We awoke to beautiful sunshine and blue skies this morning and this weather is set to continue over the next few days. It's still cold, though!
I wanted to set aside a few hours today to sort out our Vienna trip and book our overnight accommodation for our Spanish holiday in June. Sophie asked me to go to the gym with her this morning and she just wanted to do a run for half an hour.
We drove into Northampton and the gym car park was heaving! I just about managed to find a space! While she was off doing her run on the treadmill, I tried to finish my latest book. When she came out a little while later, we called into the garage at Moulton and bought the Saturday newspaper, some hot cross buns for Keith, and pains au chocolat for our breakfast.
Back home, we enjoyed coffee and pastries, and then we sorted out the finances for Vienna. After this, I dragged Sophie off the bed where she was cuddling with Gomez and we started to look for Airbnbs for our journey to and from Spain.
We have decided to cross the Channel on Friday afternoon and stop near Calais. We all hate the very early morning start and a long day of driving, so Sophie and I have taken a half day's holiday on Friday, we'll go home, and then drive to Folkestone for a late afternoon or early evening train before stopping overnight, meaning we'll be fresh on Saturday morning!
We opened the huge map of France on our kitchen island and put stickers on the places we wanted to stop near. On the way down, we booked an Airbnb in the village of La Chapelle d'Angillon, where the author of Le Grand Meaulnes, Alain Fournier, was born. I visited before, years ago with my parents, when I was studying the novel for my French A Level, and I was disappointed to find the gorgeous chateau there had been transformed into an American Wild West theme park! Very bizarre!
We have booked Le Troubadour in Rocamadour for the second night and then we'll be in our Spanish Airbnb for ten nights. Heading back up to the coast, we booked an Airbnb near Clermont-Ferrand, and then one near the wine village of Chablis. We loved it there so much we wanted to go back. Finally, our last one of the holiday is an apartment in the middle of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and we were delighted to find it was near a restaurant we took note of on our first-ever visit there, in May 2023. We contacted the restaurant and we booked a table for the night we're there.
The Tour de France passes through the town so, hopefully, we will get a great view! It was lovely planning the Airbnbs and we received lovely comments from the hosts. We just need to book the Calais house and we're all set.
Sophie disappeared upstairs to cuddle with Gomez but before she went, she transferred the short video clips she'd taken of our holiday to Provence last October to me on my phone. We have been wanting to piece them all together and make a film so I set about doing that in the afternoon. I uploaded the clips onto the computer and with the help of AI, I did it! By the early evening, I'd added a lovely music track and uploaded it to YouTube so we could watch it on the television! Sophie thinks she may have left some clips out, so if she sends me more, I'll do a "Director's Cut" and make another one!
We treated ourselves to a Chinese takeaway in the evening and before it arrived Sophie and I played cards and we reminisced about our holidays in the past. We are looking forward to going back to L'Escala and the beautiful Costa Brava again!