After a foggy and very grey start, the day turned out to be beautiful. What a bonus!
Sophie's friend Daisy had stayed overnight and once she'd gone home Sophie and I went to Market Harborough for a mooch about the shops. We'd planned on going to Farndon Fields for lunch but Sophie had been eating leftover pizza so we contented ourselves with a coffee and a snack in Costa instead.
Market Harborough was busy with shoppers and everywhere was full of both Halloween and Christmas decorations. In Monsoon I treated Sophie to a lovely little notebook with drawings of New York on the cover and she said she would use it as a journal for her visit. I looked in some of the charity shops for a dress for my 40s CDWM but didn't see anything suitable and a dress I liked in Monsoon was £70 so that was a no-no! It wouldn't be the sort of thing I'd wear normally!
We didn't stay as long as I thought we would and headed home at 4pm to get ready for trick or treaters. Mike had gone to his party earlier in the day and Keith was at a football match so I went around tidying up and lighting candles and making the house all cosy. Outside there was a beautiful sunset and everything looked orange and blue.
At just after 5pm we had our first callers and Keith came home to watch the rugby world cup final. We had a steady stream until about 7pm and at one point we had a huge crowd of children all clamouring for sweets! It was great to see them going around and some of the parents had also dressed up in costumes!
Saturday, 31 October 2015
In The Deep Dark Woods...Part Two
Two weeks later, Janie was sitting in her local pub with a friend, enjoying a quiet glass of wine. The build-up to Christmas was in full swing and the pub was alight with decorations and seasonal cheer. A group of people stood at the bar, pre-dinner drinks in their hands, chatting noisily, while a smaller clutch of local men holding frothy beer mugs laughed raucously. Two of them had been eyeing Janie and her friend all night, their dark gazes flicking over the women as they sat and chatted.
"Do you know them?" Janie's friend, Alison, asked. "Only they've been staring at us ever since we sat down."
Janie looked over at the two men, both of them grinning as they noticed her gaze. They were rough-looking, with greyish stubble on their chins and tousled hair. Their clothes were dark green and the hands that held their pints were rough and gnarled, the fingernails dirty. Janie shivered as one of them raised his pint and nodded at her.
"I've no idea who they are," she replied and turned away, hoping that they were just two men with nothing better to do than ogle women in the pub. "Let's hope they'll finish their pints and leave."
Alison nodded and rose to get another glass of wine from the bar. "It's my turn," protested Janie, getting up in haste and reaching for her bag. "I owe you for helping me out with that problem the other day."
Alison laughed. "It was nothing, my dear," she said. "Sometimes two brains are better than one when it comes to computers!"
Janie walked towards the bar, aware that the two men were watching her intently. The crowd of diners were still milling around and she was forced to stand next to the two men. One of them raised his pint to her again and muttered something to his companion.
"Been enjoying your walks, love, have you?"
Janie stared at him and a shiver of fear ran down her spine. "What walks?"
"Your little rambles through the Nature Reserve, my know what I mean."
"How do you know I walk there?" Janie stuttered, her face draining of all colour as they watched her reaction. "I've got a permit."
"Oh, there's not much we don't know," chuckled the other man, "and you 'aving a permit means nothing to us. We're not checking up on you, don't worry."
"I want to know how you know about my walks there," said Janie angrily. Amidst all the people in the pub she felt unafraid but a creeping dread told her that her walks in her favourite place may have to come to an end.
"We just know, that's all. You just be careful now if you go walking there alone. Young, pretty girl like you..." he sniggered as he looked her up and down, "might come to some 'arm. If you know what I mean." He leered at her as his companion burst out laughing. As Janie turned away, her face turning scarlet at his words, they both drained their glasses and stood to go.
Getting closer, one of the men leaned into Janie as she stood waiting. She could smell his beery breath and took a step back. "Just be careful," he said, his eyes boring into hers. "There's things go on in there that you don't want to know about. Be warned."
With a wave to the barman both men swaggered out of the pub and Janie turned to see Alison watching her, a look of distaste on her face.
"What was all that about?" she asked as Janie returned to her seat. "They looked really threatening. Have you done something to upset them?"
Janie shrugged. "No, not at all. They just kept mentioning the Nature Reserve where I walk a couple of times a week. Some strange things have been happening there, to be honest, and they seem to know where I've been going."
"Stay away from them," said Alison taking a sip of her wine. "They look really rough."
Janie nodded but inside she made a mental note to have a word with someone she could trust. She had a sneaky feeling that the two men were trying to warn her off the reserve, not because they were concerned for her safety but because they didn't want her there, meddling with whatever it was they were up to...
A few days later, Janie called into the office where all the Nature Reserve permits were issued. The man sitting behind the desk looked friendly and welcoming but Janie still hesitated. How would she bring up the subject of the two men and their threatening behaviour? Would he believe her?
"How can I help?" asked the man, smiling at Janie. "Are you after a permit?"
"Um, no thanks. I already have one. I just wanted to report something strange."
"Oh," he answered, a frown appearing on his face. "What sort of thing?"
"I don't know, really," replied Janie. "It's just every time I walk through the Nature Reserve I sense that I'm being watched. And I saw a dead rabbit hung up on a branch..."
The man smiled. "Sometimes, the woods have that effect on people. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Do you walk alone?"
Janie nodded. "I think maybe in future I'll take a friend. But I was in the pub the other evening and two men were looking at me in a weird way. They said they knew about my walks in the reserve, yet I've never seen them before."
The man shrugged. " I can't comment on the men in the pub but my guess is that they'll have seen you out walking. Maybe it's a good idea you take someone with you. And if you still feel worried, come back and see me."
"What about poaching? Would people go into the reserve at night and take pheasants? Or deer?"
"Well..." the man frowned. "It's possible, but we work with the police to make sure that it doesn't happen. All I can say is that if you think that's what's happening you must report it. But don't go getting into any danger, you understand?"
Janie nodded and said goodbye, but she had a feeling that she hadn't been taken seriously and that her fears had been dismissed. Would the police listen to her story? And if they did, would they actually act on her suspicions?
The next day Janie was buying stamps at the Post Office when the old farmer she'd spoken to came in. He seemed to want to talk to her and loitered about while she chatted to the lady behind the counter. Janie could feel his eyes boring into the back of her neck, so winding up the conversation she turned to find him shuffling from foot to foot, a look of apprehension on his face.
"Can I 'ave a word, me dear?" he asked as Janie paused to put her purse in her bag. "Only, there's summat I meant to tell yer the other day and I completely forgot."
"Of course. I'm just about to have a walk around the village. Do you want to join me?"
The pair of them emerged into the cold fresh air, the sun shining weakly out of a deep blue sky. It was a perfect December day. The old man's dog was waiting for him outside the post office and wagged his tail as the farmer approached. Janie smiled to see such affection and wished once again that she had a canine companion as well.
"Would you meet me in the nature reserve this evening? Mebbe I could show you a few things, perhaps they'd explain what's going on, eh?"
Janie nodded. "Fine. Tell me what time and where and I'll walk over to meet you."
They discussed details and parted, Janie feeling excited that at last someone might be able to shed some light on the mystery. They'd arranged to meet at the entrance to the reserve at three o'clock which would still give them plenty of daylight to see whatever it was that the old man wanted to show her.
At the appointed time Janie stood and waited by the gate that led into the reserve. The sun was starting to sink slowly in the sky and a raucous crowing started up from a flock of birds who were wheeling above her head. The woods themselves were still and silent and Janie peered into their depths, her eyes straining in the gloom to see a glimpse of the old man. She'd expected to see him wandering along the path but there wasn't a soul about, only the occasional startled cry of a pheasant.
Janie looked at her watch and saw that the old man was late. It was now almost a quarter of an hour after they'd agreed to meet and it was growing darker by the minute. She felt worried that something had happened to him and climbed over the gate to see if she could see him approaching from within the reserve. Ahead of her was a long straight path and at the very far end she could see what looked like a heap on the ground. Fearing the worst she started to run towards the mound, her heart hammering in her chest.
Her fears were confirmed as she grew nearer and realised it was the old man, slumped on the ground, his face ghostly white except for a line of blood running from his temple. Janie groped in her pocket for her mobile phone and hurriedly called the emergency services, her relief tremendous when, at the sound of her voice, the old man tried to raise his head and murmured something to her.
After giving directions to the woman on the phone and being assured that help was on its way, she took off her coat and covered the old man to try and keep him warm. "Don't worry," she said gently, "Someone's coming. Just stay calm."
He grew more agitated at her words and looked beyond her, his eyes widening in fear. Janie looked up to see a trio of men watching them from the trees, their hands clasped around the barrels of hunting rifles. Her heart missed a beat as she realised she'd been caught in a trap and that the police, although on their way, were still a long time from arriving at such an isolated spot.
One of the men came forward and scowled at her. "I told you to leave off, didn't I?" he said angrily. "You had to stick yer bloody nose in, though, didn't yer? Busy-body!"
Janie recognised him as one of the men from the pub and a shiver of fear ran through her. Had they heard her calling the police? She was no match for three burly men who obviously had something to hide. Did the old farmer know what they'd been up to? They were poachers, there was no doubt about that, and determined to keep their activities secret from the village. Only she'd rumbled them and now she was going to pay.
The two other men left the shadows of the trees and came closer. They were all dressed in dark clothes and were wearing caps pulled low down on their heads. One of them looked vaguely familiar to Janie but she was aware of how close they were now and how their smell of cold air and acrid cigarette smoke filled her nostrils. What would they do to her?
Janie backed away and glanced over her shoulder at the path leading out to the open fields. She knew she'd never be able to make a run for it, as the three of them would be after her and could easily grab her and pull her down. She just had to try and delay any attack until the police arrived.
"Can't you see he's injured?" she pleaded, pointing to the old farmer. "Surely you've known him all your lives? Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
The men shrugged. "Must have hit 'is head on a branch," one of them muttered. "Nuffin to do wiv us."
There was silence as the three men continued to stare at Janie, obviously wondering what to do with her. Poaching was a crime, but actually attacking another person was a whole different matter. She realised that if she could just keep them talking for a while, help would arrive. Just as she decided to go and kneel by the old man to see if he was still alright, she heard the distant whirring of a helicopter. Looking up she couldn't see anything but the whirring grew louder and the three men turned and ran into the woods, disappearing into the late afternoon gloom.
Feeling a rush of relief that things were going to turn out better than she expected, she ran down the grassy path to the field just in time to see the police helicopter land. Two men ran towards her and she shouted at them to follow her to where the old man was lying.
"The men escaped!" she gasped as they sped back into the woods. "I don't think they were responsible for hurting him, but they certainly scared us both."
"Leave it to us," answered one of the policemen. "We'll radio through for an ambulance and get this gentleman sorted out. We'll need to take a statement from you at some point about what's happened this afternoon."
Janie watched as the policemen spoke to the old man and radioed for help. Suddenly feeling in the way she gave her number and name to one of the officers while the other went back to the helicopter in order to set off again to see if they could find the three poachers. With a loud whirring the helicopter set off and flew low over the woods. She fervently hoped that the three men would be found and brought to justice.
Two days later Janie answered the door to a policeman who'd come to take a statement from her. After sitting down in her small living room he explained that the poachers had been caught and were being investigated. Apparently, they'd been at it for years and half the village knew what they'd been doing. The old farmer was fine and was still in hospital and had hit his head on a branch, which was a relief to Janie as she hated to think of him being attacked. He also knew what had been happening but had acted out of concern for Janie and had been worried about her solitary trips into the reserve.
The poachers had been taking rabbits, Muntjac deer, pheasants, ducks and geese, all of them supposedly protected by being in the reserve and the water company who owned the land were now involved. Janie felt a huge feeling of relief at the news but was concerned to think that the men had been getting away with it for so long, no doubt threatening anyone who had dared to try and stop them. As very few of the villagers walked in the nature reserve, preferring instead to stick to the extensive farmland nearby, she was perhaps the only one who had experienced their attempts to frighten her by intimidation and making her believe there were supernatural goings on.
From now on, she would take every opportunity to enjoy the beautiful walks she had on her doorstep, safe in the knowledge that no ghostly happenings would stop her from being at one with nature!
"Do you know them?" Janie's friend, Alison, asked. "Only they've been staring at us ever since we sat down."
Janie looked over at the two men, both of them grinning as they noticed her gaze. They were rough-looking, with greyish stubble on their chins and tousled hair. Their clothes were dark green and the hands that held their pints were rough and gnarled, the fingernails dirty. Janie shivered as one of them raised his pint and nodded at her.
"I've no idea who they are," she replied and turned away, hoping that they were just two men with nothing better to do than ogle women in the pub. "Let's hope they'll finish their pints and leave."
Alison nodded and rose to get another glass of wine from the bar. "It's my turn," protested Janie, getting up in haste and reaching for her bag. "I owe you for helping me out with that problem the other day."
Alison laughed. "It was nothing, my dear," she said. "Sometimes two brains are better than one when it comes to computers!"
Janie walked towards the bar, aware that the two men were watching her intently. The crowd of diners were still milling around and she was forced to stand next to the two men. One of them raised his pint to her again and muttered something to his companion.
"Been enjoying your walks, love, have you?"
Janie stared at him and a shiver of fear ran down her spine. "What walks?"
"Your little rambles through the Nature Reserve, my know what I mean."
"How do you know I walk there?" Janie stuttered, her face draining of all colour as they watched her reaction. "I've got a permit."
"Oh, there's not much we don't know," chuckled the other man, "and you 'aving a permit means nothing to us. We're not checking up on you, don't worry."
"I want to know how you know about my walks there," said Janie angrily. Amidst all the people in the pub she felt unafraid but a creeping dread told her that her walks in her favourite place may have to come to an end.
"We just know, that's all. You just be careful now if you go walking there alone. Young, pretty girl like you..." he sniggered as he looked her up and down, "might come to some 'arm. If you know what I mean." He leered at her as his companion burst out laughing. As Janie turned away, her face turning scarlet at his words, they both drained their glasses and stood to go.
Getting closer, one of the men leaned into Janie as she stood waiting. She could smell his beery breath and took a step back. "Just be careful," he said, his eyes boring into hers. "There's things go on in there that you don't want to know about. Be warned."
With a wave to the barman both men swaggered out of the pub and Janie turned to see Alison watching her, a look of distaste on her face.
"What was all that about?" she asked as Janie returned to her seat. "They looked really threatening. Have you done something to upset them?"
Janie shrugged. "No, not at all. They just kept mentioning the Nature Reserve where I walk a couple of times a week. Some strange things have been happening there, to be honest, and they seem to know where I've been going."
"Stay away from them," said Alison taking a sip of her wine. "They look really rough."
Janie nodded but inside she made a mental note to have a word with someone she could trust. She had a sneaky feeling that the two men were trying to warn her off the reserve, not because they were concerned for her safety but because they didn't want her there, meddling with whatever it was they were up to...
A few days later, Janie called into the office where all the Nature Reserve permits were issued. The man sitting behind the desk looked friendly and welcoming but Janie still hesitated. How would she bring up the subject of the two men and their threatening behaviour? Would he believe her?
"How can I help?" asked the man, smiling at Janie. "Are you after a permit?"
"Um, no thanks. I already have one. I just wanted to report something strange."
"Oh," he answered, a frown appearing on his face. "What sort of thing?"
"I don't know, really," replied Janie. "It's just every time I walk through the Nature Reserve I sense that I'm being watched. And I saw a dead rabbit hung up on a branch..."
The man smiled. "Sometimes, the woods have that effect on people. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Do you walk alone?"
Janie nodded. "I think maybe in future I'll take a friend. But I was in the pub the other evening and two men were looking at me in a weird way. They said they knew about my walks in the reserve, yet I've never seen them before."
The man shrugged. " I can't comment on the men in the pub but my guess is that they'll have seen you out walking. Maybe it's a good idea you take someone with you. And if you still feel worried, come back and see me."
"What about poaching? Would people go into the reserve at night and take pheasants? Or deer?"
"Well..." the man frowned. "It's possible, but we work with the police to make sure that it doesn't happen. All I can say is that if you think that's what's happening you must report it. But don't go getting into any danger, you understand?"
Janie nodded and said goodbye, but she had a feeling that she hadn't been taken seriously and that her fears had been dismissed. Would the police listen to her story? And if they did, would they actually act on her suspicions?
The next day Janie was buying stamps at the Post Office when the old farmer she'd spoken to came in. He seemed to want to talk to her and loitered about while she chatted to the lady behind the counter. Janie could feel his eyes boring into the back of her neck, so winding up the conversation she turned to find him shuffling from foot to foot, a look of apprehension on his face.
"Can I 'ave a word, me dear?" he asked as Janie paused to put her purse in her bag. "Only, there's summat I meant to tell yer the other day and I completely forgot."
"Of course. I'm just about to have a walk around the village. Do you want to join me?"
The pair of them emerged into the cold fresh air, the sun shining weakly out of a deep blue sky. It was a perfect December day. The old man's dog was waiting for him outside the post office and wagged his tail as the farmer approached. Janie smiled to see such affection and wished once again that she had a canine companion as well.
"Would you meet me in the nature reserve this evening? Mebbe I could show you a few things, perhaps they'd explain what's going on, eh?"
Janie nodded. "Fine. Tell me what time and where and I'll walk over to meet you."
They discussed details and parted, Janie feeling excited that at last someone might be able to shed some light on the mystery. They'd arranged to meet at the entrance to the reserve at three o'clock which would still give them plenty of daylight to see whatever it was that the old man wanted to show her.
At the appointed time Janie stood and waited by the gate that led into the reserve. The sun was starting to sink slowly in the sky and a raucous crowing started up from a flock of birds who were wheeling above her head. The woods themselves were still and silent and Janie peered into their depths, her eyes straining in the gloom to see a glimpse of the old man. She'd expected to see him wandering along the path but there wasn't a soul about, only the occasional startled cry of a pheasant.
Janie looked at her watch and saw that the old man was late. It was now almost a quarter of an hour after they'd agreed to meet and it was growing darker by the minute. She felt worried that something had happened to him and climbed over the gate to see if she could see him approaching from within the reserve. Ahead of her was a long straight path and at the very far end she could see what looked like a heap on the ground. Fearing the worst she started to run towards the mound, her heart hammering in her chest.
Her fears were confirmed as she grew nearer and realised it was the old man, slumped on the ground, his face ghostly white except for a line of blood running from his temple. Janie groped in her pocket for her mobile phone and hurriedly called the emergency services, her relief tremendous when, at the sound of her voice, the old man tried to raise his head and murmured something to her.
After giving directions to the woman on the phone and being assured that help was on its way, she took off her coat and covered the old man to try and keep him warm. "Don't worry," she said gently, "Someone's coming. Just stay calm."
He grew more agitated at her words and looked beyond her, his eyes widening in fear. Janie looked up to see a trio of men watching them from the trees, their hands clasped around the barrels of hunting rifles. Her heart missed a beat as she realised she'd been caught in a trap and that the police, although on their way, were still a long time from arriving at such an isolated spot.
One of the men came forward and scowled at her. "I told you to leave off, didn't I?" he said angrily. "You had to stick yer bloody nose in, though, didn't yer? Busy-body!"
Janie recognised him as one of the men from the pub and a shiver of fear ran through her. Had they heard her calling the police? She was no match for three burly men who obviously had something to hide. Did the old farmer know what they'd been up to? They were poachers, there was no doubt about that, and determined to keep their activities secret from the village. Only she'd rumbled them and now she was going to pay.
The two other men left the shadows of the trees and came closer. They were all dressed in dark clothes and were wearing caps pulled low down on their heads. One of them looked vaguely familiar to Janie but she was aware of how close they were now and how their smell of cold air and acrid cigarette smoke filled her nostrils. What would they do to her?
Janie backed away and glanced over her shoulder at the path leading out to the open fields. She knew she'd never be able to make a run for it, as the three of them would be after her and could easily grab her and pull her down. She just had to try and delay any attack until the police arrived.
"Can't you see he's injured?" she pleaded, pointing to the old farmer. "Surely you've known him all your lives? Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
The men shrugged. "Must have hit 'is head on a branch," one of them muttered. "Nuffin to do wiv us."
There was silence as the three men continued to stare at Janie, obviously wondering what to do with her. Poaching was a crime, but actually attacking another person was a whole different matter. She realised that if she could just keep them talking for a while, help would arrive. Just as she decided to go and kneel by the old man to see if he was still alright, she heard the distant whirring of a helicopter. Looking up she couldn't see anything but the whirring grew louder and the three men turned and ran into the woods, disappearing into the late afternoon gloom.
Feeling a rush of relief that things were going to turn out better than she expected, she ran down the grassy path to the field just in time to see the police helicopter land. Two men ran towards her and she shouted at them to follow her to where the old man was lying.
"The men escaped!" she gasped as they sped back into the woods. "I don't think they were responsible for hurting him, but they certainly scared us both."
"Leave it to us," answered one of the policemen. "We'll radio through for an ambulance and get this gentleman sorted out. We'll need to take a statement from you at some point about what's happened this afternoon."
Janie watched as the policemen spoke to the old man and radioed for help. Suddenly feeling in the way she gave her number and name to one of the officers while the other went back to the helicopter in order to set off again to see if they could find the three poachers. With a loud whirring the helicopter set off and flew low over the woods. She fervently hoped that the three men would be found and brought to justice.
Two days later Janie answered the door to a policeman who'd come to take a statement from her. After sitting down in her small living room he explained that the poachers had been caught and were being investigated. Apparently, they'd been at it for years and half the village knew what they'd been doing. The old farmer was fine and was still in hospital and had hit his head on a branch, which was a relief to Janie as she hated to think of him being attacked. He also knew what had been happening but had acted out of concern for Janie and had been worried about her solitary trips into the reserve.
The poachers had been taking rabbits, Muntjac deer, pheasants, ducks and geese, all of them supposedly protected by being in the reserve and the water company who owned the land were now involved. Janie felt a huge feeling of relief at the news but was concerned to think that the men had been getting away with it for so long, no doubt threatening anyone who had dared to try and stop them. As very few of the villagers walked in the nature reserve, preferring instead to stick to the extensive farmland nearby, she was perhaps the only one who had experienced their attempts to frighten her by intimidation and making her believe there were supernatural goings on.
From now on, she would take every opportunity to enjoy the beautiful walks she had on her doorstep, safe in the knowledge that no ghostly happenings would stop her from being at one with nature!
Friday, 30 October 2015
Walking the doggies!
Today has been horrible with rain and grey skies. I suppose it's typical for this time of year though!
After a breakfast of baked beans on toast I took some more washing up to Mum's house and then decided to make some onion soup, as a practice for my CDWM evening. Mum and Dad popped in on their way back from looking at a house for rent in Hannington and said it was horrible and depressing. Very soon, they're going to be homeless as their house is well on its way to going through. They've looked at lots of houses but as soon as the lets come on the market they're snapped up!
As I was making the soup Sophie phoned to ask me to pick her up so I put everything on hold and Keith and I went to collect her. We came back, had some lunch and then I carried on with the recipe. The whole house smells of onions now which made Sophie's eyes water and she wasn't too happy as she has two friends coming around tonight for pizza and wine!
I finished the soup and left it on the hob - Keith and I will have it tonight for our supper rather than the pizza we bought yesterday. I'd asked Sophie to print off some leaflets for me as I wanted to drum up some more interest in the Facebook page I run for the residents of our estate. My friend Sue had already invited some of her friends to join and after Sophie had printed off my leaflets we walked around the estate to deliver them.
We called on Sue first as I had a cheeseboard to return and she asked me to walk her two cockerpoos, Bailey and Archie. I took both dogs while Sophie pushed the leaflets through the postboxes. We were followed around by the most miserable postman I've ever met who looked thoroughly miserable and wouldn't even look our way! Oh well!
With all the leaflets delivered I hoped we get a good response. When we first moved here there was a real community spirit that seems to have gone missing over the last few years so it would be nice to get to know more of our neighbours!
Sophie's friends arrived in the evening and they went to sit in the cosy conservatory. After picking up Keith I poured the hot soup into a casserole dish, placed some slices of French bread on top and sprinkled cheese over them, I then put it under a hot grill and voila! Dinner was ready!
After a breakfast of baked beans on toast I took some more washing up to Mum's house and then decided to make some onion soup, as a practice for my CDWM evening. Mum and Dad popped in on their way back from looking at a house for rent in Hannington and said it was horrible and depressing. Very soon, they're going to be homeless as their house is well on its way to going through. They've looked at lots of houses but as soon as the lets come on the market they're snapped up!
As I was making the soup Sophie phoned to ask me to pick her up so I put everything on hold and Keith and I went to collect her. We came back, had some lunch and then I carried on with the recipe. The whole house smells of onions now which made Sophie's eyes water and she wasn't too happy as she has two friends coming around tonight for pizza and wine!
I finished the soup and left it on the hob - Keith and I will have it tonight for our supper rather than the pizza we bought yesterday. I'd asked Sophie to print off some leaflets for me as I wanted to drum up some more interest in the Facebook page I run for the residents of our estate. My friend Sue had already invited some of her friends to join and after Sophie had printed off my leaflets we walked around the estate to deliver them.
We called on Sue first as I had a cheeseboard to return and she asked me to walk her two cockerpoos, Bailey and Archie. I took both dogs while Sophie pushed the leaflets through the postboxes. We were followed around by the most miserable postman I've ever met who looked thoroughly miserable and wouldn't even look our way! Oh well!
With all the leaflets delivered I hoped we get a good response. When we first moved here there was a real community spirit that seems to have gone missing over the last few years so it would be nice to get to know more of our neighbours!
Sophie's friends arrived in the evening and they went to sit in the cosy conservatory. After picking up Keith I poured the hot soup into a casserole dish, placed some slices of French bread on top and sprinkled cheese over them, I then put it under a hot grill and voila! Dinner was ready!
In The Deep Dark Woods...Part One
I started writing this story a year ago, when Keith and I would walk in the nature reserve in the late afternoon when the trees and atmosphere were quite creepy! I hope you enjoy. Part two will appear on Halloween!
It was difficult to remember when the fear began. Janie had been walking the same route for a few months now, after she'd decided to renew the permit she had for the Nature Reserve. That had been in the summer, when the weather was sunny and the days seemed to stretch on forever. Walking through the fields on a warm evening was totally different to now, when it grew dark at four o'clock.
This afternoon she'd set off earlier than usual but a meeting with a neighbour and a chat that went on for longer than expected meant that she was now half way through the walk and it was almost dark. It was too late to turn back so she had no choice but to press on. The remainder of the walk took her through the deepest, darkest part of the woods, where the trees grew close to the path and the bushes were an impenetrable black. Overhead, the constant flapping of birds disturbed by her progress had started to irritate her and the occasional panicked squawk of a pheasant set her already heightened nerves on edge.
As she came out into a small clearing she stopped in case any deer were grazing. The early evening was sometimes when they emerged from the woods to nibble on the soft grass and Janie paused to listen, but all she could hear was the thudding of her own heart. As she went to walk on, she heard the faint snap of a twig and she stopped again, her ears straining to capture any other sounds.
She was aware of a darker mass to her left, within the bushes, and as she turned her head, she saw it move faster, back into the depths of the trees. Feeling suddenly very alone and aware that what little light there was had faded fast, she upped her pace, her breathing quickening as she lengthened her strides. All she wanted was to get home now, reach the safety of her little cottage, light the fire, turn on the lamps and shut the darkness out.
It was probably one of the little Muntjac deer that roamed the woods and lakes of the Nature reserve. Either that or a fox starting out on his nightly hunt. Thoughts of escaped lunatics and madmen sprang into her mind but she pushed them hurriedly away and pressed on, recognising an old oak tree as the spot where she turned for home.
A couple of days later, Janie was chatting to one of the old farmers outside the post office in the village. He'd lived in the area all his life and knew all there was to know about the countryside, the old traditions and rural life. Janie found him fascinating. Taking a break from her desk in her make-shift office where she carried out her small business, she encouraged him to chat away, relishing the feeling of the winter sun on her face.
"I've been walking in the Nature Reserve," Janie said when he mentioned the various walks around the village. "It's lovely but I think I'll stop going there so late in the afternoon!"
The old farmer looked at her intently. "Hmmm, wouldn't be a bad idea. There's loads of old tales about the woods there." He chuckled, but Janie felt a shiver of fear run down her spine.
"What sort of tales?"
"Oh, nothing for you to worry about!" He laughed and patted her on the back. "Maybe just go there during the day, eh? And take someone with you. Young girl like you should be careful out walking on her own. Want to borrow my dog?"
Janie shook her head. "They're not allowed in the reserve. I'd love a dog, though." She sighed wistfully and looked down at the farmer's sheepdog lying at his feet. "He's gorgeous."
"Working dog, wouldn't be without 'im." He whistled and the dog stood up, his tail wagging. "Well, must be off, things to do." He patted Janie on the shoulder again and with a wave disappeared off down the lane.
Janie returned to her cottage, her mind full of the nearby woods and fields. She was angry with herself for feeling afraid of the walk now. With the farmer's words ringing in her ears she felt reluctant to set off as she usually did when she finished her work for the day. Sitting at her desk concentrating on the computer it normally felt wonderful to get out into the fresh air and stretch her aching muscles.
That evening she walked around the village for half an hour but it wasn't the same. Although the streets were quiet, she felt hemmed in by the buildings and longed for the open fields and silent woods.
The next day as she went to buy a newspaper, she bumped into one of the older women who frequently stopped for a chat. A stalwart of the village WI, the older woman was delighted to stop and talk as she'd been trying to get Janie to join the Institute as well. "New blood it needs!" she'd almost bellowed when Janie had first been introduced. "We need some young gals like you joining us. Bring us all into the twenty first century!"
She also had a dog with her, an elderly Labrador who gently wheezed as the two women talked. Janie tentatively brought up the subject of local walks. "Where do you take Buster?"
"Oh, just around the village now," the older woman replied. "He's too old to go over the fields any more, but when he were a pup...well! I'd let him off the lead and that'd be it! Wouldn't see him no more!"
"I was talking to one of the old farmers yesterday," Janie said, stroking the dog's soft ears. "He said there were some old tales about the woods around here, and the Nature Reserve... Do you know anything?"
The older woman paused before speaking. "You don't want to listen to them old buggers. But..." she paused again, "It might not be a bad idea to take someone with you. A friend, perhaps?"
The other woman shrugged her shoulders. "Just to be on the safe side, love. You don't know who's hanging around these days."
Janie frowned. "But surely you have to get a permit to walk there? No-one else should be in the reserve without one?"
"There's talk of poachers that go in there at night, but they've seen things..." She shuddered. "Strange things that they can't explain."
"What things?" Janie looked at her in dismay. What had she seen the other evening? That had slunk away into the bushes?
"I don't know, love." The older woman said. "But just promise me you won't go wandering around in there on your own?"
Janie agreed and they went their separate ways, but she couldn't shake off an uneasy feeling that the enjoyment she'd taken for granted over the last few months was spoilt by what she'd heard.
On Saturday morning Janie decided to go back to the Nature Reserve. It was a beautiful late Autumn day and the sunlight filtered through the remaining leaves on the trees casting everything in a golden light. Janie firmly pushed all thoughts of strange sightings from her mind and decided to enjoy the walk. She would appreciate the sounds and smells of the woods and look out for wildlife. She had her phone with her but she was hoping to see other walkers out as well. Days like these wouldn't be around for long.
Apart from the occasional call of a bird, the woods were silent. Overhead, a plane left a white plume of vapour and the sun, shining out of the clear blue sky, warmed the skin on her face. It was hard to imagine it was the middle of November. Janie walked quietly along the grassy paths, noticing the recent tyre marks of the small all-terrain vehicle that regularly patrolled the reserve. Surely people who worked there would have seen anything out of the ordinary?
As she walked she began to relax and enjoy her surroundings. All thoughts of strange happenings and weird creatures disappeared as she spotted a deer in the distance, the sunlight dappling it's ruddy coat. She paused as it looked her way and then with a sudden bound it was off, fleeing back into the trees. Janie was happy, though, at least she'd seen something worthwhile on her walk and her fears seemed to have melted away with the sunlight.
A few yards on, though, something happened to change her mood from one of contentment to dread. Hanging on a branch of a tree was a dead rabbit, its glassy eyes staring sightlessly at Janie as it swung in the breeze. A cloud passed over the sun and Janie shivered as she watched it swing, its fur matted with blood. Up above was a huge crow, its beady eyes watching Janie as she gazed at the stricken rabbit and behind her she heard the snap of a twig as if something was moving closer to her. She turned to see a dark shape move quickly through the thick hedge behind her and a flock of birds flew up from their roosts, the pheasants crying out in alarm.
Janie turned and ran, her breath coming in gasps as she stumbled on hidden tree roots. The woods seemed to be closing in on her, the gnarled branches of the trees changing shapes so they resembled ancient arms stretching out to try and grab her as she fled. She could hear a crashing behind her as if something was chasing her and she quickened her pace, trying desperately to reach the perimeter fence that separated the reserve from the fields beyond. She could see a tractor moving slowly in the distance but just as she reached the fence she fell again and the world went black...
Janie woke and opened her eyes, tears gathering from the brightness of the sun. She ached all over and tentatively moved her legs to see if they would work. All was peaceful and quiet and she heard the distant cooing of a dove. Raising her hand to her head she felt a large bump on her forehead and cautiously sat up, her head spinning slightly as she moved upright. She was covered in mud and leaves but the thing that set her heart hammering again was the dead rabbit placed next to her, its dead eyes fixed and unseeing.
To be continued...
It was difficult to remember when the fear began. Janie had been walking the same route for a few months now, after she'd decided to renew the permit she had for the Nature Reserve. That had been in the summer, when the weather was sunny and the days seemed to stretch on forever. Walking through the fields on a warm evening was totally different to now, when it grew dark at four o'clock.
This afternoon she'd set off earlier than usual but a meeting with a neighbour and a chat that went on for longer than expected meant that she was now half way through the walk and it was almost dark. It was too late to turn back so she had no choice but to press on. The remainder of the walk took her through the deepest, darkest part of the woods, where the trees grew close to the path and the bushes were an impenetrable black. Overhead, the constant flapping of birds disturbed by her progress had started to irritate her and the occasional panicked squawk of a pheasant set her already heightened nerves on edge.
As she came out into a small clearing she stopped in case any deer were grazing. The early evening was sometimes when they emerged from the woods to nibble on the soft grass and Janie paused to listen, but all she could hear was the thudding of her own heart. As she went to walk on, she heard the faint snap of a twig and she stopped again, her ears straining to capture any other sounds.
She was aware of a darker mass to her left, within the bushes, and as she turned her head, she saw it move faster, back into the depths of the trees. Feeling suddenly very alone and aware that what little light there was had faded fast, she upped her pace, her breathing quickening as she lengthened her strides. All she wanted was to get home now, reach the safety of her little cottage, light the fire, turn on the lamps and shut the darkness out.
It was probably one of the little Muntjac deer that roamed the woods and lakes of the Nature reserve. Either that or a fox starting out on his nightly hunt. Thoughts of escaped lunatics and madmen sprang into her mind but she pushed them hurriedly away and pressed on, recognising an old oak tree as the spot where she turned for home.
A couple of days later, Janie was chatting to one of the old farmers outside the post office in the village. He'd lived in the area all his life and knew all there was to know about the countryside, the old traditions and rural life. Janie found him fascinating. Taking a break from her desk in her make-shift office where she carried out her small business, she encouraged him to chat away, relishing the feeling of the winter sun on her face.
"I've been walking in the Nature Reserve," Janie said when he mentioned the various walks around the village. "It's lovely but I think I'll stop going there so late in the afternoon!"
The old farmer looked at her intently. "Hmmm, wouldn't be a bad idea. There's loads of old tales about the woods there." He chuckled, but Janie felt a shiver of fear run down her spine.
"What sort of tales?"
"Oh, nothing for you to worry about!" He laughed and patted her on the back. "Maybe just go there during the day, eh? And take someone with you. Young girl like you should be careful out walking on her own. Want to borrow my dog?"
Janie shook her head. "They're not allowed in the reserve. I'd love a dog, though." She sighed wistfully and looked down at the farmer's sheepdog lying at his feet. "He's gorgeous."
"Working dog, wouldn't be without 'im." He whistled and the dog stood up, his tail wagging. "Well, must be off, things to do." He patted Janie on the shoulder again and with a wave disappeared off down the lane.
Janie returned to her cottage, her mind full of the nearby woods and fields. She was angry with herself for feeling afraid of the walk now. With the farmer's words ringing in her ears she felt reluctant to set off as she usually did when she finished her work for the day. Sitting at her desk concentrating on the computer it normally felt wonderful to get out into the fresh air and stretch her aching muscles.
That evening she walked around the village for half an hour but it wasn't the same. Although the streets were quiet, she felt hemmed in by the buildings and longed for the open fields and silent woods.
The next day as she went to buy a newspaper, she bumped into one of the older women who frequently stopped for a chat. A stalwart of the village WI, the older woman was delighted to stop and talk as she'd been trying to get Janie to join the Institute as well. "New blood it needs!" she'd almost bellowed when Janie had first been introduced. "We need some young gals like you joining us. Bring us all into the twenty first century!"
She also had a dog with her, an elderly Labrador who gently wheezed as the two women talked. Janie tentatively brought up the subject of local walks. "Where do you take Buster?"
"Oh, just around the village now," the older woman replied. "He's too old to go over the fields any more, but when he were a pup...well! I'd let him off the lead and that'd be it! Wouldn't see him no more!"
"I was talking to one of the old farmers yesterday," Janie said, stroking the dog's soft ears. "He said there were some old tales about the woods around here, and the Nature Reserve... Do you know anything?"
The older woman paused before speaking. "You don't want to listen to them old buggers. But..." she paused again, "It might not be a bad idea to take someone with you. A friend, perhaps?"
The other woman shrugged her shoulders. "Just to be on the safe side, love. You don't know who's hanging around these days."
Janie frowned. "But surely you have to get a permit to walk there? No-one else should be in the reserve without one?"
"There's talk of poachers that go in there at night, but they've seen things..." She shuddered. "Strange things that they can't explain."
"What things?" Janie looked at her in dismay. What had she seen the other evening? That had slunk away into the bushes?
"I don't know, love." The older woman said. "But just promise me you won't go wandering around in there on your own?"
Janie agreed and they went their separate ways, but she couldn't shake off an uneasy feeling that the enjoyment she'd taken for granted over the last few months was spoilt by what she'd heard.
On Saturday morning Janie decided to go back to the Nature Reserve. It was a beautiful late Autumn day and the sunlight filtered through the remaining leaves on the trees casting everything in a golden light. Janie firmly pushed all thoughts of strange sightings from her mind and decided to enjoy the walk. She would appreciate the sounds and smells of the woods and look out for wildlife. She had her phone with her but she was hoping to see other walkers out as well. Days like these wouldn't be around for long.
Apart from the occasional call of a bird, the woods were silent. Overhead, a plane left a white plume of vapour and the sun, shining out of the clear blue sky, warmed the skin on her face. It was hard to imagine it was the middle of November. Janie walked quietly along the grassy paths, noticing the recent tyre marks of the small all-terrain vehicle that regularly patrolled the reserve. Surely people who worked there would have seen anything out of the ordinary?
As she walked she began to relax and enjoy her surroundings. All thoughts of strange happenings and weird creatures disappeared as she spotted a deer in the distance, the sunlight dappling it's ruddy coat. She paused as it looked her way and then with a sudden bound it was off, fleeing back into the trees. Janie was happy, though, at least she'd seen something worthwhile on her walk and her fears seemed to have melted away with the sunlight.
A few yards on, though, something happened to change her mood from one of contentment to dread. Hanging on a branch of a tree was a dead rabbit, its glassy eyes staring sightlessly at Janie as it swung in the breeze. A cloud passed over the sun and Janie shivered as she watched it swing, its fur matted with blood. Up above was a huge crow, its beady eyes watching Janie as she gazed at the stricken rabbit and behind her she heard the snap of a twig as if something was moving closer to her. She turned to see a dark shape move quickly through the thick hedge behind her and a flock of birds flew up from their roosts, the pheasants crying out in alarm.
Janie turned and ran, her breath coming in gasps as she stumbled on hidden tree roots. The woods seemed to be closing in on her, the gnarled branches of the trees changing shapes so they resembled ancient arms stretching out to try and grab her as she fled. She could hear a crashing behind her as if something was chasing her and she quickened her pace, trying desperately to reach the perimeter fence that separated the reserve from the fields beyond. She could see a tractor moving slowly in the distance but just as she reached the fence she fell again and the world went black...
Janie woke and opened her eyes, tears gathering from the brightness of the sun. She ached all over and tentatively moved her legs to see if they would work. All was peaceful and quiet and she heard the distant cooing of a dove. Raising her hand to her head she felt a large bump on her forehead and cautiously sat up, her head spinning slightly as she moved upright. She was covered in mud and leaves but the thing that set her heart hammering again was the dead rabbit placed next to her, its dead eyes fixed and unseeing.
To be continued...
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Making savings!
It's been a busy morning as Mike wanted to be dropped off in Moulton to see a friend and we needed to go to Jones's to get some bits for the house.
The Halloween decorations in the wholesalers were almost completely depleted as they're now pushing Christmas so we didn't buy anything except for some sweets to give out on Saturday night. On the way to do our shopping we dropped Sophie off at university and the poor thing walked off into the rain that's been falling all morning.
We made the decision to go to Aldi today even though neither of us really wanted to. I just knew that we would forget something important (we did) and going to a new supermarket is never that enjoyable! I've been shopping in Tesco for virtually all my life but last week's bill was too much.
Aldi is a lot smaller than Tesco and has a lot less choice, obviously, but our shopping bill came to just under £80, half of what we spent last week! We did need to go into Tesco as Aldi didn't stock Keith's favourite beer and he also needed razor blades (which he could have bought in Jones's) so we spent another £30 there but altogether our total bill over the tow supermarkets was £50 less than last week and the only thing we forget to buy were noodles for tonight's dinner! I have a feeling we'll be going again next week!
The afternoon was spent doing very little as the weather never improved and it was dark by 4.30pm. I carved our pumpkin in readiness for Halloween and then it was out to pick up our son and daughter. Getting home after the horrible traffic on the roads was a huge relief and a glass of wine and an episode of A Place in The Sun: Winter Sun, featuring villas near Sarasota in Florida, restored my good mood!
The Halloween decorations in the wholesalers were almost completely depleted as they're now pushing Christmas so we didn't buy anything except for some sweets to give out on Saturday night. On the way to do our shopping we dropped Sophie off at university and the poor thing walked off into the rain that's been falling all morning.
We made the decision to go to Aldi today even though neither of us really wanted to. I just knew that we would forget something important (we did) and going to a new supermarket is never that enjoyable! I've been shopping in Tesco for virtually all my life but last week's bill was too much.
Aldi is a lot smaller than Tesco and has a lot less choice, obviously, but our shopping bill came to just under £80, half of what we spent last week! We did need to go into Tesco as Aldi didn't stock Keith's favourite beer and he also needed razor blades (which he could have bought in Jones's) so we spent another £30 there but altogether our total bill over the tow supermarkets was £50 less than last week and the only thing we forget to buy were noodles for tonight's dinner! I have a feeling we'll be going again next week!
The afternoon was spent doing very little as the weather never improved and it was dark by 4.30pm. I carved our pumpkin in readiness for Halloween and then it was out to pick up our son and daughter. Getting home after the horrible traffic on the roads was a huge relief and a glass of wine and an episode of A Place in The Sun: Winter Sun, featuring villas near Sarasota in Florida, restored my good mood!
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
We awoke this morning to grey skies and rain but it did clear up by the afternoon and the sun came out. Hooray!
Sophie was working today so we dropped her off at 11am just as the Booker order arrived. I said hello to Pete the driver who looked a bit fed up as the car park was full of cars and there was no way he was going to get his big lorry up to the door to deliver. I, thankfully, left him to it and we drove into Northampton as Mike was on the lookout for a Halloween outfit to wear to a party he's been invited to on Saturday night.
Mike changed his mind about his outfit and we found a great (and groovy) hippy costume for him to wear. I also bought him a pair of sunglasses to go with it so he was very happy. On the way home we treated him to a McDonald's and when we arrived back he tried his outfit on and wore it for the rest of the day!
I picked Sophie up at 4pm as we were giving blood at Sophie's old school. Luckily my daughter was able to donate this evening and I think I gave my 33rd pint, not counting the pints I gave when I was in my late teens, before I went to Nepal.
Afterwards we were encouraged to dedicate our donation to someone and then post a photo on the NHS Blood Donation Facebook page. I dedicated my pint to my wonderful Grandad, Frederick French, who gave over 50 pints during his lifetime. Cheers!
Sophie was working today so we dropped her off at 11am just as the Booker order arrived. I said hello to Pete the driver who looked a bit fed up as the car park was full of cars and there was no way he was going to get his big lorry up to the door to deliver. I, thankfully, left him to it and we drove into Northampton as Mike was on the lookout for a Halloween outfit to wear to a party he's been invited to on Saturday night.
Mike changed his mind about his outfit and we found a great (and groovy) hippy costume for him to wear. I also bought him a pair of sunglasses to go with it so he was very happy. On the way home we treated him to a McDonald's and when we arrived back he tried his outfit on and wore it for the rest of the day!
I picked Sophie up at 4pm as we were giving blood at Sophie's old school. Luckily my daughter was able to donate this evening and I think I gave my 33rd pint, not counting the pints I gave when I was in my late teens, before I went to Nepal.
Afterwards we were encouraged to dedicate our donation to someone and then post a photo on the NHS Blood Donation Facebook page. I dedicated my pint to my wonderful Grandad, Frederick French, who gave over 50 pints during his lifetime. Cheers!
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Sophie dedicated her pint to Brian Quinn from Impractical Jokers...nuff said! |
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Rub a dub dub!
I have spent all morning driving backwards and forwards to Mum's house to take our washing as I couldn't stand seeing it piling up any more!
First thing we took Sophie to Uni and then I dropped Keith off for a walk at Pitsford. There was no way I could have gone with him as the jeans I wore on Sunday needed washing! I drove home and took three washes to my Mum's who kindly said she would unload it when it was finished and then I would put it in our tumble drier.
My Dad had an appointment at midday at a hospital near Kettering as he was having a minor problem with his eyesight so I offered to take them both and then pop to Tesco with Keith as we needed some veggies for dinner. I was glad I took them as the car park was crammed with cars and it would have been a real effort to find somewhere to park. Cars and the lack of parking seem to be real problems at the moment!
Keith and I dropped them off and sped back down the A14 to Tesco where I bought some more coffee, some wine (important purchases!) and a pumpkin for Halloween. Normally we get lots of children coming around trick or treating and I hope this year will be busy, especially as we've had some new families with younger children move in over the last few months.
Just as we finished Mum called us to say they were finished so we drove back to collect them and then took another load of clean washing home to tumble dry. It smelt all lovely and fresh...thank goodness!
In all I did four loads in Mum's machine and the engineer called us to say he would probably be able to fix our washer on Friday. I do hope so!
First thing we took Sophie to Uni and then I dropped Keith off for a walk at Pitsford. There was no way I could have gone with him as the jeans I wore on Sunday needed washing! I drove home and took three washes to my Mum's who kindly said she would unload it when it was finished and then I would put it in our tumble drier.
My Dad had an appointment at midday at a hospital near Kettering as he was having a minor problem with his eyesight so I offered to take them both and then pop to Tesco with Keith as we needed some veggies for dinner. I was glad I took them as the car park was crammed with cars and it would have been a real effort to find somewhere to park. Cars and the lack of parking seem to be real problems at the moment!
Keith and I dropped them off and sped back down the A14 to Tesco where I bought some more coffee, some wine (important purchases!) and a pumpkin for Halloween. Normally we get lots of children coming around trick or treating and I hope this year will be busy, especially as we've had some new families with younger children move in over the last few months.
Just as we finished Mum called us to say they were finished so we drove back to collect them and then took another load of clean washing home to tumble dry. It smelt all lovely and fresh...thank goodness!
In all I did four loads in Mum's machine and the engineer called us to say he would probably be able to fix our washer on Friday. I do hope so!
Monday, 26 October 2015
Bunking off!
Today Sophie decided to have a day off university and assured me that she could easily catch up. We planned on watching some recorded programmes in the afternoon after I'd cleaned the house in the morning.
Mike went off to see his mates in Brixworth and on the way home, Sophie drove the car. It was a beautiful sunny day and lovely and dry so perfect conditions for her to practise. She did very well but I advised against driving around the estate as they were children playing (it's October half term this week).
When we arrived back I carried on with the cleaning and the washing machine repair man arrived. He spent a fair while having a look at it and said there was a tiny leak in the drainage hose and that the heater wasn't working properly. He estimated it would be out of use until Friday! Arrrggghh! Our laundry bin is now full and overflowing which I hate! There's nothing worse than having dirty washing hanging about so tomorrow I'll have to take some up to Mum's.
At lunchtime I promised Sophie I'd take her to McDonald's as a treat so we dropped Keith off on the way so he could go for a walk and we drove over to the restaurant near the Weston Favell centre. Rather than sit in the horrible car park we stopped on the way home and we saw three crows who looked at us both very intently... I threw some chips onto the ground and the boldest of the three (obviously the male) flew down to pick one up and gave us another look, almost as if he recognised us and our voices.
They stayed around until Sophie had finished her lunch and we threw some more chips down before driving slowly away. The three of them swooped down immediately and it was good to see them having a little bit of a meal. I miss my work crows very much and although I feed sparrows, blue tits and my little robin in the garden I did love to see the crows on a daily basis.
Back home we had an afternoon of catching up with our programmes and it felt very indulgent to sit and watch television. I made a fish pie in the evening in between picking Mike up from Brixworth and collecting Keith from the pub!
Mike went off to see his mates in Brixworth and on the way home, Sophie drove the car. It was a beautiful sunny day and lovely and dry so perfect conditions for her to practise. She did very well but I advised against driving around the estate as they were children playing (it's October half term this week).
When we arrived back I carried on with the cleaning and the washing machine repair man arrived. He spent a fair while having a look at it and said there was a tiny leak in the drainage hose and that the heater wasn't working properly. He estimated it would be out of use until Friday! Arrrggghh! Our laundry bin is now full and overflowing which I hate! There's nothing worse than having dirty washing hanging about so tomorrow I'll have to take some up to Mum's.
At lunchtime I promised Sophie I'd take her to McDonald's as a treat so we dropped Keith off on the way so he could go for a walk and we drove over to the restaurant near the Weston Favell centre. Rather than sit in the horrible car park we stopped on the way home and we saw three crows who looked at us both very intently... I threw some chips onto the ground and the boldest of the three (obviously the male) flew down to pick one up and gave us another look, almost as if he recognised us and our voices.
They stayed around until Sophie had finished her lunch and we threw some more chips down before driving slowly away. The three of them swooped down immediately and it was good to see them having a little bit of a meal. I miss my work crows very much and although I feed sparrows, blue tits and my little robin in the garden I did love to see the crows on a daily basis.
Back home we had an afternoon of catching up with our programmes and it felt very indulgent to sit and watch television. I made a fish pie in the evening in between picking Mike up from Brixworth and collecting Keith from the pub!
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Sunlight through the trees...
As today dawned sunny and dry we decided to retrace our footsteps of yesterday and do the same walk again this morning.
We retrieved our boots from the conservatory where we'd kept them all night stuffed with newspaper to dry them out and set off. It was a gorgeous morning and the sunlight through the Autumn leaves was particularly lovely. We saw loads of pheasants who ran, rather than flew, away as we approached! They are silly birds!
We took a slightly different route to yesterday in an attempt to see some deer but we only saw the aforementioned pheasants and some squirrels. We did spot a weird thing in the undergrowth that turned out to be a wedding balloon that had come down in the reserve. From a distance it looked like an alien egg!
When we arrived back home we went to get the papers and to collect Keith's car and then I spent the rest of the morning preparing the lamb hot pot for our evening meal. I peeled all the veg for dinner and then cut up the lamb steaks and prepared carrots, onions and leeks for the pot. By the time it was all ready it was time to have a shower and then pick up my Mum who was coming to Homesense with us. I was shattered!
We drove to St James Retail park and first stop was the cafe in BHS as I was gasping for a cup of tea and a cake. The cafe was very quiet but the floor was filthy and it could have done with a good scrub, to be honest! They were advertising Christmas cakes, mince pies and other seasonal treats but I just can't bring myself to sample a mince pie this early! Surely it has to be left until after Halloween and Bonfire Night? Very soon we'll be urged to think about Christmas in the middle of summer!
We had a mooch about BHS and Mum bought some bedding before we went off to Homesense who had some wonderful Scandinavian style Christmas decorations. I was tempted, I have to admit, but I resisted! I did find an apron, though, that will be great for my 40s Come Dine With Me evening. It's a vintage frilly one so should look great teamed with a 40s style dress.
Back home it was a relief to pop the hot pot into the oven and sit and relax for a couple of hours. I was so glad I'd done all the preparation earlier!
We retrieved our boots from the conservatory where we'd kept them all night stuffed with newspaper to dry them out and set off. It was a gorgeous morning and the sunlight through the Autumn leaves was particularly lovely. We saw loads of pheasants who ran, rather than flew, away as we approached! They are silly birds!
We took a slightly different route to yesterday in an attempt to see some deer but we only saw the aforementioned pheasants and some squirrels. We did spot a weird thing in the undergrowth that turned out to be a wedding balloon that had come down in the reserve. From a distance it looked like an alien egg!
When we arrived back home we went to get the papers and to collect Keith's car and then I spent the rest of the morning preparing the lamb hot pot for our evening meal. I peeled all the veg for dinner and then cut up the lamb steaks and prepared carrots, onions and leeks for the pot. By the time it was all ready it was time to have a shower and then pick up my Mum who was coming to Homesense with us. I was shattered!
We drove to St James Retail park and first stop was the cafe in BHS as I was gasping for a cup of tea and a cake. The cafe was very quiet but the floor was filthy and it could have done with a good scrub, to be honest! They were advertising Christmas cakes, mince pies and other seasonal treats but I just can't bring myself to sample a mince pie this early! Surely it has to be left until after Halloween and Bonfire Night? Very soon we'll be urged to think about Christmas in the middle of summer!
We had a mooch about BHS and Mum bought some bedding before we went off to Homesense who had some wonderful Scandinavian style Christmas decorations. I was tempted, I have to admit, but I resisted! I did find an apron, though, that will be great for my 40s Come Dine With Me evening. It's a vintage frilly one so should look great teamed with a 40s style dress.
Back home it was a relief to pop the hot pot into the oven and sit and relax for a couple of hours. I was so glad I'd done all the preparation earlier!
Saturday, 24 October 2015
A wet walk...
Sophie was working today so after dropping her off (and Mike as well, who had gone to see a friend in Moulton) we parked the car on the top of the hill between Walgrave and Holcot and walked home. It was a drizzly horrible morning and I hoped that the weather would clear up, but it didn't. It grew steadily worse as we walked and I was forced to don Keith's woolly hat to keep my head dry!
We arrived home like drowned rats and had hot showers before popping back to Moulton to give Mike his money that he'd forgotten and to get the newspaper.
The nasty weather carried on for most of the day so no chance to get outside and do anything in our wet garden. Mum and Dad popped around in the afternoon for a cup of tea and commiserated when they saw our washing machine in the middle of the kitchen floor. We'd done a load of washing and managed to get the second set of curtains washed before it went wrong again. I have a feeling I'll be calling on Mum and Dad to use their machine if ours isn't fixed on Monday!
By the evening the weather did clear up a little bit and there was a lovely sunset. We collected both children and drove back to Walgrave to order a take-away from the van. After taking the kids home we went back to the pub and had a very pleasant hour chatting with a man who used to help behind the bar. We hadn't seen him for ages so it was great to catch up with his news!
Here's a photo I took in Keith's car of the beautiful evening sky:
We arrived home like drowned rats and had hot showers before popping back to Moulton to give Mike his money that he'd forgotten and to get the newspaper.
The nasty weather carried on for most of the day so no chance to get outside and do anything in our wet garden. Mum and Dad popped around in the afternoon for a cup of tea and commiserated when they saw our washing machine in the middle of the kitchen floor. We'd done a load of washing and managed to get the second set of curtains washed before it went wrong again. I have a feeling I'll be calling on Mum and Dad to use their machine if ours isn't fixed on Monday!
By the evening the weather did clear up a little bit and there was a lovely sunset. We collected both children and drove back to Walgrave to order a take-away from the van. After taking the kids home we went back to the pub and had a very pleasant hour chatting with a man who used to help behind the bar. We hadn't seen him for ages so it was great to catch up with his news!
Here's a photo I took in Keith's car of the beautiful evening sky:
Friday, 23 October 2015
Washing machine malfunction, part 2!
On the way to taking the children to school and uni this morning I dropped Keith off on the track between Holcot and Walgrave so he could set off on his walk.
He arrived home at just after 9am and after showering we went off to Aldi in Kettering to compare prices of groceries. Before we went out we put another wash on and prayed that it would be OK...
Aldi prices were indeed cheaper but there is nowhere near the amount of choice in the store as there is in Tesco unfortunately. However, we decided that next week we'd do our shop there and if there's anything we can't find we can always pop into Tesco which is only across the road.
We also went to the discount B&M store as they were advertising two pots of emulsion paint for just £20 and I needed some for the living room which I've decided I will do next week. The store was full of Halloween bits and pieces including some witches that cackled at you when you pressed a button. I would love to get one for home for when all the neighbourhood children come around next week!
After putting the paint in the car we walked over to Tesco and I treated Keith to a cup of tea in Costa Coffee. The place was very busy and I suddenly realised that it's half-term next week and some of the children had obviously broken up a bit early!
We bought a herby stock pot and some sausages for lunch and then returned home to find that the washing machine had gone wrong again...both of us were really annoyed as it had cost almost £50 for the man to come out and assure us that all was OK.
The afternoon was spent fiddling around with the drainage pipe and we did actually manage to get one load of washing done before it went wrong yet again. We think that there's a reservoir of water in the bottom of the machine that isn't emptying so we had no choice but to call them again and arrange for an engineer to come out on Monday. Drat!
He arrived home at just after 9am and after showering we went off to Aldi in Kettering to compare prices of groceries. Before we went out we put another wash on and prayed that it would be OK...
Aldi prices were indeed cheaper but there is nowhere near the amount of choice in the store as there is in Tesco unfortunately. However, we decided that next week we'd do our shop there and if there's anything we can't find we can always pop into Tesco which is only across the road.
We also went to the discount B&M store as they were advertising two pots of emulsion paint for just £20 and I needed some for the living room which I've decided I will do next week. The store was full of Halloween bits and pieces including some witches that cackled at you when you pressed a button. I would love to get one for home for when all the neighbourhood children come around next week!
After putting the paint in the car we walked over to Tesco and I treated Keith to a cup of tea in Costa Coffee. The place was very busy and I suddenly realised that it's half-term next week and some of the children had obviously broken up a bit early!
We bought a herby stock pot and some sausages for lunch and then returned home to find that the washing machine had gone wrong again...both of us were really annoyed as it had cost almost £50 for the man to come out and assure us that all was OK.
The afternoon was spent fiddling around with the drainage pipe and we did actually manage to get one load of washing done before it went wrong yet again. We think that there's a reservoir of water in the bottom of the machine that isn't emptying so we had no choice but to call them again and arrange for an engineer to come out on Monday. Drat!
Thursday, 22 October 2015
While I was showering this morning I came up with what I thought was a great idea for my forthcoming Come Dine With Me evening. I thought that after our main course, we could all go into our garage and pretend it was a shelter while I played a sound recording of an air raid siren and bombs being dropped outside. I'll make it very cosy in there with a heater, candles and a blackout curtain up at the door and we could sit in there for a little while before we go back and enjoy our dessert.
I thought it would certainly add something to the dinner and make it more like an evening in the 1940s. I ordered a CD from Amazon featuring speeches from Winston Churchill and various songs along with some replica documents from wartime, including ration books and an identity book. Whilst looking on Youtube I also found a sound recording starting with an air raid siren and then about five minutes of the sound of bombs being dropped, which was very moving indeed. I can't imagine what it would have been like for people to have experienced that, as my grandparents did, listening to the air raid outside and wondering if they had a home to return to.
Keith and Sophie also thought it was a great idea and I decided I'd dress up as a 1940s housewife with a dress and an old-fashioned apron while my daughter does victory rolls in my hair. I'm really looking forward to it!
Sophie had another appointment today, this time at the opticians and luckily everything with her eyes was fine, despite her saying she thought that her eyes had become a bit worse. She didn't need new glasses which was a relief and her next appointment will be in 2 years. No doubt the time will fly!
I dropped her off at university and returned home to find that the washing machine man had been and had found nothing wrong with our machine. We put a wash on, wrote out the menu for the week and sped off to Tesco to do our weekly shop.
In the evening Sue came over for a glass of wine and I poured a delicious bottle of Spanish red into the beautiful decanter that I'd received free with my Laithwaites wine order. Sue brought cheese and biscuits so we feasted on them while Sophie prepared dinner on her own in the kitchen. Keith did hover about trying to help but the meal she prepared - chicken served with thinly sliced potatoes and asparagus was delicious. Bravo, Sophie! Now we'll expect her to do it again...and soon, I hope!
I thought it would certainly add something to the dinner and make it more like an evening in the 1940s. I ordered a CD from Amazon featuring speeches from Winston Churchill and various songs along with some replica documents from wartime, including ration books and an identity book. Whilst looking on Youtube I also found a sound recording starting with an air raid siren and then about five minutes of the sound of bombs being dropped, which was very moving indeed. I can't imagine what it would have been like for people to have experienced that, as my grandparents did, listening to the air raid outside and wondering if they had a home to return to.
Keith and Sophie also thought it was a great idea and I decided I'd dress up as a 1940s housewife with a dress and an old-fashioned apron while my daughter does victory rolls in my hair. I'm really looking forward to it!
Sophie had another appointment today, this time at the opticians and luckily everything with her eyes was fine, despite her saying she thought that her eyes had become a bit worse. She didn't need new glasses which was a relief and her next appointment will be in 2 years. No doubt the time will fly!
I dropped her off at university and returned home to find that the washing machine man had been and had found nothing wrong with our machine. We put a wash on, wrote out the menu for the week and sped off to Tesco to do our weekly shop.
In the evening Sue came over for a glass of wine and I poured a delicious bottle of Spanish red into the beautiful decanter that I'd received free with my Laithwaites wine order. Sue brought cheese and biscuits so we feasted on them while Sophie prepared dinner on her own in the kitchen. Keith did hover about trying to help but the meal she prepared - chicken served with thinly sliced potatoes and asparagus was delicious. Bravo, Sophie! Now we'll expect her to do it again...and soon, I hope!
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Quiet Wednesday!
Sophie had an appointment at the nail salon this morning so we dropped her off and then went over to the Weston Favell centre to do some banking and pop into Tesco.
The weather has been horrible today with lots of rain but it's still quite mild and we haven't had any frosts yet. I can remember one particular October when we had snow!
It's been a pretty quiet today and for the first time since Sophie started at university we haven't done anything special on her free Wednesday! Tonight was also the only night this week when we hadn't got anything on in the evening, but Mike put a stop to that when he asked whether he could stay on in Moulton after school. It meant we had to go and pick him up at 6pm when we were looking forward to a quiet drink in the conservatory over a game of cards. I dread to think how many miles we're doing every week at the moment!
The weather has been horrible today with lots of rain but it's still quite mild and we haven't had any frosts yet. I can remember one particular October when we had snow!
It's been a pretty quiet today and for the first time since Sophie started at university we haven't done anything special on her free Wednesday! Tonight was also the only night this week when we hadn't got anything on in the evening, but Mike put a stop to that when he asked whether he could stay on in Moulton after school. It meant we had to go and pick him up at 6pm when we were looking forward to a quiet drink in the conservatory over a game of cards. I dread to think how many miles we're doing every week at the moment!
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Washing machine malfunction!
I dropped Keith off at Pitsford this morning and while he went off for a walk I went home to clean the house, something I should have done at the weekend!
Of course it was a beautiful morning and it stayed that way all day. How lovely it was to see sunshine and blue skies! I arrived home, made a cup of coffee and then after eating a couple of brioches I made a start. I decided to give the study a really good clean and pulled out all the furniture, which was a bit shocking! I tend to neglect this room a bit so it was time it had some attention!
I took the curtains down as I'd planned on putting up the new ones I'd bought ages ago in BHS and which Sophie hated. However, when Keith came home and put them up they didn't go with the very plain white walls so I'm just going to have to use them for the living room as planned.
I added the curtains to the pile of washing I still had to do and rearranged the furniture so that now the big leather chair is sitting where our cabinet used to be. It makes the room seem larger somehow and it also stops Mike from dumping his school books and bag there and making the corner look really messy!
Just before Keith and I sat down for lunch the washing machine started making some strange noises so we went to investigate and even though Keith turned the power off it still kept on churning which was very odd! The towels which were washing were dripping wet so Keith took out the filter and cleaned it out but although it was able to do a spin cycle, when we tried it on a wash cycle it stopped again.
We had no choice but to call out an engineer and hopefully he will be with us on Thursday morning. The curtains will have to stay down until it's fixed so now the room looks very bare!
Of course it was a beautiful morning and it stayed that way all day. How lovely it was to see sunshine and blue skies! I arrived home, made a cup of coffee and then after eating a couple of brioches I made a start. I decided to give the study a really good clean and pulled out all the furniture, which was a bit shocking! I tend to neglect this room a bit so it was time it had some attention!
I took the curtains down as I'd planned on putting up the new ones I'd bought ages ago in BHS and which Sophie hated. However, when Keith came home and put them up they didn't go with the very plain white walls so I'm just going to have to use them for the living room as planned.
I added the curtains to the pile of washing I still had to do and rearranged the furniture so that now the big leather chair is sitting where our cabinet used to be. It makes the room seem larger somehow and it also stops Mike from dumping his school books and bag there and making the corner look really messy!
Just before Keith and I sat down for lunch the washing machine started making some strange noises so we went to investigate and even though Keith turned the power off it still kept on churning which was very odd! The towels which were washing were dripping wet so Keith took out the filter and cleaned it out but although it was able to do a spin cycle, when we tried it on a wash cycle it stopped again.
We had no choice but to call out an engineer and hopefully he will be with us on Thursday morning. The curtains will have to stay down until it's fixed so now the room looks very bare!
Monday, 19 October 2015
Works outing!
Today has dawned grey and drizzly again and those beautiful sunny days seem a distant memory now.
After dropping the kids off this morning Keith and I decided to go for a walk and took the route past Mum and Dad's house, along the single track road and through Walgrave again. I felt a bit reluctant to go at first but after half an hour I was glad I did. The drizzle stopped and the sun did try and come out but the cloud was very heavy. At least it wasn't cold! When we got home, and after showering, we drove the route and it's exactly three and a half miles, so a nice easy walk.
Later in the morning we went off to Booker and then Boots before going home for lunch of toasted sandwiches. I was glad we weren't tempted to go to Costa Coffee!
In the evening Sophie and I got ready to go out to dinner with Maureen, Polly and Ricky from work. We picked my parents up at 7pm and drove to The Fox and Hounds at Harlestone as yesterday I'd called in and booked a table.
Maureen, Polly and Ricky were already there and it was great to see them again as I haven't called into work for a while. Although I pick Sophie up it pulls at the heart strings a bit when I go inside as it brings it home to me that it's not my business any more.
We had a great chat and heard all the latest news. I have a feeling that they miss us as things seem a lot more complicated with the new company and Polly, in particular, is working much longer hours, which she's not really that happy about. Next week is half term and if the weather continues to be grey and drizzly they could be very busy.
It took us ages to choose from the menu as we were all chatting but eventually I chose Beech mushrooms to start which were served in a white wine and black garlic sauce with a poached egg balanced on top. The dish was much more like a soup so very difficult to eat with a knife and fork! Maureen chose the same as me and in the end we had to ask the waiter for two spoons!
For my main course I chose a corned beef hash served with roasted new potatoes and a big pile of winter greens but I couldn't finish as I was full. I'd snacked on lovely bread, olives and dips before the meal and had pinched a slice of Sophie's starter of garlic pizzette to mop up the juices from the mushrooms, so after offering some to my daughter I pushed my plate away.
I declined dessert but the others enjoyed liqueur coffees and Mum tucked into a slice of warm chocolate brownie. I made do with a cup of camomile tea served with a little toffee which was just right!
Sophie and Mum had shared a bottle of white can tell by this photo:
We all had a lovely time and it was great to catch up with Maureen, Polly and Ricky who all worked very hard and deserved to be taken out for a meal as a thank you. I really hope we get to do it again soon!
After dropping the kids off this morning Keith and I decided to go for a walk and took the route past Mum and Dad's house, along the single track road and through Walgrave again. I felt a bit reluctant to go at first but after half an hour I was glad I did. The drizzle stopped and the sun did try and come out but the cloud was very heavy. At least it wasn't cold! When we got home, and after showering, we drove the route and it's exactly three and a half miles, so a nice easy walk.
Later in the morning we went off to Booker and then Boots before going home for lunch of toasted sandwiches. I was glad we weren't tempted to go to Costa Coffee!
In the evening Sophie and I got ready to go out to dinner with Maureen, Polly and Ricky from work. We picked my parents up at 7pm and drove to The Fox and Hounds at Harlestone as yesterday I'd called in and booked a table.
Maureen, Polly and Ricky were already there and it was great to see them again as I haven't called into work for a while. Although I pick Sophie up it pulls at the heart strings a bit when I go inside as it brings it home to me that it's not my business any more.
We had a great chat and heard all the latest news. I have a feeling that they miss us as things seem a lot more complicated with the new company and Polly, in particular, is working much longer hours, which she's not really that happy about. Next week is half term and if the weather continues to be grey and drizzly they could be very busy.
It took us ages to choose from the menu as we were all chatting but eventually I chose Beech mushrooms to start which were served in a white wine and black garlic sauce with a poached egg balanced on top. The dish was much more like a soup so very difficult to eat with a knife and fork! Maureen chose the same as me and in the end we had to ask the waiter for two spoons!
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Maureen and Polly |
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Sophie and Ricky |
For my main course I chose a corned beef hash served with roasted new potatoes and a big pile of winter greens but I couldn't finish as I was full. I'd snacked on lovely bread, olives and dips before the meal and had pinched a slice of Sophie's starter of garlic pizzette to mop up the juices from the mushrooms, so after offering some to my daughter I pushed my plate away.
I declined dessert but the others enjoyed liqueur coffees and Mum tucked into a slice of warm chocolate brownie. I made do with a cup of camomile tea served with a little toffee which was just right!
Sophie and Mum had shared a bottle of white can tell by this photo:
We all had a lovely time and it was great to catch up with Maureen, Polly and Ricky who all worked very hard and deserved to be taken out for a meal as a thank you. I really hope we get to do it again soon!
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Cooking, cooking!
It felt very strange having Sophie at home on a Sunday but it meant that we were able to plan an afternoon outing with my mum, something we haven't done for ages.
First thing this morning I made a big breakfast for us all, to celebrate not having to take Sophie to work, and when that was all cleared away, I started making my fruit cake for Christmas. Afterwards, I realised that I hadn't soaked the fruit in brandy like I normally do so we decided to have the cake as a tester.
By the time I'd cleared the kitchen, helped Keith prepare the veggies for dinner and taken Mike to Brixworth it was almost 1pm and I'd told Mum we'd pick her up at half past! Where does the time go! I jumped into the shower and decided to dress a bit smarter today as I'm fed up with wearing my jeans and a favourite top. I seem to dress in nothing else these days!
We picked up Mum in Jim for a change and went over to Weedon. The weather today has been overcast and dull but at least it's not cold. We certainly haven't had a frost yet but I have a feeling it's going to be a cold winter this year. Only time will tell!
First up was a cup of tea and a slice of cake and we had a good chat. We then had a lovely mooch about the shops as Sophie and I were on the lookout for a new heart to hang in the conservatory. We eventually found a lovely wire one decorated with little glass beads which will look beautiful when it catches the light.We now have ten, one for each month. We saw several we liked for Christmas but at the moment I can't even start thinking about that! Let's get Halloween and Bonfire Night over first!
I also bought a game for when the girls come to me in November for our Come Dine With Me evening but managed to resist anything else even though there was lots I could have spent my money on!
We dropped Mum off and then Sophie drove home and around the estate a couple of times. On the way home we'd seen Keith driving my car so obviously Mike had called him to be picked up. It was a bit annoying as I'd just driven through Brixworth and could have collected him myself!
First thing this morning I made a big breakfast for us all, to celebrate not having to take Sophie to work, and when that was all cleared away, I started making my fruit cake for Christmas. Afterwards, I realised that I hadn't soaked the fruit in brandy like I normally do so we decided to have the cake as a tester.
By the time I'd cleared the kitchen, helped Keith prepare the veggies for dinner and taken Mike to Brixworth it was almost 1pm and I'd told Mum we'd pick her up at half past! Where does the time go! I jumped into the shower and decided to dress a bit smarter today as I'm fed up with wearing my jeans and a favourite top. I seem to dress in nothing else these days!
We picked up Mum in Jim for a change and went over to Weedon. The weather today has been overcast and dull but at least it's not cold. We certainly haven't had a frost yet but I have a feeling it's going to be a cold winter this year. Only time will tell!
First up was a cup of tea and a slice of cake and we had a good chat. We then had a lovely mooch about the shops as Sophie and I were on the lookout for a new heart to hang in the conservatory. We eventually found a lovely wire one decorated with little glass beads which will look beautiful when it catches the light.We now have ten, one for each month. We saw several we liked for Christmas but at the moment I can't even start thinking about that! Let's get Halloween and Bonfire Night over first!
I also bought a game for when the girls come to me in November for our Come Dine With Me evening but managed to resist anything else even though there was lots I could have spent my money on!
We dropped Mum off and then Sophie drove home and around the estate a couple of times. On the way home we'd seen Keith driving my car so obviously Mike had called him to be picked up. It was a bit annoying as I'd just driven through Brixworth and could have collected him myself!
Saturday, 17 October 2015
Quiet Saturday
After all the excitement and busy-ness of the last few days, today has been very quiet. Sophie was working as they were short-staffed, which meant that she has tomorrow off.
I woke up feeling a bit groggy after my boozy night out last night so I decided that rather than clean the whole house as I'd planned to do, it was a good day to do very little!
Keith went off to a football match in the afternoon while I watched a film - The Theory of Everything about Stephen Hawking. It was lovely to be able to just sit and relax in the afternoon for a change!
I woke up feeling a bit groggy after my boozy night out last night so I decided that rather than clean the whole house as I'd planned to do, it was a good day to do very little!
Keith went off to a football match in the afternoon while I watched a film - The Theory of Everything about Stephen Hawking. It was lovely to be able to just sit and relax in the afternoon for a change!
Friday, 16 October 2015
Swinging into the 60s!
Although the weather has been dry today, the thick layer of cloud never really shifted but it didn't stop us from going out for a walk this morning after we got back from dropping the kids off.
Mum and Dad wanted me to print out some emails so we decided to walk up to their house and deliver them by hand. We'd planned on retracing our steps and going down the farm track to the nature reserve, but after a quick coffee with my parents we decided to turn left out of their house and follow the road to the single track road that leads to Walgrave.
The sun did come out briefly while we were walking but it disappeared again before we ended our walk. We had a great time and after the main road it became a lot quieter as we strolled along Newlands.
I reckon it was a good four mile walk and after we arrived home I made some lunch before going and having a bath. Just as I was relaxing in the lovely hot water, the phone rang and it was Sophie asking to be picked up as she felt a bit unwell.
I raced off to get her and we spent the rest of the afternoon doing very little. In the evening it was the first of our Come Dine With Me dinners and my friend Lynda was hosting a 60s night. Sophie did an expert job of making me up and doing my hair and I was very pleased with the results! I went as a hippy with a flowery top, flared jeans and sandals!
Keith very kindly drove me to Lynda's house where Andrea and Fiona were already sipping sparkling wine. Lynda was a hippy as well, while Fiona and Andrea were in almost identical 60s outfits of short chequered dresses and knee high boots. They all looked wonderful!
We enjoyed prawn cocktail as a starter served with a sweetish German wine, followed by the classic Fondue!
Lynda had prepared bread, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes and radishes to dip into the gooey cheese mixture and we all enjoyed the experience, despite a couple of us losing our food in the cheese depths!
For a main course Lynda had prepared Chicken Fricassee with rice and veggies and she ended the lovely meal with a kind of fruit trifle served with cream. In between the main course and dessert we played a couple of games - a Mensa one that wasn't too popular as our brain power had been considerably reduced by the amount of wine consumed and the deadly Cards Against Humanity that had us helpless with laughter!
It was a great evening and my carriage picked me up at midnight. It's my turn next, in Novermber, so I really need to start thinking about food and entertainment!
Mum and Dad wanted me to print out some emails so we decided to walk up to their house and deliver them by hand. We'd planned on retracing our steps and going down the farm track to the nature reserve, but after a quick coffee with my parents we decided to turn left out of their house and follow the road to the single track road that leads to Walgrave.
The sun did come out briefly while we were walking but it disappeared again before we ended our walk. We had a great time and after the main road it became a lot quieter as we strolled along Newlands.
I reckon it was a good four mile walk and after we arrived home I made some lunch before going and having a bath. Just as I was relaxing in the lovely hot water, the phone rang and it was Sophie asking to be picked up as she felt a bit unwell.
I raced off to get her and we spent the rest of the afternoon doing very little. In the evening it was the first of our Come Dine With Me dinners and my friend Lynda was hosting a 60s night. Sophie did an expert job of making me up and doing my hair and I was very pleased with the results! I went as a hippy with a flowery top, flared jeans and sandals!
Keith very kindly drove me to Lynda's house where Andrea and Fiona were already sipping sparkling wine. Lynda was a hippy as well, while Fiona and Andrea were in almost identical 60s outfits of short chequered dresses and knee high boots. They all looked wonderful!
We enjoyed prawn cocktail as a starter served with a sweetish German wine, followed by the classic Fondue!
Lynda had prepared bread, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes and radishes to dip into the gooey cheese mixture and we all enjoyed the experience, despite a couple of us losing our food in the cheese depths!
For a main course Lynda had prepared Chicken Fricassee with rice and veggies and she ended the lovely meal with a kind of fruit trifle served with cream. In between the main course and dessert we played a couple of games - a Mensa one that wasn't too popular as our brain power had been considerably reduced by the amount of wine consumed and the deadly Cards Against Humanity that had us helpless with laughter!
It was a great evening and my carriage picked me up at midnight. It's my turn next, in Novermber, so I really need to start thinking about food and entertainment!
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Out of this world!
We saw a return to Autumn today with wet and chilly weather and this stopped Keith and I from going for a walk. Instead we sat and planned our weekly menu and then went to Tesco to do our shopping.
At 3pm we picked up Sophie from university and went home to get ready for our trip to the cinema in Milton Keynes to see The Martian in 3D.
Sophie had previously read the book so she was very excited about going to see the movie, especially as we'd booked to see it in the 4DX cinema. We had a good trip along the M1 and arrived in plenty of time for the film. Keith treated us to popcorn and sweets and we were soon settled into our big, comfy seats.
I have to say we all thought the film was stunning and the special effects from the seats, the wind machines and the 3D were amazing. I loved the storyline of the film and the nail-biting ending. We all agreed it had been well worth the extra to see it in the 4DX cinema. I just wish we could go every week, especially as there were several films I wanted to see, including The Walk, Everest and the soon-to-be released, Spectre. Getting up close to Daniel Craig would be wonderful!
We had planned to go straight home after the film and have a pizza at home, but it was almost 9pm so after much deliberation we decided to give in to Sophie's pleading and head for Las Iguanas. The restaurant was busier than I imagined it would be but we were shown to a table straight away and Sophie ordered a Mojito to celebrate!
We had a lovely meal - the kids shared three Tapas dishes, Keith had half a chicken while I went for a deliciously spicy chilli with rice and soft tortillas. Sophie and Mike both enjoyed desserts but Keith and I were too full to appreciate anything so we just sneaked a couple of bites of our daughter's Churros dipped in chocolate. It was very late by the time we eventually arrived home but we all agreed it had been a fabulous evening!
At 3pm we picked up Sophie from university and went home to get ready for our trip to the cinema in Milton Keynes to see The Martian in 3D.
Sophie had previously read the book so she was very excited about going to see the movie, especially as we'd booked to see it in the 4DX cinema. We had a good trip along the M1 and arrived in plenty of time for the film. Keith treated us to popcorn and sweets and we were soon settled into our big, comfy seats.
I have to say we all thought the film was stunning and the special effects from the seats, the wind machines and the 3D were amazing. I loved the storyline of the film and the nail-biting ending. We all agreed it had been well worth the extra to see it in the 4DX cinema. I just wish we could go every week, especially as there were several films I wanted to see, including The Walk, Everest and the soon-to-be released, Spectre. Getting up close to Daniel Craig would be wonderful!
We had planned to go straight home after the film and have a pizza at home, but it was almost 9pm so after much deliberation we decided to give in to Sophie's pleading and head for Las Iguanas. The restaurant was busier than I imagined it would be but we were shown to a table straight away and Sophie ordered a Mojito to celebrate!
We had a lovely meal - the kids shared three Tapas dishes, Keith had half a chicken while I went for a deliciously spicy chilli with rice and soft tortillas. Sophie and Mike both enjoyed desserts but Keith and I were too full to appreciate anything so we just sneaked a couple of bites of our daughter's Churros dipped in chocolate. It was very late by the time we eventually arrived home but we all agreed it had been a fabulous evening!
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
A little splurge...
This afternoon Sophie and I went to Ikea with my Mum and Dad. We hadn't been since we sold the business so all the things we normally buy - cups, plates, bowls, etc - were certainly not on our list today!
We had something to eat first. Sophie couldn't wait to have the meatballs and I joined her even though I was going out for a meal with Sue in the evening! We enjoyed them with mashed potatoes and a lovely cream sauce, followed by Ikea's chocolatey cake. Mum and Dad just had a snack so they went off before we were finished and we arranged to meet near the checkouts.
I hadn't intended to buy much but I was very tempted by a small table for my computer as I'm now heartily fed up with it sitting on our dining room table. It was only £10 so hardly likely to break the bank! I also bought a smelly candle, loo brushes (!), a new bathroom mat, some new cutlery and a shower tidy as the one we have at the moment looks disgusting. The whole lot only came to just over £40 so I was very pleased! Sophie bought two beautiful glasses, a mug and some lovely little battery-powered fairy lights for her bedroom.
I also saw a beautiful kitchen that was very French and had masses of storage space. I took a photo just in case...
We had a really enjoyable afternoon and got home just after Keith picked Mike up from school. Our son, who had been allowed to go in mufti today because of his great behaviour last week at the Open Evening, was in an after school detention for forgetting his homework! I bought him some Pork and Elk sausage and a bar of chocolate from Ikea so he was very happy!
Keith put the table together and we set it up in the conservatory and I was very pleased with it. I now have a little workstation in the corner and I can look out and watch the birds hanging onto the feeders.
In the evening Sue picked me up at 7pm and we went to a restaurant we'd been to before, only it had been taken over by new owners. It used to be the Good Friends Bistro in Grafton Underwood, but has re-opened under a new name, Sage and Brooke.
The food was delicious and we both enjoyed warm goat's cheese as a starter, followed by King Prawn spaghetti for me, and Supreme of Chicken for Sue. Unfortunately, before we could try the desserts Sue fell ill so we had to go home very quickly. She developed a migraine so I had to drive her was good I hadn't had a lot to drink!
We had something to eat first. Sophie couldn't wait to have the meatballs and I joined her even though I was going out for a meal with Sue in the evening! We enjoyed them with mashed potatoes and a lovely cream sauce, followed by Ikea's chocolatey cake. Mum and Dad just had a snack so they went off before we were finished and we arranged to meet near the checkouts.
I hadn't intended to buy much but I was very tempted by a small table for my computer as I'm now heartily fed up with it sitting on our dining room table. It was only £10 so hardly likely to break the bank! I also bought a smelly candle, loo brushes (!), a new bathroom mat, some new cutlery and a shower tidy as the one we have at the moment looks disgusting. The whole lot only came to just over £40 so I was very pleased! Sophie bought two beautiful glasses, a mug and some lovely little battery-powered fairy lights for her bedroom.
I also saw a beautiful kitchen that was very French and had masses of storage space. I took a photo just in case...
We had a really enjoyable afternoon and got home just after Keith picked Mike up from school. Our son, who had been allowed to go in mufti today because of his great behaviour last week at the Open Evening, was in an after school detention for forgetting his homework! I bought him some Pork and Elk sausage and a bar of chocolate from Ikea so he was very happy!
Keith put the table together and we set it up in the conservatory and I was very pleased with it. I now have a little workstation in the corner and I can look out and watch the birds hanging onto the feeders.
In the evening Sue picked me up at 7pm and we went to a restaurant we'd been to before, only it had been taken over by new owners. It used to be the Good Friends Bistro in Grafton Underwood, but has re-opened under a new name, Sage and Brooke.
The food was delicious and we both enjoyed warm goat's cheese as a starter, followed by King Prawn spaghetti for me, and Supreme of Chicken for Sue. Unfortunately, before we could try the desserts Sue fell ill so we had to go home very quickly. She developed a migraine so I had to drive her was good I hadn't had a lot to drink!
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
An Autumnal walk
Keith and I had a lovely walk this morning and saw a little Muntjac deer!
We dropped the offspring off at school and Uni and then left the car on the causeway at Pitsford. I very nearly didn't bring a coat but I was mightily glad I did as the wind was very cold indeed. We also had the tiniest amount of drizzle but soon the clouds cleared to a beautiful day.
Once we were in the shelter of the woods, the wind dropped and it became a little warmer. It was very quiet and the little deer we saw had wandered out of the trees and onto the path where there was a lot more grass. It bounded off as soon as we came into sight but it was lovely to catch a glimpse!
We also saw lots of pheasants and two crows attacking a buzzard but no foxes or hares which Keith sees sometimes. The walk took us about an hour and a half and as soon as we arrived home we left to pick up Sophie in Keith's car. On the way back to pick up mine we saw the Vulcan Bomber flying low over the reservoir which was great to see, if a little sinister. The plane stayed over our area all morning and we saw it pass over our house several times. I took a picture but it's not very good!
We took Sophie back to Uni at 2pm and while she had her last lecture of the day we went off to Waitrose and enjoyed a cup of tea in the cafe. I think next week she's decided to stay there all day as there's lots of work she can do in the library.
The boys were out in the evening so it was a girls' night in - we enjoyed delicious Hunter's Chicken accompanied by creamy mash and a glass or two of South African Viognier. Yum!
We dropped the offspring off at school and Uni and then left the car on the causeway at Pitsford. I very nearly didn't bring a coat but I was mightily glad I did as the wind was very cold indeed. We also had the tiniest amount of drizzle but soon the clouds cleared to a beautiful day.
Once we were in the shelter of the woods, the wind dropped and it became a little warmer. It was very quiet and the little deer we saw had wandered out of the trees and onto the path where there was a lot more grass. It bounded off as soon as we came into sight but it was lovely to catch a glimpse!
We also saw lots of pheasants and two crows attacking a buzzard but no foxes or hares which Keith sees sometimes. The walk took us about an hour and a half and as soon as we arrived home we left to pick up Sophie in Keith's car. On the way back to pick up mine we saw the Vulcan Bomber flying low over the reservoir which was great to see, if a little sinister. The plane stayed over our area all morning and we saw it pass over our house several times. I took a picture but it's not very good!
We took Sophie back to Uni at 2pm and while she had her last lecture of the day we went off to Waitrose and enjoyed a cup of tea in the cafe. I think next week she's decided to stay there all day as there's lots of work she can do in the library.
The boys were out in the evening so it was a girls' night in - we enjoyed delicious Hunter's Chicken accompanied by creamy mash and a glass or two of South African Viognier. Yum!
Monday, 12 October 2015
The start of another week
I dropped Keith off at Pitsford this morning and decided that tomorrow I would accompany him as I felt really envious of him going for a walk. The weather was gorgeous and all the trees are really turning now.
Mum and Dad popped around mid-morning and then, just as I was getting out of the shower, Mike's school phoned to say he had a bad headache and could we collect him? As we were going out anyway, we drove over, picked him up and then went to the Weston Favell Centre as I needed some ink for my printer.
Mike seemed fine when we collected him and managed to wolf down a cheese and bacon slice from Greggs. I just don't think he wanted to be at school today! He spent the rest of the afternoon "taking it easy" but by the evening he decided to go off for a run...not much wrong with him at all then!
Mum and Dad popped around mid-morning and then, just as I was getting out of the shower, Mike's school phoned to say he had a bad headache and could we collect him? As we were going out anyway, we drove over, picked him up and then went to the Weston Favell Centre as I needed some ink for my printer.
Mike seemed fine when we collected him and managed to wolf down a cheese and bacon slice from Greggs. I just don't think he wanted to be at school today! He spent the rest of the afternoon "taking it easy" but by the evening he decided to go off for a run...not much wrong with him at all then!
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Decisions, decisions!
Unlike yesterday, today has been busy and after dropping Sophie off at work I went to the carwash to put my car through. I know it's a bit lazy but I wanted to hoover it out inside as well so I thought the carwash would get the worse of the dirt off and then I could concentrate on the inside.
However, the garage had something going on and half the forecourt was closed off, including the part where the carwash is, so I had no option but to go home and do it by hand! Mike wanted to be taken to Brixworth so while he was getting ready I hoovered it out and then gave it a good wash when I got back.
In the afternoon I went with Mum and Dad to the new housing development where I helped my parents pick out the units for their kitchen as well as the floor tiles. It took a fair while as their decision had to be was no point rushing their choice and then being stuck with a kitchen they hate!
It's been a gorgeous day today and the sun was useful in getting the colours of the worktops and units right. After about an hour my parents were happy with their choices so we left and went to celebrate with a cup of tea at Beckworth Emporium. As it was almost closing time the place had emptied out and we were seated right away.
The garden centre now has an extensive Christmas display going on and no doubt the next time I go the ice-skating rink will be up and running!
However, the garage had something going on and half the forecourt was closed off, including the part where the carwash is, so I had no option but to go home and do it by hand! Mike wanted to be taken to Brixworth so while he was getting ready I hoovered it out and then gave it a good wash when I got back.
In the afternoon I went with Mum and Dad to the new housing development where I helped my parents pick out the units for their kitchen as well as the floor tiles. It took a fair while as their decision had to be was no point rushing their choice and then being stuck with a kitchen they hate!
It's been a gorgeous day today and the sun was useful in getting the colours of the worktops and units right. After about an hour my parents were happy with their choices so we left and went to celebrate with a cup of tea at Beckworth Emporium. As it was almost closing time the place had emptied out and we were seated right away.
The garden centre now has an extensive Christmas display going on and no doubt the next time I go the ice-skating rink will be up and running!
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Lazy Saturday
Sophie said she didn't fancy doing anything today and I agreed with her. It was lovely to just mooch about the house and do very little, although I did wash all her bedding and I found the time to put a colour on my hair.
The weather has been a bit disappointing today with the thick cloud never disappearing so there were no blue skies and sunshine at all. Keith went off to watch his team play in the afternoon and Mike, Sophie and me just lounged about and relaxed. I can't help feeling guilty when this happens but we've had a busy week and at times it's heaven to not do anything at all. I'm reading Bill Bryson's latest book at the moment and last night in bed I nearly collapsed with laughing so much. The tears were rolling down my face as I read some of his observations about life in Britain and I had to agree with so much of what he says.
In particular this line:
"If you took all the young men in southern England with those caps and that slouch and collected them all together in one room, you still wouldn’t have enough IQ points to make a halfwit."
The weather has been a bit disappointing today with the thick cloud never disappearing so there were no blue skies and sunshine at all. Keith went off to watch his team play in the afternoon and Mike, Sophie and me just lounged about and relaxed. I can't help feeling guilty when this happens but we've had a busy week and at times it's heaven to not do anything at all. I'm reading Bill Bryson's latest book at the moment and last night in bed I nearly collapsed with laughing so much. The tears were rolling down my face as I read some of his observations about life in Britain and I had to agree with so much of what he says.
In particular this line:
"If you took all the young men in southern England with those caps and that slouch and collected them all together in one room, you still wouldn’t have enough IQ points to make a halfwit."
Friday, 9 October 2015
Friday again!
I have spent most of today cleaning - in fact anything that didn't move was given a good clean and at the end of it all I felt very good with what I'd done.
However, as soon as Mike came home from school, he dropped crisps all over the living room floor and left his tie and a bottle of water on the sofa so we had a bit of a heated exchange before we drove him to Brixworth.
After we'd dropped him off it was time to collect Sophie who'd had her longest day at Uni - 9am until 5pm. Her timetable has changed which is annoying as originally she was finished at 2pm. I have a feeling that from now on my regular cleaning day will be a Friday leaving the weekends free for fun...if only!
However, as soon as Mike came home from school, he dropped crisps all over the living room floor and left his tie and a bottle of water on the sofa so we had a bit of a heated exchange before we drove him to Brixworth.
After we'd dropped him off it was time to collect Sophie who'd had her longest day at Uni - 9am until 5pm. Her timetable has changed which is annoying as originally she was finished at 2pm. I have a feeling that from now on my regular cleaning day will be a Friday leaving the weekends free for fun...if only!
Thursday, 8 October 2015
In, out, in, out!
Sophie had an appointment at the Orthodontist this morning and managed to get away without a telling off as she hasn't been wearing her retainers at night, as she should be doing! Luckily the orthodontist pronounced her teeth to be fine so that was the last visit, thank goodness. Now we have just Mike to take every six weeks or so.
I dropped my daughter off at uni and then drove to my Mum's house as I'd promised to look at her computer for her and sort out the printer, which turned out to be working perfectly. We had a cup of coffee and a chat and then I sped home to sort out the week's menu with Keith and go to Tesco to do our weekly shop.
Our bill was way over the top this week, probably due to the bottle of vodka that Keith treated me to! We are going to have to cut down a bit as we are spending way too much even though we work to our list and generally don't buy lots of treats.
Back home we put it all away and had a cup of tea before it was time to pick Sophie up from University. Mike was still at school as he was helping out at their Open Evening and wouldn't be finished until much later. We picked up Sophie and went home to await Mike's call as I was hoping he'd be finished before 7pm.
However, it was not to be and at 7.45pm I left to go to the school even though he hadn't called us. Keith was keen to get the curry all ready for dinner so we went off and found a parking space which was a bonus as the school was heaving with prospective parents. I called Mike and he angrily told me he was doing a tour which I doubted as it was now after 8pm and the evening was supposed to have finished at 7.30pm. I shouted at him and said he had to be in the bus bay by 8.15pm as he'd never told me he would be this late!
I drove to the bay which was crammed full of cars and then everyone started to leave so there was a mass exodus of parents which just added to my already high stress levels! Mike appeared and after a short sharp argument we managed to enter the flow of cars and finally get home to our curry dinner!
Back home I told Keith that next time Mike was at a school event he could drive while I stayed at home and pulled out all my finger'd be more enjoyable!
I dropped my daughter off at uni and then drove to my Mum's house as I'd promised to look at her computer for her and sort out the printer, which turned out to be working perfectly. We had a cup of coffee and a chat and then I sped home to sort out the week's menu with Keith and go to Tesco to do our weekly shop.
Our bill was way over the top this week, probably due to the bottle of vodka that Keith treated me to! We are going to have to cut down a bit as we are spending way too much even though we work to our list and generally don't buy lots of treats.
Back home we put it all away and had a cup of tea before it was time to pick Sophie up from University. Mike was still at school as he was helping out at their Open Evening and wouldn't be finished until much later. We picked up Sophie and went home to await Mike's call as I was hoping he'd be finished before 7pm.
However, it was not to be and at 7.45pm I left to go to the school even though he hadn't called us. Keith was keen to get the curry all ready for dinner so we went off and found a parking space which was a bonus as the school was heaving with prospective parents. I called Mike and he angrily told me he was doing a tour which I doubted as it was now after 8pm and the evening was supposed to have finished at 7.30pm. I shouted at him and said he had to be in the bus bay by 8.15pm as he'd never told me he would be this late!
I drove to the bay which was crammed full of cars and then everyone started to leave so there was a mass exodus of parents which just added to my already high stress levels! Mike appeared and after a short sharp argument we managed to enter the flow of cars and finally get home to our curry dinner!
Back home I told Keith that next time Mike was at a school event he could drive while I stayed at home and pulled out all my finger'd be more enjoyable!
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
A bit of culture...
Today Keith, Sophie and I went off to Stratford upon Avon as Keith had arranged to meet his mate Malcolm, whom he hadn't seen for ages.
We set off on a different route to the one we normally use to get to the Warwickshire town and sped through some beautiful countryside, eventually using the ancient Fosse Way to get to Stratford. The weather had been a bit drizzly when we left and although the sun never made an appearance, it did stay dry, which was a relief.
We said goodbye to Keith and went to Cox's Yard for a well-earned cup of coffee. It was very quiet in there and it was lovely to sit and relax for half an hour over a Flat White and a muffin. From the cafe we walked into the town but there were no entertainers about today and certainly no crowds of people sitting in the sun! Everyone was well wrapped up in coats although it was still mild.
We had a quick look in an Oxfam bookshop and then wandered around a beautiful gallery admiring the different paintings and sculptures. It's something I don't normally do but it was very enjoyable. Luckily nothing I saw caught my eye...some of the art was selling for thousands of pounds!
Leaving the gallery we went to H&M and then Waterstones as I was looking for a recipe book from World War II for my Come Dine With Me evening next month. There was nothing available so we decided to go and have a bite to eat at a lovely little place called No 37 Cafe. Sophie chose a panini while I opted for a slice of quiche and salad and both dishes were great. I certainly felt stuffed when we walked out to go and meet Keith!
He'd had a great time with Malcolm and was in good spirits when we left to drive home. As usual we found a different route home but like a moth to a flame, we were drawn to Leamington Spa once again. I don't know what it is about this town but I always manage to do a circuit every time we visit Stratford!
We set off on a different route to the one we normally use to get to the Warwickshire town and sped through some beautiful countryside, eventually using the ancient Fosse Way to get to Stratford. The weather had been a bit drizzly when we left and although the sun never made an appearance, it did stay dry, which was a relief.
We said goodbye to Keith and went to Cox's Yard for a well-earned cup of coffee. It was very quiet in there and it was lovely to sit and relax for half an hour over a Flat White and a muffin. From the cafe we walked into the town but there were no entertainers about today and certainly no crowds of people sitting in the sun! Everyone was well wrapped up in coats although it was still mild.
We had a quick look in an Oxfam bookshop and then wandered around a beautiful gallery admiring the different paintings and sculptures. It's something I don't normally do but it was very enjoyable. Luckily nothing I saw caught my eye...some of the art was selling for thousands of pounds!
Leaving the gallery we went to H&M and then Waterstones as I was looking for a recipe book from World War II for my Come Dine With Me evening next month. There was nothing available so we decided to go and have a bite to eat at a lovely little place called No 37 Cafe. Sophie chose a panini while I opted for a slice of quiche and salad and both dishes were great. I certainly felt stuffed when we walked out to go and meet Keith!
He'd had a great time with Malcolm and was in good spirits when we left to drive home. As usual we found a different route home but like a moth to a flame, we were drawn to Leamington Spa once again. I don't know what it is about this town but I always manage to do a circuit every time we visit Stratford!
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Life is really busy at the moment - I have no idea how I found the time to work!
We dropped the kids off at school and university and then I left Keith at Pitsford so he could go and do his walk. I sped home to put the hoover around and after Keith had finished his daily trek and showered we went to collect Sophie to go to Jones's.
While we were shopping the weather turned rainy and it was lashing it down when we came out. I got soaked taking the trolley back and resembled a drowned rat! Not a good look!
After Jones's we headed to Tesco and the post office as I'd received a nice little cheque in the post from a credit card protection scheme I'd taken out about ten years ago. The amount I received wasn't huge but it'll keep the wolf from the door for a couple of weeks! I didn't have to do anything either, just fill out a claim form that had been sent to me and send it back. This all happened about ten years ago so it was great to get a little windfall!
I couldn't pay the cheque in at the post office without a paying in slip, so I told Sophie we'd call in at Brixworth on the way home from university later in the day, which we did. Just outside of the village I pulled over in Jim and let Sophie drive the rest of the way home. After being a little nervous she did very well and enjoyed driving along the country roads. We need to get out and do some practise every week!
In the evening it was just Sophie and me as the boys were out to their usual Tuesday night activities. A girls' night in means Chicken Kiev, mashed potatoes and sweetcorn all washed down with a glass or two of Bicicletta Viognier. Delicious!
We dropped the kids off at school and university and then I left Keith at Pitsford so he could go and do his walk. I sped home to put the hoover around and after Keith had finished his daily trek and showered we went to collect Sophie to go to Jones's.
While we were shopping the weather turned rainy and it was lashing it down when we came out. I got soaked taking the trolley back and resembled a drowned rat! Not a good look!
After Jones's we headed to Tesco and the post office as I'd received a nice little cheque in the post from a credit card protection scheme I'd taken out about ten years ago. The amount I received wasn't huge but it'll keep the wolf from the door for a couple of weeks! I didn't have to do anything either, just fill out a claim form that had been sent to me and send it back. This all happened about ten years ago so it was great to get a little windfall!
I couldn't pay the cheque in at the post office without a paying in slip, so I told Sophie we'd call in at Brixworth on the way home from university later in the day, which we did. Just outside of the village I pulled over in Jim and let Sophie drive the rest of the way home. After being a little nervous she did very well and enjoyed driving along the country roads. We need to get out and do some practise every week!
In the evening it was just Sophie and me as the boys were out to their usual Tuesday night activities. A girls' night in means Chicken Kiev, mashed potatoes and sweetcorn all washed down with a glass or two of Bicicletta Viognier. Delicious!
Monday, 5 October 2015
Return of the rain...
As forecast, today dawned grey and drizzly but I don't suppose we can complain after all the sunshine we've had lately!
Keith went for a walk after dropping the kids off at school and university and when he returned we popped to Tesco to buy some veg and something tasty for lunch.
In the afternoon we met my parents at a showhome as they've decided to buy a house on a development not far from where they live now. They wanted us to see the showhome and let them know what we thought. I was very impressed!
Keith went for a walk after dropping the kids off at school and university and when he returned we popped to Tesco to buy some veg and something tasty for lunch.
In the afternoon we met my parents at a showhome as they've decided to buy a house on a development not far from where they live now. They wanted us to see the showhome and let them know what we thought. I was very impressed!
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Their plot - it should be finished in March 2016 |
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Quiet Sunday
Yesterday we had a day of cloud but today dawned bright and sunny again, but I think this will be the last we'll see of the sun for a little while!
Keith and I popped in to see Mum and Dad for a coffee, then it was time to take Sophie to work before coming home and having a late breakfast.
I didn't get up to much today - I caught up with some stuff on my computer including answering an email from a lady in Canada who'd contacted me about the possibility of sharing a relative from the 1800s. It's always interesting hearing from somebody who could potentially be a distant relative so I sent off an email hoping that she would get back to me to confirm that, somewhere down the line, we're related!
Keith and I popped in to see Mum and Dad for a coffee, then it was time to take Sophie to work before coming home and having a late breakfast.
I didn't get up to much today - I caught up with some stuff on my computer including answering an email from a lady in Canada who'd contacted me about the possibility of sharing a relative from the 1800s. It's always interesting hearing from somebody who could potentially be a distant relative so I sent off an email hoping that she would get back to me to confirm that, somewhere down the line, we're related!
Saturday, 3 October 2015
Hanging around...
This morning Sophie had an appointment at the nail salon so I dropped her off and then made the mistake of going to the Weston Favell Centre as I needed diesel for my car. The place was packed and the garage was like something out of an apocalyptic war film where people think fuel is going to run out very shortly...
I did a circuit of the forecourt that was crammed with cars and decided to go elsewhere to get my diesel! After buying a newspaper I went back to park near the salon and wait for Sophie to be finished.
From there we went to an equally rammed Riverside for a quick cup of coffee before she went to meet her friend Daisy in town for lunch. By the time I eventually returned home I had had enough of driving!
The afternoon was spent very pleasantly watching Downton Abbey and Grand Designs as Keith had gone to watch a local football match and Mike was in town with friends. Sophie came home at around 4.30pm shortly followed by Keith who was on a high as his team had won 7-2!
I'm afraid England's rugby team couldn't be so successful as they crashed out to Australia in the evening which means for the first time ever, the host nation are out of the World Cup before getting into the next round. Oh dear!
I did a circuit of the forecourt that was crammed with cars and decided to go elsewhere to get my diesel! After buying a newspaper I went back to park near the salon and wait for Sophie to be finished.
From there we went to an equally rammed Riverside for a quick cup of coffee before she went to meet her friend Daisy in town for lunch. By the time I eventually returned home I had had enough of driving!
The afternoon was spent very pleasantly watching Downton Abbey and Grand Designs as Keith had gone to watch a local football match and Mike was in town with friends. Sophie came home at around 4.30pm shortly followed by Keith who was on a high as his team had won 7-2!
I'm afraid England's rugby team couldn't be so successful as they crashed out to Australia in the evening which means for the first time ever, the host nation are out of the World Cup before getting into the next round. Oh dear!
Friday, 2 October 2015
End of the first week!
So, Sophie's first full week at university is over and I'm very happy to report that she's enjoyed herself and has made lots of new friends, which is great news. She had a short day today and was finished at 2pm.
As it was such a beautiful day again Sophie and I decided to walk down to the village but the cats thought it was a good idea to follow us and today, for the first time ever, they came out of the estate and kept on following us down the path.
We have no idea why they did it but when we got to the gate that leads to the field behind the estate we thought they would go through and make their way home but they carried on after us. Worrying that they would end up getting run over we abandoned our walk and went back home after doing a lap of the estate first.
Mike went over to Brixworth in the evening while Keith walked down to the pub...he's taking advantage while he can and the weather's OK!
As it was such a beautiful day again Sophie and I decided to walk down to the village but the cats thought it was a good idea to follow us and today, for the first time ever, they came out of the estate and kept on following us down the path.
We have no idea why they did it but when we got to the gate that leads to the field behind the estate we thought they would go through and make their way home but they carried on after us. Worrying that they would end up getting run over we abandoned our walk and went back home after doing a lap of the estate first.
Mike went over to Brixworth in the evening while Keith walked down to the pub...he's taking advantage while he can and the weather's OK!
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Balmy Autumn days...
The glorious weather is continuing and Keith went off for a walk around the nature reserve this morning while Mum and Dad came over to finish off all the accounts. By 1pm everything was all done and after dropping Sophie off at University we drove to the accountants and left the books with them.
Keith and I arrived home and sat and wrote the weekly menu before going off to Tesco and doing our weekly shop. It was lovely and quiet in there again and we had a great chat with one of the checkout girls who is a member of Keith's little harem!
Mike wanted to go to Brixworth in the late afternoon so I drove him over and then it was time to pick Sophie up from University. She finishes at 6pm on a Thursday and we decided, on the way home, to call into the Whyte Melville in Boughton for a drink before driving onto Brixworth to collect Mike.
We had a very pleasant hour sitting in the pub and chatting about our day in Whitby and then it was time to go and get Mike in the gathering gloom. Although the days are warm (it was 20c today) the evenings are a bit chilly and it gets dark by 7pm now.
Dinner tonight was a very delicious beef stroganoff and Sophie pronounced it the best ever. Praise indeed!
Keith and I arrived home and sat and wrote the weekly menu before going off to Tesco and doing our weekly shop. It was lovely and quiet in there again and we had a great chat with one of the checkout girls who is a member of Keith's little harem!
Mike wanted to go to Brixworth in the late afternoon so I drove him over and then it was time to pick Sophie up from University. She finishes at 6pm on a Thursday and we decided, on the way home, to call into the Whyte Melville in Boughton for a drink before driving onto Brixworth to collect Mike.
We had a very pleasant hour sitting in the pub and chatting about our day in Whitby and then it was time to go and get Mike in the gathering gloom. Although the days are warm (it was 20c today) the evenings are a bit chilly and it gets dark by 7pm now.
Dinner tonight was a very delicious beef stroganoff and Sophie pronounced it the best ever. Praise indeed!
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