mixture. I wrapped it in clingfilm and then popped it in the fridge to chill.
Sophie helped with the pastry and we brushed the surface with the marmite mix before laying the pork and beef roll on top. Then I made a mistake by not wrapping the join of the pastry underneath and when we cooked it in the oven, the top split and all the inside oozed out!
We served it with crushed new potatoes, asparagus and tenderstem broccoli, which I have decided I don't like. There was a strong taste of garlic in the meat mixture, probably because we didn't cook it first. We were all quite disappointed and this was the second night in a row that I had a bad meal. We certainly won't be cooking it again! I don't think it was easy at all!
Saturday, 27 July 2019
A rude awakening!
Keith and I were woken at 3.30am this morning by Mike who'd been bitten on his arms and they were driving him mad. I think it was horsefly bites and last night he'd asked us to change his bed, which we agreed to as long as he stripped it first and brought it downstairs.
Well, he hadn't bothered, so this morning he came into our room complaining of being bitten by something in his bed. After a lot of yelling and shouting, I got up and put fresh bedding on for him but I was really angry, especially as he hadn't apologised for waking us up and had been totally useless when it came to helping me. I went back to bed but it took me an hour to get back to sleep!
Sophie has friends coming over tonight so it was a good excuse to give downstairs a thorough clean. We had a cooked breakfast and then made a start. Outside the weather was atrocious with wind and rain - what a difference to the other day! We did loads of washing and gave the rooms a good clean before popping over to Tesco where we bought the ingredients for tomorrow's dinner and some wine for the girls tonight.
On the way home Keith called to say that my Mum had fallen over in her house and could I go over to see her? I dropped Sophie off and together we drove over to Broughton to find my Dad on the phone to the NHS helpline. They asked loads of questions, and although my Mum had a bump on her head and a slight headache she seemed fine. The last thing she wanted was to go down to A&E and sit there for hours!
We stayed for an hour and I said that if she started feeling sick or light-headed she should go to the out-of-hours centre. Keith and I went home where I managed to relax for a while with a G&T and a film on my Kindle!
In the evening I was meeting Lynda, Fiona and Andrea at Cafe Marseille for dinner. They were holding a "Wine and Jazz" evening so I was really looking forward to an evening of chat, good food and wine, and relaxation! Keith drove me so I could indulge in a tipple or two, and the girls were there when I arrived. The awful weather hadn't let up at all which was a bit disappointing!
We all had a glass of Prosecco on arrival and then we looked at the menu, which as per the name of the restaurant, has a French theme. I decided on French onion soup while the girls chose the melted Camembert. For mains Lynda and I chose the duck (something I don't normally go for), Fiona had chicken and Andrea the steak. The wine choice was hard with the different meats so we opted for a Rose first which was a bit pricey at £22. I hoped it was worth it!
Because we'd ordered a bottle of wine we were given an array of nibbles to try and I was so hungry I dived in! We had a vol-au-vent, as well as pate and cheese on crackers. I have to say there wasn't much taste to any of them! Very soon after, our starters arrived and my French onion soup had no crouton nor any cheese. It was very creamy and sweet.
Our main courses arrived and I had about four hard nuggets of duck which were difficult to cut with the knife I'd been given. They sat atop a bed of red cabbage with a thick block of dauphinoise potatoes. I think all the cream that should have accompanied them went into my soup!
I was very disappointed to be honest. The food was tasteless and dry and not at all what I'd been expecting from a restaurant that professes to be French. We took a break between courses and for dessert I thought I'd really test the chef's skills by ordering one of my favourite dishes - Chocolate Fondant. Fiona opted for cheese while Lynda and Andrea chose the very orangey Crepes Suzette.
When my fondant arrived I cut into it but only a little thick dribble of chocolate appeared. The Masterchef test had failed! We'd ordered another two bottles of Malbec to go with the rest of the meal and the total bill came to a breathtaking £207, the highest we'd ever paid when going out for a meal. I felt cheated and really resented parting with my share of the bill.
Keith arrived and we gave Andrea a lift home. Sophie's friends, Laura and Daisy were still at home, but went shortly afterwards. We sat with our feet up for a little while and then it was time for bed!
Well, he hadn't bothered, so this morning he came into our room complaining of being bitten by something in his bed. After a lot of yelling and shouting, I got up and put fresh bedding on for him but I was really angry, especially as he hadn't apologised for waking us up and had been totally useless when it came to helping me. I went back to bed but it took me an hour to get back to sleep!
Sophie has friends coming over tonight so it was a good excuse to give downstairs a thorough clean. We had a cooked breakfast and then made a start. Outside the weather was atrocious with wind and rain - what a difference to the other day! We did loads of washing and gave the rooms a good clean before popping over to Tesco where we bought the ingredients for tomorrow's dinner and some wine for the girls tonight.
On the way home Keith called to say that my Mum had fallen over in her house and could I go over to see her? I dropped Sophie off and together we drove over to Broughton to find my Dad on the phone to the NHS helpline. They asked loads of questions, and although my Mum had a bump on her head and a slight headache she seemed fine. The last thing she wanted was to go down to A&E and sit there for hours!
We stayed for an hour and I said that if she started feeling sick or light-headed she should go to the out-of-hours centre. Keith and I went home where I managed to relax for a while with a G&T and a film on my Kindle!
In the evening I was meeting Lynda, Fiona and Andrea at Cafe Marseille for dinner. They were holding a "Wine and Jazz" evening so I was really looking forward to an evening of chat, good food and wine, and relaxation! Keith drove me so I could indulge in a tipple or two, and the girls were there when I arrived. The awful weather hadn't let up at all which was a bit disappointing!
We all had a glass of Prosecco on arrival and then we looked at the menu, which as per the name of the restaurant, has a French theme. I decided on French onion soup while the girls chose the melted Camembert. For mains Lynda and I chose the duck (something I don't normally go for), Fiona had chicken and Andrea the steak. The wine choice was hard with the different meats so we opted for a Rose first which was a bit pricey at £22. I hoped it was worth it!
Because we'd ordered a bottle of wine we were given an array of nibbles to try and I was so hungry I dived in! We had a vol-au-vent, as well as pate and cheese on crackers. I have to say there wasn't much taste to any of them! Very soon after, our starters arrived and my French onion soup had no crouton nor any cheese. It was very creamy and sweet.
Our main courses arrived and I had about four hard nuggets of duck which were difficult to cut with the knife I'd been given. They sat atop a bed of red cabbage with a thick block of dauphinoise potatoes. I think all the cream that should have accompanied them went into my soup!
I was very disappointed to be honest. The food was tasteless and dry and not at all what I'd been expecting from a restaurant that professes to be French. We took a break between courses and for dessert I thought I'd really test the chef's skills by ordering one of my favourite dishes - Chocolate Fondant. Fiona opted for cheese while Lynda and Andrea chose the very orangey Crepes Suzette.
When my fondant arrived I cut into it but only a little thick dribble of chocolate appeared. The Masterchef test had failed! We'd ordered another two bottles of Malbec to go with the rest of the meal and the total bill came to a breathtaking £207, the highest we'd ever paid when going out for a meal. I felt cheated and really resented parting with my share of the bill.
Keith arrived and we gave Andrea a lift home. Sophie's friends, Laura and Daisy were still at home, but went shortly afterwards. We sat with our feet up for a little while and then it was time for bed!
Friday, 26 July 2019
A little prang...
Today, the temperatures went down a bit but it was still warm and muggy. We also had a fair amount of rain which we really need!
Work passed pleasantly enough and at 2pm I left work and received a text from Sophie to say she was leaving Riverside at the same time. However, as I was driving to collect Mike she called to say she'd had a prang on the roundabout and had hit the car in front of her... I offered to go down and see her, but she had Laura with her and was going back to work. She said the damage wasn't bad but I think she was a bit shaken up, poor thing.
I went to get a newspaper and waited for Mike to come out of work. He was hot and sweaty and as soon as we got home I made him put all of his clothes into the washing machine. His baseball cap did not smell good!
Sophie sent me photos of ET and the damage didn't look as bad as I'd imagined, thank goodness. As soon as she returned home Keith and I went to have a look and I think we'll be able to push the front bumper back in. She was thoroughly fed up and said she'd texted the woman whose car she'd hit but that she hadn't replied. The woman had a child in the car with her and had taken photos of both vehicles so we'll just have to wait and see what happens. I don't think it's worth getting Sophie's car seen to as there's only a few scratches.
We opened a bottle of wine and relaxed while Keith went off to the pub in Sophie's car. He's not drinking again so it was great for us not to have to go out and get him. Dinner tonight was jacket potatoes and then it was an early night. We were all shattered!
Work passed pleasantly enough and at 2pm I left work and received a text from Sophie to say she was leaving Riverside at the same time. However, as I was driving to collect Mike she called to say she'd had a prang on the roundabout and had hit the car in front of her... I offered to go down and see her, but she had Laura with her and was going back to work. She said the damage wasn't bad but I think she was a bit shaken up, poor thing.
I went to get a newspaper and waited for Mike to come out of work. He was hot and sweaty and as soon as we got home I made him put all of his clothes into the washing machine. His baseball cap did not smell good!
Sophie sent me photos of ET and the damage didn't look as bad as I'd imagined, thank goodness. As soon as she returned home Keith and I went to have a look and I think we'll be able to push the front bumper back in. She was thoroughly fed up and said she'd texted the woman whose car she'd hit but that she hadn't replied. The woman had a child in the car with her and had taken photos of both vehicles so we'll just have to wait and see what happens. I don't think it's worth getting Sophie's car seen to as there's only a few scratches.
We opened a bottle of wine and relaxed while Keith went off to the pub in Sophie's car. He's not drinking again so it was great for us not to have to go out and get him. Dinner tonight was jacket potatoes and then it was an early night. We were all shattered!
Thursday, 25 July 2019
Too hot!
Today, the UK almost set a new record for high temperatures! The previous one was 38.6 but in Cambridge it reached 38.1c and this was only because of some cloud cover passing over the city. We had been warned but the reality was horrible!
I was at work until 3pm and people kept coming into the office saying it was so much cooler than out in the main building. When Keith picked me up the car temperature was registering 37.5c which was the highest I'd ever seen in this country!
We drove to get Mike and as we sat waiting the temperature went up to 38.5. This obviously wasn't an accurate reading if the highest was in Cambridge, but it was impressive!
It felt like a hot Florida day, to be honest, and was very humid. The difference is that in Florida, virtually all the buildings are air-conditioned and you can easily escape the heat! Keith got out of the car and went to find Mike and I stood by the car but it was like a wall of hot, moist air enveloping me! It was such a relief to get back into the cool car!
Driving home it briefly hit 40c which was mind-boggling! Again, it wasn't accurate but it was amazing to see!
Back home we lolled about in the heat and Monty was really suffering, poor thing. We went to put out the bins for a friend who lived up the road and he came with us, but I think he regretted it as back home he was breathing very quickly. Sophie cooled him off with a damp tea-towel which he seemed to like!
For most of the evening I sat with my feet in a bowl of water and when I went to bed I dampened a bath towel and slept with it on top of me!
I was at work until 3pm and people kept coming into the office saying it was so much cooler than out in the main building. When Keith picked me up the car temperature was registering 37.5c which was the highest I'd ever seen in this country!
We drove to get Mike and as we sat waiting the temperature went up to 38.5. This obviously wasn't an accurate reading if the highest was in Cambridge, but it was impressive!
It felt like a hot Florida day, to be honest, and was very humid. The difference is that in Florida, virtually all the buildings are air-conditioned and you can easily escape the heat! Keith got out of the car and went to find Mike and I stood by the car but it was like a wall of hot, moist air enveloping me! It was such a relief to get back into the cool car!
Driving home it briefly hit 40c which was mind-boggling! Again, it wasn't accurate but it was amazing to see!
Back home we lolled about in the heat and Monty was really suffering, poor thing. We went to put out the bins for a friend who lived up the road and he came with us, but I think he regretted it as back home he was breathing very quickly. Sophie cooled him off with a damp tea-towel which he seemed to like!
For most of the evening I sat with my feet in a bowl of water and when I went to bed I dampened a bath towel and slept with it on top of me!
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
A hot mooch!
Keith and I drove over to the countryside near Thrapston this morning as we'd decided to explore some of the pubs in the area. Sheila from work had mentioned a place in Denford called The Cock so we were keen to find out what it was like.
We popped into Aldi and the garage first at Tesco to fill up with diesel and then took the A14, coming off at Junction 11. It was a hot day and already the temperature was heading up to 30c. We pulled off the road to consult the map and took the road to Great Addington where there was a pub called The Hare and Hounds, but it was closed, although that wasn't surprising as most pubs open at 12.00pm during the week.
We carried on to Little Addington where the pub there was called The Bell - Keith remembered it from a previous mooch. How he remembers the names is beyond me! We then made our way to Ringstead and became lost in the village, which was quite large. It had several shops and an Indian but we couldn't see a pub!
We eventually found our way to Denford but the pub was closed so we hoped that on our way back we'd find it open! We turned around and drove towards Raunds and then on to Chelveston where we parked at The Star and Garter. People were arriving and most seemed to be having lunch there. The pub was very friendly and I think had just been taken over by a new landlady who was serving behind the bar. She was chatty and efficient but had false eyelashes that looked like tarantulas!
We sat at the bar and had a drink and more and more people arrived to eat, so the food was probably very good. The pub was a tad old-fashioned with curious blue paint on the wooden bar. Keith liked it, but I wasn't that impressed. I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to return!
We had one drink and then left to go to The Duke of Wellington in the village of Stanwick. We found it in the middle of the village and it looked lovely. It had a large car park and a building on the left as we walked down that looked like it held weddings or parties. The man behind the bar reminded me a little of the barman in The Shining, for some reason! He was very friendly and knew the landlord of our local...it's a small world!
We had a drink and sat at the bar and I liked it very much. This is a pub I would return to! The bar was lovely with tables next to the windows which looked out onto the main street. There were stone-flagged floors and lots of wood and it was clean and airy.
We just had the one drink and then made our way back to Denford but The Cock was still closed and wouldn't open until 4pm, which was a shame. We'll have to try it again, but go in the evening!
We were both a little hungry now so we decided to try one last pub and have a sandwich. The Hare and Hounds was still closed so we drove to Little Addington and visited The Bell. It was almost empty apart from a group of people sitting in the restaurant next to a buffet table. We ordered our drinks and I was given a pint of shandy, when I only wanted a half! We asked about lunch and were given a menu, from which we chose sandwiches served with chunky chips.
We took a seat in the lounge area and sat in splendid isolation! This was not a pub I'd return to again, either. The ceiling was low and there was an abundance of dark wood making it dim and gloomy. I think in the winter it would be cosy, but on a sunny day it felt a little depressing!
Our sandwiches were delicious, though, and filled us up! By now it was 2pm so we finished our meal, I left half my drink and we made our way home. Keith was feeling a little dizzy and his blood pressure had dropped so he stayed at home while I went to get Mike from work. I think Keith was a little dehydrated (despite the three pints he'd had) and I made him drink plenty of water throughout the afternoon. He then felt a lot better.
We had planned on barbecuing in the evening but neither of us felt like eating after our big lunch so we made do with some warm cheese scones Keith had made the other day!
We popped into Aldi and the garage first at Tesco to fill up with diesel and then took the A14, coming off at Junction 11. It was a hot day and already the temperature was heading up to 30c. We pulled off the road to consult the map and took the road to Great Addington where there was a pub called The Hare and Hounds, but it was closed, although that wasn't surprising as most pubs open at 12.00pm during the week.
We carried on to Little Addington where the pub there was called The Bell - Keith remembered it from a previous mooch. How he remembers the names is beyond me! We then made our way to Ringstead and became lost in the village, which was quite large. It had several shops and an Indian but we couldn't see a pub!
We eventually found our way to Denford but the pub was closed so we hoped that on our way back we'd find it open! We turned around and drove towards Raunds and then on to Chelveston where we parked at The Star and Garter. People were arriving and most seemed to be having lunch there. The pub was very friendly and I think had just been taken over by a new landlady who was serving behind the bar. She was chatty and efficient but had false eyelashes that looked like tarantulas!
We sat at the bar and had a drink and more and more people arrived to eat, so the food was probably very good. The pub was a tad old-fashioned with curious blue paint on the wooden bar. Keith liked it, but I wasn't that impressed. I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to return!
We had one drink and then left to go to The Duke of Wellington in the village of Stanwick. We found it in the middle of the village and it looked lovely. It had a large car park and a building on the left as we walked down that looked like it held weddings or parties. The man behind the bar reminded me a little of the barman in The Shining, for some reason! He was very friendly and knew the landlord of our local...it's a small world!
We had a drink and sat at the bar and I liked it very much. This is a pub I would return to! The bar was lovely with tables next to the windows which looked out onto the main street. There were stone-flagged floors and lots of wood and it was clean and airy.
We just had the one drink and then made our way back to Denford but The Cock was still closed and wouldn't open until 4pm, which was a shame. We'll have to try it again, but go in the evening!
We were both a little hungry now so we decided to try one last pub and have a sandwich. The Hare and Hounds was still closed so we drove to Little Addington and visited The Bell. It was almost empty apart from a group of people sitting in the restaurant next to a buffet table. We ordered our drinks and I was given a pint of shandy, when I only wanted a half! We asked about lunch and were given a menu, from which we chose sandwiches served with chunky chips.
We took a seat in the lounge area and sat in splendid isolation! This was not a pub I'd return to again, either. The ceiling was low and there was an abundance of dark wood making it dim and gloomy. I think in the winter it would be cosy, but on a sunny day it felt a little depressing!
Our sandwiches were delicious, though, and filled us up! By now it was 2pm so we finished our meal, I left half my drink and we made our way home. Keith was feeling a little dizzy and his blood pressure had dropped so he stayed at home while I went to get Mike from work. I think Keith was a little dehydrated (despite the three pints he'd had) and I made him drink plenty of water throughout the afternoon. He then felt a lot better.
We had planned on barbecuing in the evening but neither of us felt like eating after our big lunch so we made do with some warm cheese scones Keith had made the other day!
Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Another graduation ceremony!
Sophie was off to her friend Alice's graduation ceremony today so I took Mike to work and Keith drove her into town, picking up Sophia on the way. It's been another very hot day and I really felt for everyone dressed up in the graduation robes! It was the same for us last year!
Work was busy and I stayed until about 2.45pm as another lot of staff visited our other centre. It became a bit manic while they were gone, so that was typical!
I picked up Mike from work and just after getting home Sophie called to ask me to pick her and Sophia up again. Keith and I drove down and the girls had had a great time - Sophie said it was lovely that she was able to enjoy the ceremony but there was no pressure on her!
The temperature was about 30c today but it's due to get VERY hot on Thursday so that's something to not look forward to! Keith and I enjoyed quiche, salad and new potatoes for dinner and for once we didn't heat the quiche up beforehand...it was too hot!
Tomorrow Keith and I have decided to go for a mooch in the countryside. We didn't have any plans and I certainly don't fancy spending the day doing housework!
Work was busy and I stayed until about 2.45pm as another lot of staff visited our other centre. It became a bit manic while they were gone, so that was typical!
I picked up Mike from work and just after getting home Sophie called to ask me to pick her and Sophia up again. Keith and I drove down and the girls had had a great time - Sophie said it was lovely that she was able to enjoy the ceremony but there was no pressure on her!
The temperature was about 30c today but it's due to get VERY hot on Thursday so that's something to not look forward to! Keith and I enjoyed quiche, salad and new potatoes for dinner and for once we didn't heat the quiche up beforehand...it was too hot!
Tomorrow Keith and I have decided to go for a mooch in the countryside. We didn't have any plans and I certainly don't fancy spending the day doing housework!
Monday, 22 July 2019
1970s timewarp!
Work wasn't too bad today and the phone calls were shared out by the three of us, which helped. At 2pm I went down to one of our other leisure centres with Chloe and Sara as we are going to be booking the function rooms out in August and we needed to know what the place looked like.
The gym itself had been refurbished but the function rooms themselves were awful. They were badly in need of modernisation and decoration and looked like they were stuck in a 1970s timewarp. One flight of stairs reminded me of the hotel in The Shining! We all shuddered when we walked around the two rooms and we were amazed that people wanted to book a function there!
We got back to work at 3pm and Keith came to collect me. Today has been hot and it's set to get hotter late in the week with temperatures up to about 34-35c! Sophie had been to the dentist this morning as she has an infection in her wisdom tooth which came at a bad time as she's off out for a meal with Alice tonight and then going to her graduation tomorrow.
We took her into town at 6.30pm and picked up her friend Sophia on the way. They were eating at The Lamplighter with Alice, her mum and her boyfriend. Keith and I went home to watch some of the evening racing on television and have a light dinner of prawn salad. It was too hot to think about cooking a big meal in the kitchen!
Luckily Sophie called and wanted to be picked up at about 9.45pm so we weren't too late. We dropped Sophia off and returned home to set up the fan in the bedroom so we could sleep a little more
The gym itself had been refurbished but the function rooms themselves were awful. They were badly in need of modernisation and decoration and looked like they were stuck in a 1970s timewarp. One flight of stairs reminded me of the hotel in The Shining! We all shuddered when we walked around the two rooms and we were amazed that people wanted to book a function there!
We got back to work at 3pm and Keith came to collect me. Today has been hot and it's set to get hotter late in the week with temperatures up to about 34-35c! Sophie had been to the dentist this morning as she has an infection in her wisdom tooth which came at a bad time as she's off out for a meal with Alice tonight and then going to her graduation tomorrow.
We took her into town at 6.30pm and picked up her friend Sophia on the way. They were eating at The Lamplighter with Alice, her mum and her boyfriend. Keith and I went home to watch some of the evening racing on television and have a light dinner of prawn salad. It was too hot to think about cooking a big meal in the kitchen!
Luckily Sophie called and wanted to be picked up at about 9.45pm so we weren't too late. We dropped Sophia off and returned home to set up the fan in the bedroom so we could sleep a little more
Sunday, 21 July 2019
More pottering...
Today has been an almost exact repeat of yesterday! I did yet more washing to take advantage of the good weather and breeze - I love getting the washing out on the line!
Keith popped over to Tesco during the morning while Sophie went to the gym and at 2pm we met my parents at a house a bit further down the road that had come on the market last week. It's the same house as ours and was priced a bit high in my opinion! Mum and Dad were keen to have a look and I wanted to go with them to see if it was really worth the price they were asking.
The owners showed us around which was a bit off-putting as they knew me from seeing me about on estate and I felt like I was snooping! They had put down wooden floors throughout and new doors but the upstairs was a bit cluttered and as they never left us alone, we couldn't really have a good look. I still felt it was priced too high but Mum and Dad liked it and said they were seeing an estate agent tomorrow to get their house valued.
We walked back home and Sophie made us all a pot of tea while we chatted about the house. My worry was the stairs and they would definitely need to get a stair-lift installed. I was also worried that the original kitchen was still in situ so it would be about 18 years old, the same as ours, and no doubt in need of replacing in the near future!
After they'd gone, Sophie and I went out for a drive in the country but we were being a bit bickery with each other so after stopping and buying an ice-cream, we called it a day and went home. By now I was feeling that maybe we should have gone out and done something a bit more interesting!
Keith cooked the beef for dinner but Mike didn't arrive home until much later! At least he came home so that was a relief!
Keith popped over to Tesco during the morning while Sophie went to the gym and at 2pm we met my parents at a house a bit further down the road that had come on the market last week. It's the same house as ours and was priced a bit high in my opinion! Mum and Dad were keen to have a look and I wanted to go with them to see if it was really worth the price they were asking.
The owners showed us around which was a bit off-putting as they knew me from seeing me about on estate and I felt like I was snooping! They had put down wooden floors throughout and new doors but the upstairs was a bit cluttered and as they never left us alone, we couldn't really have a good look. I still felt it was priced too high but Mum and Dad liked it and said they were seeing an estate agent tomorrow to get their house valued.
We walked back home and Sophie made us all a pot of tea while we chatted about the house. My worry was the stairs and they would definitely need to get a stair-lift installed. I was also worried that the original kitchen was still in situ so it would be about 18 years old, the same as ours, and no doubt in need of replacing in the near future!
After they'd gone, Sophie and I went out for a drive in the country but we were being a bit bickery with each other so after stopping and buying an ice-cream, we called it a day and went home. By now I was feeling that maybe we should have gone out and done something a bit more interesting!
Keith cooked the beef for dinner but Mike didn't arrive home until much later! At least he came home so that was a relief!
Saturday, 20 July 2019
Pottering about!
Today has been a day of just pottering around the house and staying put! We cooked breakfast for all of us (Laura had stayed over) and enjoyed the Ikea smoked sausages I'd bought the last time I was there, along with scrambled eggs, toast and beans.
We'd heard from Mike overnight so I knew he was alive but I didn't want to think too much about what he was getting up to!
Today has been a perfect drying day so I did mounds of washing and put the fridge shelves and freezer drawers onto eBay - there was no point leaving them in the fridge when we took it to the tip and if we get some pocket money for them, all good! I think Sophie wanted to go out and do things today but it was lovely to just mooch about and not have to worry about going anywhere. We're so busy during the week that I just felt I needed to re-charge my batteries! I also needed to catch up on all the little jobs I leave to the weekend and by the end of the day I was glad with what I'd achieved. And the washing smelled wonderful!
We didn't fancy cooking beef stroganoff in the evening so we had some of the cheese and biscuits that the girls had bought for last night. It was perfect for nibbling on with a glass of good red wine!
We'd heard from Mike overnight so I knew he was alive but I didn't want to think too much about what he was getting up to!
Today has been a perfect drying day so I did mounds of washing and put the fridge shelves and freezer drawers onto eBay - there was no point leaving them in the fridge when we took it to the tip and if we get some pocket money for them, all good! I think Sophie wanted to go out and do things today but it was lovely to just mooch about and not have to worry about going anywhere. We're so busy during the week that I just felt I needed to re-charge my batteries! I also needed to catch up on all the little jobs I leave to the weekend and by the end of the day I was glad with what I'd achieved. And the washing smelled wonderful!
We didn't fancy cooking beef stroganoff in the evening so we had some of the cheese and biscuits that the girls had bought for last night. It was perfect for nibbling on with a glass of good red wine!
Friday, 19 July 2019
Work has started to become very busy with parents ringing up to book their children into our holiday playscheme - some of the amounts they pay are mind-boggling!
I was mightily glad when it was 2pm and I received a text from Mike to ask me to pick him up at Morrison's near Becket's Park. I needed to go and get some wine because Keith and I had been invited to Sarah and Liam's house tonight for a joint celebration - Liam's birthday next week and Sarah leaving her job as a school teacher.
I drove in heavy traffic to the supermarket and arrived at 2.30pm. I texted Mike to say I was going into the store and he replied to say he was going to be another ten minutes anyway. I went off in search of a good bottle of red for Liam, a card and some Prosecco for Sarah.
As soon as I got back to the car, Mike appeared so it was off home in more heavy traffic! It looked like everyone was leaving work early today!
Sophie arrived home earlier than usual and I jumped into the bath to get ready. She had asked Laura to stay over as Mike was going to Sheffield with some friends and I thought it would be nice for her to have some company this evening. Laura arrived and they shared their booty - loads of cheese, biscuits and wine. It looked like they were in for a good evening!
Unfortunately the weather today has been terrible with almost constant rain. Keith and I left just before 7pm and spotted Mike standing at the bus stop looking drenched and very forlorn...we stopped and told him to go and wait for his mate at home where it was dry! I was a bit worried about him going up to Sheffield so I sent up a silent prayer for him!
We sloshed our way over to Sarah and Liam's house in Sophie's car as I had a feeling that parking would be tight. Their driveway was already full of cars so we parked nearby and shared an umbrella. Outside their lovely house was a couple setting up a pig roast and we joined the people (mainly school teachers and staff) in their kitchen.
We had a lovely night, but it was very loud at time with all the nattering going on! We chatted to friends who lived on our estate and the pork and stuffing rolls were delicious. There was so much left over, though so I think Sarah and Liam will be eating it for the rest of the week! At least they have an Irish Wolfhound who will hoover up a lot of it!
I was mightily glad when it was 2pm and I received a text from Mike to ask me to pick him up at Morrison's near Becket's Park. I needed to go and get some wine because Keith and I had been invited to Sarah and Liam's house tonight for a joint celebration - Liam's birthday next week and Sarah leaving her job as a school teacher.
I drove in heavy traffic to the supermarket and arrived at 2.30pm. I texted Mike to say I was going into the store and he replied to say he was going to be another ten minutes anyway. I went off in search of a good bottle of red for Liam, a card and some Prosecco for Sarah.
As soon as I got back to the car, Mike appeared so it was off home in more heavy traffic! It looked like everyone was leaving work early today!
Sophie arrived home earlier than usual and I jumped into the bath to get ready. She had asked Laura to stay over as Mike was going to Sheffield with some friends and I thought it would be nice for her to have some company this evening. Laura arrived and they shared their booty - loads of cheese, biscuits and wine. It looked like they were in for a good evening!
Unfortunately the weather today has been terrible with almost constant rain. Keith and I left just before 7pm and spotted Mike standing at the bus stop looking drenched and very forlorn...we stopped and told him to go and wait for his mate at home where it was dry! I was a bit worried about him going up to Sheffield so I sent up a silent prayer for him!
We sloshed our way over to Sarah and Liam's house in Sophie's car as I had a feeling that parking would be tight. Their driveway was already full of cars so we parked nearby and shared an umbrella. Outside their lovely house was a couple setting up a pig roast and we joined the people (mainly school teachers and staff) in their kitchen.
We had a lovely night, but it was very loud at time with all the nattering going on! We chatted to friends who lived on our estate and the pork and stuffing rolls were delicious. There was so much left over, though so I think Sarah and Liam will be eating it for the rest of the week! At least they have an Irish Wolfhound who will hoover up a lot of it!
Thursday, 18 July 2019
Remembering old times...
This morning I felt really tired as I didn't have a great night's sleep. Maybe it was the tea I drank yesterday. Work was OK but became busier as the day wore on. After collecting Mike from Abington, we called into Berzerk to say goodbye to Polly who is retiring tomorrow after 25 years of working there. We sat in my Dad's old office and we were dismayed to see it had almost been taken apart by a burglary a few weeks ago. The burglars had dragged the safe out of the office and the building and it had ended up in a wooded area nearby! Part of the ceiling was also missing and it looked a right mess!
We sat and chatted with Polly and Maureen about old times and it gave me the usual funny feeling inside when I go back. It's because I see things we bought and installed and the rock was still on the windowsill of our office which we used to prop the window open!
Mike and Keith were itching to go home, though, so I wished Polly good luck for the future and said we'd have to keep in touch. She might even do a stint at the cinema from time to time which would be a nice job!
We sat and chatted with Polly and Maureen about old times and it gave me the usual funny feeling inside when I go back. It's because I see things we bought and installed and the rock was still on the windowsill of our office which we used to prop the window open!
Mike and Keith were itching to go home, though, so I wished Polly good luck for the future and said we'd have to keep in touch. She might even do a stint at the cinema from time to time which would be a nice job!
Wednesday, 17 July 2019
Tea with the kitties!
I was up and about at 6am this morning and saw Sophie off to the gym. Keith took Mike to work and I used the time to put a colour on my hair, as the grey was peeping through again!
Today I was off to Nottingham with three of my work colleagues as we were going to the Kitty cafe for afternoon tea. Sheila arrived first at 10am followed shortly afterwards by Sara and Sara! Sheila left her car at our house while Sara H drove us up to Nottingham.
It was a gorgeous day and not too hot, thank goodness! We made good time and managed to park about ten minutes away from the cafe. We had an hour to spare so we popped into Debenhams where Sheila looked at handbags. It's her birthday tomorrow and Sheila and our boss, Nicola, had promised to buy her a present if she saw something she liked. She spotted a Mantaray bag and I saw one I liked too!
After browsing for a while we made our way to the cafe where we had a table booked. We were allowed an hour at the table but afterwards we could stay and play with the cats (if they were amenable!).
We were shown to a low table surrounded by two armchairs and a sofa. The woman on the next table was eating cake and had several cats visiting, probably because of the food! The cafe was set up like a mini adventure playground for cats with scratching posts, and a high level walkway. It was brightly coloured and reminded me of a children's playground!
As soon as our tea and cakes arrived we were swarming with kittens who were determined to get into the milk and cream, as well as nibbling on the sandwiches!
I must admit I was surprised that the cats were allowed to roam over the table, even though a passing member of staff did pluck them off from time to time! It meant that we did spend a lot of time shooing them away rather than enjoy the food, but they were adorable and their fur was so soft!
After we'd eaten all the cats went running for Dreamies treats and we could stroke them. One was a Maine Coon and he was enormous!
To be honest Heathcliffe wasn't that much larger than Archie was but his feet were huge!
Once our hour was up we returned to Debenhams and both Sheila and I bought a bag each. Mine was long overdue for a replacement and I was really happy with the design and colour. Sheila's was very similar!
We made our way back to the car park and the journey home. When we arrived, Keith had gone to get Mike from work and they'd called into the pub again! Cheeky!
Today I was off to Nottingham with three of my work colleagues as we were going to the Kitty cafe for afternoon tea. Sheila arrived first at 10am followed shortly afterwards by Sara and Sara! Sheila left her car at our house while Sara H drove us up to Nottingham.
It was a gorgeous day and not too hot, thank goodness! We made good time and managed to park about ten minutes away from the cafe. We had an hour to spare so we popped into Debenhams where Sheila looked at handbags. It's her birthday tomorrow and Sheila and our boss, Nicola, had promised to buy her a present if she saw something she liked. She spotted a Mantaray bag and I saw one I liked too!
After browsing for a while we made our way to the cafe where we had a table booked. We were allowed an hour at the table but afterwards we could stay and play with the cats (if they were amenable!).
We were shown to a low table surrounded by two armchairs and a sofa. The woman on the next table was eating cake and had several cats visiting, probably because of the food! The cafe was set up like a mini adventure playground for cats with scratching posts, and a high level walkway. It was brightly coloured and reminded me of a children's playground!
As soon as our tea and cakes arrived we were swarming with kittens who were determined to get into the milk and cream, as well as nibbling on the sandwiches!
I must admit I was surprised that the cats were allowed to roam over the table, even though a passing member of staff did pluck them off from time to time! It meant that we did spend a lot of time shooing them away rather than enjoy the food, but they were adorable and their fur was so soft!
After we'd eaten all the cats went running for Dreamies treats and we could stroke them. One was a Maine Coon and he was enormous!
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Heathcliffe asleep... |
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Heathcliffe looking for treats... |
Once our hour was up we returned to Debenhams and both Sheila and I bought a bag each. Mine was long overdue for a replacement and I was really happy with the design and colour. Sheila's was very similar!
We made our way back to the car park and the journey home. When we arrived, Keith had gone to get Mike from work and they'd called into the pub again! Cheeky!
Tuesday, 16 July 2019
53 years!
Today has been busy at work and a tad stressful at times. We're all gearing up for the summer school holidays which are fast approaching!
At 2pm Keith and I went to Beckworth and I bought my parents a lovely shrub in a pot and a voucher for afternoon tea. Sophie texted me to ask us to get her some cheeses and charcoal crackers as Laura is coming around to stay on Friday night. We spent £12 on three cheeses and a box of crackers - it certainly isn't cheap but the cheeses are very different and not readily available in the supermarket.
From Beckworth we drove to Kingsthorpe as Mike had texted us to say he was there. We parked in the car park of the Fox and Hounds and went in for a quick drink while we waited! He came in and was rather dirty due to the work he'd been doing but was very grateful for the pint of lager Keith bought him!
As soon as we'd dropped Mike off at home we went over to see Mum and Dad and gave them their gifts and cards. We sat in the garden for a while as the rainy morning had given way to a beautiful and sunny afternoon. Their garden's looking lovely and my Mum really enjoys spending time pottering about there. They were off out tonight for a meal at The Whyte Melville in Boughton to celebrate.
Keith had suggested going out to the Lamplighter to eat tonight so we left at about 5pm and drove home via the scenic route. Sophie was on her way home but was held up in traffic and didn't get back until almost 6pm. After a flurry of getting ready we all left and went into town.
We were able to park right outside and after getting our drinks we had a chat before deciding what to eat. It was great to be out as a family as it's been a fair while since all four of us were out together for a meal.
We chose nachos with veggie (was meant to be beef but they got the order wrong) chilli and garlic bread to start followed by chicken burgers, a normal burger and fish and chips. The food was as good as always but again, Keith was a bit disappointed with the beers.
We were all finished by 8.30pm and driving home and again I wanted to go out and patrol the fields in case the lambs got killed again. It was a beautiful evening and stayed light until well past 10pm!
At 2pm Keith and I went to Beckworth and I bought my parents a lovely shrub in a pot and a voucher for afternoon tea. Sophie texted me to ask us to get her some cheeses and charcoal crackers as Laura is coming around to stay on Friday night. We spent £12 on three cheeses and a box of crackers - it certainly isn't cheap but the cheeses are very different and not readily available in the supermarket.
From Beckworth we drove to Kingsthorpe as Mike had texted us to say he was there. We parked in the car park of the Fox and Hounds and went in for a quick drink while we waited! He came in and was rather dirty due to the work he'd been doing but was very grateful for the pint of lager Keith bought him!
As soon as we'd dropped Mike off at home we went over to see Mum and Dad and gave them their gifts and cards. We sat in the garden for a while as the rainy morning had given way to a beautiful and sunny afternoon. Their garden's looking lovely and my Mum really enjoys spending time pottering about there. They were off out tonight for a meal at The Whyte Melville in Boughton to celebrate.
Keith had suggested going out to the Lamplighter to eat tonight so we left at about 5pm and drove home via the scenic route. Sophie was on her way home but was held up in traffic and didn't get back until almost 6pm. After a flurry of getting ready we all left and went into town.
We were able to park right outside and after getting our drinks we had a chat before deciding what to eat. It was great to be out as a family as it's been a fair while since all four of us were out together for a meal.
We chose nachos with veggie (was meant to be beef but they got the order wrong) chilli and garlic bread to start followed by chicken burgers, a normal burger and fish and chips. The food was as good as always but again, Keith was a bit disappointed with the beers.
We were all finished by 8.30pm and driving home and again I wanted to go out and patrol the fields in case the lambs got killed again. It was a beautiful evening and stayed light until well past 10pm!
Monday, 15 July 2019
Gift hunting!
Today there were three of us manning the phones at work so it wasn't quite so frantic, thank goodness! Keith picked me up at 2pm and after getting dinner for tonight and tomorrow in Tesco, we went to Homebase to try and get some inspiration for a gift for my Mum and Dad's Wedding Anniversary tomorrow. They'll be celebrating 53 years together!
I looked at the plants and considered getting them a vine but in the end I decided to go to Beckworth tomorrow and buy them a voucher for afternoon tea as they love going there. We picked up Mike from Abington and then sped home to catch up with all the usual jobs that have to be done after work!
Sophie and I cooked dinner tonight and made spaghetti bolognese with our own garlic bread. Keith sat with us as we cooked and there was a lovely atmosphere in the kitchen. I think at one point Sophie and I were dancing around and singing!
After dinner I saw the news about several lambs being slaughtered very close to us which was terrible news and very disturbing. This sort of thing happens rarely but it must have been tragic for the farmers to find their animals killed like that. It's been happening overnight and I really felt like going out and trying to keep watch for whoever is doing this terrible act. The police are asking us all to be vigilant and I really hope they're caught soon!
I looked at the plants and considered getting them a vine but in the end I decided to go to Beckworth tomorrow and buy them a voucher for afternoon tea as they love going there. We picked up Mike from Abington and then sped home to catch up with all the usual jobs that have to be done after work!
Sophie and I cooked dinner tonight and made spaghetti bolognese with our own garlic bread. Keith sat with us as we cooked and there was a lovely atmosphere in the kitchen. I think at one point Sophie and I were dancing around and singing!
After dinner I saw the news about several lambs being slaughtered very close to us which was terrible news and very disturbing. This sort of thing happens rarely but it must have been tragic for the farmers to find their animals killed like that. It's been happening overnight and I really felt like going out and trying to keep watch for whoever is doing this terrible act. The police are asking us all to be vigilant and I really hope they're caught soon!
Sunday, 14 July 2019
A sporting feast!
This morning has been very busy, trying to get all of our jobs done so we could sit and enjoy the Men's Tennis Finals at Wimbledon this afternoon!
Mike and I went to the tip first thing, as soon as it opened at 10am, and took our old fridge freezer. We just about managed to get it into the car and had to strap the boot shut. I drove very, very carefully as I was petrified the thing would somehow fall out of the back and flatten a cyclist! Luckily, not one car was behind me as we made our way gingerly to Brixworth and I heaved a huge sigh of relief when we had deposited it with all the others waiting to be recycled!
Sophie and I made another trip with the cardboard and popped to the Co-op in Brixworth to buy a bottle of Champagne to celebrate with this afternoon. We then went to see my parents and took them the Sunday newspaper, but my Mum was feeling very well so we didn't stay for long. I still had so much to do at home and had taken all the shelving and the drawers out of the fridge and freezer to see if we could sell them on eBay. Unfortunately, the freezer drawers didn't fit the one we have in the kitchen which was a shame as they need replacing. I washed them and dried them but we didn't have time to put them onto the auction site today as we just didn't have the time.
Sophie helped prepare our buffet lunch and by 2pm we were all ready to watch the tennis. I don't know who arranges all the sporting events but there was certainly a clash today as the finals of the tennis were on, the Grand Prix and the final of the Cricket World Cup. The Tour de France was also taking place as well as the Women's Netball so a veritable feast for sports fans!
We enjoyed our lunch and Keith disappeared upstairs to watch the cricket while we sat and watched Federer play Djokovic. It was a great match and went on until almost 7pm! Federer at one point was so close to winning but he let it go and Djokovic went on to win. It was quite emotional when they presented the trophy!
Mike and I went to the tip first thing, as soon as it opened at 10am, and took our old fridge freezer. We just about managed to get it into the car and had to strap the boot shut. I drove very, very carefully as I was petrified the thing would somehow fall out of the back and flatten a cyclist! Luckily, not one car was behind me as we made our way gingerly to Brixworth and I heaved a huge sigh of relief when we had deposited it with all the others waiting to be recycled!
Sophie and I made another trip with the cardboard and popped to the Co-op in Brixworth to buy a bottle of Champagne to celebrate with this afternoon. We then went to see my parents and took them the Sunday newspaper, but my Mum was feeling very well so we didn't stay for long. I still had so much to do at home and had taken all the shelving and the drawers out of the fridge and freezer to see if we could sell them on eBay. Unfortunately, the freezer drawers didn't fit the one we have in the kitchen which was a shame as they need replacing. I washed them and dried them but we didn't have time to put them onto the auction site today as we just didn't have the time.
Sophie helped prepare our buffet lunch and by 2pm we were all ready to watch the tennis. I don't know who arranges all the sporting events but there was certainly a clash today as the finals of the tennis were on, the Grand Prix and the final of the Cricket World Cup. The Tour de France was also taking place as well as the Women's Netball so a veritable feast for sports fans!
We enjoyed our lunch and Keith disappeared upstairs to watch the cricket while we sat and watched Federer play Djokovic. It was a great match and went on until almost 7pm! Federer at one point was so close to winning but he let it go and Djokovic went on to win. It was quite emotional when they presented the trophy!
Saturday, 13 July 2019
Making space!
Like last Saturday, today dawned overcast and grey, which was a shame after all the lovely weather of last week!
Our new fridge was being delivered today so Keith and I cleared out a space for it and managed to manhandle the old one onto the driveway where it'll have to stay until tomorrow when I can get to the tip.
We swept the floor and brushed the dust and cobwebs off the walls and moved the tumble drier onto the floor by the door so it has some better ventilation. We've cleared a space for the fridge in the opposite corner so it doesn't get overheated!
I was filthy by the time we'd finished so I went off to have a hot shower and then Sophie and I left to go to Milton Keynes. I was collecting a pair of trousers from M&S and I took a box of recycling with me, some of which came from our neighbours. We now have our own scheme for crisp and snack wrappers so that cuts down some of the stuff I have to take!
We parked by Debenhams and although we had to go up onto the top floor it wasn't as busy as I'd imagined. First up was a coffee in Starbucks and then we went to M&S where I collected my trousers and Sophie enquired about a bra fitting. They were able to pencil her in at 2.30pm but on the way up to John Lewis we called into Bravissimo and they were able to measure her there and then.
She didn't like the bras they gave her, much preferring the pretty ones in M&S so after a quick visit to John Lewis where I looked at the Gins, we returned and she picked out some lovely ones in beautiful colours. To make sure she tried them on while I sat and read my Kindle. There was a constant queue of women trying on underwear in all shapes and sizes and everyone looked a bit weary and hot, the same as me!
Downstairs in the food hall I treated myself to a bottle of Warner's Elderflower Gin with a voucher I had, bought some strawberries for tomorrow and we returned to the car to drive the short distance to the restaurant hub.
Sophie wanted to go to Las Iguanas and we hadn't been for ages so we chose to eat there. It looked like at least two eateries nearby had closed down since we'd last visited - Cafe Rouge and Gourmet Burger, which was a bit of a shock.
I had imagined Las Iguanas to be empty but it was heaving with tables of women, either on hen parties or celebrating birthdays! The noise was tremendous! One group was particularly loud with raucous screaming and shrieking and the table was littered with cocktail glasses so no wonder they were all so merry!
We sat next to another group of women but they were a little quieter, thank goodness! We had a delicious late lunch of tapas accompanied by garlic flatbread and curly fries. We chose fried cauliflower (gorgeous), nachos with chicken and a yummy pork dish as Tapas portions and the food was beautifully cooked. With a glass of wine each and a shared dessert, we really enjoyed the food, but I wished it had been a little more peaceful!
Back home we relaxed and Keith prepared hot dogs much later in the evening. They weren't brilliant, I have to admit even though we'd bought them in the US section of Tesco. Sophie was still too full from our late lunch so she didn't join us and I wish I hadn't now!
Our new fridge was being delivered today so Keith and I cleared out a space for it and managed to manhandle the old one onto the driveway where it'll have to stay until tomorrow when I can get to the tip.
We swept the floor and brushed the dust and cobwebs off the walls and moved the tumble drier onto the floor by the door so it has some better ventilation. We've cleared a space for the fridge in the opposite corner so it doesn't get overheated!
I was filthy by the time we'd finished so I went off to have a hot shower and then Sophie and I left to go to Milton Keynes. I was collecting a pair of trousers from M&S and I took a box of recycling with me, some of which came from our neighbours. We now have our own scheme for crisp and snack wrappers so that cuts down some of the stuff I have to take!
We parked by Debenhams and although we had to go up onto the top floor it wasn't as busy as I'd imagined. First up was a coffee in Starbucks and then we went to M&S where I collected my trousers and Sophie enquired about a bra fitting. They were able to pencil her in at 2.30pm but on the way up to John Lewis we called into Bravissimo and they were able to measure her there and then.
She didn't like the bras they gave her, much preferring the pretty ones in M&S so after a quick visit to John Lewis where I looked at the Gins, we returned and she picked out some lovely ones in beautiful colours. To make sure she tried them on while I sat and read my Kindle. There was a constant queue of women trying on underwear in all shapes and sizes and everyone looked a bit weary and hot, the same as me!
Downstairs in the food hall I treated myself to a bottle of Warner's Elderflower Gin with a voucher I had, bought some strawberries for tomorrow and we returned to the car to drive the short distance to the restaurant hub.
Sophie wanted to go to Las Iguanas and we hadn't been for ages so we chose to eat there. It looked like at least two eateries nearby had closed down since we'd last visited - Cafe Rouge and Gourmet Burger, which was a bit of a shock.
I had imagined Las Iguanas to be empty but it was heaving with tables of women, either on hen parties or celebrating birthdays! The noise was tremendous! One group was particularly loud with raucous screaming and shrieking and the table was littered with cocktail glasses so no wonder they were all so merry!
We sat next to another group of women but they were a little quieter, thank goodness! We had a delicious late lunch of tapas accompanied by garlic flatbread and curly fries. We chose fried cauliflower (gorgeous), nachos with chicken and a yummy pork dish as Tapas portions and the food was beautifully cooked. With a glass of wine each and a shared dessert, we really enjoyed the food, but I wished it had been a little more peaceful!
Back home we relaxed and Keith prepared hot dogs much later in the evening. They weren't brilliant, I have to admit even though we'd bought them in the US section of Tesco. Sophie was still too full from our late lunch so she didn't join us and I wish I hadn't now!
Friday, 12 July 2019
Two days in one...
On Thursday Sophie had an appointment at the surgery in Guilsborough so she went off at 8am while Keith took Mike and I to work. He did the weekly shop at Tesco and came back to pick me up at 3pm as usual. It had been really hot at work and I'd put my hair up in the end to try and cope with the muggy warmth!
We didn't have long to wait and headed home where I pootled about doing the usual chores. I know it sounds silly, but by the time I've sorted out my lunchbox, got changed and tidied up after Mike has tramped bits of park all through the house, it's almost time for Sophie to be leaving work! Tonight she went to the gym on her way home as she hadn't gone this morning and she saw one of our senior managers there! I was shocked to be honest!
Friday rolled around again and my shift passed very quickly as I was so busy. Keith came to pick me up as he'd had to collect Mike from work early as he had a doctor's appointment to remove the stitches in his leg. The nurse had put some plasters on the wounds but I think he'll have a bit of scarring there to remind him of his silly accident!
As soon as Sophie came home we poured two glasses of wine and caught up with the semi-finals of the Men's tennis at Wimbledon. Nadal and Federer were playing and it was a very tense match at times! We'd recorded it so we were behind with the live action and we paused it while we had dinner of Spanish ham, cheese, patatas fritas and crusty bread, all washed down with a delicious Spanish red that Sophie bought in Southwell last week.
Afterwards we resumed the tennis and witnessed Federer winning the match. So, on Sunday it will be Djokovic and Federer in the final. We're planning a buffet with Champagne and strawberries! Bring it on!
We didn't have long to wait and headed home where I pootled about doing the usual chores. I know it sounds silly, but by the time I've sorted out my lunchbox, got changed and tidied up after Mike has tramped bits of park all through the house, it's almost time for Sophie to be leaving work! Tonight she went to the gym on her way home as she hadn't gone this morning and she saw one of our senior managers there! I was shocked to be honest!
Friday rolled around again and my shift passed very quickly as I was so busy. Keith came to pick me up as he'd had to collect Mike from work early as he had a doctor's appointment to remove the stitches in his leg. The nurse had put some plasters on the wounds but I think he'll have a bit of scarring there to remind him of his silly accident!
As soon as Sophie came home we poured two glasses of wine and caught up with the semi-finals of the Men's tennis at Wimbledon. Nadal and Federer were playing and it was a very tense match at times! We'd recorded it so we were behind with the live action and we paused it while we had dinner of Spanish ham, cheese, patatas fritas and crusty bread, all washed down with a delicious Spanish red that Sophie bought in Southwell last week.
Afterwards we resumed the tennis and witnessed Federer winning the match. So, on Sunday it will be Djokovic and Federer in the final. We're planning a buffet with Champagne and strawberries! Bring it on!
Wednesday, 10 July 2019
A hectic day!
We had a very busy morning as Keith took Mike to work and then he came home and we took Sophie in as well. My car was going in to the garage for the mechanics to have a look at the knocking sound which we still haven't resolved, and which is getting on our nerves, especially if we drive it around town a lot, so we needed her car today.
After dropping my car off in Broughton we went off to the Weston Favell Centre and I treated Keith to a coffee and toasted teacake at Costa. This morning I think they had lost it as there were four of them behind the counter, all getting in each other's way and we waited ages for our drinks to be served. Keith was in shock at how long it took!
Tonight we were supposed to be having toad-in-the-hole for dinner but as it was warm and sunny today and Sophie was out for dinner with a friend, neither of us fancied it at all. We went into Tesco and bought some cold meats and salads to have instead. We were giving Sophie and her friend a lift into town so I knew we wouldn't want to cook when we returned home.
From the Weston Favell Centre we went to Jones's where I bought yet more bird food for our ravenous feathered friends. I think that the baby birds are starting to look after themselves now but we are still visited by a host of starlings, black birds and sparrows every day, with the bigger birds coming early in the morning and making a right racket!
I had bought some geraniums in Tesco so when we got home I planted them in some pots and pottered about for a while before having a sandwich for lunch. It was then almost time to collect Mike!
After dropping him off at home, we went to collect my car from Broughton but nothing had been done about it. The two mechanics said they couldn't work out which "bush" on the shock absorbers the noise was coming from so they asked us to bring it back when it was really bad! Well, it is now!
I was not amused, I have to say!
We left Sophie's car at the garage and drove straight to Brackmills to get her and then picked Laura up from her house. They were having cocktails at Turtle Bay near the Drapery so we dropped them off there and returned home. Keith made me a Vodka and Tonic and boy! did it hit the spot! We sat and relaxed and watched some evening horse-racing, both from this country and in the US. It was heaven to just sit and do nothing for half an hour after our busy day!
We sat and ate our light dinner and then at 9.30pm we left to get Sophie. I had taken out my contact lenses as I was reading but Keith was driving anyway and it felt very strange to be in the car and not be able to see properly!
After dropping my car off in Broughton we went off to the Weston Favell Centre and I treated Keith to a coffee and toasted teacake at Costa. This morning I think they had lost it as there were four of them behind the counter, all getting in each other's way and we waited ages for our drinks to be served. Keith was in shock at how long it took!
Tonight we were supposed to be having toad-in-the-hole for dinner but as it was warm and sunny today and Sophie was out for dinner with a friend, neither of us fancied it at all. We went into Tesco and bought some cold meats and salads to have instead. We were giving Sophie and her friend a lift into town so I knew we wouldn't want to cook when we returned home.
From the Weston Favell Centre we went to Jones's where I bought yet more bird food for our ravenous feathered friends. I think that the baby birds are starting to look after themselves now but we are still visited by a host of starlings, black birds and sparrows every day, with the bigger birds coming early in the morning and making a right racket!
I had bought some geraniums in Tesco so when we got home I planted them in some pots and pottered about for a while before having a sandwich for lunch. It was then almost time to collect Mike!
After dropping him off at home, we went to collect my car from Broughton but nothing had been done about it. The two mechanics said they couldn't work out which "bush" on the shock absorbers the noise was coming from so they asked us to bring it back when it was really bad! Well, it is now!
I was not amused, I have to say!
We left Sophie's car at the garage and drove straight to Brackmills to get her and then picked Laura up from her house. They were having cocktails at Turtle Bay near the Drapery so we dropped them off there and returned home. Keith made me a Vodka and Tonic and boy! did it hit the spot! We sat and relaxed and watched some evening horse-racing, both from this country and in the US. It was heaven to just sit and do nothing for half an hour after our busy day!
We sat and ate our light dinner and then at 9.30pm we left to get Sophie. I had taken out my contact lenses as I was reading but Keith was driving anyway and it felt very strange to be in the car and not be able to see properly!
Tuesday, 9 July 2019
"Beyond repair"...
I took Mike to work today and he was back down at the Far Cotton park. I dashed off to work and had a busy day working with Joanne. Sara wasn't in today but we coped very well and I think we've got the hang of the cancellation process now. It'll just be interesting to see how things work out when the school holidays start!
Mike was off to see a friend after work so I didn't have to go and get him! What a relief! I sped home to find out that the repair man had been but the fridge was "beyond economic repair". Great... We'd inherited it from my parents a few years ago when they moved and they'd had it a while so I suppose it had lasted well. Keith and I went onto the Appliances Online website and we've ordered another - just a large fridge this time as we never really used the freezer compartment. It will be delivered on Saturday so we'll have to move all the perishable stuff into the kitchen fridge until then. I drooled over the American fridges but they were well over £1000 so we'll have to leave those for another day! Perhaps if we get our kitchen refurbished!
Mike was off to see a friend after work so I didn't have to go and get him! What a relief! I sped home to find out that the repair man had been but the fridge was "beyond economic repair". Great... We'd inherited it from my parents a few years ago when they moved and they'd had it a while so I suppose it had lasted well. Keith and I went onto the Appliances Online website and we've ordered another - just a large fridge this time as we never really used the freezer compartment. It will be delivered on Saturday so we'll have to move all the perishable stuff into the kitchen fridge until then. I drooled over the American fridges but they were well over £1000 so we'll have to leave those for another day! Perhaps if we get our kitchen refurbished!
Monday, 8 July 2019
Cool down!
Keith and I had to take Mike to the recreation ground in Far Cotton today so a slightly longer trip to get him to work. His leg is still painful and there was one moment this morning when I didn't think he was going to go in, but thankfully he did. We took the bandages off to let the air get to his wound and he was fine!
I arrived at work a little later than normal and had a busy, but pleasant shift. Keith picked me up at 2pm and we popped over to the Weston Favell Centre to do our shopping and to post a parcel. Keith treated me to a coffee afterwards before we went back to get Mike from work.
Today has been lovely and sunny with warm temperatures and I've been letting the grass grow in our garden as it's full of daisies, buttercups, clover and a beautiful little purple flower. We've been trying to leave it longer between mowing to encourage the bees and insects to make the most of the flowers.
Our spare garage fridge seems to have stopped working which is a pain as we keep lots of drinks out there and it's great to have the extra space if we're entertaining. I noticed a couple of days ago that things didn't seem as cold as they used to (it was much colder than our kitchen fridge) so it looks like there's a problem. Keith called a local firm we use to repair our appliances and they're coming out tomorrow...I just hope it's repairable!
Sunday, 7 July 2019
Pootling about...
Mike was working overtime today so Keith dropped him in town for 9am. Sophie went to the gym and when she returned we had a late breakfast of scrambled eggs, veggie sausages, toast and beans. We sat in the sunny conservatory and it's been a really gorgeous day today with blue skies and fluffy clouds. It was lovely to have no plans and be able to pootle about the house doing what we wanted.
Sophie put quite a few clothes on eBay and I did a mound of ironing and prepped dinner which we had decided was to be Spicy Korean Chicken. It meant we had to deep fry the meat which I was slightly nervous about! Luckily I found a thermometer that I used to use when I made candles and after a good clean up I felt a bit better about controlling the temperature, which had to be 160c at first.
We made a soy sauce and a sweet chilli sauce and I prepared the batter and the flour for dusting them. At 4.30pm we went to get Mike from work and he was dirty and tired. When he got home he confessed to us that he'd cut his leg very badly the other night (Friday) and he'd had to go to A&E to get it stitched. His lower right leg was cut to pieces and as well as the stitches some of the cuts had tape on them. We were horrified that it had happened and he hadn't told us straight away or on Saturday morning! He said he'd been playing badminton in a friend's garden and had missed the shot and put his leg through a greenhouse pane of glass...
Dinner was a success and we managed to keep the oil from boiling over and setting the house on fire - my dread! We cooked the chicken in two batches while Sophie prepared some Jasmine rice to accompany the meal. We then had to fry the chicken at a higher temperature to brown the batter and it was delicious. As we now have some confidence in deep-frying this way, maybe we could experiment with fish?
So, it's Sunday evening again and the weekend has whizzed by. Monday tomorrow!
Sophie put quite a few clothes on eBay and I did a mound of ironing and prepped dinner which we had decided was to be Spicy Korean Chicken. It meant we had to deep fry the meat which I was slightly nervous about! Luckily I found a thermometer that I used to use when I made candles and after a good clean up I felt a bit better about controlling the temperature, which had to be 160c at first.
We made a soy sauce and a sweet chilli sauce and I prepared the batter and the flour for dusting them. At 4.30pm we went to get Mike from work and he was dirty and tired. When he got home he confessed to us that he'd cut his leg very badly the other night (Friday) and he'd had to go to A&E to get it stitched. His lower right leg was cut to pieces and as well as the stitches some of the cuts had tape on them. We were horrified that it had happened and he hadn't told us straight away or on Saturday morning! He said he'd been playing badminton in a friend's garden and had missed the shot and put his leg through a greenhouse pane of glass...
Dinner was a success and we managed to keep the oil from boiling over and setting the house on fire - my dread! We cooked the chicken in two batches while Sophie prepared some Jasmine rice to accompany the meal. We then had to fry the chicken at a higher temperature to brown the batter and it was delicious. As we now have some confidence in deep-frying this way, maybe we could experiment with fish?
So, it's Sunday evening again and the weekend has whizzed by. Monday tomorrow!
Saturday, 6 July 2019
A trip to the Workhouse
When I got up this morning, the first thing I did was go and check on the little bee. He was still on the lawn and was alive so I gave him some more nectar and left him to it. Hopefully, he will fly off soon!
Sophie and I picked my Mum up at 10.30am and we were a little dismayed by the grey weather. However, as the Workhouse was mostly inside, it didn't matter that much! We set Google maps to give us directions and drove along the A14 and M1 to junction 21a where we joined the A46. It started to rain and became quite heavy but by the time we reached the delightful little town of Southwell, it had dried up a bit.
The Workhouse at Southwell was built in 1821 and is the most intact example of a workhouse in Britain today. It opens at 12pm and we arrived a few minutes afterwards so after paying we made straight for the cafe for a quick sandwich and a coffee.
The infirmary had also just opened but to be honest there wasn't that much to see and Sophie was spooked by a couple of the rooms upstairs as she said the door tried to shut on her! When we saw one of the old bathrooms I commented on how much they had changed over the years (thank goodness!).
The Workhouse itself was more interesting and there were stories you could listen to from people who had lived there right up until the 1970s when the place was used as a shelter for the homeless or families in need. Originally, the workhouse system was introduced to cut down on the money paid to the needy in their own homes and came out of the charitable donations of the local community.
The workhouse was not designed to be a place where people would want to go. Life was harsh and men and women were segregated and the able-bodied put to work in often meaningless tasks.
My Mum thoroughly enjoyed the visit, pointing out things that she had seen when she was a child, especially the mangle in the laundry. The kitchen looked like a place of hard work and Sophie tried out the forerunner of our modern washing machine!
There was even an outside barn that housed the dead which was a bit macabre, as they had a "corpse" in there! We visited the cellars which were cool and dark and were the only ones down there, so that was a bit spooky!
We stayed for about two and a half hours and the place was filling up rapidly when we left. Happily, the weather had improved and the sun was peeking out from the clouds!
As we loved the look of Southwell, we drove the short distance and parked in a small car park near the town. It was free for two hours which was a lovely touch, I thought, and certainly encouraged us to visit.
We walked up the lovely high street and came across an upmarket wine shop where we spent a very pleasant time perusing the shelves. There were wines you could taste using a pre-loaded payment card and we were very tempted!
Mum bought my Dad a bottle of Montepulciano wine and Sophie treated us to two bottles as well. As we all fancied an ice-cream, we went in search of a shop and found the whole area really lovely, with loads of independent shops and cafes with people sitting outside in the sunshine.
After our ice-creams, Sophie and I went into a tiny deli and bought cheese, crackers and some chocolates. Laden down with our delicious purchases, we returned to the car and set the directions to get us back home.
On the way, the clouds darkened and it looked like the weather back at home was still grey and rainy. We dropped Mum off at home and then returned to find Keith still out at the football and Mike lounging in his room.
Dinner tonight was a lovely beef curry and afterwards we watched Speed. A great end to a very interesting and enjoyable day!
Sophie and I picked my Mum up at 10.30am and we were a little dismayed by the grey weather. However, as the Workhouse was mostly inside, it didn't matter that much! We set Google maps to give us directions and drove along the A14 and M1 to junction 21a where we joined the A46. It started to rain and became quite heavy but by the time we reached the delightful little town of Southwell, it had dried up a bit.
The Workhouse at Southwell was built in 1821 and is the most intact example of a workhouse in Britain today. It opens at 12pm and we arrived a few minutes afterwards so after paying we made straight for the cafe for a quick sandwich and a coffee.
The infirmary had also just opened but to be honest there wasn't that much to see and Sophie was spooked by a couple of the rooms upstairs as she said the door tried to shut on her! When we saw one of the old bathrooms I commented on how much they had changed over the years (thank goodness!).
The Workhouse itself was more interesting and there were stories you could listen to from people who had lived there right up until the 1970s when the place was used as a shelter for the homeless or families in need. Originally, the workhouse system was introduced to cut down on the money paid to the needy in their own homes and came out of the charitable donations of the local community.
The workhouse was not designed to be a place where people would want to go. Life was harsh and men and women were segregated and the able-bodied put to work in often meaningless tasks.
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The blankets were hard and scratchy! |
My Mum thoroughly enjoyed the visit, pointing out things that she had seen when she was a child, especially the mangle in the laundry. The kitchen looked like a place of hard work and Sophie tried out the forerunner of our modern washing machine!
There was even an outside barn that housed the dead which was a bit macabre, as they had a "corpse" in there! We visited the cellars which were cool and dark and were the only ones down there, so that was a bit spooky!
We stayed for about two and a half hours and the place was filling up rapidly when we left. Happily, the weather had improved and the sun was peeking out from the clouds!
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Rhubarb in the extensive gardens. |
We walked up the lovely high street and came across an upmarket wine shop where we spent a very pleasant time perusing the shelves. There were wines you could taste using a pre-loaded payment card and we were very tempted!
Mum bought my Dad a bottle of Montepulciano wine and Sophie treated us to two bottles as well. As we all fancied an ice-cream, we went in search of a shop and found the whole area really lovely, with loads of independent shops and cafes with people sitting outside in the sunshine.
After our ice-creams, Sophie and I went into a tiny deli and bought cheese, crackers and some chocolates. Laden down with our delicious purchases, we returned to the car and set the directions to get us back home.
On the way, the clouds darkened and it looked like the weather back at home was still grey and rainy. We dropped Mum off at home and then returned to find Keith still out at the football and Mike lounging in his room.
Dinner tonight was a lovely beef curry and afterwards we watched Speed. A great end to a very interesting and enjoyable day!
Friday, 5 July 2019
Saving a bee!
After work I went to Riverside and visited Wilco's to buy some bird food. Everything we put out, including kitchen scraps, is gobbled up quickly by our hungry birds who are probably still feeding their young. As usual, the starlings descend in flocks and hoover up everything! I'm glad to see we still have sparrows, blackbirds and pigeons, but I haven't see the robin for a while.
I also bought some more gloss paint in Wilco's as the one I used to paint one of the kitchen doors on Wednesday was full of fluff. With a new bed sheet for Mike a bottle of white spirit and some new brushes, I only spent £20 which was a bargain. I returned it all to my car and then popped into Homebase to look at the summer bedding plants. I still wanted a tray of geraniums but they only had ones in individual pots so after having a good look around (and stopping in the tile aisle) I went to get Mike.
The weather today has been beautiful - sunny and warm with lovely blue skies, but alas! that is all set to change tomorrow. Typical! When I got home I noticed a poor bee lying on the window sill so I managed to get it outside and fed it some agave nectar. Throughout the evening I went to check on it and it was still alive, but I'm not sure it'll last the night.
Keith drove himself to the pub again which was great as Sophie and I could enjoy our wine night. We watched the tennis again but it wasn't as thrilling or argumentative as yesterday! Dinner tonight was pizza, wedges and salad and Mike went off to spend the evening with friends.
We didn't have as late a night tonight as we did last Friday as tomorrow we are off to the Workhouse in Southwell!
I also bought some more gloss paint in Wilco's as the one I used to paint one of the kitchen doors on Wednesday was full of fluff. With a new bed sheet for Mike a bottle of white spirit and some new brushes, I only spent £20 which was a bargain. I returned it all to my car and then popped into Homebase to look at the summer bedding plants. I still wanted a tray of geraniums but they only had ones in individual pots so after having a good look around (and stopping in the tile aisle) I went to get Mike.
The weather today has been beautiful - sunny and warm with lovely blue skies, but alas! that is all set to change tomorrow. Typical! When I got home I noticed a poor bee lying on the window sill so I managed to get it outside and fed it some agave nectar. Throughout the evening I went to check on it and it was still alive, but I'm not sure it'll last the night.
Keith drove himself to the pub again which was great as Sophie and I could enjoy our wine night. We watched the tennis again but it wasn't as thrilling or argumentative as yesterday! Dinner tonight was pizza, wedges and salad and Mike went off to spend the evening with friends.
We didn't have as late a night tonight as we did last Friday as tomorrow we are off to the Workhouse in Southwell!
Thursday, 4 July 2019
Tempers fray!
As usual, on a Thursday, Keith took me to work and then went and did our weekly shop. Luckily, work was a lot quieter and Sue had brought in some veggie wraps which were delicious!
At 3pm, Keith collected me, we went to get Mike and returned home to pootle about. By the time I get home, get changed and tidy things away, it's almost time for Sophie to leave work!
In the evening we sat and watched Wimbledon and saw the game between Nick Kyrgios who seemed a thoroughly horrible man! He argued with the umpire and was very scathing and then apparently he tried to hit Nadal in the chest with the ball! The game was thrilling and we paused it while we had dinner, we were enjoying it so much!
Luckily, Nadal won and we noticed that his various little "tics" are getting worse, bless him. He always tucks his hair behind his ears, pulls his pants out of his bottom and fiddles about with his face. Apparently he has others, like adjusting his socks and never stepping on the lines on the court! We'll have to watch out for them in future!
At 3pm, Keith collected me, we went to get Mike and returned home to pootle about. By the time I get home, get changed and tidy things away, it's almost time for Sophie to leave work!
In the evening we sat and watched Wimbledon and saw the game between Nick Kyrgios who seemed a thoroughly horrible man! He argued with the umpire and was very scathing and then apparently he tried to hit Nadal in the chest with the ball! The game was thrilling and we paused it while we had dinner, we were enjoying it so much!
Luckily, Nadal won and we noticed that his various little "tics" are getting worse, bless him. He always tucks his hair behind his ears, pulls his pants out of his bottom and fiddles about with his face. Apparently he has others, like adjusting his socks and never stepping on the lines on the court! We'll have to watch out for them in future!
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Getting things done!
I had a bit of a lie-in this morning as Keith got up to take Mike to work. We had no plans for today so I seized the opportunity to do something I've been putting off for ages - touching up the paintwork on the banisters and the skirting boards from when we painted them earlier in the year.
I put some gloss paint in an old mug and very carefully worked my way around covering up little knocks and scratches in the paintwork. We then did some recovery work in the cloakroom after the leak from the bathroom and then I carried on cleaning upstairs.
As I had time on my hands today I sorted out my underwear drawer and the bottom drawer of our chest which contains both travel stuff and winter woollies. I did throw quite a bit of stuff out, mainly old clothes that I wear in the house while I'm painting or doing housework and which wouldn't be suitable for giving to charity.
After hoovering upstairs I did downstairs and vacuumed Sophie's car. By about 3pm I'd had enough! Outside the weather was gorgeous but I was really pleased that we'd done so much in the house and ticked a few chores off the "To Do" list!
Yesterday I'd taken the plunge and ordered a new Kindle Fire as my Hudl has given up the ghost so I waited in for it to be delivered while Keith went to get Mike from work. The delivery man called at 3.15 so just after Keith left. I left it to charge before playing with it, but I wanted it to play films on or watch series like The Grand Tour, as I've joined Amazon Prime. It has Alexa on it which Keith said will spy on us and listen to what we say!
I put some gloss paint in an old mug and very carefully worked my way around covering up little knocks and scratches in the paintwork. We then did some recovery work in the cloakroom after the leak from the bathroom and then I carried on cleaning upstairs.
As I had time on my hands today I sorted out my underwear drawer and the bottom drawer of our chest which contains both travel stuff and winter woollies. I did throw quite a bit of stuff out, mainly old clothes that I wear in the house while I'm painting or doing housework and which wouldn't be suitable for giving to charity.
After hoovering upstairs I did downstairs and vacuumed Sophie's car. By about 3pm I'd had enough! Outside the weather was gorgeous but I was really pleased that we'd done so much in the house and ticked a few chores off the "To Do" list!
Yesterday I'd taken the plunge and ordered a new Kindle Fire as my Hudl has given up the ghost so I waited in for it to be delivered while Keith went to get Mike from work. The delivery man called at 3.15 so just after Keith left. I left it to charge before playing with it, but I wanted it to play films on or watch series like The Grand Tour, as I've joined Amazon Prime. It has Alexa on it which Keith said will spy on us and listen to what we say!
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
A frantic morning...
Sophie was up at 4am this morning as she was going to Preston for a training session with her manager, and would be staying overnight. Luckily, she was being picked up from home so we didn't have to drive her to Thrapston, but I still got up with her to see her off.
I took Mike to work this morning and Joanne and I had a very busy shift with loads of cancellations to do. At one point I had paperwork all over my desk and didn't know whether I was coming or going! I just wonder what will happen in the summer holidays (which are coming up fast) and we have almost non-stop calls to deal with!
At 2pm I headed home and mooched about with Keith for half an hour before going into town and picking Mike up from work. When we got home Sophie called me and said she was going to the hotel gym to work out for a while, which I thought was admirable seeing as she had been up so early this morning!
Keith and I played cards in the conservatory this evening and Sophie joined us on a video call! I still find it amazing that we can do this (especially when we were in San Francisco!) and it was great to have her with us while we played!
After dinner, while Keith watched the Women's football, I researched restaurants in Pollensa for when we go in September. I read some of my old restaurant reviews which definitely brought all the memories flooding back!
I took Mike to work this morning and Joanne and I had a very busy shift with loads of cancellations to do. At one point I had paperwork all over my desk and didn't know whether I was coming or going! I just wonder what will happen in the summer holidays (which are coming up fast) and we have almost non-stop calls to deal with!
At 2pm I headed home and mooched about with Keith for half an hour before going into town and picking Mike up from work. When we got home Sophie called me and said she was going to the hotel gym to work out for a while, which I thought was admirable seeing as she had been up so early this morning!
Keith and I played cards in the conservatory this evening and Sophie joined us on a video call! I still find it amazing that we can do this (especially when we were in San Francisco!) and it was great to have her with us while we played!
After dinner, while Keith watched the Women's football, I researched restaurants in Pollensa for when we go in September. I read some of my old restaurant reviews which definitely brought all the memories flooding back!
Monday, 1 July 2019
Busy, busy!
Work was very busy today as the online bookings system was down so we were inundated with calls from people trying to book classes. By the time I left at 3pm (I helped out by staying an hour extra) we'd had over 200 calls! Sara hinted that we may get even more work in the near future and I do wonder how much we can take on before we all explode! Doing the cancellations takes quite a while and has to be correct as it affects members' money!
After collecting Mike Keith and I went to Broughton to the garage as my car is still making a loud knocking noise. We thought we'd fixed it when the shock absorbers were seen to but the problem still exists. It seems much worse when the weather is dry and also when we've been driving it a lot. we spoke to one of the mechanics and I've booked it in for next Wednesday. I just hope it's not a costly job!
Sophie is off to Preston tomorrow and is staying overnight so she had her bags to pack when she got home. She's being picked up by her manager at 5.30am in the morning and I'm just very glad we don't have to take her!
After collecting Mike Keith and I went to Broughton to the garage as my car is still making a loud knocking noise. We thought we'd fixed it when the shock absorbers were seen to but the problem still exists. It seems much worse when the weather is dry and also when we've been driving it a lot. we spoke to one of the mechanics and I've booked it in for next Wednesday. I just hope it's not a costly job!
Sophie is off to Preston tomorrow and is staying overnight so she had her bags to pack when she got home. She's being picked up by her manager at 5.30am in the morning and I'm just very glad we don't have to take her!
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