Work was much quieter today and I even sneaked out to see Sophie who was going to the gym with a friend!
At 2pm I left and drove to Manvell Farm Park, which has a lovely tearoom. I'd arranged to meet Lisa and her daughter there, to catch up and have a cup of tea. The place was packed and I found it difficult to park!
We all sat outside as the weather was beautiful and enjoyed tea, hot chocolate, a milkshake and cakes. It was great to catch up with Lisa, hear all her news and find out about the two women who are taking over the after-school club in September.
We were there for an hour and Syd amused herself by feeding the ducks the rest of her cake. We were surrounded by them! I drove home, picked up Sophie and we went to do the weekly shop in Aldi and Tesco. We have decided to cook the Hairy Bikers' Japanese Chicken meatballs on Sunday but we couldn't find minced chicken anywhere! In the end we had to settle for turkey thigh mince so I hope it's going to be OK! We also had to buy some Shitake mushrooms which were dried in a jar.
Back home we unpacked, took Keith to the pub and relaxed for a while before preparing dinner. Sophie made the curry tonight and instead of cooking it in the slow cooker as we usually do, we used the large frying pan on the hob. I have to say it tasted a lot better that way as it wasn't cooking for so long!
Friday, 31 August 2018
Thursday, 30 August 2018
A long day!
My day didn't start too well when I had an argument with Mike this morning as he just wouldn't get up. I was awake at 4.30am and went downstairs at 5am to print off a posting label for another item we'd sold. Not really the best thing to do at that time of the morning, but I was toying with the idea of going back to bed for half an hour when I got back from taking Mike and I needed to take the parcel with me when I went to work!
Eventually Mike appeared and we had a row so we had a silent drive to the golf club! When I got home I didn't go back to bed and had a cup of coffee instead. Work was very busy this morning as I was mostly on my own and we'd taken over 150 calls by the time I'd finished at 3pm. Keith came to pick me up from work and we sped off to the doctor's as his leg is still not better. I drove and I really had to put my foot down to get there by 3.30pm. We arrived with a minute to spare and Keith went straight in to see the GP and explained what was happening with his leg, which is still red and swollen. He was given another week's worth of antibiotics and on the way home we called into the Post Office yet again!
Sophie has been at work today and it was great when she got home at 5pm and we could relax!
Eventually Mike appeared and we had a row so we had a silent drive to the golf club! When I got home I didn't go back to bed and had a cup of coffee instead. Work was very busy this morning as I was mostly on my own and we'd taken over 150 calls by the time I'd finished at 3pm. Keith came to pick me up from work and we sped off to the doctor's as his leg is still not better. I drove and I really had to put my foot down to get there by 3.30pm. We arrived with a minute to spare and Keith went straight in to see the GP and explained what was happening with his leg, which is still red and swollen. He was given another week's worth of antibiotics and on the way home we called into the Post Office yet again!
Sophie has been at work today and it was great when she got home at 5pm and we could relax!
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
I lose my blob!
Keith took Mike to work this morning but I was still up quite early. It was a grey and misty start to the day but it cleared to sunshine and blue skies by 9am.
Keith and I went to the DVT clinic at the hospital again as he'd been recalled back. The nurse scanned the back of his knee but everything was fine, which is what we'd expected. Afterwards, we went to the cafe and had a cup of coffee and Sophie texted me to say that after driving into work she wasn't needed after all. We arranged to meet back at home and go to Jones's.
I needed bird food and some other bits and bobs at the Wholesaler's and we were dismayed (but not surprised) to see Christmas decorations already on display! On the way home we called into Aldi and bought dinner for Thursday night as Sophie and I said we would go shopping on Friday afternoon again.
It was then back home for lunch and a mooch about until it was time to pick up Mike from work. I popped into the Post Office at Brixworth as we had sold another DVD. After this week we're going to give ebay a rest as we've booked a pitch at a table top sale on the 15th September and we're hoping to take all the stuff we haven't sold there. I seem to be constantly going to the Post Office at the moment!
I'd arranged to meet my parents at a car dealership in Kettering at about 3.30pm as they'd seen a car they liked - a Volkswagen Golf. When we arrived there was a huge petrol tanker in the way which was creating a queue on the forecourt of the petrol station next door. I managed to squeeze through to the dealership and parked my car. Sophie and I had a quick look at the cars and then we got back into my car to wait for Mum and Dad.
Sophie spotted them on the forecourt of the petrol station so I went over and asked what they were doing. Dad said he needed petrol but when he pulled up at a pump his cap was on the other side of the car and he was too far away. I told him to go to the dealership and get petrol later but as I moved a cone to help him drive around the pumps, the man in the cash office bellowed at me to put the cone back. I tried to explain what was happening but he was really rude and aggressive. To make matters worse, the tanker driver then joined in and both of them were shouting at me to put the cone back as they said it was dangerous for us to drive back towards the dealership!
It was a horrible, embarrassing situation especially as the petrol station was busy with people. I tried again to say we just wanted to go to the dealership next door, but they were having none of it even though another car had just driven past the tanker!
In the end I told Mum and Dad to go and join Keith and Sophie and I drove Dad's car back out onto the road (it took me ages to turn right as the traffic was horrendous) and then into the car park of the dealership. I went back to have another go at the tanker driver and was a bit sarcastic. He asked if I wanted his name and too right I did!
By now, Sophie and Keith were wondering what on earth was going on and they could see how upset and angry I was. The tanker driver was rude in the extreme and the sales staff said that he really shouldn't be delivering during opening hours. The man who owned the dealership went over to have a word with the tanker driver but I don't know what he said - probably something sarcastic about me!
We looked at the new car and I went out with my Dad and the salesman to have a test drive. I wasn't sure about Dad driving so I went for a run in it and as it's an automatic and lovely to drive I think Dad will get on better than he does in his Nissan Qashqai.
Back at the garage we all agreed that Mum and Dad were going to buy the car so we left them to complete the paperwork and we went home. I definitely needed a stiff drink this evening!
Keith and I went to the DVT clinic at the hospital again as he'd been recalled back. The nurse scanned the back of his knee but everything was fine, which is what we'd expected. Afterwards, we went to the cafe and had a cup of coffee and Sophie texted me to say that after driving into work she wasn't needed after all. We arranged to meet back at home and go to Jones's.
I needed bird food and some other bits and bobs at the Wholesaler's and we were dismayed (but not surprised) to see Christmas decorations already on display! On the way home we called into Aldi and bought dinner for Thursday night as Sophie and I said we would go shopping on Friday afternoon again.
It was then back home for lunch and a mooch about until it was time to pick up Mike from work. I popped into the Post Office at Brixworth as we had sold another DVD. After this week we're going to give ebay a rest as we've booked a pitch at a table top sale on the 15th September and we're hoping to take all the stuff we haven't sold there. I seem to be constantly going to the Post Office at the moment!
I'd arranged to meet my parents at a car dealership in Kettering at about 3.30pm as they'd seen a car they liked - a Volkswagen Golf. When we arrived there was a huge petrol tanker in the way which was creating a queue on the forecourt of the petrol station next door. I managed to squeeze through to the dealership and parked my car. Sophie and I had a quick look at the cars and then we got back into my car to wait for Mum and Dad.
Sophie spotted them on the forecourt of the petrol station so I went over and asked what they were doing. Dad said he needed petrol but when he pulled up at a pump his cap was on the other side of the car and he was too far away. I told him to go to the dealership and get petrol later but as I moved a cone to help him drive around the pumps, the man in the cash office bellowed at me to put the cone back. I tried to explain what was happening but he was really rude and aggressive. To make matters worse, the tanker driver then joined in and both of them were shouting at me to put the cone back as they said it was dangerous for us to drive back towards the dealership!
It was a horrible, embarrassing situation especially as the petrol station was busy with people. I tried again to say we just wanted to go to the dealership next door, but they were having none of it even though another car had just driven past the tanker!
In the end I told Mum and Dad to go and join Keith and Sophie and I drove Dad's car back out onto the road (it took me ages to turn right as the traffic was horrendous) and then into the car park of the dealership. I went back to have another go at the tanker driver and was a bit sarcastic. He asked if I wanted his name and too right I did!
By now, Sophie and Keith were wondering what on earth was going on and they could see how upset and angry I was. The tanker driver was rude in the extreme and the sales staff said that he really shouldn't be delivering during opening hours. The man who owned the dealership went over to have a word with the tanker driver but I don't know what he said - probably something sarcastic about me!
We looked at the new car and I went out with my Dad and the salesman to have a test drive. I wasn't sure about Dad driving so I went for a run in it and as it's an automatic and lovely to drive I think Dad will get on better than he does in his Nissan Qashqai.
Back at the garage we all agreed that Mum and Dad were going to buy the car so we left them to complete the paperwork and we went home. I definitely needed a stiff drink this evening!
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Good news!
My car was booked in for its MOT today and after dropping it off we drove over to Tesco where we had a naughty breakfast at McDonald's. Keith went to get his hair cut while Sophie and I did the shopping for Tuesday and Wednesday. It was blissfully quiet in the supermarket so we whizzed around and bought more stuff than we intended to, namely a bottle of Elderflower Gin! Yum!
On the way home we called to see Mum and Dad and had a cup of coffee but we didn't stay long as Sophie was asked to go into work. We dropped her off and came home to potter about. I was on tenterhooks about my car as the garage said I may need new shock absorbers and I also suspected my rear tyres might let me down, but at 4pm they called to say it had passed the MOT and I could collect it.
Today has been another grey day with not a lot of sunshine, unfortunately. I do miss the blue skies and sun! We went to pick Sophie up from work and congratulated her on getting a job! She had heard during the day and will start next Monday! Another new chapter we'll be starting!
It was then home to relax before our simple supper of soup and crusty bread. Mike slept all afternoon but at least he made an appearance for dinner!
On the way home we called to see Mum and Dad and had a cup of coffee but we didn't stay long as Sophie was asked to go into work. We dropped her off and came home to potter about. I was on tenterhooks about my car as the garage said I may need new shock absorbers and I also suspected my rear tyres might let me down, but at 4pm they called to say it had passed the MOT and I could collect it.
Today has been another grey day with not a lot of sunshine, unfortunately. I do miss the blue skies and sun! We went to pick Sophie up from work and congratulated her on getting a job! She had heard during the day and will start next Monday! Another new chapter we'll be starting!
It was then home to relax before our simple supper of soup and crusty bread. Mike slept all afternoon but at least he made an appearance for dinner!
Monday, 27 August 2018
Bank Holiday pottering...
Unfortunately, even though today was a Bank Holiday, Mike still had to go to work. Keith drove but I went with them just to make sure he was OK driving. He was doing a full day today so at least we had until 2pm to pick him up, rather than go back out again at about 8am!
Sophie went to the gym this morning with her friend, Laurie, and I made a start on the front garden, sweeping away all the leaves and mowing the verge. I think we need a new lawnmower as the wheel kept falling off! It looked a lot better when I'd finished and it's a real sociable way to spend an hour as lots of people were out and about and stopped for a chat!
Sophie came home, hoovered the house for me and we spent the rest of the morning pottering about. After collecting Mike from work I tackled the back garden and mowed the lawn. My compost heap is coming on really well now and has turned a dark brown colour. No matter how much I add to it, it never gets any bigger so the material must be being digested by all the little creepy crawlies that live in it! My aim is to plant up some Spring flowers next year using my compost and the moss I took out of the lawn!
We were going to go to the pub in the evening but the weather today has been a little disappointing with mostly grey skies and it's felt chilly with a brisk wind. Sophie and I had a glass of red wine at home instead and we watched the last episode of Sharp Objects which was very good. I've struggled with this drama but the ending had a real twist!
We made spaghetti bolognese for dinner, but just the three of us sat down to eat. Mike was off with his new friend Georgia, who had driven over from the other side of Northampton to see him. They then (apparently) drove all the way back to Milton Keynes and then she had to drive him back home again later in the evening. It must be love!
Sophie went to the gym this morning with her friend, Laurie, and I made a start on the front garden, sweeping away all the leaves and mowing the verge. I think we need a new lawnmower as the wheel kept falling off! It looked a lot better when I'd finished and it's a real sociable way to spend an hour as lots of people were out and about and stopped for a chat!
Sophie came home, hoovered the house for me and we spent the rest of the morning pottering about. After collecting Mike from work I tackled the back garden and mowed the lawn. My compost heap is coming on really well now and has turned a dark brown colour. No matter how much I add to it, it never gets any bigger so the material must be being digested by all the little creepy crawlies that live in it! My aim is to plant up some Spring flowers next year using my compost and the moss I took out of the lawn!
We were going to go to the pub in the evening but the weather today has been a little disappointing with mostly grey skies and it's felt chilly with a brisk wind. Sophie and I had a glass of red wine at home instead and we watched the last episode of Sharp Objects which was very good. I've struggled with this drama but the ending had a real twist!
We made spaghetti bolognese for dinner, but just the three of us sat down to eat. Mike was off with his new friend Georgia, who had driven over from the other side of Northampton to see him. They then (apparently) drove all the way back to Milton Keynes and then she had to drive him back home again later in the evening. It must be love!
Sunday, 26 August 2018
Breakfast out!
We had a bit of difficulty getting Mike up this morning as he'd been to the beer festival last night and wasn't at all keen on going to work. However, by 5.15am we were on our way and we dropped him off with a grunt from him as a goodbye!
We went back to bed again but I was up at 7.30am and looking at a dreary sky. The forecast was for rain all day today, which was a shame.
Mike wasn't ready to be picked up until 9.30am and as soon as we got back we all got showered and drove over to Rushden Lakes in the pouring rain. Sophie and Mike were treating us to brunch at Bill's and we were seated on a table overlooking the lake. A few hardy souls were out wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas, and as well as it being wet it was also very chilly. Has our summer ended?
We had a delicious breakfast (Mike had a burger from the lunch menu) with sausages, eggs, bacon, toast, mushrooms and hash browns. It was great to sit and relax and talk about our plans for the rest of the day.
If the weather had been better we would probably have had a look around the shops, but with the rain and Keith's leg still a bit sore, we headed home. We drove past the pub and saw it was empty outside (well, who would sit out in this weather?) - what a difference from yesterday when there were people drinking and enjoying the sunshine!
Back home Keith and Sophie donned their onesies, while Mike retired to bed. Sophie and I spent the afternoon listing some more items on ebay and packaging up the items we sold today. We are really getting into this and having a lot of fun!
In the evening Sophie and I cooked pork escalopes with mashed potatoes and vegetables and made a mushroom sauce to go with the meal. It took us an hour to do the cooking and the meal was lovely. Washing afterwards wasn't a lot of fun, though!
We went back to bed again but I was up at 7.30am and looking at a dreary sky. The forecast was for rain all day today, which was a shame.
Mike wasn't ready to be picked up until 9.30am and as soon as we got back we all got showered and drove over to Rushden Lakes in the pouring rain. Sophie and Mike were treating us to brunch at Bill's and we were seated on a table overlooking the lake. A few hardy souls were out wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas, and as well as it being wet it was also very chilly. Has our summer ended?
We had a delicious breakfast (Mike had a burger from the lunch menu) with sausages, eggs, bacon, toast, mushrooms and hash browns. It was great to sit and relax and talk about our plans for the rest of the day.
If the weather had been better we would probably have had a look around the shops, but with the rain and Keith's leg still a bit sore, we headed home. We drove past the pub and saw it was empty outside (well, who would sit out in this weather?) - what a difference from yesterday when there were people drinking and enjoying the sunshine!
Back home Keith and Sophie donned their onesies, while Mike retired to bed. Sophie and I spent the afternoon listing some more items on ebay and packaging up the items we sold today. We are really getting into this and having a lot of fun!
In the evening Sophie and I cooked pork escalopes with mashed potatoes and vegetables and made a mushroom sauce to go with the meal. It took us an hour to do the cooking and the meal was lovely. Washing afterwards wasn't a lot of fun, though!
Saturday, 25 August 2018
Sunshine and showers
I was up at 5am again this morning and taking Mike to work shortly afterwards. Not a great thing to do on a Saturday morning! However, as soon as I got home I went back to bed and slept soundly until 8am.
Mike called me to go and pick him up and I took Sophie with me. On the way home we stopped at the Co-op in Brixworth to get the newspapers and a chilled coffee for Sophie. It was a beautiful morning and I hoped the weather was going to stay nice for the beer festival this afternoon.
We had a late breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and baked beans and Sophie and I got ready to go out. Keith was having a day with his leg up to see if he could sort it out once and for all. He had cancelled his trip to see Sileby play so it must have been bad for him to do that! Mike went into town to buy some clothes and once Sophie and I were ready we waited outside for Sue and Paul. Unfortunately, Michelle didn't come with us as she said it was too cold to sit outside (we'd had a shower of rain but the sun had come out again) and Paul had to take his Dad home from hospital, so it was only us and Sue and Richard who walked up to the pub.
We found a picnic bench in the garden and I said hello to the parents of two boys I used to look after at the school. They were running around and having the time of their lives! Sophie and I chose a half pint each of two different beers - mine was called Rhythm Stick and it was dark and quite sweet, whereas Sophie's tasted of cats' pee, she said! Not a great start!
We sat and chatted and Richard's friends arrived and sat with us. There was a man singing (a bit too loudly) and the atmosphere was great. Luckily, the sun was shining but in the distance we could see some dark clouds gathering and before long we had another shower! I was just glad we'd brought our big umbrella!
Some more friends of Richard's arrived and then Mike came along and bought me a drink. He showed me his new shoes and told me he'd bought some jeans, tops and underpants (Calvin Klein ones!). Michelle also changed her mind and came along so it was great to sit and chat.
We had something to eat and Mike drifted backwards and forwards seeing his friends who were sitting outside the pub. We had another shower of rain and by now I was starting to feel a little cold. We lasted out until about 6pm and decided to leave. Sue had already gone home to feed her dogs so, leaving Mike with his girlies, we walked home. It was now the best part of the day!
As soon as I was home I jumped into a hot bath and got warm! Keith came up and sat and chatted to me as he'd been on his own all afternoon, poor thing! I just felt so sorry that he hadn't been to the football.
Keith cooked dinner tonight and we enjoyed chicken en croute. We ate quite late so by the time we'd finished and cleared away it was almost 9pm. We watched the penultimate episode of Sharp Objects and then it was an early night. I have another 5am start tomorrow!
Mike called me to go and pick him up and I took Sophie with me. On the way home we stopped at the Co-op in Brixworth to get the newspapers and a chilled coffee for Sophie. It was a beautiful morning and I hoped the weather was going to stay nice for the beer festival this afternoon.
We had a late breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and baked beans and Sophie and I got ready to go out. Keith was having a day with his leg up to see if he could sort it out once and for all. He had cancelled his trip to see Sileby play so it must have been bad for him to do that! Mike went into town to buy some clothes and once Sophie and I were ready we waited outside for Sue and Paul. Unfortunately, Michelle didn't come with us as she said it was too cold to sit outside (we'd had a shower of rain but the sun had come out again) and Paul had to take his Dad home from hospital, so it was only us and Sue and Richard who walked up to the pub.
We found a picnic bench in the garden and I said hello to the parents of two boys I used to look after at the school. They were running around and having the time of their lives! Sophie and I chose a half pint each of two different beers - mine was called Rhythm Stick and it was dark and quite sweet, whereas Sophie's tasted of cats' pee, she said! Not a great start!
We sat and chatted and Richard's friends arrived and sat with us. There was a man singing (a bit too loudly) and the atmosphere was great. Luckily, the sun was shining but in the distance we could see some dark clouds gathering and before long we had another shower! I was just glad we'd brought our big umbrella!
Some more friends of Richard's arrived and then Mike came along and bought me a drink. He showed me his new shoes and told me he'd bought some jeans, tops and underpants (Calvin Klein ones!). Michelle also changed her mind and came along so it was great to sit and chat.
We had something to eat and Mike drifted backwards and forwards seeing his friends who were sitting outside the pub. We had another shower of rain and by now I was starting to feel a little cold. We lasted out until about 6pm and decided to leave. Sue had already gone home to feed her dogs so, leaving Mike with his girlies, we walked home. It was now the best part of the day!
As soon as I was home I jumped into a hot bath and got warm! Keith came up and sat and chatted to me as he'd been on his own all afternoon, poor thing! I just felt so sorry that he hadn't been to the football.
Keith cooked dinner tonight and we enjoyed chicken en croute. We ate quite late so by the time we'd finished and cleared away it was almost 9pm. We watched the penultimate episode of Sharp Objects and then it was an early night. I have another 5am start tomorrow!
Friday, 24 August 2018
Thank goodness it's Friday!
This week has been a bit full-on and I couldn't wait to finish work, do the shopping and then be at home to relax. Unfortunately, Mike is working over the weekend and at the slightly earlier time of 5.30am so I won't have a lie-in!
Sophie had two more interviews this morning, both of them second talks with companies she'd already been to. I wished her good luck when I said goodbye to her at 7.30am and hoped she'd be successful.
Work was OK, apart from one very angry lady shouting at me down the phone because of a parking ticket. She kept ranting on, even when I said I would try and sort it out for her!
It was great to go and get Mike from work and head home. Sophie and I went shopping and it wasn't too bad at all. We breezed through Aldi and powered around Tesco before I went and filled my car up with diesel, with a contribution from Mike.
Back home Keith said he was going to go to the pub and then we would go and get fish and chips from Broughton, to have a break from cooking tonight. Sophie and I dropped him off and marvelled at the sky which had some very interesting clouds. We've had showers this afternoon and the temperatures have dropped quite a bit, but we're just hoping it's going to be OK tomorrow as Sophie and I are off to the beer festival at the pub with Sue and Paul, and Richard and Michelle. Keith was supposed to be going to see Sileby play but he's cancelled which means his leg must still be very painful for him to do that.
After dinner Keith went upstairs to watch the football and I had a supremely relaxing time watching Gardeners' World with Monty Don. I could feel my blood pressure dropping as I sat and watched! As Sophie was watching Sex in The City on her iPad, I then enjoyed Eight Go Rallying which was fun to watch. I'm not sure how much of it was true but it was very enjoyable nonetheless and it's something I'd love to do, but perhaps not in a very old car!
Sophie had two more interviews this morning, both of them second talks with companies she'd already been to. I wished her good luck when I said goodbye to her at 7.30am and hoped she'd be successful.
Work was OK, apart from one very angry lady shouting at me down the phone because of a parking ticket. She kept ranting on, even when I said I would try and sort it out for her!
It was great to go and get Mike from work and head home. Sophie and I went shopping and it wasn't too bad at all. We breezed through Aldi and powered around Tesco before I went and filled my car up with diesel, with a contribution from Mike.
Back home Keith said he was going to go to the pub and then we would go and get fish and chips from Broughton, to have a break from cooking tonight. Sophie and I dropped him off and marvelled at the sky which had some very interesting clouds. We've had showers this afternoon and the temperatures have dropped quite a bit, but we're just hoping it's going to be OK tomorrow as Sophie and I are off to the beer festival at the pub with Sue and Paul, and Richard and Michelle. Keith was supposed to be going to see Sileby play but he's cancelled which means his leg must still be very painful for him to do that.
After dinner Keith went upstairs to watch the football and I had a supremely relaxing time watching Gardeners' World with Monty Don. I could feel my blood pressure dropping as I sat and watched! As Sophie was watching Sex in The City on her iPad, I then enjoyed Eight Go Rallying which was fun to watch. I'm not sure how much of it was true but it was very enjoyable nonetheless and it's something I'd love to do, but perhaps not in a very old car!
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Dodgy dealings!
It wasn't such a nice morning today as we had rain and grey skies! I drove my car to work this morning as Sophie had two interviews today, poor thing! She said she'll be glad when this week is over!
I was at work until 3pm today as I've now started covering for an hour until a colleague starts. As soon as I left I checked my phone and discovered that Sophie hadn't gone to the interview in town at 2pm as she said the people working there looked very "dodgy"!! They were then able to pick Mike up from work so he didn't have to wait.
Back home Sophie made me a cup of tea and we sat and talked about the day as there was a lot to catch up on! The first interview that Sophie had been to had been great and she really liked the company which is based on Brackmills, and on the same road that Keith and I used to work on! How funny if she gets the job!
We then planned our meals for the rest of the week and the weekend and wrote out our shopping list. Sophie and I are going to go on Friday after I have finished work.
Keith's leg isn't that much better and he is thoroughly fed up with it. The doctor did say that cellulitis takes some time to heal so that's not a lot he can do about it.
Before we cooked dinner we played cards in the conservatory and as Sophie was out early she started preparations. We had sausages with mashed potatoes and vegetables and I cooked some onions to go with the meal. Delicious!
I was at work until 3pm today as I've now started covering for an hour until a colleague starts. As soon as I left I checked my phone and discovered that Sophie hadn't gone to the interview in town at 2pm as she said the people working there looked very "dodgy"!! They were then able to pick Mike up from work so he didn't have to wait.
Back home Sophie made me a cup of tea and we sat and talked about the day as there was a lot to catch up on! The first interview that Sophie had been to had been great and she really liked the company which is based on Brackmills, and on the same road that Keith and I used to work on! How funny if she gets the job!
We then planned our meals for the rest of the week and the weekend and wrote out our shopping list. Sophie and I are going to go on Friday after I have finished work.
Keith's leg isn't that much better and he is thoroughly fed up with it. The doctor did say that cellulitis takes some time to heal so that's not a lot he can do about it.
Before we cooked dinner we played cards in the conservatory and as Sophie was out early she started preparations. We had sausages with mashed potatoes and vegetables and I cooked some onions to go with the meal. Delicious!
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Season of mists...
Keith came with me to take Mike to work this morning as, although he doesn't feel up to driving yet, he wanted to accompany me. It was a gorgeous morning and the sun had just risen when we headed back home:
There was a mist hanging over the fields and it was like receiving a little gift for the pain of getting up early!
As Keith's leg is no better we made an appointment to see the doctor this morning again. We were amused to find out we were seeing Dr Kennedy - Karl, from Neighbours? I wish!
Sophie was working today so we said goodbye to her and went to the surgery. When we saw the doctor (unfortunately not Karl Kennedy) he was very thorough and wanted Keith to go to the DVT clinic in case he had a blood clot in his leg. This was rather alarming and thankfully he managed to get an appointment for today, at 1pm.
We headed home and I called Gill as I was supposed to be meeting her for coffee at 10.30am. As it was now nearly 10am and I hadn't even had a shower, I felt I had to postpone as I would be constantly looking at the time and worrying about going back to get Keith. As we had a lot to catch up on I wanted to have a leisurely chat with her. She was very understanding and we had a talk on the phone before I went upstairs to get ready.
Just as I finished dressing I heard a knock on the front door and there was a woman standing there who I didn't recognise. My first thought was that it was our new neighbour as she looked about sixty and had grey hair. Then, with an enormous shock, I realised it was my old friend, Lesley, who had emigrated to New Zealand back in 2005! She hadn't given us any warning she was coming and I didn't even know she was in the country! The last time I saw her she had auburn hair!
We had a huge hug and I made her a cup of tea before we all sat and chatted for two hours. It was amazing to catch up with her and find out what she'd been doing. Her daughters had moved out and Stephanie, who is exactly the same age as Sophie, is getting married in February. How I wish we could go to the wedding! I sat there and couldn't quite believe that she was sitting on the sofa next to me! I still really miss her and we used to have some great chats over glasses of wine when our daughters were all at school together.
We had to say goodbye at 12pm as Keith and I had to drive into Northampton and go to the hospital. It had been a fantastic surprise and I really don't know when I'll see her again.
We parked easily in the hospital car park and made our way to the DVT clinic which was within the Oncology department, so quite difficult to find. I do not want to go back to that area of the hospital again! Keith had some blood taken, saw a nurse who asked him lots of questions and then went in for an ultra-sound scan of his leg. Immediately the radiographer told us he didn't have a clot, but that he might be asked back again next week depending on his blood test results.
We sped off to get Mike and arrived a minute before he finished at 2.30pm! Great timing! Back home I had some lunch, as I was starving, and then I went and posted a couple of DVDs out to an ebay buyer. We now have over $300 so that's great! That money will buy our trips and some treats!
I returned home and had a nap as I was now feeling rather tired! Dinner in the evening was beefburgers and Sophie and I cooked them in the oven with some sauteed potatoes and chicken that Keith wanted. It was then a slump in front of the TV and an early night!
There was a mist hanging over the fields and it was like receiving a little gift for the pain of getting up early!
As Keith's leg is no better we made an appointment to see the doctor this morning again. We were amused to find out we were seeing Dr Kennedy - Karl, from Neighbours? I wish!
Sophie was working today so we said goodbye to her and went to the surgery. When we saw the doctor (unfortunately not Karl Kennedy) he was very thorough and wanted Keith to go to the DVT clinic in case he had a blood clot in his leg. This was rather alarming and thankfully he managed to get an appointment for today, at 1pm.
We headed home and I called Gill as I was supposed to be meeting her for coffee at 10.30am. As it was now nearly 10am and I hadn't even had a shower, I felt I had to postpone as I would be constantly looking at the time and worrying about going back to get Keith. As we had a lot to catch up on I wanted to have a leisurely chat with her. She was very understanding and we had a talk on the phone before I went upstairs to get ready.
Just as I finished dressing I heard a knock on the front door and there was a woman standing there who I didn't recognise. My first thought was that it was our new neighbour as she looked about sixty and had grey hair. Then, with an enormous shock, I realised it was my old friend, Lesley, who had emigrated to New Zealand back in 2005! She hadn't given us any warning she was coming and I didn't even know she was in the country! The last time I saw her she had auburn hair!
We had a huge hug and I made her a cup of tea before we all sat and chatted for two hours. It was amazing to catch up with her and find out what she'd been doing. Her daughters had moved out and Stephanie, who is exactly the same age as Sophie, is getting married in February. How I wish we could go to the wedding! I sat there and couldn't quite believe that she was sitting on the sofa next to me! I still really miss her and we used to have some great chats over glasses of wine when our daughters were all at school together.
We had to say goodbye at 12pm as Keith and I had to drive into Northampton and go to the hospital. It had been a fantastic surprise and I really don't know when I'll see her again.
We parked easily in the hospital car park and made our way to the DVT clinic which was within the Oncology department, so quite difficult to find. I do not want to go back to that area of the hospital again! Keith had some blood taken, saw a nurse who asked him lots of questions and then went in for an ultra-sound scan of his leg. Immediately the radiographer told us he didn't have a clot, but that he might be asked back again next week depending on his blood test results.
We sped off to get Mike and arrived a minute before he finished at 2.30pm! Great timing! Back home I had some lunch, as I was starving, and then I went and posted a couple of DVDs out to an ebay buyer. We now have over $300 so that's great! That money will buy our trips and some treats!
I returned home and had a nap as I was now feeling rather tired! Dinner in the evening was beefburgers and Sophie and I cooked them in the oven with some sauteed potatoes and chicken that Keith wanted. It was then a slump in front of the TV and an early night!
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
A little frustrated!
I lost my temper with Mike this morning as at 5.30am he had fallen asleep again. I get up at 5am, go and feed the cat and make myself a cup of coffee and then it's a constant up and down the stairs making sure he's still awake. Why he can't just get up, I'll never know!
I thought I might go back to bed when we got home, but I didn't as once I'm awake that's it. I pottered around and when Sophie emerged I suggested we go and do a small shop and then I could take her to work. Keith wasn't feeling up to going anywhere because his leg was sore, itchy and burning hot.
We went over to the Weston Favell Centre and bought food for tonight's and tomorrow night's dinners and while we were queuing up my Mum rang to say she'd fallen over in the Kettering hospital car park and had broken some bones in her hand! I couldn't believe it and feel that we are all cursed at the moment! I said I would call her later and pop around to see her.
From the Weston Favell Centre we drove to Riverside as Sophie wanted to go to Boots to get some eyeliner. I dropped her off at work, went home and had some lunch before it was time to go and get Mike again!
Once Mike was collected, Keith and I went to see my Mum and Dad and they had just arrived home. My Mum had her lower arm and hand in a plaster cast and was wearing a sling that she swiftly took off. She seemed OK and had tripped over in the new multi-storey car park that had dangerous metal struts in between the spaces. We had a cup of tea and a cake and then left to go home where I had a nap for half an hour.
Keith and I went to get Sophie in the evening and as she has an interview in town on Thursday we drove to find out where it was. I have to admit the building didn't look that appealing and it's in a rough area of Northampton with difficult parking! Not the ideal first full-time job for Sophie!
I thought I might go back to bed when we got home, but I didn't as once I'm awake that's it. I pottered around and when Sophie emerged I suggested we go and do a small shop and then I could take her to work. Keith wasn't feeling up to going anywhere because his leg was sore, itchy and burning hot.
We went over to the Weston Favell Centre and bought food for tonight's and tomorrow night's dinners and while we were queuing up my Mum rang to say she'd fallen over in the Kettering hospital car park and had broken some bones in her hand! I couldn't believe it and feel that we are all cursed at the moment! I said I would call her later and pop around to see her.
From the Weston Favell Centre we drove to Riverside as Sophie wanted to go to Boots to get some eyeliner. I dropped her off at work, went home and had some lunch before it was time to go and get Mike again!
Once Mike was collected, Keith and I went to see my Mum and Dad and they had just arrived home. My Mum had her lower arm and hand in a plaster cast and was wearing a sling that she swiftly took off. She seemed OK and had tripped over in the new multi-storey car park that had dangerous metal struts in between the spaces. We had a cup of tea and a cake and then left to go home where I had a nap for half an hour.
Keith and I went to get Sophie in the evening and as she has an interview in town on Thursday we drove to find out where it was. I have to admit the building didn't look that appealing and it's in a rough area of Northampton with difficult parking! Not the ideal first full-time job for Sophie!
Monday, 20 August 2018
It's all go!
I was back in at work this morning and I drove my own car as Sophie was meeting a friend at the leisure centre where I work, to go to the gym and then have a coffee. I quickly saw her on reception and then dashed back to my desk as today was very busy indeed!
At 2pm I went to collect Mike and before going home I popped into the post office at Brixworth to send off four parcels that we'd sold yesterday. I then treated him to a bag of cookies in the Co-op and bought some little fudge cakes to enjoy with a cup of tea. We arrived home just after Sophie and after enjoying our tea and cake Keith and I went over to Tesco to buy some bits and bobs, just so he could have a change of scene as he was going a bit mad cooped up in the house!
I have to confess to having a nap on the sofa as I took Mike to work again this morning, and probably will continue to take him all this week as Keith's leg is showing no signs of improving. It was a lovely thought though, that I'm now off until Thursday!
Sophie and I made dinner in the evening and cooked Pasta Carbonara. It was delicious tonight and the small bottle of wine we added really gave it a lovely flavour!
At 2pm I went to collect Mike and before going home I popped into the post office at Brixworth to send off four parcels that we'd sold yesterday. I then treated him to a bag of cookies in the Co-op and bought some little fudge cakes to enjoy with a cup of tea. We arrived home just after Sophie and after enjoying our tea and cake Keith and I went over to Tesco to buy some bits and bobs, just so he could have a change of scene as he was going a bit mad cooped up in the house!
I have to confess to having a nap on the sofa as I took Mike to work again this morning, and probably will continue to take him all this week as Keith's leg is showing no signs of improving. It was a lovely thought though, that I'm now off until Thursday!
Sophie and I made dinner in the evening and cooked Pasta Carbonara. It was delicious tonight and the small bottle of wine we added really gave it a lovely flavour!
Sunday, 19 August 2018
Today has been very busy and Sophie and I hardly stopped all day! We were supposed to have been going for brunch at Rushden Lakes but Keith really wasn't up to it so we've postponed our visit until next weekend.
We wanted to sort out our financial planning for California today, and make an itinerary, and we also had some packing up to do as we'd sold quite a few items on ebay, which has been great.
At midday we went over to Tesco at Kettering as we needed some bubble wrap and we saw my parents having coffee in Costa. We sat with them for a while and had a chat and I treated myself to a bottle of the Elderflower Gin that I like so much!
Back home Sophie weighed out all the ingredients for the curry we're making tonight and I did a pile of ironing. I'm definitely missing Keith's input at the moment as he normally tackles all our ironing and tomorrow I will have to take Mike to work before doing a shift myself.
In the late afternoon we walked Monty around the estate a couple of times to get out and get some fresh air. The gardens are starting to pick up a little bit now that we've had some rain and the dry and dusty look has gone. It's quite humid at the moment, though, but at least the temperatures have come down a bit!
When we got home I put some grass seed down on the bare patches in our lawn and I gave the plants a good watering. We then prepared dinner and it was delicious. We made a chicken curry from the Hairy Bikers' Mums Know Best cookbook and it was lovely. Keith said it was one of the best meals we'd made, so that was praise indeed!
We wanted to sort out our financial planning for California today, and make an itinerary, and we also had some packing up to do as we'd sold quite a few items on ebay, which has been great.
At midday we went over to Tesco at Kettering as we needed some bubble wrap and we saw my parents having coffee in Costa. We sat with them for a while and had a chat and I treated myself to a bottle of the Elderflower Gin that I like so much!
Back home Sophie weighed out all the ingredients for the curry we're making tonight and I did a pile of ironing. I'm definitely missing Keith's input at the moment as he normally tackles all our ironing and tomorrow I will have to take Mike to work before doing a shift myself.
In the late afternoon we walked Monty around the estate a couple of times to get out and get some fresh air. The gardens are starting to pick up a little bit now that we've had some rain and the dry and dusty look has gone. It's quite humid at the moment, though, but at least the temperatures have come down a bit!
When we got home I put some grass seed down on the bare patches in our lawn and I gave the plants a good watering. We then prepared dinner and it was delicious. We made a chicken curry from the Hairy Bikers' Mums Know Best cookbook and it was lovely. Keith said it was one of the best meals we'd made, so that was praise indeed!
Saturday, 18 August 2018
Busy Saturday!
Both Sophie and I were at work today and we went in separately as there was no way Keith could pick me up in the afternoon after my shift. It was quite a pleasant day and I worked with Sue up until 2pm when she left. We weren't that busy with phone calls but I was glad to go home at 4pm and make sure that Keith was OK. He felt better in himself but now his leg was burning and itchy which was really uncomfortable.
I didn't do an awful lot when I got home but I did prepare the vegetables for dinner. Keith had helped by cooking the mince for our cottage pie so after Sophie and I had relaxed with a drink we made the evening meal.
Mike had been out seeing a new (female) friend and had had dinner with her family. He arrived home as we were eating and had a plateful of cottage pie so at least most of it was eaten! We seem to be throwing away a lot of food lately as we never know whether Mike is going to eat with us or not!
After dinner we watched Primal Fear starring Richard Gere and a very young Helen from The Affair! It was released in 1996 so it was as old as Sophie! It was a great film and made a lovely end to a busy day!
I didn't do an awful lot when I got home but I did prepare the vegetables for dinner. Keith had helped by cooking the mince for our cottage pie so after Sophie and I had relaxed with a drink we made the evening meal.
Mike had been out seeing a new (female) friend and had had dinner with her family. He arrived home as we were eating and had a plateful of cottage pie so at least most of it was eaten! We seem to be throwing away a lot of food lately as we never know whether Mike is going to eat with us or not!
After dinner we watched Primal Fear starring Richard Gere and a very young Helen from The Affair! It was released in 1996 so it was as old as Sophie! It was a great film and made a lovely end to a busy day!
Friday, 17 August 2018
Domestic chores!
Sophie and I took Mike to work this morning and as soon as I got home I urged Keith to get in the shower and get dressed so we could go to the doctor's as soon as possible. Poor thing, it really took it out of him and he sat on the bed for ages until I helped him to get dressed.
I had originally said I would go to work and let Sophie take him to the surgery but as he looked so poorly, I changed my mind and texted Sara again to say that I wasn't coming in and explained why. As soon as it was 8am I called the surgery and managed, after a bit of waiting, to get him into Guilsborough at 9am.
We saw a lovely female doctor who knew, as soon as she saw his leg, that it was cellulitis. We have no idea how he managed to contract it, but he was given a course of antibiotics and told to rest. Today it's been really red and hot and I'm just annoyed that we missed it yesterday during the day, otherwise we could have got him into the doctor sooner.
Back home I helped Sophie prepare for her written online test for the Canadian Embassy job which was hard! I think she did well in the Excel part of it, but the first part (filling in a form) was very confusing!
We spent the rest of the morning cleaning the house and ironing and after we'd picked up Mike from work at 2.30pm Sophie and I went to Aldi and Tesco to do the weekly shop. It wasn't as bad as I feared and by 4.30pm we were home and able to relax a bit after our busy day!
Keith felt a little better in the evening but obviously he didn't go to the pub this evening. We cooked breaded fish with mashed potatoes and vegetables for dinner and then it was an early night! I was shattered!
I had originally said I would go to work and let Sophie take him to the surgery but as he looked so poorly, I changed my mind and texted Sara again to say that I wasn't coming in and explained why. As soon as it was 8am I called the surgery and managed, after a bit of waiting, to get him into Guilsborough at 9am.
We saw a lovely female doctor who knew, as soon as she saw his leg, that it was cellulitis. We have no idea how he managed to contract it, but he was given a course of antibiotics and told to rest. Today it's been really red and hot and I'm just annoyed that we missed it yesterday during the day, otherwise we could have got him into the doctor sooner.
Back home I helped Sophie prepare for her written online test for the Canadian Embassy job which was hard! I think she did well in the Excel part of it, but the first part (filling in a form) was very confusing!
We spent the rest of the morning cleaning the house and ironing and after we'd picked up Mike from work at 2.30pm Sophie and I went to Aldi and Tesco to do the weekly shop. It wasn't as bad as I feared and by 4.30pm we were home and able to relax a bit after our busy day!
Keith felt a little better in the evening but obviously he didn't go to the pub this evening. We cooked breaded fish with mashed potatoes and vegetables for dinner and then it was an early night! I was shattered!
Thursday, 16 August 2018
An ill husband...
I was awake when Keith came back from taking Mike to work this morning but instead of him moving about in the kitchen and making himself a cup of tea, I heard him retching in our downstairs cloakroom.
I rushed down and found him crouched over the loo, shaking and trying to be sick. Keith and I have been together for thirty years and I have only known him be sick on one other occasion - when we went to the Lake District for the day and he ate a dodgy sandwich from a motorway services! I was extremely shocked and worried, especially as he said he felt freezing cold and couldn't get warm...
I took him upstairs and he got into bed, saying he felt dreadful. My first thought was that it was the Chinese takeaway last night and I put our throws over him and wrapped his feet in a fleece to try and get him warm.
I then went and woke Sophie and I said I was worried it was sepsis as he had cut his thumb badly the other day. She was as worried as me and she kept an eye on him while I went and googled his symptoms. I also called 111 but they said the line was really busy so I went through a series of questions on the NHS website but I was reassured he would show other signs if it was sepsis.
I texted Sara at work to say that Keith was ill and I was going to stay with him for a while to make sure he was OK. I had a shower and Sophie also got ready as she was working today as well, and the weather outside was horrible, with grey skies and a steady rainfall, so I knew she would be needed at work.
By 9.30am Keith was downstairs and saying he felt a little better and that he wasn't so cold any more. I texted Sara to say that I would be in at 10am and work until 2pm as I had to go and get Mike from work.
I took Sophie to work and we went in her car as I was worried about getting a parking space. Luckily, just as I arrived someone came out of a space so I was able to squeeze in. Work was OK and everyone was really understanding about Keith but I was very glad when it was 2pm and I could leave to get Mike.
Back home Keith had gone back to bed and was asleep but he said he felt a little better. I checked him over and his skin was hot and I couldn't see any strange markings so I was reassured again that it wasn't sepsis. It was clear he had a fever so I gave him some more paracetamol and left him to go back to sleep.
Mike wanted a lift into town as he was meeting a friend so I dropped him off in the centre and on the way back home called into the Co-op to buy dinner for tonight. It was shopping day and we hadn't any food in the house! I chose Chicken Kievs and decided to serve it with long stem broccoli, sauteed potatoes and mushrooms as well as a cheese sauce.
Back home again, Keith was still asleep, but when he woke up he said he had a terrible headache, which is another sign of having an infection, rather than the food poisoning we originally suspected. After picking Sophie up from work and cooking dinner (which was delicious!) I encouraged Keith to come downstairs for a while and it was then that I noticed his right lower leg was burning hot and bright red. I asked Sophie to google cellulitis and it sounded very much like he had that. Unless his symptoms were really serious, it was recommended he go to the doctor's so we decided to call them first thing in the morning and make an appointment straight away!
I rushed down and found him crouched over the loo, shaking and trying to be sick. Keith and I have been together for thirty years and I have only known him be sick on one other occasion - when we went to the Lake District for the day and he ate a dodgy sandwich from a motorway services! I was extremely shocked and worried, especially as he said he felt freezing cold and couldn't get warm...
I took him upstairs and he got into bed, saying he felt dreadful. My first thought was that it was the Chinese takeaway last night and I put our throws over him and wrapped his feet in a fleece to try and get him warm.
I then went and woke Sophie and I said I was worried it was sepsis as he had cut his thumb badly the other day. She was as worried as me and she kept an eye on him while I went and googled his symptoms. I also called 111 but they said the line was really busy so I went through a series of questions on the NHS website but I was reassured he would show other signs if it was sepsis.
I texted Sara at work to say that Keith was ill and I was going to stay with him for a while to make sure he was OK. I had a shower and Sophie also got ready as she was working today as well, and the weather outside was horrible, with grey skies and a steady rainfall, so I knew she would be needed at work.
By 9.30am Keith was downstairs and saying he felt a little better and that he wasn't so cold any more. I texted Sara to say that I would be in at 10am and work until 2pm as I had to go and get Mike from work.
I took Sophie to work and we went in her car as I was worried about getting a parking space. Luckily, just as I arrived someone came out of a space so I was able to squeeze in. Work was OK and everyone was really understanding about Keith but I was very glad when it was 2pm and I could leave to get Mike.
Back home Keith had gone back to bed and was asleep but he said he felt a little better. I checked him over and his skin was hot and I couldn't see any strange markings so I was reassured again that it wasn't sepsis. It was clear he had a fever so I gave him some more paracetamol and left him to go back to sleep.
Mike wanted a lift into town as he was meeting a friend so I dropped him off in the centre and on the way back home called into the Co-op to buy dinner for tonight. It was shopping day and we hadn't any food in the house! I chose Chicken Kievs and decided to serve it with long stem broccoli, sauteed potatoes and mushrooms as well as a cheese sauce.
Back home again, Keith was still asleep, but when he woke up he said he had a terrible headache, which is another sign of having an infection, rather than the food poisoning we originally suspected. After picking Sophie up from work and cooking dinner (which was delicious!) I encouraged Keith to come downstairs for a while and it was then that I noticed his right lower leg was burning hot and bright red. I asked Sophie to google cellulitis and it sounded very much like he had that. Unless his symptoms were really serious, it was recommended he go to the doctor's so we decided to call them first thing in the morning and make an appointment straight away!
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Anniversary celebrations!
Today, Keith and I have been married for 26 years and I couldn't help but think back to last year when we were in Florida and driving back to our villa from the Keys.
Mike went to work as normal so we held off opening our cards until the afternoon. We popped over to the Weston Favell Centre and I treated the three of us to a coffee before we headed to Tesco to buy some spices for the curry we're making on Sunday. As we discovered, they were a lot cheaper in the International foods aisle than buying them in the usual spices aisle, so we bought Garam Masala, coriander seeds and cumin and a Jerk sauce for when we next barbecue. It will be a lovely marinade on the chicken.
We drove home to potter about and Sophie and I listed a load of DVDs that we no longer want and some other stuff that was hanging about and not needed any more. It's amazing how much stuff we accumulate and don't really want! Hopefully, other people will want it, but if not, we'll take everything to a charity shop!
Just as we were about to pick Mike up from work, Cobbys the florist arrived with a beautiful arrangement from Mum and Dad. It was gorgeous and a complete surprise! Back home we opened our cards and we were over the moon with Sophie and Mike's card from Moonpig, taken from a photo of us when we were very young!
In the evening we played cards and I opened a bottle of Montlouis sparkling wine that we enjoyed on our wedding day. We'd bought it in France as I'd never seen it in the UK. We ordered a Chinese take-away at 7pm and were told it would be with us within half an hour, but after nearly an hour we had to call them back to find out where it was.
By 8pm we were sitting down and eating our meal but on this occasion, it wasn't brilliant. Keith didn't enjoy his at all, and although the meal I shared with Sophie was OK, we do prefer the van in the village. It's just a shame they're not there on a Wednesday night!
Mike went to work as normal so we held off opening our cards until the afternoon. We popped over to the Weston Favell Centre and I treated the three of us to a coffee before we headed to Tesco to buy some spices for the curry we're making on Sunday. As we discovered, they were a lot cheaper in the International foods aisle than buying them in the usual spices aisle, so we bought Garam Masala, coriander seeds and cumin and a Jerk sauce for when we next barbecue. It will be a lovely marinade on the chicken.
We drove home to potter about and Sophie and I listed a load of DVDs that we no longer want and some other stuff that was hanging about and not needed any more. It's amazing how much stuff we accumulate and don't really want! Hopefully, other people will want it, but if not, we'll take everything to a charity shop!
Just as we were about to pick Mike up from work, Cobbys the florist arrived with a beautiful arrangement from Mum and Dad. It was gorgeous and a complete surprise! Back home we opened our cards and we were over the moon with Sophie and Mike's card from Moonpig, taken from a photo of us when we were very young!
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Don't we look young! |
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Mum and Dad's bouquet |
In the evening we played cards and I opened a bottle of Montlouis sparkling wine that we enjoyed on our wedding day. We'd bought it in France as I'd never seen it in the UK. We ordered a Chinese take-away at 7pm and were told it would be with us within half an hour, but after nearly an hour we had to call them back to find out where it was.
By 8pm we were sitting down and eating our meal but on this occasion, it wasn't brilliant. Keith didn't enjoy his at all, and although the meal I shared with Sophie was OK, we do prefer the van in the village. It's just a shame they're not there on a Wednesday night!
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
A busy day!
It was another busy session at work today as I had to call lots of parents to inform them of a cancellation in one of our classes we hold. Predictably, a lot didn't answer so when I go in again on Thursday, I'll have a lot of catching up to do!
I went to collect Mike at 2pm and then sped home to prepare another parcel for sending out. Mike wanted to go to Brixworth so we all took him and Keith treated us to ice-creams from the Co-op. It's been a bit cloudy today but has remained dry and warm.
Back home we mooched about and Sophie and I decided to try and sell some DVDs and other bits and bobs that we no longer need. We're finding it a lot of fun and it's a great way to raise some cash for our treats in California! We've already got the money for our escorted Wine Tour in Napa so that's a bonus! We are determined to have a great time!
Dinner tonight was delicious. We coated some pork loins in breadcrumbs and cooked them in the oven, accompanied by vegetables and a lemon butter sauce that really went well with the meal!
I went to collect Mike at 2pm and then sped home to prepare another parcel for sending out. Mike wanted to go to Brixworth so we all took him and Keith treated us to ice-creams from the Co-op. It's been a bit cloudy today but has remained dry and warm.
Back home we mooched about and Sophie and I decided to try and sell some DVDs and other bits and bobs that we no longer need. We're finding it a lot of fun and it's a great way to raise some cash for our treats in California! We've already got the money for our escorted Wine Tour in Napa so that's a bonus! We are determined to have a great time!
Dinner tonight was delicious. We coated some pork loins in breadcrumbs and cooked them in the oven, accompanied by vegetables and a lemon butter sauce that really went well with the meal!
Monday, 13 August 2018
A lovely interlude!
I took my car to work this morning as I had a feeling Sophie would be called into work...and as it happened, she was! As usual, for a Monday morning we were busy with phone calls and bookings, as well as trying to do other work. It made the time go by very quickly though!
I went to get Mike and we headed for the post office at Brixworth to send the Levi's shirt. The jacket was being picked up by a courier today so Keith had to stay at home until they came to collect it. Back home I saw Sue as I drove into the estate and she invited me in for a cup of tea. I was going to go over to Tesco to get Keith an anniversary card so I initially said I couldn't but I changed my mind and went over.
It was lovely to sit and have a gossipy natter with Sue and gaze out at her wonderful view. Then, as a bonus, Michelle popped around so it was lovely to relax with my two friends and enjoy a cup of tea. Keith phoned me to say that the jacket had been picked up so I headed home and we popped over to Tesco to buy dinner for tomorrow night. The weather had improved a bit over the course of the day, going from a grey and cloudy start to fine weather and warmer temperatures. There was also a bit of a Florida sky going on in the late afternoon!
Keith treated me to a bottle of Gordon's Pink Gin for my anniversary present and I said I would buy dinner on Wednesday night. As soon s Sophie came home I tried the Gin - she hated it, I loved it, but I still like the Elderflower. We sat and watched Dragons' Den before dinner but Mike didn't join us for chilli con carne. He was off out with his friends!
I went to get Mike and we headed for the post office at Brixworth to send the Levi's shirt. The jacket was being picked up by a courier today so Keith had to stay at home until they came to collect it. Back home I saw Sue as I drove into the estate and she invited me in for a cup of tea. I was going to go over to Tesco to get Keith an anniversary card so I initially said I couldn't but I changed my mind and went over.
It was lovely to sit and have a gossipy natter with Sue and gaze out at her wonderful view. Then, as a bonus, Michelle popped around so it was lovely to relax with my two friends and enjoy a cup of tea. Keith phoned me to say that the jacket had been picked up so I headed home and we popped over to Tesco to buy dinner for tomorrow night. The weather had improved a bit over the course of the day, going from a grey and cloudy start to fine weather and warmer temperatures. There was also a bit of a Florida sky going on in the late afternoon!
Keith treated me to a bottle of Gordon's Pink Gin for my anniversary present and I said I would buy dinner on Wednesday night. As soon s Sophie came home I tried the Gin - she hated it, I loved it, but I still like the Elderflower. We sat and watched Dragons' Den before dinner but Mike didn't join us for chilli con carne. He was off out with his friends!
Sunday, 12 August 2018
Afternoon tea!
Today the weather has been horrible with heavy grey skies and rain. It comes as a real shock now after all the weeks of sunshine we've been having!
The morning was spent pottering about and not doing a lot. In the afternoon we met Mum and Dad at Beckworth as they were treating us to afternoon tea, although the children decided to have pulled pork wraps served with chips and salad.
I enjoyed the tea but I felt they had reduced the offering quite a bit. The last time Sophie and I enjoyed it at Beckworth we couldn't finish it! Keith and I devoured the offerings - sandwiches, crisps, a small scone served with jam and cream and two little cakes - quite rapidly!
As usual, the place was packed but we didn't have to wait long to be seated and it was great to all sit together and have a natter. The children gave Dad their present - a bottle of Gran Reserva Rioja - which he was delighted with.
We had a quick meander around after eating and then it was home to check on our ebay sales. We sold the leather jacket and a Levi's shirt so I arranged the postage and packaged them up. The weather hadn't improved at all, unfortunately and tomorrow we have warnings out for thunderstorms, which means nothing will happen at all!
By about 8pm we were all feeling a bit peckish so we had some pate and crispbreads. I found a little game called Devilish Dilemmas so we played that while we ate!
The morning was spent pottering about and not doing a lot. In the afternoon we met Mum and Dad at Beckworth as they were treating us to afternoon tea, although the children decided to have pulled pork wraps served with chips and salad.
I enjoyed the tea but I felt they had reduced the offering quite a bit. The last time Sophie and I enjoyed it at Beckworth we couldn't finish it! Keith and I devoured the offerings - sandwiches, crisps, a small scone served with jam and cream and two little cakes - quite rapidly!
As usual, the place was packed but we didn't have to wait long to be seated and it was great to all sit together and have a natter. The children gave Dad their present - a bottle of Gran Reserva Rioja - which he was delighted with.
We had a quick meander around after eating and then it was home to check on our ebay sales. We sold the leather jacket and a Levi's shirt so I arranged the postage and packaged them up. The weather hadn't improved at all, unfortunately and tomorrow we have warnings out for thunderstorms, which means nothing will happen at all!
By about 8pm we were all feeling a bit peckish so we had some pate and crispbreads. I found a little game called Devilish Dilemmas so we played that while we ate!
Saturday, 11 August 2018
A barbecue in the rain.
I had booked an appointment at Virgin this morning to have an eyebrow shape, so Keith and I dropped Sophie off at work and headed down to Riverside. It only took ten minutes for my eyebrows to be restored to neatness and when I was all done we drove to the Weston Favell Centre. Today was my Dad's birthday and I needed to get a present for him! I've never left it so late!
Mum had said he would enjoy a bottle of whisky for his Birthday so I chose a bottle of Penderyn and a couple of the latest paperback thrillers I know he would like. As Sophie hadn't been able to get anything for him on Thursday when she was called into work, I bought a bottle of Rioja from both the children, and a card.
We headed home where I wrapped the gifts and then drove over to Mum's for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. They both looked a lot better today and we had a great chat, arranging to meet tomorrow for afternoon tea at Beckworth with the children.
Back home I had some lunch and then mowed the lawn and tidied the garden, neatening up the borders and turning over the soil which was much more pliable now we'd had some rain. I wanted to sit out this evening as we were barbecuing and light the log I'd bought. I had visions of us sitting the evening sunshine, but the skies clouded over and it became increasingly chilly! Typical!
Keith went off to see Sileby play in the afternoon and I fell asleep on the sofa, waking up at 4pm and deciding to go and check on Mike who had come home at 6am this morning. He was still asleep, but woke up when I opened his door!
I went to collect Sophie from work in the evening and was dismayed to see spots of rain on the windscreen! How ironic that we'd had all the beautiful weather and now we have a barbecue, the weather has changed!
When we got home I was determined to sit out and I lit the log. However, the rain which had started out as a drizzle grew harder and we had to retreat to the driveway under the roof!
We had to move the cars and set up the barbecue there so at least we were dry!
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Our little log! |
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Not really what we had in mind! |
I'd put some potatoes and roasted veggies in the oven and it didn't take long for Keith to cook the burgers, sausages and lamb steaks.
It was another delicious barbecue but what a shame about the weather!
Friday, 10 August 2018
Afternoon storm
I took Mike to work again this morning and Sophie came with me, bless her. It's certainly getter darker in the mornings now and sunrise was at 5.40am. The nights are drawing in, too!
The time at work went by very quickly and as I came out of the building, Mike called me to say he was already on his way home with Keith. It was probably because it was raining hard! Sophie had also been called into work as the weather has turned very stormy.
Sitting in the conservatory when I got home I was treated to flashes of lightning and very close rumbles of loud thunder. Thank goodness, the garden is getting a good drink! I went to collect Sophie from work while Keith drove himself to the pub - it's certainly a lot easier for me when he does that!
After dinner of breaded fish and mashed potatoes, we watched a film that had sounded promising, but was awful, called All I See Is You. I'm just glad we had the sense to turn it off half way through and not waste any more time on it!
The time at work went by very quickly and as I came out of the building, Mike called me to say he was already on his way home with Keith. It was probably because it was raining hard! Sophie had also been called into work as the weather has turned very stormy.
Sitting in the conservatory when I got home I was treated to flashes of lightning and very close rumbles of loud thunder. Thank goodness, the garden is getting a good drink! I went to collect Sophie from work while Keith drove himself to the pub - it's certainly a lot easier for me when he does that!
After dinner of breaded fish and mashed potatoes, we watched a film that had sounded promising, but was awful, called All I See Is You. I'm just glad we had the sense to turn it off half way through and not waste any more time on it!
Thursday, 9 August 2018
More selling!
I was back at work today and we were very busy in the morning again. It didn't help that Sue was on the phone for ages with someone taking out a new membership, and in the end Sara had to help me answer the calls. We had walked in to see a board on the wall with details of who had managed to sell memberships so I felt slightly deflated when Sue sold two! However, I did sign up a junior member before I went home so that was something!
It does make me wonder how many will sign up on the phone and then cancel, as if I wanted to join a gym (and I loved going to Virgin) I would go and visit in person and talk to someone, rather than arrange it over the phone. I would definitely need to think about it first!
It's been cloudy today and a lot cooler which has been a relief. Sophie was called into work and after I'd collected Mike from work I packaged up a camera that we'd sold on ebay and Keith and I went to the post office in Brixworth to send it off. We then visited the pharmacy in Mawsley to find it had changed hands and our repeat prescriptions hadn't been sorted! Keith was very unimpressed! He had suspected all along that the man in charge was a bit of a "spiv" so it was no surprise that the handover hadn't gone that smoothly!
We headed home where I relaxed for a while before it was time to go and collect Sophie from work. As the weather has become a little cooler we can revert back to some of the meals we used to enjoy before the heat made it unbearable to eat certain things. Tonight we had steak pie with mashed potatoes and vegetables. Delicious!
It does make me wonder how many will sign up on the phone and then cancel, as if I wanted to join a gym (and I loved going to Virgin) I would go and visit in person and talk to someone, rather than arrange it over the phone. I would definitely need to think about it first!
It's been cloudy today and a lot cooler which has been a relief. Sophie was called into work and after I'd collected Mike from work I packaged up a camera that we'd sold on ebay and Keith and I went to the post office in Brixworth to send it off. We then visited the pharmacy in Mawsley to find it had changed hands and our repeat prescriptions hadn't been sorted! Keith was very unimpressed! He had suspected all along that the man in charge was a bit of a "spiv" so it was no surprise that the handover hadn't gone that smoothly!
We headed home where I relaxed for a while before it was time to go and collect Sophie from work. As the weather has become a little cooler we can revert back to some of the meals we used to enjoy before the heat made it unbearable to eat certain things. Tonight we had steak pie with mashed potatoes and vegetables. Delicious!
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
A day off!
I had today off, which was a lovely feeling when I woke up this morning!
After a lazyish start, we drove down into Northampton and went to B&Q to buy a gas bottle for the barbecue. As we'd never cooked with gas before we soon realised that you couldn't just pluck one off the shelf and take it to the checkout! Oh no! We had to go to a special counter and register and then pay for both the bottle and the gas. It came to almost £70! We were flabbergasted! A man then appeared and took us to a fenced off area of the car park which was padlocked and gave us a manky looking bottle!
Before leaving we went into Aldi next door and bought some bits and bobs for lunch and then we took a winding detour home as there were roadworks everywhere, and there'd been an accident by Abington Park as the traffic lights weren't working. Phew!
Back home we had lunch and at about 1pm I went with Sophie back into town as she had a meeting with a recruitment agency. She had seen some jobs on their website and they wanted to meet her and tell her about what the roles involved. When she emerged an hour later (I'd been sitting in the car watching the world go by as parking was notoriously difficult) she looked distinctly unimpressed! To cheer her up we went to Gallone's and had an ice-cream before we went home.
Today has been considerably cooler and this afternoon we even saw some spots of rain. It's been cloudy and overcast but the high temperatures have definitely abated. It's typical as tonight we barbecued and visions of us sitting in the garden in the evening sunshine were definitely put on hold!
Mike had gone into town with a friend so we had to go in and collect him which was a massive pain. The traffic was horrendous in town but luckily it had thinned out as we drove out into the countryside.
We prepared sauteed potatoes again with roasted vegetables and Keith cooked burgers, ribs and a couple of lamb steaks on the grill. The meat was delicious and very tender and juicy so maybe cooking on gas is better than over charcoals!
After a lazyish start, we drove down into Northampton and went to B&Q to buy a gas bottle for the barbecue. As we'd never cooked with gas before we soon realised that you couldn't just pluck one off the shelf and take it to the checkout! Oh no! We had to go to a special counter and register and then pay for both the bottle and the gas. It came to almost £70! We were flabbergasted! A man then appeared and took us to a fenced off area of the car park which was padlocked and gave us a manky looking bottle!
Before leaving we went into Aldi next door and bought some bits and bobs for lunch and then we took a winding detour home as there were roadworks everywhere, and there'd been an accident by Abington Park as the traffic lights weren't working. Phew!
Back home we had lunch and at about 1pm I went with Sophie back into town as she had a meeting with a recruitment agency. She had seen some jobs on their website and they wanted to meet her and tell her about what the roles involved. When she emerged an hour later (I'd been sitting in the car watching the world go by as parking was notoriously difficult) she looked distinctly unimpressed! To cheer her up we went to Gallone's and had an ice-cream before we went home.
Today has been considerably cooler and this afternoon we even saw some spots of rain. It's been cloudy and overcast but the high temperatures have definitely abated. It's typical as tonight we barbecued and visions of us sitting in the garden in the evening sunshine were definitely put on hold!
Mike had gone into town with a friend so we had to go in and collect him which was a massive pain. The traffic was horrendous in town but luckily it had thinned out as we drove out into the countryside.
We prepared sauteed potatoes again with roasted vegetables and Keith cooked burgers, ribs and a couple of lamb steaks on the grill. The meat was delicious and very tender and juicy so maybe cooking on gas is better than over charcoals!
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
An unexpected gift!
Keith asked me to take Mike into work this morning as he had been up early all last week and the weekend. I was more than happy to oblige and Sophie decided to come with us as well so I had some company on the way home. Getting up at 5am wasn't too bad, but I don't know how Mike does it every day! At least Keith sometimes goes back to bed when he gets home if he's really tired! It was a beautiful morning, so that really helped!
I was working an extra shift today and, thankfully, it wasn't as busy as yesterday! However, it was just as hot and I am so looking forward to the temperatures going down tomorrow! At about 1pm I did some roleplay with Sheila so I could practise selling a membership and I think it went quite well. I did feel a bit self-conscious though!
At 2pm I sped off to get Mike and as soon as I got home I changed and went with Keith and Sophie to do some shopping at Aldi and Tesco. We pootled about in both stores and bought chicken escalopes for dinner, accompanied by long stem broccoli, asparagus and a chargrilled vegetable sauce. We also planned to saute the potatoes again. Sophie chose Chicken Kiev instead of the normal escalopes but Keith said he didn't fancy that at all and just got himself a loaf of cheesy bread!
Back home we sat and cooled off in front of the fan and my Mum called to ask if she could pop around with my Dad. They arrived ten minutes later and I gave them some chilled sparkling water to drink as all of us are now alcohol free during the week!
My Dad asked Keith to go out to the car with him and they brought back a new BBQ for us, for our anniversary which is next Wednesday! It's a gas BBQ and Keith immediately started to put it together! We can cook the burgers on it for tomorrow night's dinner!
We sat in the garden and Sophie helped Keith assemble it all. Overhead, storm clouds were gathering and I did wonder whether we'd get some rain. The wind had also picked up and was blowing all the little brown leaves all over the conservatory floor. I had already hoovered up a mass of them! I just hope that now we have a new BBQ the weather doesn't change!
After my parents had gone home I cooked dinner and Keith and Sophie finished what they were doing. Mike had gone out with a friend and when we called him he said he would be late for dinner. Typical!
Dinner was delicious and we put Mike's plate in the oven to keep warm. He arrived about an hour later and tucked in. He said he was hot...join the club!
I was working an extra shift today and, thankfully, it wasn't as busy as yesterday! However, it was just as hot and I am so looking forward to the temperatures going down tomorrow! At about 1pm I did some roleplay with Sheila so I could practise selling a membership and I think it went quite well. I did feel a bit self-conscious though!
At 2pm I sped off to get Mike and as soon as I got home I changed and went with Keith and Sophie to do some shopping at Aldi and Tesco. We pootled about in both stores and bought chicken escalopes for dinner, accompanied by long stem broccoli, asparagus and a chargrilled vegetable sauce. We also planned to saute the potatoes again. Sophie chose Chicken Kiev instead of the normal escalopes but Keith said he didn't fancy that at all and just got himself a loaf of cheesy bread!
Back home we sat and cooled off in front of the fan and my Mum called to ask if she could pop around with my Dad. They arrived ten minutes later and I gave them some chilled sparkling water to drink as all of us are now alcohol free during the week!
My Dad asked Keith to go out to the car with him and they brought back a new BBQ for us, for our anniversary which is next Wednesday! It's a gas BBQ and Keith immediately started to put it together! We can cook the burgers on it for tomorrow night's dinner!
We sat in the garden and Sophie helped Keith assemble it all. Overhead, storm clouds were gathering and I did wonder whether we'd get some rain. The wind had also picked up and was blowing all the little brown leaves all over the conservatory floor. I had already hoovered up a mass of them! I just hope that now we have a new BBQ the weather doesn't change!
After my parents had gone home I cooked dinner and Keith and Sophie finished what they were doing. Mike had gone out with a friend and when we called him he said he would be late for dinner. Typical!
Dinner was delicious and we put Mike's plate in the oven to keep warm. He arrived about an hour later and tucked in. He said he was hot...join the club!
Monday, 6 August 2018
Another Monday!
Work was manically busy first thing this morning and at one point we had nine calls waiting in the queue! One of the other managers had to give us a hand to cope with them and a lot were from parents booking their children onto the swimming courses we hold every week.
It's been another hot day and it was about 29c when I drove to collect Mike from work. He got into the car and looked hot, sweaty and dirty, poor thing! I felt very irritable this afternoon as I had a horrible tummy ache, I was hot myself and we'd been pestered with questions about the items we were selling on ebay! I've loved this warm weather but the heat is really getting to me now! Luckily, the temperatures are set to take a dive in the middle of the week...thank goodness!
I mooched about for the rest of the afternoon and fell asleep on the sofa! It's the heat! Sophie cooked dinner tonight and we enjoyed a delicious paella. Mike brought his mate Brad home but he wouldn't join us for dinner, which was a shame as we had quite a bit left over. Tomorrow, both Mike and Sophie are going to have it for their lunch!
Keith had noticed a pigeon in the garden and it had rings on its legs so we knew it was a homing pigeon. It kept its distance from us, but seemed to enjoy watching what we were doing! I kept calling to it but it stayed up on the roof and only occasionally came down to peck at the food in the garden. When we shut up the conservatory it was still about so we did wonder whether it was going to stay and make itself at home!
It's been another hot day and it was about 29c when I drove to collect Mike from work. He got into the car and looked hot, sweaty and dirty, poor thing! I felt very irritable this afternoon as I had a horrible tummy ache, I was hot myself and we'd been pestered with questions about the items we were selling on ebay! I've loved this warm weather but the heat is really getting to me now! Luckily, the temperatures are set to take a dive in the middle of the week...thank goodness!
I mooched about for the rest of the afternoon and fell asleep on the sofa! It's the heat! Sophie cooked dinner tonight and we enjoyed a delicious paella. Mike brought his mate Brad home but he wouldn't join us for dinner, which was a shame as we had quite a bit left over. Tomorrow, both Mike and Sophie are going to have it for their lunch!
Keith had noticed a pigeon in the garden and it had rings on its legs so we knew it was a homing pigeon. It kept its distance from us, but seemed to enjoy watching what we were doing! I kept calling to it but it stayed up on the roof and only occasionally came down to peck at the food in the garden. When we shut up the conservatory it was still about so we did wonder whether it was going to stay and make itself at home!
Sunday, 5 August 2018
A mammoth dinner!
Mike was at work again today and he called at 8am to be picked up. He goes in to cut the grass and collect the golf balls from the range so he's not needed for very long. I went to get him and once I was back at home Sophie and I started preparing dinner for this evening.
Our recipe today was from the Hairy Bikers Mums Know Best cookbook and we'd chosen the barbecue ribs with Boston baked beans. Sophie assembled the marinade for the ribs while I cut them up, which was a mammoth task! We'd bought a rack of ribs which doesn't sound a lot, but once cut up I realised there was a lot of meat on them! I then had to place them in boiling water for about five minutes but there was no way they were going to fit into our saucepan so I placed the boiling hot water into one of our shallow china dishes and put it over a low heat. This is our biggest dish and I even had trouble getting them into that!
After they'd been simmered in the hot water we put them into another casserole dish, coated them with the marinade and left them to cool. Unfortunately, I forgot about the other dish being hot and burned my fingers! And then, to cap it all, the whole thing broke apart when I was washing it up! Not the best of starts!
With that bit of preparation completed, we went to see Mum and Dad and called into the Co-op as we needed tomato ketchup (for the baked beans) and I bought some lovely cookies to have with our coffee at Mum's. They were both looking well and we enjoyed a chat before Keith helped them mend their parasol which had been broken by some strong winds. They were really grateful as now they can sit out in the garden in the shade.
Back home Sophie and Keith had crumpets for a late breakfast while I had toast and tuna pate, which was left over from last night's dinner. The children were not keen at all, but I thought it was delicious! We pottered about for a while and simmered the pinto beans in water for almost two hours until they were tender. Keith, meanwhile, cut back the bushes in the garden which is looking very dry and arid again. We haven't had any rain since last Sunday and it's due to get hot again over the next few days. He also gave the garden a good water and Sophie and I sat out for a while in the hot sun. I could feel my legs burning! It was a good job we'd bought the little plastic flexible buckets so we could pour cold water into them...ahhh!
It all got a bit too much so we retreated indoors and I had a lukewarm bath and a pamper. When I got out I said to Sophie that we should put the ribs on to cook as, although the recipe called for just an hour's cooking, I didn't think it was enough and I liked the meat to be falling off the bones.
We went and retrieved them from the casserole dish in the fridge and arranged them on two baking trays. After covering them with foil we popped them into a moderate oven and hoped that we'd given them enough time to cook!
We then prepared the baked beans by pouring a sauce over them that we'd made earlier and which consisted of black treacle (we couldn't find Molasses), tomato ketchup, sugar, Worcestershire sauce and American mustard. We cut up some smoked streaky bacon, mixed some in with the beans and laid some more over the top. This then went into the oven for two hours. We also cut up some potatoes to saute them later. There was a lot of food!
The dinner turned out to be delicious and the pork ribs were very tender and, as I wanted, fell off the bones! There were a lot of beans, though, so I think we'll be having them on toast tomorrow!
Our recipe today was from the Hairy Bikers Mums Know Best cookbook and we'd chosen the barbecue ribs with Boston baked beans. Sophie assembled the marinade for the ribs while I cut them up, which was a mammoth task! We'd bought a rack of ribs which doesn't sound a lot, but once cut up I realised there was a lot of meat on them! I then had to place them in boiling water for about five minutes but there was no way they were going to fit into our saucepan so I placed the boiling hot water into one of our shallow china dishes and put it over a low heat. This is our biggest dish and I even had trouble getting them into that!
After they'd been simmered in the hot water we put them into another casserole dish, coated them with the marinade and left them to cool. Unfortunately, I forgot about the other dish being hot and burned my fingers! And then, to cap it all, the whole thing broke apart when I was washing it up! Not the best of starts!
With that bit of preparation completed, we went to see Mum and Dad and called into the Co-op as we needed tomato ketchup (for the baked beans) and I bought some lovely cookies to have with our coffee at Mum's. They were both looking well and we enjoyed a chat before Keith helped them mend their parasol which had been broken by some strong winds. They were really grateful as now they can sit out in the garden in the shade.
Back home Sophie and Keith had crumpets for a late breakfast while I had toast and tuna pate, which was left over from last night's dinner. The children were not keen at all, but I thought it was delicious! We pottered about for a while and simmered the pinto beans in water for almost two hours until they were tender. Keith, meanwhile, cut back the bushes in the garden which is looking very dry and arid again. We haven't had any rain since last Sunday and it's due to get hot again over the next few days. He also gave the garden a good water and Sophie and I sat out for a while in the hot sun. I could feel my legs burning! It was a good job we'd bought the little plastic flexible buckets so we could pour cold water into them...ahhh!
It all got a bit too much so we retreated indoors and I had a lukewarm bath and a pamper. When I got out I said to Sophie that we should put the ribs on to cook as, although the recipe called for just an hour's cooking, I didn't think it was enough and I liked the meat to be falling off the bones.
We went and retrieved them from the casserole dish in the fridge and arranged them on two baking trays. After covering them with foil we popped them into a moderate oven and hoped that we'd given them enough time to cook!
We then prepared the baked beans by pouring a sauce over them that we'd made earlier and which consisted of black treacle (we couldn't find Molasses), tomato ketchup, sugar, Worcestershire sauce and American mustard. We cut up some smoked streaky bacon, mixed some in with the beans and laid some more over the top. This then went into the oven for two hours. We also cut up some potatoes to saute them later. There was a lot of food!
The dinner turned out to be delicious and the pork ribs were very tender and, as I wanted, fell off the bones! There were a lot of beans, though, so I think we'll be having them on toast tomorrow!
Saturday, 4 August 2018
Back to work...
I was back in at work today and facing a longer shift than I normally work in the week. The time went by quite quickly though and I worked with Sue so it was very pleasant, despite her having a nasty customer on the phone! I was on my own for two hours after she left and it was great to be picked up by Keith at 4pm.
It's been another hot and sunny day and Sophie texted me to say she was very quiet at work. I'm so glad we no longer have the business as this long spell of good weather would really have affected us. I sat in the garden with Keith for a while when we got home and we put our feet in buckets of cold water again which really does cool us down. It's at times like this that I wish we had a plunge pool!
Before Sophie came home I watered the garden and then it was time for a glass of something and dinner. We opted for a starter and dessert tonight and Keith and I enjoyed prawn cocktail while the children had pate and toast. It feels too hot to eat anything else!
Before bed Sophie and I went for a wander outside and had a look up at the stars. We were sure we could also see Mars in the distance. It was a gorgeous night!
It's been another hot and sunny day and Sophie texted me to say she was very quiet at work. I'm so glad we no longer have the business as this long spell of good weather would really have affected us. I sat in the garden with Keith for a while when we got home and we put our feet in buckets of cold water again which really does cool us down. It's at times like this that I wish we had a plunge pool!
Before Sophie came home I watered the garden and then it was time for a glass of something and dinner. We opted for a starter and dessert tonight and Keith and I enjoyed prawn cocktail while the children had pate and toast. It feels too hot to eat anything else!
Before bed Sophie and I went for a wander outside and had a look up at the stars. We were sure we could also see Mars in the distance. It was a gorgeous night!
Friday, 3 August 2018
Ladies who lunch...
It was great having Friday off but I was still up fairly early! Keith and Sophie went for a walk but I opted to stay at home and change our bedding, as I felt it was too hot. I was proved right as they both came back a little earlier than they'd planned as they said it was so warm!
Sophie and I went to Market Harborough at lunchtime and had something to eat at Farndon Fields before we went into the town. The restaurant wasn't as busy as we'd expected and we had a lovely lunch - I chose a wrap stuffed with fried chicken and lettuce served with a summer slaw and salad and it was delicious.
We went into Tesco and Sophie bought a bottle of Champagne for a friend who is leaving work and we had a mooch about Waterstones, but it was too warm to wander about so we headed home. We took the scenic route and the harvested fields looked beautiful under the gorgeous "Florida" skies.
We sat in the garden for a little while with our feet in buckets of cold water to try and cool down a bit! As Keith isn't drinking at the moment he took himself off to the pub and in between preparing curry for dinner we sat outside the house on our front steps, which was lovely!
Sophie and I went to Market Harborough at lunchtime and had something to eat at Farndon Fields before we went into the town. The restaurant wasn't as busy as we'd expected and we had a lovely lunch - I chose a wrap stuffed with fried chicken and lettuce served with a summer slaw and salad and it was delicious.
We went into Tesco and Sophie bought a bottle of Champagne for a friend who is leaving work and we had a mooch about Waterstones, but it was too warm to wander about so we headed home. We took the scenic route and the harvested fields looked beautiful under the gorgeous "Florida" skies.
We sat in the garden for a little while with our feet in buckets of cold water to try and cool down a bit! As Keith isn't drinking at the moment he took himself off to the pub and in between preparing curry for dinner we sat outside the house on our front steps, which was lovely!
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Sell, sell, sell!
I was back in at work this morning and hoping that it wouldn't be too manic! My shift was better than yesterday and at 1pm I went for some training with a colleague as from next week we're expected to try and sell gym memberships if people call up to ask for details.
We were finished by 2.30pm and I drove home, arriving just before Mike and Keith. Sophie and I spent the afternoon listing some unwanted items on ebay, including a vintage black leather biker jacket that I'd bought when I worked for Levi's in the 1990s. It has never been worn and was in fantastic condition and it aroused a lot of interest on the site! Keith also decided he no longer wanted two lovely old Levi's shirts and some black 501s so we're hoping to get some cash for all of them! It's fun selling stuff we no longer want and seeing how much interest each item gets!
It took us all afternoon to put everything on the site and then we decided to eat dinner a little early. The weather has been beautiful today with clear blue skies and sunshine. The temperatures are rising a little and it was 31c when I got into the car after work.
Dinner tonight was the cold meats and new potatoes that we should have had on Monday and after dinner Sophie and I binge watched a couple of 90 Day Fiance episodes. It was a relaxing end to a busy day!
We were finished by 2.30pm and I drove home, arriving just before Mike and Keith. Sophie and I spent the afternoon listing some unwanted items on ebay, including a vintage black leather biker jacket that I'd bought when I worked for Levi's in the 1990s. It has never been worn and was in fantastic condition and it aroused a lot of interest on the site! Keith also decided he no longer wanted two lovely old Levi's shirts and some black 501s so we're hoping to get some cash for all of them! It's fun selling stuff we no longer want and seeing how much interest each item gets!
It took us all afternoon to put everything on the site and then we decided to eat dinner a little early. The weather has been beautiful today with clear blue skies and sunshine. The temperatures are rising a little and it was 31c when I got into the car after work.
Dinner tonight was the cold meats and new potatoes that we should have had on Monday and after dinner Sophie and I binge watched a couple of 90 Day Fiance episodes. It was a relaxing end to a busy day!
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
A sociable day!
I'd swapped shifts with a colleague today but I was beginning to wish I hadn't because of some of the calls I received! Perhaps it's just the school holidays making everyone cantankerous!
At 2pm I went to pick Mike up from work and he was waiting for me today, which was great as I was then home before 3pm. I decided to clean Sophie's car and she helped me get it all clean and shiny before I turned my attention to the messy front garden, which was covered in dead leaves.
I cut back the bush at the front and managed to get at all the leaves trapped underneath it, putting them in a black bag as I'd read you could turn them into leaf mould this way. We now no longer have a garden waste collection (most of our garden waste goes onto the compost heap) so I've got to do something with all the leaves that make a beeline for our garden and back door!
Doing the front garden was very sociable as Sophie came out to sit with me and various neighbours walked past and stopped for a chat, including one woman who has two enormous dogs that she has to walk separately! She gardens for a living and also has four children so she's very busy! It was great to get to know her and meet the dogs.
I worked until 6pm and the garden looked a lot neater, with all the dead leaves swept up and the grass raked. Hopefully, this weekend I can get out and trim it a bit as with the recent rain it's started to grow again.
I had a lovely deep bath and at 7pm Sophie and I crossed the road to see Sue and Michelle for a catch up with a few glasses of wine and some nibbles. We sat in Sue's kitchen gazing out at the stunning views and had a good natter, which was very pleasant. Sue opened a delicious bottle of Champagne to thank Michelle and I for looking after the house and garden while they were away and then we moved onto Prosecco and a lovely Sauvignon Blanc from South Africa.
I didn't want to be too late tonight, though as I had work tomorrow so we said goodbye at 10pm and waddled off to bed!
At 2pm I went to pick Mike up from work and he was waiting for me today, which was great as I was then home before 3pm. I decided to clean Sophie's car and she helped me get it all clean and shiny before I turned my attention to the messy front garden, which was covered in dead leaves.
I cut back the bush at the front and managed to get at all the leaves trapped underneath it, putting them in a black bag as I'd read you could turn them into leaf mould this way. We now no longer have a garden waste collection (most of our garden waste goes onto the compost heap) so I've got to do something with all the leaves that make a beeline for our garden and back door!
Doing the front garden was very sociable as Sophie came out to sit with me and various neighbours walked past and stopped for a chat, including one woman who has two enormous dogs that she has to walk separately! She gardens for a living and also has four children so she's very busy! It was great to get to know her and meet the dogs.
I worked until 6pm and the garden looked a lot neater, with all the dead leaves swept up and the grass raked. Hopefully, this weekend I can get out and trim it a bit as with the recent rain it's started to grow again.
I had a lovely deep bath and at 7pm Sophie and I crossed the road to see Sue and Michelle for a catch up with a few glasses of wine and some nibbles. We sat in Sue's kitchen gazing out at the stunning views and had a good natter, which was very pleasant. Sue opened a delicious bottle of Champagne to thank Michelle and I for looking after the house and garden while they were away and then we moved onto Prosecco and a lovely Sauvignon Blanc from South Africa.
I didn't want to be too late tonight, though as I had work tomorrow so we said goodbye at 10pm and waddled off to bed!
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