This morning I treated myself to a Hydradermie Facial which was lovely and relaxing! The girl who did Sophie's make-up was the same one who treated me and it was wonderful to lie back and have a pamper. She cleansed, exfoliated and put a mask on my face before running some little machines all over it to ensure the creams went deep into my skin. I then had a shoulder and face massage and when she put a final mask on me I drifted off to sleep while she left me in peace. I can't recommend it highly enough and afterwards, my skin felt a lot smoother and firmer than it had before.
In the afternoon, Sophie and I drove to Boots to get some essentials and then we had a drink in Costa Coffee, another indulgent treat! I think we deserved it!
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Friday, 29 June 2012
Prom night at last!
On Thursday, when we went to get Sophie's dress, we had a bit of a hiccup... Luckily I made her try it on again as she'd last tried it on at the end of March. I thanked my lucky stars that I did as there was a problem with the zip and it wouldn't do up...Can you imagine the explosions if she hadn't tried it on until she was all ready to go tonight?
Anyway, the dress went back to the dressmaker for a new zip so we picked it up before Sophie went to have her hair and make-up done next door and the zip was no problem at all. She looked absolutely stunning in it, if I say so myself!
While Sophie was in having her face made up there were two other women there as well who were on their way to an RAF Ball tonight in Oxfordshire. Neither of them had had a trial make-up which I thought was a bit risky! Imagine if they hated how they looked?
Once Sophie's make-up was all done she went to have her hair curled, plaited and put up into a very secure "up-do" with curled tendrils falling down either side. She looked fab!
We drove home and then all Soph had to do was get dressed and put her jewellery on. Oh, and a bit of lipgloss!
Mum came around to see her get dressed and then we went off to Sophie's friend's house where she was going off to the Prom in a convoy of VW Beetles, each one emblazoned with the names of the girls travelling in them. They all looked such beautiful young ladies and I have to admit there was a tear in my eye when they all drove off...this is another milestone ticked off.
All night I kept hoping she was having a fabulous time with all her friends and when I went back to pick her up at 11pm the hotel was full of gorgeously dressed young men and women with anxious parents queuing up to collect their offspring.
Sophie said she'd enjoyed the Prom but would like to have had a dance...not one person ventured onto the dancefloor. I tell you, youth is wasted on the young...I imagined that at the slow dances at the end a few new relationships would be formed, but no. Perhaps a Prom at 16 is just too young? I think they were all so terrified of making fools of themselves that nobody dared be the first to go and dance and have a good time!
OK, so that's that over - now I have her 6th form Prom in two years and Mikey's in four years! Bring it on!!!
Anyway, the dress went back to the dressmaker for a new zip so we picked it up before Sophie went to have her hair and make-up done next door and the zip was no problem at all. She looked absolutely stunning in it, if I say so myself!
While Sophie was in having her face made up there were two other women there as well who were on their way to an RAF Ball tonight in Oxfordshire. Neither of them had had a trial make-up which I thought was a bit risky! Imagine if they hated how they looked?
Once Sophie's make-up was all done she went to have her hair curled, plaited and put up into a very secure "up-do" with curled tendrils falling down either side. She looked fab!
We drove home and then all Soph had to do was get dressed and put her jewellery on. Oh, and a bit of lipgloss!
Mum came around to see her get dressed and then we went off to Sophie's friend's house where she was going off to the Prom in a convoy of VW Beetles, each one emblazoned with the names of the girls travelling in them. They all looked such beautiful young ladies and I have to admit there was a tear in my eye when they all drove off...this is another milestone ticked off.
All night I kept hoping she was having a fabulous time with all her friends and when I went back to pick her up at 11pm the hotel was full of gorgeously dressed young men and women with anxious parents queuing up to collect their offspring.
Sophie said she'd enjoyed the Prom but would like to have had a dance...not one person ventured onto the dancefloor. I tell you, youth is wasted on the young...I imagined that at the slow dances at the end a few new relationships would be formed, but no. Perhaps a Prom at 16 is just too young? I think they were all so terrified of making fools of themselves that nobody dared be the first to go and dance and have a good time!
OK, so that's that over - now I have her 6th form Prom in two years and Mikey's in four years! Bring it on!!!
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Hot and steamy!
Today has been very humid and getting out of the air-conditioned car has been like going into a sauna! Phew! Luckily, tomorrow is set to be cooler with a breeze and I hope the forecast is right!
Sophie came into work with me today as Mum and Dad were down in Kent seeing Nan and it was great to have her company after her being away for half of the week. She is stressing a bit about the Prom and I told her to calm down, it's only one night after all and will soon be a distant memory.
Tonight is the last of the football games before the final on Sunday and will I be glad when it's all over! Then I suppose we have the Olympics to look forward to...can I leave the country until September?!
Sophie came into work with me today as Mum and Dad were down in Kent seeing Nan and it was great to have her company after her being away for half of the week. She is stressing a bit about the Prom and I told her to calm down, it's only one night after all and will soon be a distant memory.
Tonight is the last of the football games before the final on Sunday and will I be glad when it's all over! Then I suppose we have the Olympics to look forward to...can I leave the country until September?!
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
She's back!
Sophie came home tonight full of chatter about her girly trip to Alton Towers. She looked shattered, I have to say, probably because she hadn't had a lot of sleep and had been doing lots of walking around the park. Hopefully, when her Prom is all over on Friday she can have a few days off!
I will be very glad when it's all over and the whole house can calm down a bit!
I will be very glad when it's all over and the whole house can calm down a bit!
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
This morning, Keith came into the bedroom to tell me that mum had been on the phone to say that there'd been a fire at a building near our work premises and that 50 firefighters had been tackling it since midnight. It was on the local news and we weren't sure whether we'd be allowed access to our own building as the company manufactured nail varnish and nail varnish remover.
When I neared our road I could see that the traffic was terrible as they'd closed part of the road which is a very busy thoroughfare and used by people to get onto the industrial estate. I doubled back and went another way to get onto the estate and beat mum and dad by almost half an hour as they'd decided to go another way. There were still fire engines there and it looks like the building will have to be demolished as it's so badly damaged.
The hot and humid weather continues and I'm longing for a good storm to clear the air!
When I neared our road I could see that the traffic was terrible as they'd closed part of the road which is a very busy thoroughfare and used by people to get onto the industrial estate. I doubled back and went another way to get onto the estate and beat mum and dad by almost half an hour as they'd decided to go another way. There were still fire engines there and it looks like the building will have to be demolished as it's so badly damaged.
The hot and humid weather continues and I'm longing for a good storm to clear the air!
Monday, 25 June 2012
The heat is on...
It's set to be humid and stormy this week and today was warm and sunny. We had a school visit us at work so that put a hold on the deep cleaning, although we had to clear up after they had gone. The children were very well behaved and there were no packed lunches so there was hardly any mess to clear up afterwards.
This morning Sophie left for Alton Towers with two of her friends to celebrate a birthday so the house is very quiet without her! They have their own room and will be away for two nights - it'll be great for them to be a bit independent and as all three are very sensible, I'm not that worried!
After work I mowed the lawn at home and then when Keith was at the pub I settled down to watch what I wanted to watch on television as Sophie wasn't there to hog the remote!
This morning Sophie left for Alton Towers with two of her friends to celebrate a birthday so the house is very quiet without her! They have their own room and will be away for two nights - it'll be great for them to be a bit independent and as all three are very sensible, I'm not that worried!
After work I mowed the lawn at home and then when Keith was at the pub I settled down to watch what I wanted to watch on television as Sophie wasn't there to hog the remote!
Sunday, 24 June 2012
A "bitty" weekend!
I say "bitty" because we did a bit of this and we did a bit of that over the weekend. Saturday morning was spent cutting down one of our large bushes in the front garden which had suffered over the winter. The top half had died off, probably because of the frosts we had, but there was a lot of new growth at the bottom. Keith hacked it down while I cut up all the branches and put them in our wheelie bin. I never thought we would get everything in but we did, with the help of Mikey who stood on top of it all in the bin and compacted it down!
It was quite a sociable occasion as a lot of neighbours stopped by to say hello which was good! It's amazing what a bit of sun will do to get people out and about!
On Sunday we didn't do much at all, to be honest. I washed my car inside and out but the lawn in the back garden was much too wet to cut which was what I'd planned to do. We went and had a cup of coffee at mum's house but that was about it! A very lazy weekend indeed!
It was quite a sociable occasion as a lot of neighbours stopped by to say hello which was good! It's amazing what a bit of sun will do to get people out and about!
On Sunday we didn't do much at all, to be honest. I washed my car inside and out but the lawn in the back garden was much too wet to cut which was what I'd planned to do. We went and had a cup of coffee at mum's house but that was about it! A very lazy weekend indeed!
Friday, 22 June 2012
Getting ready for the Big Day...
And by this I mean Sophie's prom, which by this time next week will be in full swing and then thankfully, over!
After work Sophie had her trial make-up and I have to say she looked stunning afterwards even though she is good at putting on her own make-up. While I waited I had a look through the salon brochure and I have booked a facial for myself for next week. It's about time I had some pampering as well! While we were there we also arranged for her to have her hair done and everything has been co-ordinated with the times so that is a relief. I think I will need to have next Friday afternoon off work!
The end of the week has arrived very speedily thanks to our two days away so all I can say is - thank goodness it's the weekend!
After work Sophie had her trial make-up and I have to say she looked stunning afterwards even though she is good at putting on her own make-up. While I waited I had a look through the salon brochure and I have booked a facial for myself for next week. It's about time I had some pampering as well! While we were there we also arranged for her to have her hair done and everything has been co-ordinated with the times so that is a relief. I think I will need to have next Friday afternoon off work!
The end of the week has arrived very speedily thanks to our two days away so all I can say is - thank goodness it's the weekend!
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Ha! Summer Solstice?
It was typical that today being the Summer Solstice it was rainy, misty and chilly! I do feel sorry for people who gathered at Stonehenge to celebrate and who must have got very wet indeed!
Sophie came into work for us today and helped out over lunchtime. It's been great having her in and I hope she wants to work more hours now she's off school until September, lucky thing! How I would love to be off over the summer!
Sophie came into work for us today and helped out over lunchtime. It's been great having her in and I hope she wants to work more hours now she's off school until September, lucky thing! How I would love to be off over the summer!
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Back to reality!
It was hard work getting up this morning and going into work but needs must! Keith came in with me and we had a fairly pleasant day which was rounded off with drinks and a game of cards in the conservatory.
After dinner I felt shattered and fell asleep on the sofa! I think I need another holiday!
After dinner I felt shattered and fell asleep on the sofa! I think I need another holiday!
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Homeward bound!
I woke up this morning still fuming about the events of last night and vowing to keep to my word about spending any money in Bruges for the rest of the day.
After a lovely hot shower we all met up for breakfast at 9am which was taken in a beautiful old dining room looking out over the gardens. It was a buffet breakfast so all three of us indulged in cereals, breads and pastries, cold meats and cheeses and scrambled eggs accompanied by bacon and sausages. We filled our boots! The coffee was strong and plentiful so we literally waddled out and back to our rooms to finish packing!
After checking out and giving back our room keys we stored our bags in the left luggage room again and made our way out into bright sunshine to do a walk. Well, that was the plan but I wasn't able to work out where to go! Mum and Sophie trailed along after me and after visiting the Church of the Holy Blood and not being able to see it we decided to take a carriage ride through the city and then just wander about rather than try and work out the route on the map.
Now, you would think that in Bruges a half hour carriage ride would be very expensive but I thought that 39 euros for up to five people wasn't bad at all. The last time we were in Bruges Keith treated us all to a trip at night and it was magical but there were no horses around last night at all. Mum declared it was her treat and we had a very lovely thirty minutes seeing most of the sights with a running commentary from our driver. The sound of the clip-clopping of the hooves on the cobbled streets is one of the delights of the city and I never tire of seeing the horses and carriages riding along the roads. Half way around the route the horse gets a rest and something to eat and passengers can have a quick look at the entrance to the Beguinage, inhabited now by nuns.
Once we were back in the main square we paid the driver (and a tip for the horse) and meandered back to the area around the Beguinage. The Lake of Love is also here, which is full of swans and ducks. There are lots of little chocolate shops along the way, a huge church which dominates the skyline and several cafes and restaurants. We stopped in a little cafe for coffee (mum) and a beer (me) while Sophie had a chocolate milk drink and a coke. She paid the bill, bless her, and it was wonderful to sit in the hot sunshine and people watch.
I had to show mum the Beguinage which has existed in Bruges since the 13th century. Women of independent means would enter the convent and spend their lives doing good works. The last Beguine left in 1937 and since then an order of Benedictine Nuns live there. It's very peaceful and quiet and a wonderful place to sit and enjoy the tranquility. You can also visit the church there so we went inside and lit candles for our loved ones who have passed away.
Mum and Sophie mentioned the dreaded word "lunch" so we walked slowly back to the centre of Bruges to find a restaurant serving pizza as that's what Sophie fancied. The perfect place came into view - Pizza Hut - where I knew the prices were fixed and we could all share a large pizza! We were lucky enough to get a table outside and very soon we were munching happily on a Barbecue Chicken pizza and sipping long cold drinks.The bill came to a very reasonable 30 euros with a tip.
Before going back to the hotel and retrieving our bags we did a spot of chocolate and beer shopping and then it was almost time to go. I'd researched the train times to Brussels and the last one left at 6pm but I was a bit apprehensive about getting that one in case something happened! We had ordered a taxi for 3.30pm and while we waited we sat in the lovely gardens of the hotel and relaxed.
Our taxi arrived, we were whisked off to the station and then we managed to catch a train to Brussels at 4pm. The train was almost full so we didn't get to sit together but we were very close. It was a great opportunity to people watch and I listened to a conversation in English between two people who were clearly not English (one woman was German). I am always impressed with how well the Europeans speak our language and put us Brits to shame!
After a stop, a lot of people disembarked so I was able to sit next to Sophie with mum in the seat behind us. I had a little snooze and by 5pm we were pulling into Brussels station. We found the Eurostar terminal easily and sat in a cafe opposite with a drink as we had quite a long wait before our train left at 8pm!
Luckily we were able to check in at 6.45pm and it wasn't long before we were boarding the Eurostar and on our way back to Ebbsfleet. The journey home was much better as we had a group of four seats to ourselves and there was only one other man opposite. We had a quick bite to eat and then we were pulling up at our station. I spotted a luggage trolley and we piled our very heavy bags onto it, which was a huge relief as my bags were full of bottles of beer and chocolates!
The journey home on the motorway was fantastic. We pulled out of the car park at Ebbsfleet at 9pm and I dropped Mum off at home at 10.40pm - one of the fastest journeys we've ever done! I was mightily glad to get home before 11pm as I imagined I would be pulling onto my drive at something like 11.30pm. I just hope the speed cameras weren't working!
After a lovely hot shower we all met up for breakfast at 9am which was taken in a beautiful old dining room looking out over the gardens. It was a buffet breakfast so all three of us indulged in cereals, breads and pastries, cold meats and cheeses and scrambled eggs accompanied by bacon and sausages. We filled our boots! The coffee was strong and plentiful so we literally waddled out and back to our rooms to finish packing!
After checking out and giving back our room keys we stored our bags in the left luggage room again and made our way out into bright sunshine to do a walk. Well, that was the plan but I wasn't able to work out where to go! Mum and Sophie trailed along after me and after visiting the Church of the Holy Blood and not being able to see it we decided to take a carriage ride through the city and then just wander about rather than try and work out the route on the map.
Now, you would think that in Bruges a half hour carriage ride would be very expensive but I thought that 39 euros for up to five people wasn't bad at all. The last time we were in Bruges Keith treated us all to a trip at night and it was magical but there were no horses around last night at all. Mum declared it was her treat and we had a very lovely thirty minutes seeing most of the sights with a running commentary from our driver. The sound of the clip-clopping of the hooves on the cobbled streets is one of the delights of the city and I never tire of seeing the horses and carriages riding along the roads. Half way around the route the horse gets a rest and something to eat and passengers can have a quick look at the entrance to the Beguinage, inhabited now by nuns.
Once we were back in the main square we paid the driver (and a tip for the horse) and meandered back to the area around the Beguinage. The Lake of Love is also here, which is full of swans and ducks. There are lots of little chocolate shops along the way, a huge church which dominates the skyline and several cafes and restaurants. We stopped in a little cafe for coffee (mum) and a beer (me) while Sophie had a chocolate milk drink and a coke. She paid the bill, bless her, and it was wonderful to sit in the hot sunshine and people watch.
I had to show mum the Beguinage which has existed in Bruges since the 13th century. Women of independent means would enter the convent and spend their lives doing good works. The last Beguine left in 1937 and since then an order of Benedictine Nuns live there. It's very peaceful and quiet and a wonderful place to sit and enjoy the tranquility. You can also visit the church there so we went inside and lit candles for our loved ones who have passed away.
Mum and Sophie mentioned the dreaded word "lunch" so we walked slowly back to the centre of Bruges to find a restaurant serving pizza as that's what Sophie fancied. The perfect place came into view - Pizza Hut - where I knew the prices were fixed and we could all share a large pizza! We were lucky enough to get a table outside and very soon we were munching happily on a Barbecue Chicken pizza and sipping long cold drinks.The bill came to a very reasonable 30 euros with a tip.
Before going back to the hotel and retrieving our bags we did a spot of chocolate and beer shopping and then it was almost time to go. I'd researched the train times to Brussels and the last one left at 6pm but I was a bit apprehensive about getting that one in case something happened! We had ordered a taxi for 3.30pm and while we waited we sat in the lovely gardens of the hotel and relaxed.
Our taxi arrived, we were whisked off to the station and then we managed to catch a train to Brussels at 4pm. The train was almost full so we didn't get to sit together but we were very close. It was a great opportunity to people watch and I listened to a conversation in English between two people who were clearly not English (one woman was German). I am always impressed with how well the Europeans speak our language and put us Brits to shame!
After a stop, a lot of people disembarked so I was able to sit next to Sophie with mum in the seat behind us. I had a little snooze and by 5pm we were pulling into Brussels station. We found the Eurostar terminal easily and sat in a cafe opposite with a drink as we had quite a long wait before our train left at 8pm!
Luckily we were able to check in at 6.45pm and it wasn't long before we were boarding the Eurostar and on our way back to Ebbsfleet. The journey home was much better as we had a group of four seats to ourselves and there was only one other man opposite. We had a quick bite to eat and then we were pulling up at our station. I spotted a luggage trolley and we piled our very heavy bags onto it, which was a huge relief as my bags were full of bottles of beer and chocolates!
The journey home on the motorway was fantastic. We pulled out of the car park at Ebbsfleet at 9pm and I dropped Mum off at home at 10.40pm - one of the fastest journeys we've ever done! I was mightily glad to get home before 11pm as I imagined I would be pulling onto my drive at something like 11.30pm. I just hope the speed cameras weren't working!
Monday, 18 June 2012
Into the Lion's Den in Bruges...
After getting ready we were all set to hit the town! I didn't really know where to go for our evening meal, just to avoid the main square as the prices there were pretty expensive, or so I was told. We slowly made our way along one of the main canals and found ourselves in a small square near to where the canal boats are kept. This area is very pretty with a couple of bars and restaurants and old cobbled streets but was very quiet as a lot of tourists just come to Bruges for the day.
We sat at a bar/restaurant and Mum ordered a whisky and Sprite. Although I love the beer in Bruges I felt like something stronger too, so I joined her and Sophie asked for a Diet Coke, even though at 16 she is legally allowed a glass of wine or beer as well!
The bar was virtually empty with just one other couple sitting behind us and although a few people walked by and looked at the menu nobody stopped. The waiters were friendly enough but for some reason I felt a wee bit uncomfortable and this is where I really missed having my husband with me! He normally takes charge when we go out for a drink and I never have to pay (or if I say I'll treat him I give him the money before we go out - old-fashioned, I know, but it works for us!).
We sat there for perhaps three quarters of an hour and did consider eating there too, but the prices were a mite on the steep side - 3 euros for a portion of French fries, 8 euros for a side dish of vegetables, 12 euros for a plain omelette... no wonder people looked at the menu and moved on! I knew beforehand that a whisky was 7.50 euros (in all fairness a double measure) but I still received a shock when we were told how much the bill was - a steep 25 euros! This meant that we'd paid 10 euros for the two Sprites and a Diet Coke!
Now, I'm not a miserly person by any means but I really hate the feeling of being ripped off and this is how I felt as we walked away from the restaurant. The only consolation I had was that the place was now completely deserted!
Avoiding the main square we returned to the street where we'd had lunch and picked a small restaurant called De Bourgondier which specialised in Fondue dishes and hearty steaks and grills. Again, the place was very quiet but as it was getting a bit chilly we sat inside right next to a lovely fire. Mum ordered a glass of red wine, I had a very delicious beer and Sophie stuck with Coke. We nibbled on some bread and butter and all three of us chose the mixed grill which consisted of lamb, beef, chicken and a sausage accompanied by the ubiquitous French Fries and salad. The waitress, who was lovely, asked if we wanted any sauces with our meal so we all chose a Bearnaise sauce.
The meal was very good with lovely tender meat and two huge pots of sauce. Sophie decided she didn't like it so mum and I just had a fraction drizzled over our meat. I indulged in a second glass of beer and then we looked at the dessert menu, although there was nothing on there we fancied, which was Belgian waffles and ice-cream!
We asked for the bill and Mum said she would pay it as a thank you to me for organising the whole trip. We were pretty shocked when we saw it totalled 93 euros!! 9 of this was for the sauce which was unbelievable!! How could they justify 9 euros for some sauce?? Looking back I really should have said something but there were only two other couples in the restaurant and our waitress was lovely, so we just paid the bill on Mum's credit card and I didn't leave a tip, figuring that the price of the sauce could cover that as it would have been 10%!
We ambled off slowly to find a place that served waffles and ended up peering into different hotels and looking at their menus. One place was offering "Light Bites" - Parma ham and melon for 18 euros...excuse me??? Bruges seemed much, much more expensive than when we were here last!
Eventually we made our way back to the main square and went into one ice-cream parlour which advertised its closing time as 11pm only to be told it was take-away only! Feeling a bit miffed by now as it was past 10pm we made our third mistake of the night and ventured into the Lion's Den also known as Cafe Craenenburg...
Now, there seems to be a bit of confusion here as we sat down and asked for waffles with chocolate ice-cream and I noticed that waffles with bananas were priced at 5.60 euros so I didn't think that waffles with ice-cream would be any different. How wrong I was! I ordered a Tia Maria which I probably didn't need and our bill came to a shocking 34 euros! I felt like running into the square and just hurling euros at passers-by as I really did feel now that the inhabitants of Bruges were taking the p**s out of us!
We called a waiter over when the desserts arrived and asked what one of the charges, amounting to 5.60 euros, was for and we were told it was the ice-cream. We also had the tiniest jug of chocolate sauce you could imagine (maybe I should have told De Bourgondier and they could have swapped jugs!).
This meant that per waffle we paid 9.20 euros! I can't even say they tasted delicious because they were like dry cardboard and I did get the feeling that if we'd had our men with us this wouldn't have happened! I did have a go at one of the waiters but he just shrugged and said that the prices were on the menu and that was that. Well, do I need to say that I didn't leave a tip and I made him count the change out from my two 20 euro notes in front of me!
Back at the hotel I called my poor husband and ranted down the phone to him for a good 15 minutes. I said that the next day I wasn't going to part with a cent more of my money and that I'd rather wait and get a McDonald's in the UK than spend any more money in Bruges. I told Mum and Sophie to "fill their boots" at breakfast so we wouldn't need to have lunch and I believe I was still ranting away in my sleep when I finally dropped off! Would I keep to my vow? Hmm...let's wait and see!
We sat at a bar/restaurant and Mum ordered a whisky and Sprite. Although I love the beer in Bruges I felt like something stronger too, so I joined her and Sophie asked for a Diet Coke, even though at 16 she is legally allowed a glass of wine or beer as well!
The bar was virtually empty with just one other couple sitting behind us and although a few people walked by and looked at the menu nobody stopped. The waiters were friendly enough but for some reason I felt a wee bit uncomfortable and this is where I really missed having my husband with me! He normally takes charge when we go out for a drink and I never have to pay (or if I say I'll treat him I give him the money before we go out - old-fashioned, I know, but it works for us!).
We sat there for perhaps three quarters of an hour and did consider eating there too, but the prices were a mite on the steep side - 3 euros for a portion of French fries, 8 euros for a side dish of vegetables, 12 euros for a plain omelette... no wonder people looked at the menu and moved on! I knew beforehand that a whisky was 7.50 euros (in all fairness a double measure) but I still received a shock when we were told how much the bill was - a steep 25 euros! This meant that we'd paid 10 euros for the two Sprites and a Diet Coke!
Now, I'm not a miserly person by any means but I really hate the feeling of being ripped off and this is how I felt as we walked away from the restaurant. The only consolation I had was that the place was now completely deserted!
Avoiding the main square we returned to the street where we'd had lunch and picked a small restaurant called De Bourgondier which specialised in Fondue dishes and hearty steaks and grills. Again, the place was very quiet but as it was getting a bit chilly we sat inside right next to a lovely fire. Mum ordered a glass of red wine, I had a very delicious beer and Sophie stuck with Coke. We nibbled on some bread and butter and all three of us chose the mixed grill which consisted of lamb, beef, chicken and a sausage accompanied by the ubiquitous French Fries and salad. The waitress, who was lovely, asked if we wanted any sauces with our meal so we all chose a Bearnaise sauce.
The meal was very good with lovely tender meat and two huge pots of sauce. Sophie decided she didn't like it so mum and I just had a fraction drizzled over our meat. I indulged in a second glass of beer and then we looked at the dessert menu, although there was nothing on there we fancied, which was Belgian waffles and ice-cream!
We asked for the bill and Mum said she would pay it as a thank you to me for organising the whole trip. We were pretty shocked when we saw it totalled 93 euros!! 9 of this was for the sauce which was unbelievable!! How could they justify 9 euros for some sauce?? Looking back I really should have said something but there were only two other couples in the restaurant and our waitress was lovely, so we just paid the bill on Mum's credit card and I didn't leave a tip, figuring that the price of the sauce could cover that as it would have been 10%!
We ambled off slowly to find a place that served waffles and ended up peering into different hotels and looking at their menus. One place was offering "Light Bites" - Parma ham and melon for 18 euros...excuse me??? Bruges seemed much, much more expensive than when we were here last!
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The Belfry in the late evening sunlight |
Eventually we made our way back to the main square and went into one ice-cream parlour which advertised its closing time as 11pm only to be told it was take-away only! Feeling a bit miffed by now as it was past 10pm we made our third mistake of the night and ventured into the Lion's Den also known as Cafe Craenenburg...
Now, there seems to be a bit of confusion here as we sat down and asked for waffles with chocolate ice-cream and I noticed that waffles with bananas were priced at 5.60 euros so I didn't think that waffles with ice-cream would be any different. How wrong I was! I ordered a Tia Maria which I probably didn't need and our bill came to a shocking 34 euros! I felt like running into the square and just hurling euros at passers-by as I really did feel now that the inhabitants of Bruges were taking the p**s out of us!
We called a waiter over when the desserts arrived and asked what one of the charges, amounting to 5.60 euros, was for and we were told it was the ice-cream. We also had the tiniest jug of chocolate sauce you could imagine (maybe I should have told De Bourgondier and they could have swapped jugs!).
This meant that per waffle we paid 9.20 euros! I can't even say they tasted delicious because they were like dry cardboard and I did get the feeling that if we'd had our men with us this wouldn't have happened! I did have a go at one of the waiters but he just shrugged and said that the prices were on the menu and that was that. Well, do I need to say that I didn't leave a tip and I made him count the change out from my two 20 euro notes in front of me!
Back at the hotel I called my poor husband and ranted down the phone to him for a good 15 minutes. I said that the next day I wasn't going to part with a cent more of my money and that I'd rather wait and get a McDonald's in the UK than spend any more money in Bruges. I told Mum and Sophie to "fill their boots" at breakfast so we wouldn't need to have lunch and I believe I was still ranting away in my sleep when I finally dropped off! Would I keep to my vow? Hmm...let's wait and see!
In Bruges
We had a very early start this morning - 4.45am to be precise! I set the alarm on my mobile phone and also arranged for a wake-up call from the Night Receptionist as I was terrified of sleeping in and missing our train which left Ebbsfleet at 7.08am (why so precise??).
We were up and out by 5.45am and driving the short distance along the M2 to the Junction for the Eurostar. It was very quiet, thank goodness and we checked in easily and went through security which was exactly the same as at the airport, although we were allowed liquids and pretty much anything else as long as it wasn't a weapon!
As we were a bit early we had a cup of coffee but by 6.50am we were down on the platform and awaiting the train which had started its journey at St Pancras in London. Our coach was number 1, about as far from the terminal building as you can get! It was raining so the walk was not a pleasant one!
The train was packed full of suits on their way to Brussels for work and I was very glad I'd booked us around a table as it gave us a tiny bit more space than those who were in the airline style seats. We had a neighbour with us in our group of four but he was very chivalrous and helped us put our bags on the racks above the seats.
We made our way to France at high speed and before very long we were hurtling through the Channel Tunnel. We had a bite to eat in the buffet bar (no seats, standing only) and soon we were rolling along in France and looking out at farmland, small villages and cattle grazing.
It only took us two hours to get to Brussels at a top speed of 186 mph, so very fast indeed! We then had to find a train going to the Belgian coast which stopped at Bruges along the way and we boarded one at just after 10.30am. This was slower but much more comfortable and the journey took about an hour, most of it going back the way we had already travelled!
At the station we hired a taxi from one of the grumpiest taxi drivers I have ever met and within a few minutes we were at our hotel, the Jan Brito which is situated in the centre of Bruges.
We were a bit early so after checking in we left our bags in their left luggage facility and went to explore. I was able to get my bearings very soon as the hotel was close to the canal. The weather was a bit overcast but it wasn't cold and at least it wasn't raining!
We walked along the canal and into the main square, which was full of scaffolding, and then had lunch at a small bistro in a side street. It was certainly warm enough to sit outside and the sun came out while we were having lunch making it very pleasant indeed!
I warned mum that this break would consist of lots of walking and it did! After lunch we wandered up to 't Zand, a large open area which is the historical centre of Bruges and which has many bars and restaurants. Mum and Dad stopped here when they very briefly visited the city a few years back and it was really all they saw of the sights. We continued back to the Market Square by way of the main shopping street and of course Sophie just had to go and buy some tops in H&M!!
I managed to guide us back to the sights and the canals and we admired the Belfry which was built in the 13th century. It's an amazing building but when I see it now I can't help thinking of the film "In Bruges" and one of the main characters falling from the top to meet a grisly death on the cobblestones below!
Mum fancied stopping for a cup of coffee so we called in at a little tearoom overlooking the canal and the very posh hotel, the Bourgondisch Cruyce.
We thought it would be lovely to take a boat onto the canal after our quick break and it was also an ideal way to see a lot of the interesting sights without walking! The canal boat ride was very pleasant and mum loved being able to see some gorgeous buildings and bridges without wearing out her shoe leather! The journey took about half an hour and we were delighted when the sun came out and the sky turned a beautiful shade of blue, making everything look even more attractive!
After our trip on the canal we headed back to the hotel to check into our rooms and have a little rest before the evening. We were very pleased with both our rooms which were in the garden area.
The gardens at the hotel are very pretty with a large fountain in the middle, lots of places to sit and a very peaceful, tranquil atmosphere. We unpacked our bags and had a rest ready for the evening to come!
We were up and out by 5.45am and driving the short distance along the M2 to the Junction for the Eurostar. It was very quiet, thank goodness and we checked in easily and went through security which was exactly the same as at the airport, although we were allowed liquids and pretty much anything else as long as it wasn't a weapon!
As we were a bit early we had a cup of coffee but by 6.50am we were down on the platform and awaiting the train which had started its journey at St Pancras in London. Our coach was number 1, about as far from the terminal building as you can get! It was raining so the walk was not a pleasant one!
The train was packed full of suits on their way to Brussels for work and I was very glad I'd booked us around a table as it gave us a tiny bit more space than those who were in the airline style seats. We had a neighbour with us in our group of four but he was very chivalrous and helped us put our bags on the racks above the seats.
We made our way to France at high speed and before very long we were hurtling through the Channel Tunnel. We had a bite to eat in the buffet bar (no seats, standing only) and soon we were rolling along in France and looking out at farmland, small villages and cattle grazing.
It only took us two hours to get to Brussels at a top speed of 186 mph, so very fast indeed! We then had to find a train going to the Belgian coast which stopped at Bruges along the way and we boarded one at just after 10.30am. This was slower but much more comfortable and the journey took about an hour, most of it going back the way we had already travelled!
At the station we hired a taxi from one of the grumpiest taxi drivers I have ever met and within a few minutes we were at our hotel, the Jan Brito which is situated in the centre of Bruges.
We were a bit early so after checking in we left our bags in their left luggage facility and went to explore. I was able to get my bearings very soon as the hotel was close to the canal. The weather was a bit overcast but it wasn't cold and at least it wasn't raining!
We walked along the canal and into the main square, which was full of scaffolding, and then had lunch at a small bistro in a side street. It was certainly warm enough to sit outside and the sun came out while we were having lunch making it very pleasant indeed!
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I had to try the local beer called Bruges Fool! |
I warned mum that this break would consist of lots of walking and it did! After lunch we wandered up to 't Zand, a large open area which is the historical centre of Bruges and which has many bars and restaurants. Mum and Dad stopped here when they very briefly visited the city a few years back and it was really all they saw of the sights. We continued back to the Market Square by way of the main shopping street and of course Sophie just had to go and buy some tops in H&M!!
I managed to guide us back to the sights and the canals and we admired the Belfry which was built in the 13th century. It's an amazing building but when I see it now I can't help thinking of the film "In Bruges" and one of the main characters falling from the top to meet a grisly death on the cobblestones below!
Mum fancied stopping for a cup of coffee so we called in at a little tearoom overlooking the canal and the very posh hotel, the Bourgondisch Cruyce.
We thought it would be lovely to take a boat onto the canal after our quick break and it was also an ideal way to see a lot of the interesting sights without walking! The canal boat ride was very pleasant and mum loved being able to see some gorgeous buildings and bridges without wearing out her shoe leather! The journey took about half an hour and we were delighted when the sun came out and the sky turned a beautiful shade of blue, making everything look even more attractive!
After our trip on the canal we headed back to the hotel to check into our rooms and have a little rest before the evening. We were very pleased with both our rooms which were in the garden area.
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Our room, tucked away in the corner |
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Mum's room |
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Our bathroom |
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Our bedroom |
The gardens at the hotel are very pretty with a large fountain in the middle, lots of places to sit and a very peaceful, tranquil atmosphere. We unpacked our bags and had a rest ready for the evening to come!
Sunday, 17 June 2012
A Premier experience...almost!
So, our journey to Bruges started at around 6pm and the journey down the M1 was slow and painful. However, once on the normally busy M25 we sped along and, amazingly, reached the Premier Inn at Gravesend at just after 8pm!
After checking in and dumping our bags we walked over to the pub next to the hotel called The George. I was looking forward to a drink and something very light as I was still pretty full from lunch.
We walked in but it looked like just restaurant service only so we made our way into the lounge and was dismayed to find the bar full of men, very loud music booming out of speakers and the football on one of the big TV screens. Hmmm! We went back to the restaurant area to be told that they'd stopped serving food at 8.30pm! Not a brilliant start!
I suggested we find somewhere else as we knew the area around Gravesend pretty well, but the Receptionist at the hotel said she would reserve a table for us at the other Premier Inn in the town which was still serving food at 9.30pm.
I was a bit miffed I had to drive again but we set off and when we found the pub we realised it was a place we always used to go to on Mother's Day with the Nans. The place was still packed with Father's day revellers and we felt a bit strange sitting down and explaining that we really only wanted something light!
Does this consist of a light bite?
Sophie and I shared a starter platter while Mum had prawn cocktail and after sharing the dessert we made our way to the hotel to get a good night's sleep in readiness for our early morning tomorrow!
After checking in and dumping our bags we walked over to the pub next to the hotel called The George. I was looking forward to a drink and something very light as I was still pretty full from lunch.
We walked in but it looked like just restaurant service only so we made our way into the lounge and was dismayed to find the bar full of men, very loud music booming out of speakers and the football on one of the big TV screens. Hmmm! We went back to the restaurant area to be told that they'd stopped serving food at 8.30pm! Not a brilliant start!
I suggested we find somewhere else as we knew the area around Gravesend pretty well, but the Receptionist at the hotel said she would reserve a table for us at the other Premier Inn in the town which was still serving food at 9.30pm.
I was a bit miffed I had to drive again but we set off and when we found the pub we realised it was a place we always used to go to on Mother's Day with the Nans. The place was still packed with Father's day revellers and we felt a bit strange sitting down and explaining that we really only wanted something light!
Does this consist of a light bite?
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We couldn't resist sharing a dessert! |
Father's Day lunch, then off we go!
After a morning of slight drama (work called to ask if Sophie could go in, but then she wasn't needed!) I cleaned downstairs and set the table in preparation for my parents coming around for lunch.
It's Father's Day today so when the children woke up Keith opened his cards and presents (a pair of shorts and a tee shirt) and then I prepared lunch which was very simple - salad, quiche, potato wedges and various nibbly bits.
The weather was very showery today with torrential rain one minute and bright sunshine the next. We all had a lovely lunch and after Mum and Dad had gone I had a little snooze on the sofa to refresh myself for the drive to Gravesend!
I'm not taking my laptop with me so the next time I'll be writing this will be Wednesday and I'm sure I'll have lots to write about (I hope anyway!) and some photos to post!
It's Father's Day today so when the children woke up Keith opened his cards and presents (a pair of shorts and a tee shirt) and then I prepared lunch which was very simple - salad, quiche, potato wedges and various nibbly bits.
The weather was very showery today with torrential rain one minute and bright sunshine the next. We all had a lovely lunch and after Mum and Dad had gone I had a little snooze on the sofa to refresh myself for the drive to Gravesend!
I'm not taking my laptop with me so the next time I'll be writing this will be Wednesday and I'm sure I'll have lots to write about (I hope anyway!) and some photos to post!
Saturday, 16 June 2012
On Friday night, as Keith was watching football, we decided to walk the cats around the estate again as they'd enjoyed it so much before! Sophie, in a moment of athletic madness, thought it would be a great idea to run and jump onto a traffic bollard but things went a bit wrong!
We have sent off the clip to You've Been would be nice if she earned £250 for it!
Saturday has been a quiet day mainly taken up with housework and running Sophie to and from work. Roll on Sunday evening!
Friday, 15 June 2012
Getting excited!
Today was my last day at work for four days - Mum, Sophie and I are off to Bruges in Belgium on Monday for two days for a post-exam treat. I've been reading up about train times as we're taking the Eurostar from Ebbsfleet very early on Monday morning and should arrive in Bruges around lunchtime, just in time to sample a couple of Belgian's famous beers! We have to change in Brussels which should be fun!
I actually like beer as long as it isn't bitter and I'm looking forward to being in the city and not having to drive. It'll be my third visit to Bruges and the first time in the summer months as before we've visited in December and early April. I'm really hoping for some sunny weather so I can take some great photographs of this very beautiful city.
After work I started packing and sorting out which clothes to take, difficult as the weather is forecast to be changeable, and making sure our passports and European health cards are packed as well. It'll be strange to be going without Keith and Mikey but I think us girls need a break and it's only two days. I've promised Mikey I will bring him back some chocolate boobies...
And Keith some beer...
I actually like beer as long as it isn't bitter and I'm looking forward to being in the city and not having to drive. It'll be my third visit to Bruges and the first time in the summer months as before we've visited in December and early April. I'm really hoping for some sunny weather so I can take some great photographs of this very beautiful city.
After work I started packing and sorting out which clothes to take, difficult as the weather is forecast to be changeable, and making sure our passports and European health cards are packed as well. It'll be strange to be going without Keith and Mikey but I think us girls need a break and it's only two days. I've promised Mikey I will bring him back some chocolate boobies...
And Keith some beer...
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Off to Kent!
It was back down to Kent today for Mum and I, to see Nan and do some essential errands for her. Unbelievably, we had fantastic journeys both there and back which was a real bonus!
I am going to have to make some time soon to go down and do some research on my family tree! It's very frustrating being in Kent and not being able to go and look up some records or visit a few places where my relatives lived!
I am going to have to make some time soon to go down and do some research on my family tree! It's very frustrating being in Kent and not being able to go and look up some records or visit a few places where my relatives lived!
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Bella Italia!
Sophie had her very last exam today and at 10.30 she was officially finished until term starts again in September. We celebrated by going over to the bank and then treating her to a chocolate milkshake!
After work Keith, Sophie, Mikey and I went off to Milton Keynes to do some shopping. The clothes I bought for Michael the other week didn't fit so we took them all back and instead I treated him to some new tee-shirts in River Island which were much more his style. Sophie bought her friend Susie some jewellery for her Birthday and then we went off to have a drink and a meal in one of the food areas of the shopping centre.
As it was a lovely evening we sat outside a bar and enjoyed a drink while people watching. Sophie noticed a woman walking past who looked was Denise Welch who is appearing at the Milton Keynes theatre in Steel Magnolias! Well spotted, Sophie!
After our drink we walked over to Bella Italia, a lovely Italian restaurant that serves very good food. I had about £80 in Love2Shop vouchers so I thought I would treat the family to a meal! We had a great time with a delicious selection of starters to share, Pollo Milanese for Keith and I, Lasagne for Mikey and a Calzone pizza for Sophie. The desserts were to die for and we waddled out and back to the car feeling very satisfied!
After work Keith, Sophie, Mikey and I went off to Milton Keynes to do some shopping. The clothes I bought for Michael the other week didn't fit so we took them all back and instead I treated him to some new tee-shirts in River Island which were much more his style. Sophie bought her friend Susie some jewellery for her Birthday and then we went off to have a drink and a meal in one of the food areas of the shopping centre.
As it was a lovely evening we sat outside a bar and enjoyed a drink while people watching. Sophie noticed a woman walking past who looked was Denise Welch who is appearing at the Milton Keynes theatre in Steel Magnolias! Well spotted, Sophie!
After our drink we walked over to Bella Italia, a lovely Italian restaurant that serves very good food. I had about £80 in Love2Shop vouchers so I thought I would treat the family to a meal! We had a great time with a delicious selection of starters to share, Pollo Milanese for Keith and I, Lasagne for Mikey and a Calzone pizza for Sophie. The desserts were to die for and we waddled out and back to the car feeling very satisfied!
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Back to walking
Sophie's exams are drawing to an end now and today was her last History test which she had been worrying about all over the weekend. She has one left to do, on Wednesday morning, and that's it! I must admit it has been a far less stressful time than I imagined and I can't help thinking back to my own exams (O-levels and CSEs then!) when I'm sure we did everything in two weeks, all crammed together. A lot of her exam marks are for coursework which have already been completed and I just think that it seems a lot less stressful these days!
She came into work with me this morning and was joined by her friend Susie at lunchtime. They were meant to be revising but I heard lots of giggling so I'm not sure a lot actually got done! I took them to school, then picked Sophie up at 3pm and was amazed at how quickly the time has passed today.
After work Keith and I went for an hour's walk and he felt fine. It was still very grey and overcast but everywhere is looking so green after all the rain we've had.
After dinner, Keith started watching the football (groan!) so Sophie and I walked the cats around the estate. The clouds had cleared and the sun was out and it was a beautiful evening. The cats had a whale of time scampering about, disappearing into bushes and then popping out again and all was great until we met two more cats... The other cats were tiny little things but our wimpy males stopped dead in their tracks and wouldn't go any further! We turned around and cut through the estate but they were still wary!
On our second circuit we met one of them again but this time our cats walked past while Sophie distracted the other cat by stroking it! Back home the cats snoozed on their beds and we had a bowl of well-earned chocolate ice-cream!
She came into work with me this morning and was joined by her friend Susie at lunchtime. They were meant to be revising but I heard lots of giggling so I'm not sure a lot actually got done! I took them to school, then picked Sophie up at 3pm and was amazed at how quickly the time has passed today.
After work Keith and I went for an hour's walk and he felt fine. It was still very grey and overcast but everywhere is looking so green after all the rain we've had.
After dinner, Keith started watching the football (groan!) so Sophie and I walked the cats around the estate. The clouds had cleared and the sun was out and it was a beautiful evening. The cats had a whale of time scampering about, disappearing into bushes and then popping out again and all was great until we met two more cats... The other cats were tiny little things but our wimpy males stopped dead in their tracks and wouldn't go any further! We turned around and cut through the estate but they were still wary!
On our second circuit we met one of them again but this time our cats walked past while Sophie distracted the other cat by stroking it! Back home the cats snoozed on their beds and we had a bowl of well-earned chocolate ice-cream!
Monday, 11 June 2012
Webbed feet, anyone?
Today it hasn't stopped raining and this morning on the news it was said that we should no longer count June as one of our summer months!! Unbelievable!
We had a busy day at work scrubbing the floors and applying several coats of polish to make them look beautiful. Tomorrow we won't want to let the public in! Keith helped in the morning and then went home at lunchtime but I was really pleased he felt able to come in and give us a hand!
I was shattered when I got home so it was straight into a deep hot bath! I felt so much better afterwards!
We had a busy day at work scrubbing the floors and applying several coats of polish to make them look beautiful. Tomorrow we won't want to let the public in! Keith helped in the morning and then went home at lunchtime but I was really pleased he felt able to come in and give us a hand!
I was shattered when I got home so it was straight into a deep hot bath! I felt so much better afterwards!
Sunday, 10 June 2012
The sun is shining!
This morning was a continuation of yesterday evening when the sun shone and the sky was a gorgeous shade of blue. Sophie and I had sat outside for a few minutes at around 6pm but it wasn't really warm enough so we beat a hasty retreat back into the conservatory!
Keith and I pottered about in the garden and mowed the lawn which makes everything look so much better. I weeded the borders and we cut back some of our Eucalyptus tree which is shedding leaves everywhere. The pots and tubs were still really wet from the weather of last week so at least they didn't need watering!
We received a call from Mum on her mobile to say that dad had accidentally cut through the phone line when he was trimming his grape vine so Keith and I (along with Mikey on his bike) went around to see if we could help. The problem was that the cut was pretty high up and I forbade Keith from going up the ladder so we decided to leave it to the experts and went and had a coffee instead, sitting in the sunhine, which was lovely.
Back home I had a nasty shock when Keith noticed a scrape on the back of my car. It looks like someone had pushed past it with a trolley and I can only think it happened yesterday when I was at Booker. I was really upset as now I'll have to take it back to Chips Away to have it dealt with - more hassle and inconvenience. I took it through the car wash and Keith had a go trying to rub the marks out, but it'll need professional attention. I must be jinxed with cars!
Keith and I pottered about in the garden and mowed the lawn which makes everything look so much better. I weeded the borders and we cut back some of our Eucalyptus tree which is shedding leaves everywhere. The pots and tubs were still really wet from the weather of last week so at least they didn't need watering!
We received a call from Mum on her mobile to say that dad had accidentally cut through the phone line when he was trimming his grape vine so Keith and I (along with Mikey on his bike) went around to see if we could help. The problem was that the cut was pretty high up and I forbade Keith from going up the ladder so we decided to leave it to the experts and went and had a coffee instead, sitting in the sunhine, which was lovely.
Back home I had a nasty shock when Keith noticed a scrape on the back of my car. It looks like someone had pushed past it with a trolley and I can only think it happened yesterday when I was at Booker. I was really upset as now I'll have to take it back to Chips Away to have it dealt with - more hassle and inconvenience. I took it through the car wash and Keith had a go trying to rub the marks out, but it'll need professional attention. I must be jinxed with cars!
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Thank gawd it's the weekend!
After a lovely lazy start to the day I took Sophie into work and then came home and buried myself in research for my family tree. The weather this morning and early afternoon was chilly and overcast so any plans to go out into the garden were put on hold.
We did manage to go for a walk, though, just after lunch, down to the village to see how Keith's hip coped. He did really well and we reached the pub with ease, which really pleased him. Mikey came with us on his bike and we had a couple of drinks at the pub before setting off for home. When I stepped outside my mobile rang with mum saying that Sophie was trying to get hold of us and was starting to get a bit worried as none of us were answering our phones. She wanted to be picked up earlier than planned and had begun to panic and think something was wrong as there was no answer on the home phone and no answer from our mobiles.
The pub has no mobile reception at all so after speaking to her and calming her down a bit we ambled off home and then I drove off to pick her up. Obviously we were not busy at work!
Unfortunately before I could go home and resume my family tree research we had to call into Booker to get a load of ice-cream as they'd run out...typical!!
Back home mum and dad popped around for a glass of wine with their new car - a Mini Cooper. Their BMW had gone back as the lease had finished and they'd decided to downsize (like me!) and get a two door Mini which is beautiful. It looks like a little toy to me and I can't wait to go for a spin in it!
We did manage to go for a walk, though, just after lunch, down to the village to see how Keith's hip coped. He did really well and we reached the pub with ease, which really pleased him. Mikey came with us on his bike and we had a couple of drinks at the pub before setting off for home. When I stepped outside my mobile rang with mum saying that Sophie was trying to get hold of us and was starting to get a bit worried as none of us were answering our phones. She wanted to be picked up earlier than planned and had begun to panic and think something was wrong as there was no answer on the home phone and no answer from our mobiles.
The pub has no mobile reception at all so after speaking to her and calming her down a bit we ambled off home and then I drove off to pick her up. Obviously we were not busy at work!
Unfortunately before I could go home and resume my family tree research we had to call into Booker to get a load of ice-cream as they'd run out...typical!!
Back home mum and dad popped around for a glass of wine with their new car - a Mini Cooper. Their BMW had gone back as the lease had finished and they'd decided to downsize (like me!) and get a two door Mini which is beautiful. It looks like a little toy to me and I can't wait to go for a spin in it!
Friday, 8 June 2012
What a fun day!
Today has been horrible, that's the only way I can describe it and when they say things come in threes, they're certainly right! My three all revolved around toilets!
The rain started early again so we had queues out of the door first thing and in the end Dad had to go and stand at the gate to stop people coming in as we were up to capacity by about 11.30am. I patrolled the framework with Polly and mum and I have to admit it was good to see the children enjoying themselves so much.
In the early afternoon I was stopped by a customer who said that one of our toilet cubicles in the Ladies' was locked and it was causing a bit of a queue. I went up and had a look and it seemed that a little girl (and she must have been small) had locked the loo from the inside and had then slid under the door to escape. I took our cook's daughter, Lucy, with me as she is a tiny girl but even she was too big to squeeze under the door. To cut a very long story short, I eventually cleared the toilets of onlookers and then leaned right over the door on a pair of stepladders until I managed to whack the bolt the right way up and I could manoeuvre it open.
After I did that I went and had some lunch, then ventured back outside to stand in the pouring rain and howling wind to stop customers coming in again as we'd reached capacity for the second time in the day. As I made my way back in after almost an hour of standing outside and resembling a drowned rat, no doubt, a customer came up to tell me that a little girl had taken her knickers and skirt off at the top of one of our ramps and had weed everywhere! I rushed over to Reception to get our spillages box and managed to mop it all up with the help of Dad who supplied me with some very thick paper towels and disinfectant. The mum then appeared to apologise and I handed over her daughter's sodden clothes! What a lovely job!
Then, as I made my way to go and wash my hands another bloomin' customer told me there was such a bad smell in the toilets she couldn't bring herself to go in there... I went up and investigated and although there was a faint whiff of dirty nappy (it's a toilet and changing area after all!) I couldn't find anything wrong! The only thing I can think of is that she went in there just after someone had changed their baby's bum!
Was I glad to get home this evening!
The rain started early again so we had queues out of the door first thing and in the end Dad had to go and stand at the gate to stop people coming in as we were up to capacity by about 11.30am. I patrolled the framework with Polly and mum and I have to admit it was good to see the children enjoying themselves so much.
In the early afternoon I was stopped by a customer who said that one of our toilet cubicles in the Ladies' was locked and it was causing a bit of a queue. I went up and had a look and it seemed that a little girl (and she must have been small) had locked the loo from the inside and had then slid under the door to escape. I took our cook's daughter, Lucy, with me as she is a tiny girl but even she was too big to squeeze under the door. To cut a very long story short, I eventually cleared the toilets of onlookers and then leaned right over the door on a pair of stepladders until I managed to whack the bolt the right way up and I could manoeuvre it open.
After I did that I went and had some lunch, then ventured back outside to stand in the pouring rain and howling wind to stop customers coming in again as we'd reached capacity for the second time in the day. As I made my way back in after almost an hour of standing outside and resembling a drowned rat, no doubt, a customer came up to tell me that a little girl had taken her knickers and skirt off at the top of one of our ramps and had weed everywhere! I rushed over to Reception to get our spillages box and managed to mop it all up with the help of Dad who supplied me with some very thick paper towels and disinfectant. The mum then appeared to apologise and I handed over her daughter's sodden clothes! What a lovely job!
Then, as I made my way to go and wash my hands another bloomin' customer told me there was such a bad smell in the toilets she couldn't bring herself to go in there... I went up and investigated and although there was a faint whiff of dirty nappy (it's a toilet and changing area after all!) I couldn't find anything wrong! The only thing I can think of is that she went in there just after someone had changed their baby's bum!
Was I glad to get home this evening!
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Hard graft!
Well, I suppose up until today I'd got away with it - helping clear tables and wash up at work, that is! Today it was very rainy and chilly so we were packed to the gunnels with customers. I do feel sorry for anyone that's booked a UK holiday this week. It's been a total washout.
Thank goodness there's just one day left of this week!
Thank goodness there's just one day left of this week!
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
"Tossed aside, like an old sock..."
I think our love affair with The Hare at Loddington came to an end tonight. I phoned Keith up from work and suggested we go out for a drink this evening as he is a lot better after his operation and it's been a month since we managed to escape out for a drink.
I've been winding him up a bit by saying that now his mate Dave is much improved, he's tossed me aside like an old sock, no longer wanted as a drinks partner! Keith knows I'm joking but I do miss going out a couple of times of week and visiting different pubs, much like we used to do before the children arrived.
I suggested a pub in the village of Orlingbury where we used to go but Keith wanted to return to The Hare and what a mistake that was! We took a long and winding route to the pub because I needed diesel and Keith needed money so we called into Tesco's at Kettering first and then headed off along an extremely busy A14 to Loddington.
We didn't have a great deal of time and when we arrived the pub was busy. We stood and waited and when it was our turn the barmaid apologised and said she had to go and serve some food. As the pub has a "Happy Hour" on between 6 and 7pm you'd think they'd have more staff available! Keith was not best pleased that his favourite draught beer, Abbot, was not on, so he chose a local ale instead but when she went to pull the pint it hadn't yet been pulled through! This was the last straw for us as there was nowhere for us to sit (most tables had a Reserved sign on them) so we left. It's very rare for us to walk out of a pub but the vibes were certainly not right tonight!
We went instead to our local and of course, the man who had forbidden me entry to the village on Monday night was sitting at the bar. We know each other fairly well, but I studiously ignored him and he did the same so it was a tiny bit awkward at first, especially as the pub was very quiet indeed!
We had a couple of drinks and then it was home to a very hot curry that Keith had prepared. He ate a chilli whole and had steam coming out of his ears for the rest of the meal! That'll teach him!!!
I've been winding him up a bit by saying that now his mate Dave is much improved, he's tossed me aside like an old sock, no longer wanted as a drinks partner! Keith knows I'm joking but I do miss going out a couple of times of week and visiting different pubs, much like we used to do before the children arrived.
I suggested a pub in the village of Orlingbury where we used to go but Keith wanted to return to The Hare and what a mistake that was! We took a long and winding route to the pub because I needed diesel and Keith needed money so we called into Tesco's at Kettering first and then headed off along an extremely busy A14 to Loddington.
We didn't have a great deal of time and when we arrived the pub was busy. We stood and waited and when it was our turn the barmaid apologised and said she had to go and serve some food. As the pub has a "Happy Hour" on between 6 and 7pm you'd think they'd have more staff available! Keith was not best pleased that his favourite draught beer, Abbot, was not on, so he chose a local ale instead but when she went to pull the pint it hadn't yet been pulled through! This was the last straw for us as there was nowhere for us to sit (most tables had a Reserved sign on them) so we left. It's very rare for us to walk out of a pub but the vibes were certainly not right tonight!
We went instead to our local and of course, the man who had forbidden me entry to the village on Monday night was sitting at the bar. We know each other fairly well, but I studiously ignored him and he did the same so it was a tiny bit awkward at first, especially as the pub was very quiet indeed!
We had a couple of drinks and then it was home to a very hot curry that Keith had prepared. He ate a chilli whole and had steam coming out of his ears for the rest of the meal! That'll teach him!!!
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
The madness continues...
It was back down to earth with a bump this morning when the alarm clock went off at 7am and I staggered into the shower to get ready for work. The rest of the house were still asleep when I left to go and do the cleaning, not the most attractive of prospects!
As we were very busy on Sunday, the place was in a complete mess and it took the three of us two hours each to put it back to normal before the public descended on us again at 10am. I think we're going to have to review this practice of us doing the cleaning in future!
I picked Sophie up from home and brought her back to work with me for the rest of the day. Our industrial estate is eerily quiet at the moment and when we left to go home in the late afternoon it was like a ghost town. Back to normal tomorrow!
Keith is almost back to his old self now and has discarded his crutches as his leg feels great. When I arrived home he'd done all the ironing which was wonderful! I cooked Moroccan chicken for dinner which didn't prove to be a hit with the children. Too many vegetables they said! Well, you can't please everyone - I enjoyed it!
As we were very busy on Sunday, the place was in a complete mess and it took the three of us two hours each to put it back to normal before the public descended on us again at 10am. I think we're going to have to review this practice of us doing the cleaning in future!
I picked Sophie up from home and brought her back to work with me for the rest of the day. Our industrial estate is eerily quiet at the moment and when we left to go home in the late afternoon it was like a ghost town. Back to normal tomorrow!
Keith is almost back to his old self now and has discarded his crutches as his leg feels great. When I arrived home he'd done all the ironing which was wonderful! I cooked Moroccan chicken for dinner which didn't prove to be a hit with the children. Too many vegetables they said! Well, you can't please everyone - I enjoyed it!
Monday, 4 June 2012
Retail therapy
So another Bank Holiday has arrived (the first of two this week) and the weather brightened up! I spent the morning cleaning the conservatory windowsills (I know how to enjoy myself) as they were full of dead leaves and bits of bush. I love our conservatory but I really do not like all the cleaning that has to be done in order to keep it looking good!
In the afternoon, Mum, Soph and I went off to Milton Keynes, the trip we should have done yesterday. I foolishly imagined that the place would be quiet as the weather was dry and a bit sunny but no, the car parks were heaving and there were queues of vehicles waiting to pounce on any empty spaces. I normally park in the multi-storey but the queue was horrendous so I found a space opposite the main car parks where there were plenty of places to park. I discovered the reason why the place was so packed when I went to pay and saw that for today and tomorrow, because of the Jubilee, it was free!!!
We had a lunch stop first at Caffe Italia (delicious mushroom omelettes and sandwiches) and then we headed to Schuh to look for Prom shoes for Sophie. She found a beautiful pair of glittery silver heels that were perfect to go with her dress. Her doting Nan paid for them as a treat which was just fine with me!
The rest of the shopping trip revolved around my daughter as she tried on clothes in New Look, experimented with underwear in M&S and spotted a perfect bag in River Island. I bought Keith some clothes for the upcoming Father's Day and chose some tee shirts and shorts for Mikey who is in dire need of new clothes.
When I staggered out of the food hall in M&S with yet more shopping I decided to take all our purchases back to the car and moved it nearer to John Lewis. I was wearing a new pair of sandals, always a mistake, and my feet were beginning to hurt! In John Lewis Sophie wanted a crepe so Mum and I had a cup of tea and rested our weary feet before going to the schoolwear department and buying Mikey a new blazer. John Lewis is undergoing a lot of refurbishment at the moment and I noticed a new spa being planned...hmmm! I might have to go there with mum and Sophie for a treat!
After buying the blazer we headed home and this is where a little trouble started... Our village was having a big celebration for the Jubilee and had arranged for the main road to be closed. Unfortunately I needed to use this road to get Mum home but I was refused entry by a couple of men who had clearly been indulging a little too much in the beer tent. They wouldn't let me through despite a reassurance in our local newsletter saying that residents would have access. I was forced to use one of the narrow single lane roads that is full of deep potholes and I was not happy! As soon as I eventually reached home I sent an angry missive to the local Parish councillor venting my annoyance!
I shall be bloomin' glad when this Jubilee is all over!
In the afternoon, Mum, Soph and I went off to Milton Keynes, the trip we should have done yesterday. I foolishly imagined that the place would be quiet as the weather was dry and a bit sunny but no, the car parks were heaving and there were queues of vehicles waiting to pounce on any empty spaces. I normally park in the multi-storey but the queue was horrendous so I found a space opposite the main car parks where there were plenty of places to park. I discovered the reason why the place was so packed when I went to pay and saw that for today and tomorrow, because of the Jubilee, it was free!!!
We had a lunch stop first at Caffe Italia (delicious mushroom omelettes and sandwiches) and then we headed to Schuh to look for Prom shoes for Sophie. She found a beautiful pair of glittery silver heels that were perfect to go with her dress. Her doting Nan paid for them as a treat which was just fine with me!
The rest of the shopping trip revolved around my daughter as she tried on clothes in New Look, experimented with underwear in M&S and spotted a perfect bag in River Island. I bought Keith some clothes for the upcoming Father's Day and chose some tee shirts and shorts for Mikey who is in dire need of new clothes.
When I staggered out of the food hall in M&S with yet more shopping I decided to take all our purchases back to the car and moved it nearer to John Lewis. I was wearing a new pair of sandals, always a mistake, and my feet were beginning to hurt! In John Lewis Sophie wanted a crepe so Mum and I had a cup of tea and rested our weary feet before going to the schoolwear department and buying Mikey a new blazer. John Lewis is undergoing a lot of refurbishment at the moment and I noticed a new spa being planned...hmmm! I might have to go there with mum and Sophie for a treat!
After buying the blazer we headed home and this is where a little trouble started... Our village was having a big celebration for the Jubilee and had arranged for the main road to be closed. Unfortunately I needed to use this road to get Mum home but I was refused entry by a couple of men who had clearly been indulging a little too much in the beer tent. They wouldn't let me through despite a reassurance in our local newsletter saying that residents would have access. I was forced to use one of the narrow single lane roads that is full of deep potholes and I was not happy! As soon as I eventually reached home I sent an angry missive to the local Parish councillor venting my annoyance!
I shall be bloomin' glad when this Jubilee is all over!
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Sodden June...
Here are three photos I took this evening - it's been raining non-stop now since yesterday evening...
This time last week the umbrella (above) was open to shield us from the sun...
This time last week the umbrella (above) was open to shield us from the sun...
Jubilee washout
So, the day has arrived and as per usual the weather has been atrocious. I don't mean just bad, I mean absolutely terrible with a constant rain all day and misty, grey skies more reminiscent of November than June. We actually put our heating on this afternoon as the outside temperature was just 10 degrees centigrade. This time last week it was 27 degrees and too hot to sit out in the garden at noon.
I feel so sorry for all the people who have arranged street parties and who have gone down to London to see the flotilla make its way down the Thames. My family are blaming me for the weather as last week I kept banging on about how I just knew this weekend would be a washout and for them to think I'm powerful enough to control the weather is a compliment indeed!
Sophie had to work most of the day as we'd put a couple of staff members off due to the fact we only had two parties and we were expecting a lot of people to be going to their own street celebrations. I picked her up at 5.30pm and she told me it was like a wet day in the February half-term...hmmm! I wish I'd taken full note of the forecast which had predicted just this sort of weather today!
I feel so sorry for all the people who have arranged street parties and who have gone down to London to see the flotilla make its way down the Thames. My family are blaming me for the weather as last week I kept banging on about how I just knew this weekend would be a washout and for them to think I'm powerful enough to control the weather is a compliment indeed!
Sophie had to work most of the day as we'd put a couple of staff members off due to the fact we only had two parties and we were expecting a lot of people to be going to their own street celebrations. I picked her up at 5.30pm and she told me it was like a wet day in the February half-term...hmmm! I wish I'd taken full note of the forecast which had predicted just this sort of weather today!
Saturday, 2 June 2012
The unrelenting grey...
Today has been awful with horrible grey weather that turned to heavy rain by the evening. I had no energy, didn't want to do anything, and although Sophie dragged me out in the afternoon, I saw nothing I wanted to buy in either BHS or Home Sense, which is very unusual indeed.
I'm in a no-win situation, really. When the weather is warm and sunny I worry that we'll have no customers at work and when the weather's horrible I worry that we're too busy. This weekend I have to come to realise that I really do yearn for sunshine and blue skies even though they are no good for business at all!
So, today has been what I call a "non-day" - one of the days you forget about completely because nothing happened at all. We had dinner and then Keith and I settled down to watch the last of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and that was depressing as well!!
I'm in a no-win situation, really. When the weather is warm and sunny I worry that we'll have no customers at work and when the weather's horrible I worry that we're too busy. This weekend I have to come to realise that I really do yearn for sunshine and blue skies even though they are no good for business at all!
So, today has been what I call a "non-day" - one of the days you forget about completely because nothing happened at all. We had dinner and then Keith and I settled down to watch the last of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and that was depressing as well!!
Friday, 1 June 2012
Flaming June?
Today has been cloudy and cool and the weather forecast for the weekend is much of the same. I knew it! Last week Saturday and Sunday were absolutely glorious, a perfect weekend, and as it's the Jubilee coming up I suspected that the weather would turn.
Work was pleasantly busy and it was great to get home and relax, knowing I hadn't got anywhere to go in the evening, unlike the last two Fridays! Keith went to the pub for a drink and came home with his autobiograhy of the jockey A.P. McCoy, signed by the man himself. He'd lent it to a friend who had been to the races and asked A.P. McCoy to sign it so that was a lovely gesture and much appreciated by Keith!
I had plans to stay up late and watch a film but by 11pm I was ready for my bed! Let the weekend begin!
Work was pleasantly busy and it was great to get home and relax, knowing I hadn't got anywhere to go in the evening, unlike the last two Fridays! Keith went to the pub for a drink and came home with his autobiograhy of the jockey A.P. McCoy, signed by the man himself. He'd lent it to a friend who had been to the races and asked A.P. McCoy to sign it so that was a lovely gesture and much appreciated by Keith!
I had plans to stay up late and watch a film but by 11pm I was ready for my bed! Let the weekend begin!
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